123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960 |
- #!/bin/sh
- # This script will generate Jenkins jobs in YAML format, so you could
- # use "jenkins-jobs" program to operate them as described in
- # https://docs.openstack.org/infra/jenkins-job-builder/project_workflow_multibranch.html
- #
- # The script requires curl, jq, yq programs.
- # Tested on Jenkins 2.204.1.
- #
- # You should set JENKINS_URL and CURL_USER to your credentials, then
- # run the script, e.g. ./generate.sh
- JENKINS_URL="https://jenkins.wugi.info"
- CURL_USER="admin:$(pass show jenkins/admin-api-key)"
- jenkins_curl()
- {
- curl --silent --user "$CURL_USER" "$@"
- }
- folders()
- {
- jenkins_curl --request POST "$JENKINS_URL/api/json"
- }
- jobs()
- {
- folder="$1"
- jenkins_curl --request POST "$JENKINS_URL/job/$folder/api/json"
- }
- job()
- {
- folder="$1"
- job="$2"
- jenkins_curl --request GET "$JENKINS_URL/job/$folder/job/$job/api/json"
- }
- giturl()
- {
- folder="$1"
- job="$2"
- jenkins_curl --request GET "$JENKINS_URL/job/$folder/job/$job/config.xml"
- }
- main()
- {
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- for folder in $(folders | jq --raw-output '.jobs[] | .name'); do
- echo "$folder" | yq --yaml-output --arg FOLDER "$folder" '[{"job": {"name": $FOLDER, "project-type": "folder"}}]'
- for job in $(jobs "$folder" | jq --raw-output '.jobs[] | .name'); do
- giturl=$(giturl "$folder" "$job" | xq --raw-output '.["org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.multibranch.WorkflowMultiBranchProject"].sources.data["jenkins.branch.BranchSource"].source.remote')
- job "$folder" "$job" | yq --arg GITURL "$giturl" --arg FOLDER "$folder" --arg JOB "$job" --yaml-output '[.jobs[] | {"job": { "name": "\($FOLDER)/\($JOB)", description: null, "project-type": "multibranch", "periodic-folder-trigger": "1d", "prune-dead-branches": true, "number-to-keep": "10", "days-to-keep": "10", "script-path": "Jenkinsfile", "scm": [{"git": {"url": $GITURL}}]}}]'
- done
- done
- }
- # Entry point
- main