values.yaml 1.5 KB

  1. # -- Affinity for cilium-agent.
  2. affinity:
  3. podAntiAffinity:
  4. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
  5. - topologyKey:
  6. labelSelector:
  7. matchLabels:
  8. k8s-app: cilium
  9. nodeAffinity:
  10. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
  11. nodeSelectorTerms:
  12. - matchExpressions:
  13. - key: cilium.cluster.local/schedulable
  14. operator: NotIn
  15. values:
  16. - "false"
  17. operator:
  18. affinity:
  19. nodeAffinity:
  20. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
  21. nodeSelectorTerms:
  22. - matchExpressions:
  23. - key: cilium-operator.cluster.local/schedulable
  24. operator: NotIn
  25. values:
  26. - "false"
  27. k8sServiceHost: ""
  28. k8sServicePort: "6443"
  29. l2announcements:
  30. enabled: true
  31. l2podAnnouncements:
  32. enabled: true
  33. cluster:
  34. name: "cluster1"
  35. id: 1
  36. ipv4NativeRoutingCIDR:
  37. # Each individual node is made aware of all pod IPs of all other nodes and
  38. # routes are inserted into the Linux kernel routing table to represent
  39. # this. If all nodes share a single L2 network, then this can be taken care of
  40. # by enabling the option auto-direct-node-routes: true. Otherwise, an
  41. # additional system component such as a BGP daemon must be run to distribute
  42. # the routes. See the guide Using Kube-Router to Run BGP (deprecated) on how
  43. # to achieve this using the kube-router project.
  44. #
  45. # -- Enable installation of PodCIDR routes between worker
  46. # nodes if worker nodes share a common L2 network segment.
  47. autoDirectNodeRoutes: true