values.yaml 2.0 KB

  1. # helm -n kube-system upgrade --version 1.14.7 --values ~/.local/share/chezmoi/infrastructure/base/cilium/values.yaml cilium cilium/cilium
  2. cni:
  3. #
  4. # make Cilium's CNI conf the only one available by aanm · Pull Request
  5. # #14192 · cilium/cilium
  6. #
  7. # Make Cilium take ownership over the `/etc/cni/net.d` directory on the
  8. # node, renaming all non-Cilium CNI configurations to
  9. # `*.cilium_bak`. This ensures no Pods can be scheduled using other CNI
  10. # plugins during Cilium agent downtime.
  11. #
  12. # Do not rename 00-multus.conf to 00-multus.conf.cilium_bak file in
  13. # /etc/cni/net.d directory.
  14. exclusive: false
  15. # -- Configure prometheus metrics on the configured port at /metrics
  16. prometheus:
  17. enabled: true
  18. operator:
  19. replicas: 1
  20. prometheus:
  21. enabled: true
  22. hubble:
  23. relay:
  24. enabled: true
  25. prometheus:
  26. enabled: true
  27. ui:
  28. enabled: true
  29. kubeProxyReplacement: "true"
  30. # localRedirectPolicy: true
  31. bpf:
  32. # -- Enable native IP masquerade support in eBPF
  33. masquerade: true
  34. # -- Configure explicitly allowed VLAN id's for bpf logic bypass.
  35. # [0] will allow all VLAN id's without any filtering.
  36. vlanBypass: [0]
  37. # -- Allow cluster external access to ClusterIP services.
  38. #
  39. # Required for access to Kubernetes ClusterIP services from Kubevirt virtual
  40. # machines with interface type masquerade.
  41. lbExternalClusterIP: true
  42. ipam:
  43. mode: "kubernetes"
  44. # -- Configure socket LB
  45. socketLB:
  46. # -- Enable socket LB
  47. enabled: true
  48. # -- Disable socket lb for non-root ns. This is used to enable Istio routing rules.
  49. hostNamespaceOnly: true
  50. loadBalancer:
  51. mode: hybrid
  52. # serviceTopology: true
  53. ipv4NativeRoutingCIDR:
  54. tunnelProtocol: ""
  55. routingMode: native
  56. k8sClientRateLimit: {}
  57. cgroup:
  58. autoMount:
  59. enabled: false
  60. hostRoot: /sys/fs/cgroup
  61. # -- Configure external workloads support
  62. externalWorkloads:
  63. # -- Enable support for external workloads, such as VMs (false by default).
  64. #
  65. # Required for cluster-mesh.
  66. enabled: true