dot_inputrc 563 B

  1. set visible-stats on
  2. set page-completions off
  3. set completion-ignore-case On
  4. # Prepare to type a quoted word --
  5. # insert open and close double quotes
  6. # and move to just after the open quote
  7. # "\"": "\C-v\"\C-v\"\C-b"
  8. # "\'": "\C-v\'\C-v\'\C-b"
  9. #
  10. #
  11. # You can prefix each key with Control-v to type "plain" quotes and left
  12. # parentheses without triggering the auto-close behavior.
  13. # "(": "\C-v()\C-b"
  14. # Macros that are convenient for shell interaction
  15. $if Bash
  16. # Edit the path
  17. "\C-xp": "PATH=${PATH}\e\C-e\C-a\ef\C-f"
  18. $endif