645 B

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # Set window root path. Default is `$session_root`.
  3. # Must be called before `new_window`.
  4. # window_root "/home/oleg/src/"
  5. # Create new window. If no argument is given, window name will be based on
  6. # layout file name.
  7. new_window "machines"
  8. # Split window into panes.
  9. #split_v 20
  10. #split_h 50
  11. # Run commands.
  12. split_v 50
  13. run_cmd "ssh workstation.intr"
  14. split_v 50
  15. run_cmd "ssh"
  16. #run_cmd "top" # runs in active pane
  17. #run_cmd "date" 1 # runs in pane 1
  18. # Paste text
  19. #send_keys "top" # paste into active pane
  20. #send_keys "date" 1 # paste into pane 1
  21. # Set active pane.
  22. select_pane 0