123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- if [[ "$1" == "scheduler" ]]
- then
- viddy_command()
- {
- cat <<EOF
- $ kubectl get pods --field-selector status.phase=Pending --all-namespaces -o wide
- $(kubectl get pods --field-selector status.phase=Pending --all-namespaces -o wide)
- $ kubectl get pods --field-selector status.phase=Failed --all-namespaces -o wide
- $(kubectl get pods --field-selector status.phase=Failed --all-namespaces -o wide)
- if [[ $(tput cols) -gt 200 ]]
- then
- cat <<EOF
- $ kubectl get pod -A -o wide | awk '/NAME/ || ($3 ~ "0/.*" && $4 != "Completed") { print $0 }'
- $(kubectl get pod -A -o wide | awk '/NAME/ || ($3 ~ "0/.*" && $4 != "Completed") { print $0 }')
- $ kubectl get pod -o wide -A | grep 'NAME\|(.*m.* ago)'
- $(kubectl get pod -o wide -A | grep 'NAME\|(.*[ms].* ago)')
- else
- cat <<EOF
- $ kubectl get pod -A | awk '/NAME/ || ($3 ~ "0/.*" && $4 != "Completed") { print $0 }'
- $(kubectl get pod -A | awk '/NAME/ || ($3 ~ "0/.*" && $4 != "Completed") { print $0 }')
- $ kubectl get pod -A | grep 'NAME\|(.*m.* ago)'
- $(kubectl get pod -A | grep 'NAME\|(.*[ms].* ago)')
- fi
- }
- export -f viddy_command
- viddy_args=(
- --no-title
- --interval "${KUBECTL_WATCH_INTERVAL:-10}"
- )
- # Upstream viddy does not have max-history flag.
- if [[ $(viddy --help) == *max-history* ]]
- then
- viddy_args+=("--max-history=${KUBECTL_WATCH_HISTORY:-10}")
- fi
- viddy "${viddy_args[@]}" viddy_command
- elif [[ -z "$1" ]]
- then
- viddy -n "${KUBECTL_WATCH_INTERVAL:-10}" "kubectl get nodes -o wide; echo; kubectl get all -A -o wide; echo; kubectl get ingress -o wide; echo; kubectl get secrets -o wide; echo; kubectl get all -n kube-system -A -o wide"
- else
- namespace="$1"
- export namespace
- opensearch_query()
- {
- cat <<EOF
- {
- "version": true,
- "size": 1000,
- "sort": [
- {
- "@timestamp": {
- "order": "desc",
- "unmapped_type": "boolean"
- }
- }
- ],
- "aggs": {
- "2": {
- "date_histogram": {
- "field": "@timestamp",
- "calendar_interval": "1m",
- "time_zone": "Europe/Moscow",
- "min_doc_count": 1
- }
- }
- },
- "stored_fields": [
- "*"
- ],
- "script_fields": {},
- "docvalue_fields": [
- {
- "field": "@timestamp",
- "format": "date_time"
- },
- {
- "field": "time",
- "format": "date_time"
- }
- ],
- "_source": {
- "excludes": []
- },
- "query": {
- "bool": {
- "must": [],
- "filter": [
- {
- "match_all": {}
- },
- {
- "match_phrase": {
- "kubernetes.namespace_name.keyword": "$namespace"
- }
- },
- {
- "range": {
- "@timestamp": {
- "gte": "$(date -u -d "-60 minutes" +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ")",
- "lte": "$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ")",
- "format": "strict_date_optional_time"
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "should": [],
- "must_not": []
- }
- },
- "highlight": {
- "pre_tags": [
- "@opensearch-dashboards-highlighted-field@"
- ],
- "post_tags": [
- "@/opensearch-dashboards-highlighted-field@"
- ],
- "fields": {
- "*": {}
- },
- "fragment_size": 2147483647
- }
- }
- }
- export -f opensearch_query
- viddy_command()
- {
- case "$namespace" in
- pdns)
- kustomization="powerdns"
- ;;
- kube-system)
- kustomization="cilium"
- ;;
- *)
- kustomization="$namespace"
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ $(kubectl get -n "$namespace" scaledobjects -o json | jq '.items | length') -gt 0 ]]
- then
- cat <<EOF
- $ kubectl get -n "$namespace" scaledobjects
- $(kubectl get -n "$namespace" scaledobjects)
- fi
- if [[ $(kubectl get -n "$namespace" scaledjobs -o json | jq '.items | length') -gt 0 ]]
- then
- cat <<EOF
- $ kubectl get -n "$namespace" scaledjobs
- $(kubectl get -n "$namespace" scaledjobs)
- fi
- case "$KUBECONFIG" in
- *config-mjru-cluster1)
- PROMETHEUS_URL=https://prometheus.corp1.majordomo.ru
- OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT="https://opensearch.corp1.majordomo.ru"
- OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD="$(pass show majordomo/public/opensearch-dashboards/admin)"
- ALERTMANAGER_URL="https://alertmanager.corp1.majordomo.ru"
- VAULT_TOKEN="$(pass show majordomo/public/vault/root)"
- VAULT_ADDR="https://vault.intr"
- ;;
- *config-mjru-cluster2)
- PROMETHEUS_URL=https://prometheus.corp2.majordomo.ru
- OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT="https://opensearch.corp2.majordomo.ru:9200"
- OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD="$(pass show majordomo/public/opensearch-dashboards/admin)"
- ALERTMANAGER_URL="https://alertmanager.corp2.majordomo.ru"
- ;;
- *config-home-k8s)
- PROMETHEUS_URL=https://prometheus.home.wugi.info
- OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT="https://node-0.example.com:9200"
- OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD="$(pass show localhost/opensearch-dashboards/admin)"
- ALERTMANAGER_URL="https://alertmanager.home.wugi.info"
- ;;
- esac
- case "$KUBECONFIG" in
- *config-mjru-*)
- cat <<EOF
- $ git ls-remote https://gitlab.corp1.majordomo.ru/cd/fluxcd.git master
- $(git ls-remote https://gitlab.corp1.majordomo.ru/cd/fluxcd.git master)
- ;;
- *config-home-*)
- cat <<EOF
- $ git ls-remote https://gitlab.com/wigust/dotfiles.git master
- $(git ls-remote https://gitlab.com/wigust/dotfiles.git master)
- ;;
- esac
- if kubectl get -n "$namespace" scaledobjects &> /dev/null
- then
- mapfile -t queries < <(kubectl get -n "$namespace" scaledobjects "${namespace}-scaledobject" -o json | jq --raw-output '.spec.triggers[] | .metadata.query')
- for query in "${queries[@]}"
- do
- cat <<EOF
- query: ${query}
- $(echo "$query" | curl --max-time 2 --silent --get "${PROMETHEUS_URL}/api/v1/query" --data-urlencode query@-)
- done
- fi
- if kubectl get -n "$namespace" scaledjobs &> /dev/null
- then
- mapfile -t queries < <(kubectl get -n "$namespace" scaledjobs "${namespace}-scaledobject" -o json | jq --raw-output '.spec.triggers[] | .metadata.query')
- for query in "${queries[@]}"
- do
- cat <<EOF
- query: ${query}
- $(echo "$query" | curl --max-time 2 --silent --get "${PROMETHEUS_URL}/api/v1/query" --data-urlencode query@-)
- done
- fi
- cat <<EOF
- $ kubectl get -n flux-system gitrepositories.source.toolkit.fluxcd.io flux-system
- $(kubectl get -n flux-system gitrepositories.source.toolkit.fluxcd.io flux-system)
- if kubectl get -n flux-system kustomizations.kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io "$kustomization" &> /dev/null
- then
- cat <<EOF
- $ kubectl get -n flux-system kustomizations.kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io "$kustomization"
- $(kubectl get -n flux-system kustomizations.kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io "$kustomization")
- fi
- mapfile -t helmreleases < <(kubectl -n "$namespace" get helmreleases.helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io --no-headers=true --output=custom-columns='NAME:metadata.name')
- for helmrelease in "${helmreleases[@]}"
- do
- if kubectl -n "$namespace" get helmreleases.helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io "$helmrelease" &> /dev/null
- then
- cat <<EOF
- $ kubectl -n "$namespace" get helmreleases.helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io "$helmrelease"
- $(kubectl -n "$namespace" get helmreleases.helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io "$helmrelease")
- $ kubectl -n "$namespace" get -o json helmreleases.helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io "$helmrelease" | yq -y .status
- $(kubectl -n "$namespace" get -o json helmreleases.helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io "$helmrelease" | yq -y .status)
- fi
- done
- if [[ $namespace == "kube-system" ]]
- then
- mapfile -t nodes_with_noschedule_taint < <(kubectl get nodes -o go-template='{{range $item := .items}}{{with $nodename := $item.metadata.name}}{{range $taint := $item.spec.taints}}{{if and (eq $taint.effect "NoSchedule")}}{{printf "%s\n" $nodename}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}' | sort --version-sort)
- nodes_with_noschedule()
- {
- for node in "${nodes_with_noschedule_taint[@]}"
- do
- echo -n "${node}: "
- kubectl get node -o json "$node" \
- | jq --monochrome-output --compact-output '.metadata.labels | with_entries(select(.key | test("^.*cluster.local.*$"))) | with_entries(select(.value == "false")) | keys'
- done
- }
- cat <<EOF
- $ kubectl get node -o wide | awk 'NR<3{print $0;next}{print $0| "sort --version-sort"}'
- $(kubectl get node -o wide | awk 'NR<3{print $0;next}{print $0| "sort --version-sort"}')
- $ kubectl get nodes ... # with NoSchedule taint
- $(nodes_with_noschedule)
- $ kubectl top node | awk 'NR<3{print $0;next}{print $0| "sort --version-sort"}'
- $(kubectl top node | awk 'NR<3{print $0;next}{print $0| "sort --version-sort"}')
- $ kubectl cluster-info
- $(kubectl cluster-info)
- $ kubectl get --raw='/readyz?verbose'
- $(kubectl get --raw='/readyz?verbose')
- if ihs --help &> /dev/null
- then
- echo "hypervisor hosts:"
- (
- mapfile -t masters < <(kubectl master)
- for master in "${masters[@]}"
- do
- mapfile -t ip_addresses < <(command dig "${master}.intr" \
- | jc --dig \
- | jq --raw-output .[].answer[].data)
- for ip_address in "${ip_addresses[@]}"
- do
- master_hypervisor()
- {
- command dig -x "$ip_address" \
- | jc --dig \
- | jq --raw-output '[.[].answer[].data][] | select(. | startswith("vm"))'
- }
- master_hypervisor_name="$(master_hypervisor)"
- printf "%s %s %s %s.intr\n" \
- "$master" \
- "$ip_address" \
- "${master_hypervisor_name/%.intr./}" \
- "$(ihs vm dump "$master_hypervisor_name" | recsel -Pname | grep ^kvm)"
- done
- done
- )
- printf "\n"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $namespace == "flux-system" ]]
- then
- cat <<EOF
- $ kubectl get --namespace flux-system kustomizations ... # suspended
- $(kubectl get --namespace flux-system kustomizations.kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io --output=json | jq --raw-output '.items[] | select(.spec.suspend == true) | .metadata.name')
- $ kubectl get --all-namespaces helmreleases ... # suspended
- $(kubectl get --all-namespaces helmreleases.helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io --output=json | jq --raw-output '.items[] | select(.spec.suspend == true) | .metadata.name'
- tf-controller)
- $ kubectl get --all-namespaces kustomizations.kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io
- $(kubectl get --all-namespaces kustomizations.kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io)
- $ kubectl get --all-namespaces helmreleases.helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io
- $(kubectl get --all-namespaces helmreleases.helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io)
- fi
- for namespace_suffix in mda kvm
- do
- if [[ $namespace == "backup-${namespace_suffix}" ]]
- then
- for metrics in performed errors
- do
- query="backup_${namespace_suffix}_${metrics}_total{namespace=\"$namespace\"}"
- cat <<EOF
- query: ${query}
- $(echo "$query" | curl --max-time 2 --silent --get "${PROMETHEUS_URL}/api/v1/query" --data-urlencode query@- | jq --raw-output '.data.result[] | .value[1]' | xargs echo)
- done
- fi
- done
- cat <<EOF
- $ kubectl top --namespace "$namespace" pod
- $(kubectl top --namespace "$namespace" pod)
- $ kubectl get all --namespace "$namespace" -o wide
- $(kubectl get all --namespace "$namespace" -o wide)
- $ kubectl get endpoints --namespace "$namespace" -o wide
- $(kubectl get endpoints --namespace "$namespace" -o wide)
- $ kubectl get ingress --namespace "$namespace" -o wide
- $(kubectl get ingress --namespace "$namespace" -o wide)
- if kubectl get -n "$namespace" ingress &> /dev/null
- then
- mapfile -t hosts < <(kubectl -n "$namespace" get ingress -o json | jq --raw-output '.items[] | .spec.rules[] | .host' | sort -u)
- for host in "${hosts[@]}"
- do
- query="probe_http_status_code{instance=\"https://${host}/\"}"
- cat <<EOF
- query: ${query}
- $(echo "$query" | curl --max-time 2 --silent --get "${PROMETHEUS_URL}/api/v1/query" --data-urlencode query@-)
- done
- fi
- cat <<EOF
- $ amtool --alertmanager.url="$ALERTMANAGER_URL" alert query --output=simple namespace="$namespace"
- $(amtool --alertmanager.url="$ALERTMANAGER_URL" alert query --output=simple namespace="$namespace")
- $ kubectl get --namespace "$namespace" certificates -o wide
- $(kubectl get --namespace "$namespace" certificates -o wide)
- $ kubectl get secrets --namespace "$namespace" -o wide
- $(kubectl get secrets --namespace "$namespace" -o wide)
- $ kubectl get --namespace "$namespace" serviceaccounts
- $(kubectl get --namespace "$namespace" serviceaccounts)
- $ kubectl get pvc --namespace "$namespace" -o wide
- $(kubectl get pvc --namespace "$namespace" -o wide)
- query="kubelet_volume_stats_available_bytes{job=\"kubelet\", metrics_path=\"/metrics\", namespace=\"$namespace\"}"
- cat <<EOF
- query: ${query}
- $(echo "$query" | curl --max-time 2 --silent --get "${PROMETHEUS_URL}/api/v1/query" --data-urlencode query@- | jq --raw-output '.data.result[] | .value[1]' | numfmt --to=iec-i --suffix=B | xargs echo)
- $ kubectl get networkpolicies --namespace "$namespace" -o wide
- $(kubectl get networkpolicies --namespace "$namespace" -o wide)
- $ kubectl get events --namespace "$namespace" -o wide
- $(kubectl get events --namespace "$namespace" -o wide)
- if [[ $namespace == "elasticsearch" ]]
- then
- OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT="http://es.intr:9200"
- cat <<EOF
- # logs
- ssh -q fluentd.intr sudo tail -f /home/jenkins/es-curator/curator.log
- ssh -q kvm15.intr journalctl -u elasticsearch.service -f | grep -vF '[max_concurrent_shard_requests] is not supported in the metadata section and will be rejected in 7.x'
- ssh -q fluentd.intr sudo docker logs --tail 10 -f elk_elasticsearch_1 | grep -vF '[max_concurrent_shard_requests] is not supported in the metadata section and will be rejected in 7.x'
- ssh -q staff.intr journalctl -u elasticsearch.service -f | grep -vF '[max_concurrent_shard_requests] is not supported in the metadata section and will be rejected in 7.x'
- fi
- --user "admin:${OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD}"
- )
- if [[ $namespace == "elasticsearch" ]] || [[ $namespace == "opensearch" ]]
- then
- cat <<EOF
- $ curl --max-time 2 --insecure --silent -XGET "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cluster/state/nodes?pretty"
- $(curl --max-time 2 --insecure --silent "${OPENSEARCH_ARGS[@]}" -XGET "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cluster/state/nodes?pretty")
- $ curl --max-time 2 --insecure --silent -XGET "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cat/nodes?h=name,ram.percent,cpu,load_1m,disk.used_percent&v"
- $(curl --max-time 2 --insecure --silent "${OPENSEARCH_ARGS[@]}" -XGET "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cat/nodes?h=name,ram.percent,cpu,load_1m,disk.used_percent&v" | sort --version-sort)
- $ curl --max-time 2 --insecure --silent -XGET "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cat/allocation?v&pretty"
- $(curl --max-time 2 --insecure --silent "${OPENSEARCH_ARGS[@]}" -XGET "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cat/allocation?v&pretty" | awk '{ print $9, $0 | "column --table" }' | awk '{ print $10="", $0 | "column --table" }' | awk 'NR<2{print $0;next}{print $0| "sort --version-sort"}')
- $ curl --max-time 2 --insecure --silent -XGET "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cluster/health?pretty"
- $(curl --max-time 2 --insecure --silent "${OPENSEARCH_ARGS[@]}" -XGET "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cluster/health?pretty")
- $ curl --max-time 2 --insecure --silent "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cat/indices?v&pretty"
- $(command curl --max-time 2 --insecure --silent "${OPENSEARCH_ARGS[@]}" "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cat/indices?v&pretty" | awk '{ print $3, $0 | "column --table" }' | awk '{ print $4="", $0 | "column --table" }' | awk 'NR<2{print $0;next}{print $0| "sort --version-sort"}')
- $ curl --max-time 2 --insecure --silent "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cat/shards?v&pretty"
- $(command curl --max-time 2 --insecure --silent "${OPENSEARCH_ARGS[@]}" "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cat/shards?v&pretty" | awk '{ print $1 "@" $NF, $0 | "column --table" }' | awk '{ print $2="", $NF="", $0 | "column --table" }' | awk 'NR<2{print $0;next}{print $0| "sort --version-sort"}')
- $ curl --max-time 2 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --insecure --silent --data '{"query": {"match_all": {}}}' "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/logstash-*/_search" | jq --raw-output '.hits.hits[] | ._source.log'
- $(command curl --max-time 2 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --insecure --silent "${OPENSEARCH_ARGS[@]}" --data '{"query": {"match_all": {}}}' "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/logstash-*/_search" | jq --raw-output '.hits.hits[] | ._source.log')
- # Show recovery operations in OpenSearch.
- $ curl --max-time 2 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --insecure --silent "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cat/recovery?active_only=true&v=true"
- $(command curl --max-time 2 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --insecure --silent "${OPENSEARCH_ARGS[@]}" "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/_cat/recovery?active_only=true&v=true")
- fi
- if [[ $namespace == "harbor" ]]
- then
- cat <<EOF
- $ git ls-remote https://gitlab.corp1.majordomo.ru/cd/tf-harbor.git master
- $(git ls-remote https://gitlab.corp1.majordomo.ru/cd/tf-harbor.git master)
- $ kubectl get -n flux-system gitrepositories.source.toolkit.fluxcd.io tf-harbor
- $(kubectl get -n flux-system gitrepositories.source.toolkit.fluxcd.io tf-harbor)
- $ kubectl describe -n flux-system terraforms.infra.contrib.fluxcd.io tf-harbor
- $(kubectl describe -n flux-system terraforms.infra.contrib.fluxcd.io tf-harbor)
- fi
- if [[ $namespace == "mda" ]]
- then
- query='
- node_filesystem_free_bytes{instance="", fstype!="tmpfs", fstype!="ramfs", mountpoint!="/", mountpoint!="/nix/store", mountpoint!="/boot"}
- or node_filesystem_free_bytes{instance="", fstype!="tmpfs", fstype!="ramfs", mountpoint!="/", mountpoint!="/nix/store", mountpoint!="/boot"}
- '
- cat <<EOF
- query: ${query}
- $(echo "$query" | curl --max-time 2 --silent --get "${PROMETHEUS_URL}/api/v1/query" --data-urlencode query@- | jq --raw-output '.data.result[] | .value[1]' | numfmt --to=iec-i --suffix=B | xargs echo)
- fi
- if [[ $namespace == "smtp" ]]
- then
- mapfile -t smtp_hosts < <(getent hosts smtpout1.majordomo.ru smtpout2.majordomo.ru | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
- smtp_hosts+=( # on smtp-staff.intr server.
- cat <<EOF
- mxtoolbox.com:
- for host in "${smtp_hosts[@]}"
- do
- echo "https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=blacklist%3a${host}&run=toolpage"
- done
- fi
- if [[ $namespace == "redis" ]]
- then
- cat <<EOF
- $ dig redis.intr
- $(bash -ic "dig redis.intr 2>&1")
- Listing All Databases
- In the first place, the number of databases in Redis is fixed. Therefore, we
- can extract this information from the configuration file with a simple grep
- command:
- $ redis-cli -h redis.intr CONFIG GET databases
- $(redis-cli -h redis.intr CONFIG GET databases)
- Listing All Databases With Entries
- Sometimes we'll want to get more information about the databases that contain
- keys. In order to do that, we can take advantage of the Redis INFO command,
- used to get information and statistics about the server. Here, we specifically
- want to focus our attention in the keyspace section, which contains
- database-related data:
- $ redis-cli -h redis.intr INFO keyspace
- $(redis-cli -h redis.intr INFO keyspace)
- The output lists the databases containing at least one key, along with a few
- statistics:
- - number of keys contained
- - number of keys with expiration
- - keys' average time-to-live
- $ redis-cli -h redis.intr INFO
- $(redis-cli -h redis.intr INFO)
- $ redis-cli -h redis.intr CLIENT LIST
- $(redis-cli -h redis.intr CLIENT LIST)
- fi
- if [[ $namespace == "nfs" ]]
- then
- cat <<EOF
- $ dig nfs.intr
- $(bash -ic "dig nfs.intr 2>&1")
- $ ssh root@kube6.intr showmount -e
- $(ssh root@kube6.intr showmount -e)
- $ ssh root@kube6.intr showmount
- $(ssh root@kube6.intr showmount)
- $ ssh root@kube6.intr rpcinfo
- $(ssh root@kube6.intr rpcinfo)
- $ ssh root@kube6.intr rpcinfo -p
- $(ssh root@kube6.intr rpcinfo -p)
- $ ssh root@kube6.intr nfsstat
- $(ssh root@kube6.intr nfsstat)
- $ ssh root@kube6.intr nfsstat -m
- $(ssh root@kube6.intr nfsstat -m)
- fi
- if [[ $namespace == "keda" ]]
- then
- cat <<EOF
- $ kubectl get --raw /apis/external.metrics.k8s.io
- $(kubectl get --raw /apis/external.metrics.k8s.io)
- fi
- if [[ $namespace == "vault" ]]
- then
- vault_addrs=(
- "http://dh1-mr.intr:8210"
- "http://dh2-mr.intr:8220"
- "http://dh3-mr.intr:8230"
- )
- cat <<EOF
- An explanation of each field in the status output follows.
- - Seal Type: The type of seal in use. This value should match across cluster
- members.
- - Initialized: Whether the underlying storage has been initialized. This
- should always appear with a value of true in any case except that of a new
- and uninitialized server.
- - Sealed: Whether the server is in a sealed or unsealed state. A sealed server
- cannot participate in cluster membership or otherwise be used until it is
- unsealed. All members of a healthy cluster should report a value of false.
- - Total Shares: The number of key shares made from splitting the root key
- (previously known as master key); this value can only defined during
- initialization.
- - Threshold: The number of key shares required to compose the root key; this
- value can only defined during initialization.
- - Version: The version of Vault in use on the server.
- - Storage Type: The type of storage in use.
- - Cluster Name: The cluster name string; this value should match on all
- members of a healthy cluster.
- - Cluster ID: The cluster identification string; this value is dynamically
- generated by default, and should match on all members of a healthy cluster.
- - HA Enabled: Whether this cluster is using high availability (HA)
- coordination functionality.
- - HA Cluster: The cluster address used in client redirects.
- - HA Mode: The HA mode. Expected values are Active and Standby. There should
- be one active leader in every healthy cluster. In the example output, the
- pod vault-0 is the Active cluster leader.
- - Active Node Address: The address of the active HA cluster leader, used in
- request forwarding.
- - Raft Committed Index: The index value for storage items which are committed
- to the log. This value should closely follow or be equal to the value of
- Raft Applied Index in a healthy Vault cluster.
- - Raft Applied Index: The index value for storage items which are applied, but
- not yet committed to the log.
- for vault_addr in "${vault_addrs[@]}"
- do
- cat <<EOF
- $ VAULT_ADDR="$vault_addr" vault status
- $(VAULT_ADDR="$vault_addr" "${HOME}/.nix-profile/bin/vault" status)
- done
- if [[ $(tput cols) -gt 255 ]]
- then
- cat <<EOF
- $ vault secrets list -detailed
- $(vault secrets list -detailed)
- else
- cat <<EOF
- $ vault secrets list
- $(vault secrets list)
- fi
- cat <<EOF
- $ vault kv list secret/vaultPass/majordomo
- $(vault kv list secret/vaultPass/majordomo)
- To add a new key value secret run:
- $ vault kv put secret/vaultPass/majordomo/HOSTNAME password=SECRET
- fi
- echo -e "\n$ curl --max-time 5 --insecure --silent ${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/logstash-*/_search"
- echo "$(opensearch_query)" \
- | curl --max-time 5 --insecure --silent "${OPENSEARCH_ARGS[@]}" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data @- "${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/logstash-*/_search" \
- | jq --raw-output '.hits.hits | group_by(._source.kubernetes.pod_name)[][] | [._source.kubernetes.pod_name, ._source.log] | @tsv' \
- | sort --version-sort
- }
- export -f viddy_command
- viddy_args=(
- --no-title
- --interval "${KUBECTL_WATCH_INTERVAL:-10}"
- )
- # Upstream viddy does not have max-history flag.
- if [[ $(viddy --help) == *max-history* ]]
- then
- viddy_args+=("--max-history=${KUBECTL_WATCH_HISTORY:-10}")
- fi
- if [[ -n $TMUX ]]
- then
- tmux_window_name="$(tmux display-message -p '#W')"
- fi
- if [[ $tmux_window_name == bash ]]
- then
- tmux rename-window "$namespace"
- fi
- then
- if [[ -e /sys/fs/cgroup/viddy ]]
- then
- :
- else
- GID=users
- sudo /run/current-system/profile/bin/cgcreate -a "${USER}:${GID}" -t "${USER}:${GID}" -g memory,cpu:viddy
- echo 134217728 > /sys/fs/cgroup/viddy/memory.max
- fi
- sudo cgclassify -g cpu,memory:viddy $$
- CGROUP_LOGLEVEL=INFO /run/current-system/profile/bin/cgexec -g memory,cpu:viddy viddy "${viddy_args[@]}" viddy_command
- else
- viddy "${viddy_args[@]}" viddy_command
- fi
- # XXX: Dirty hack and has issue that requires to run twice because of
- # racing with tmuxifier.
- if [[ -n $TMUX ]]
- then
- if [[ $(tmux display-message -p '#W') == main ]]
- then
- tmux rename-window "bash"
- else
- tmux rename-window "$tmux_window_name"
- fi
- fi
- fi