123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081 |
- {
- "name": "zendframework/zend-i18n",
- "description": "Provide translations for your application, and filter and validate internationalized values",
- "license": "BSD-3-Clause",
- "keywords": [
- "zendframework",
- "zf",
- "i18n"
- ],
- "support": {
- "docs": "https://docs.zendframework.com/zend-i18n/",
- "issues": "https://github.com/zendframework/zend-i18n/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/zendframework/zend-i18n",
- "rss": "https://github.com/zendframework/zend-i18n/releases.atom",
- "chat": "https://zendframework-slack.herokuapp.com",
- "forum": "https://discourse.zendframework.com/c/questions/components"
- },
- "require": {
- "php": "^5.6 || ^7.0",
- "ext-intl": "*",
- "zendframework/zend-stdlib": "^2.7 || ^3.0"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.7.27 || ^6.5.14 || ^7.5.16",
- "zendframework/zend-cache": "^2.6.1",
- "zendframework/zend-coding-standard": "~1.0.0",
- "zendframework/zend-config": "^2.6",
- "zendframework/zend-eventmanager": "^2.6.2 || ^3.0",
- "zendframework/zend-filter": "^2.6.1",
- "zendframework/zend-servicemanager": "^2.7.5 || ^3.0.3",
- "zendframework/zend-validator": "^2.6",
- "zendframework/zend-view": "^2.6.3"
- },
- "conflict": {
- "phpspec/prophecy": "<1.9.0"
- },
- "suggest": {
- "zendframework/zend-cache": "Zend\\Cache component",
- "zendframework/zend-config": "Zend\\Config component",
- "zendframework/zend-eventmanager": "You should install this package to use the events in the translator",
- "zendframework/zend-filter": "You should install this package to use the provided filters",
- "zendframework/zend-i18n-resources": "Translation resources",
- "zendframework/zend-servicemanager": "Zend\\ServiceManager component",
- "zendframework/zend-validator": "You should install this package to use the provided validators",
- "zendframework/zend-view": "You should install this package to use the provided view helpers"
- },
- "autoload": {
- "psr-4": {
- "Zend\\I18n\\": "src/"
- }
- },
- "autoload-dev": {
- "psr-4": {
- "ZendTest\\I18n\\": "test/"
- }
- },
- "config": {
- "sort-packages": true
- },
- "extra": {
- "branch-alias": {
- "dev-master": "2.10.x-dev",
- "dev-develop": "2.11.x-dev"
- },
- "zf": {
- "component": "Zend\\I18n",
- "config-provider": "Zend\\I18n\\ConfigProvider"
- }
- },
- "scripts": {
- "check": [
- "@cs-check",
- "@test"
- ],
- "cs-check": "phpcs",
- "cs-fix": "phpcbf",
- "test": "phpunit --colors=always",
- "test-coverage": "phpunit --colors=always --coverage-clover clover.xml"
- }
- }