aacraid.h 55 KB

  1. #ifndef dprintk
  2. # define dprintk(x)
  3. #endif
  4. /* eg: if (nblank(dprintk(x))) */
  5. #define _nblank(x) #x
  6. #define nblank(x) _nblank(x)[0]
  7. #include <linux/interrupt.h>
  8. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. * D E F I N E S
  10. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  11. #ifndef AAC_DRIVER_BUILD
  12. # define AAC_DRIVER_BUILD 28000
  13. # define AAC_DRIVER_BRANCH "-ms"
  14. #endif
  16. #define AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB 8
  17. #define AAC_NUM_IO_FIB (512 - AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB)
  19. #define AAC_MAX_LUN (8)
  20. #define AAC_MAX_HOSTPHYSMEMPAGES (0xfffff)
  21. #define AAC_MAX_32BIT_SGBCOUNT ((unsigned short)256)
  23. /*
  24. * These macros convert from physical channels to virtual channels
  25. */
  26. #define CONTAINER_CHANNEL (0)
  28. #define CONTAINER_TO_ID(cont) (cont)
  29. #define CONTAINER_TO_LUN(cont) (0)
  30. #define aac_phys_to_logical(x) ((x)+1)
  31. #define aac_logical_to_phys(x) ((x)?(x)-1:0)
  32. /* #define AAC_DETAILED_STATUS_INFO */
  33. struct diskparm
  34. {
  35. int heads;
  36. int sectors;
  37. int cylinders;
  38. };
  39. /*
  40. * Firmware constants
  41. */
  42. #define CT_NONE 0
  43. #define CT_OK 218
  44. #define FT_FILESYS 8 /* ADAPTEC's "FSA"(tm) filesystem */
  45. #define FT_DRIVE 9 /* physical disk - addressable in scsi by bus/id/lun */
  46. /*
  47. * Host side memory scatter gather list
  48. * Used by the adapter for read, write, and readdirplus operations
  49. * We have separate 32 and 64 bit version because even
  50. * on 64 bit systems not all cards support the 64 bit version
  51. */
  52. struct sgentry {
  53. __le32 addr; /* 32-bit address. */
  54. __le32 count; /* Length. */
  55. };
  56. struct user_sgentry {
  57. u32 addr; /* 32-bit address. */
  58. u32 count; /* Length. */
  59. };
  60. struct sgentry64 {
  61. __le32 addr[2]; /* 64-bit addr. 2 pieces for data alignment */
  62. __le32 count; /* Length. */
  63. };
  64. struct user_sgentry64 {
  65. u32 addr[2]; /* 64-bit addr. 2 pieces for data alignment */
  66. u32 count; /* Length. */
  67. };
  68. struct sgentryraw {
  69. __le32 next; /* reserved for F/W use */
  70. __le32 prev; /* reserved for F/W use */
  71. __le32 addr[2];
  72. __le32 count;
  73. __le32 flags; /* reserved for F/W use */
  74. };
  75. struct user_sgentryraw {
  76. u32 next; /* reserved for F/W use */
  77. u32 prev; /* reserved for F/W use */
  78. u32 addr[2];
  79. u32 count;
  80. u32 flags; /* reserved for F/W use */
  81. };
  82. /*
  83. * SGMAP
  84. *
  85. * This is the SGMAP structure for all commands that use
  86. * 32-bit addressing.
  87. */
  88. struct sgmap {
  89. __le32 count;
  90. struct sgentry sg[1];
  91. };
  92. struct user_sgmap {
  93. u32 count;
  94. struct user_sgentry sg[1];
  95. };
  96. struct sgmap64 {
  97. __le32 count;
  98. struct sgentry64 sg[1];
  99. };
  100. struct user_sgmap64 {
  101. u32 count;
  102. struct user_sgentry64 sg[1];
  103. };
  104. struct sgmapraw {
  105. __le32 count;
  106. struct sgentryraw sg[1];
  107. };
  108. struct user_sgmapraw {
  109. u32 count;
  110. struct user_sgentryraw sg[1];
  111. };
  112. struct creation_info
  113. {
  114. u8 buildnum; /* e.g., 588 */
  115. u8 usec; /* e.g., 588 */
  116. u8 via; /* e.g., 1 = FSU,
  117. * 2 = API
  118. */
  119. u8 year; /* e.g., 1997 = 97 */
  120. __le32 date; /*
  121. * unsigned Month :4; // 1 - 12
  122. * unsigned Day :6; // 1 - 32
  123. * unsigned Hour :6; // 0 - 23
  124. * unsigned Minute :6; // 0 - 60
  125. * unsigned Second :6; // 0 - 60
  126. */
  127. __le32 serial[2]; /* e.g., 0x1DEADB0BFAFAF001 */
  128. };
  129. /*
  130. * Define all the constants needed for the communication interface
  131. */
  132. /*
  133. * Define how many queue entries each queue will have and the total
  134. * number of entries for the entire communication interface. Also define
  135. * how many queues we support.
  136. *
  137. * This has to match the controller
  138. */
  139. #define NUMBER_OF_COMM_QUEUES 8 // 4 command; 4 response
  140. #define HOST_HIGH_CMD_ENTRIES 4
  141. #define HOST_NORM_CMD_ENTRIES 8
  142. #define ADAP_HIGH_CMD_ENTRIES 4
  143. #define ADAP_NORM_CMD_ENTRIES 512
  144. #define HOST_HIGH_RESP_ENTRIES 4
  145. #define HOST_NORM_RESP_ENTRIES 512
  146. #define ADAP_HIGH_RESP_ENTRIES 4
  147. #define ADAP_NORM_RESP_ENTRIES 8
  148. #define TOTAL_QUEUE_ENTRIES \
  151. /*
  152. * Set the queues on a 16 byte alignment
  153. */
  154. #define QUEUE_ALIGNMENT 16
  155. /*
  156. * The queue headers define the Communication Region queues. These
  157. * are physically contiguous and accessible by both the adapter and the
  158. * host. Even though all queue headers are in the same contiguous block
  159. * they will be represented as individual units in the data structures.
  160. */
  161. struct aac_entry {
  162. __le32 size; /* Size in bytes of Fib which this QE points to */
  163. __le32 addr; /* Receiver address of the FIB */
  164. };
  165. /*
  166. * The adapter assumes the ProducerIndex and ConsumerIndex are grouped
  167. * adjacently and in that order.
  168. */
  169. struct aac_qhdr {
  170. __le64 header_addr;/* Address to hand the adapter to access
  171. to this queue head */
  172. __le32 *producer; /* The producer index for this queue (host address) */
  173. __le32 *consumer; /* The consumer index for this queue (host address) */
  174. };
  175. /*
  176. * Define all the events which the adapter would like to notify
  177. * the host of.
  178. */
  179. #define HostNormCmdQue 1 /* Change in host normal priority command queue */
  180. #define HostHighCmdQue 2 /* Change in host high priority command queue */
  181. #define HostNormRespQue 3 /* Change in host normal priority response queue */
  182. #define HostHighRespQue 4 /* Change in host high priority response queue */
  183. #define AdapNormRespNotFull 5
  184. #define AdapHighRespNotFull 6
  185. #define AdapNormCmdNotFull 7
  186. #define AdapHighCmdNotFull 8
  187. #define SynchCommandComplete 9
  188. #define AdapInternalError 0xfe /* The adapter detected an internal error shutting down */
  189. /*
  190. * Define all the events the host wishes to notify the
  191. * adapter of. The first four values much match the Qid the
  192. * corresponding queue.
  193. */
  194. #define AdapNormCmdQue 2
  195. #define AdapHighCmdQue 3
  196. #define AdapNormRespQue 6
  197. #define AdapHighRespQue 7
  198. #define HostShutdown 8
  199. #define HostPowerFail 9
  200. #define FatalCommError 10
  201. #define HostNormRespNotFull 11
  202. #define HostHighRespNotFull 12
  203. #define HostNormCmdNotFull 13
  204. #define HostHighCmdNotFull 14
  205. #define FastIo 15
  206. #define AdapPrintfDone 16
  207. /*
  208. * Define all the queues that the adapter and host use to communicate
  209. * Number them to match the physical queue layout.
  210. */
  211. enum aac_queue_types {
  212. HostNormCmdQueue = 0, /* Adapter to host normal priority command traffic */
  213. HostHighCmdQueue, /* Adapter to host high priority command traffic */
  214. AdapNormCmdQueue, /* Host to adapter normal priority command traffic */
  215. AdapHighCmdQueue, /* Host to adapter high priority command traffic */
  216. HostNormRespQueue, /* Adapter to host normal priority response traffic */
  217. HostHighRespQueue, /* Adapter to host high priority response traffic */
  218. AdapNormRespQueue, /* Host to adapter normal priority response traffic */
  219. AdapHighRespQueue /* Host to adapter high priority response traffic */
  220. };
  221. /*
  222. * Assign type values to the FSA communication data structures
  223. */
  224. #define FIB_MAGIC 0x0001
  225. /*
  226. * Define the priority levels the FSA communication routines support.
  227. */
  228. #define FsaNormal 1
  229. /* transport FIB header (PMC) */
  230. struct aac_fib_xporthdr {
  231. u64 HostAddress; /* FIB host address w/o xport header */
  232. u32 Size; /* FIB size excluding xport header */
  233. u32 Handle; /* driver handle to reference the FIB */
  234. u64 Reserved[2];
  235. };
  236. #define ALIGN32 32
  237. /*
  238. * Define the FIB. The FIB is the where all the requested data and
  239. * command information are put to the application on the FSA adapter.
  240. */
  241. struct aac_fibhdr {
  242. __le32 XferState; /* Current transfer state for this CCB */
  243. __le16 Command; /* Routing information for the destination */
  244. u8 StructType; /* Type FIB */
  245. u8 Flags; /* Flags for FIB */
  246. __le16 Size; /* Size of this FIB in bytes */
  247. __le16 SenderSize; /* Size of the FIB in the sender
  248. (for response sizing) */
  249. __le32 SenderFibAddress; /* Host defined data in the FIB */
  250. __le32 ReceiverFibAddress;/* Logical address of this FIB for
  251. the adapter */
  252. u32 SenderData; /* Place holder for the sender to store data */
  253. union {
  254. struct {
  255. __le32 _ReceiverTimeStart; /* Timestamp for
  256. receipt of fib */
  257. __le32 _ReceiverTimeDone; /* Timestamp for
  258. completion of fib */
  259. } _s;
  260. } _u;
  261. };
  262. struct hw_fib {
  263. struct aac_fibhdr header;
  264. u8 data[512-sizeof(struct aac_fibhdr)]; // Command specific data
  265. };
  266. /*
  267. * FIB commands
  268. */
  269. #define TestCommandResponse 1
  270. #define TestAdapterCommand 2
  271. /*
  272. * Lowlevel and comm commands
  273. */
  274. #define LastTestCommand 100
  275. #define ReinitHostNormCommandQueue 101
  276. #define ReinitHostHighCommandQueue 102
  277. #define ReinitHostHighRespQueue 103
  278. #define ReinitHostNormRespQueue 104
  279. #define ReinitAdapNormCommandQueue 105
  280. #define ReinitAdapHighCommandQueue 107
  281. #define ReinitAdapHighRespQueue 108
  282. #define ReinitAdapNormRespQueue 109
  283. #define InterfaceShutdown 110
  284. #define DmaCommandFib 120
  285. #define StartProfile 121
  286. #define TermProfile 122
  287. #define SpeedTest 123
  288. #define TakeABreakPt 124
  289. #define RequestPerfData 125
  290. #define SetInterruptDefTimer 126
  291. #define SetInterruptDefCount 127
  292. #define GetInterruptDefStatus 128
  293. #define LastCommCommand 129
  294. /*
  295. * Filesystem commands
  296. */
  297. #define NuFileSystem 300
  298. #define UFS 301
  299. #define HostFileSystem 302
  300. #define LastFileSystemCommand 303
  301. /*
  302. * Container Commands
  303. */
  304. #define ContainerCommand 500
  305. #define ContainerCommand64 501
  306. #define ContainerRawIo 502
  307. /*
  308. * Scsi Port commands (scsi passthrough)
  309. */
  310. #define ScsiPortCommand 600
  311. #define ScsiPortCommand64 601
  312. /*
  313. * Misc house keeping and generic adapter initiated commands
  314. */
  315. #define AifRequest 700
  316. #define CheckRevision 701
  317. #define FsaHostShutdown 702
  318. #define RequestAdapterInfo 703
  319. #define IsAdapterPaused 704
  320. #define SendHostTime 705
  321. #define RequestSupplementAdapterInfo 706
  322. #define LastMiscCommand 707
  323. /*
  324. * Commands that will target the failover level on the FSA adapter
  325. */
  326. enum fib_xfer_state {
  327. HostOwned = (1<<0),
  328. AdapterOwned = (1<<1),
  329. FibInitialized = (1<<2),
  330. FibEmpty = (1<<3),
  331. AllocatedFromPool = (1<<4),
  332. SentFromHost = (1<<5),
  333. SentFromAdapter = (1<<6),
  334. ResponseExpected = (1<<7),
  335. NoResponseExpected = (1<<8),
  336. AdapterProcessed = (1<<9),
  337. HostProcessed = (1<<10),
  338. HighPriority = (1<<11),
  339. NormalPriority = (1<<12),
  340. Async = (1<<13),
  341. AsyncIo = (1<<13), // rpbfix: remove with new regime
  342. PageFileIo = (1<<14), // rpbfix: remove with new regime
  343. ShutdownRequest = (1<<15),
  344. LazyWrite = (1<<16), // rpbfix: remove with new regime
  345. AdapterMicroFib = (1<<17),
  346. BIOSFibPath = (1<<18),
  347. FastResponseCapable = (1<<19),
  348. ApiFib = (1<<20), /* Its an API Fib */
  349. /* PMC NEW COMM: There is no more AIF data pending */
  350. NoMoreAifDataAvailable = (1<<21)
  351. };
  352. /*
  353. * The following defines needs to be updated any time there is an
  354. * incompatible change made to the aac_init structure.
  355. */
  357. #define ADAPTER_INIT_STRUCT_REVISION_4 4 // rocket science
  358. #define ADAPTER_INIT_STRUCT_REVISION_6 6 /* PMC src */
  359. struct aac_init
  360. {
  361. __le32 InitStructRevision;
  362. __le32 MiniPortRevision;
  363. __le32 fsrev;
  364. __le32 CommHeaderAddress;
  365. __le32 FastIoCommAreaAddress;
  366. __le32 AdapterFibsPhysicalAddress;
  367. __le32 AdapterFibsVirtualAddress;
  368. __le32 AdapterFibsSize;
  369. __le32 AdapterFibAlign;
  370. __le32 printfbuf;
  371. __le32 printfbufsiz;
  372. __le32 HostPhysMemPages; /* number of 4k pages of host
  373. physical memory */
  374. __le32 HostElapsedSeconds; /* number of seconds since 1970. */
  375. /*
  376. * ADAPTER_INIT_STRUCT_REVISION_4 begins here
  377. */
  378. __le32 InitFlags; /* flags for supported features */
  379. #define INITFLAGS_NEW_COMM_SUPPORTED 0x00000001
  380. #define INITFLAGS_DRIVER_USES_UTC_TIME 0x00000010
  381. #define INITFLAGS_DRIVER_SUPPORTS_PM 0x00000020
  382. #define INITFLAGS_NEW_COMM_TYPE1_SUPPORTED 0x00000041
  383. __le32 MaxIoCommands; /* max outstanding commands */
  384. __le32 MaxIoSize; /* largest I/O command */
  385. __le32 MaxFibSize; /* largest FIB to adapter */
  386. /* ADAPTER_INIT_STRUCT_REVISION_5 begins here */
  387. __le32 MaxNumAif; /* max number of aif */
  388. /* ADAPTER_INIT_STRUCT_REVISION_6 begins here */
  389. __le32 HostRRQ_AddrLow;
  390. __le32 HostRRQ_AddrHigh; /* Host RRQ (response queue) for SRC */
  391. };
  392. enum aac_log_level {
  393. LOG_AAC_INIT = 10,
  395. LOG_AAC_WARNING = 30,
  396. LOG_AAC_LOW_ERROR = 40,
  398. LOG_AAC_HIGH_ERROR = 60,
  399. LOG_AAC_PANIC = 70,
  400. LOG_AAC_DEBUG = 80,
  402. };
  404. #define FSAFS_NTC_FIB_CONTEXT 0x030c
  405. struct aac_dev;
  406. struct fib;
  407. struct scsi_cmnd;
  408. struct adapter_ops
  409. {
  410. /* Low level operations */
  411. void (*adapter_interrupt)(struct aac_dev *dev);
  412. void (*adapter_notify)(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 event);
  413. void (*adapter_disable_int)(struct aac_dev *dev);
  414. void (*adapter_enable_int)(struct aac_dev *dev);
  415. int (*adapter_sync_cmd)(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 command, u32 p1, u32 p2, u32 p3, u32 p4, u32 p5, u32 p6, u32 *status, u32 *r1, u32 *r2, u32 *r3, u32 *r4);
  416. int (*adapter_check_health)(struct aac_dev *dev);
  417. int (*adapter_restart)(struct aac_dev *dev, int bled);
  418. /* Transport operations */
  419. int (*adapter_ioremap)(struct aac_dev * dev, u32 size);
  420. irq_handler_t adapter_intr;
  421. /* Packet operations */
  422. int (*adapter_deliver)(struct fib * fib);
  423. int (*adapter_bounds)(struct aac_dev * dev, struct scsi_cmnd * cmd, u64 lba);
  424. int (*adapter_read)(struct fib * fib, struct scsi_cmnd * cmd, u64 lba, u32 count);
  425. int (*adapter_write)(struct fib * fib, struct scsi_cmnd * cmd, u64 lba, u32 count, int fua);
  426. int (*adapter_scsi)(struct fib * fib, struct scsi_cmnd * cmd);
  427. /* Administrative operations */
  428. int (*adapter_comm)(struct aac_dev * dev, int comm);
  429. };
  430. /*
  431. * Define which interrupt handler needs to be installed
  432. */
  433. struct aac_driver_ident
  434. {
  435. int (*init)(struct aac_dev *dev);
  436. char * name;
  437. char * vname;
  438. char * model;
  439. u16 channels;
  440. int quirks;
  441. };
  442. /*
  443. * Some adapter firmware needs communication memory
  444. * below 2gig. This tells the init function to set the
  445. * dma mask such that fib memory will be allocated where the
  446. * adapter firmware can get to it.
  447. */
  448. #define AAC_QUIRK_31BIT 0x0001
  449. /*
  450. * Some adapter firmware, when the raid card's cache is turned off, can not
  451. * split up scatter gathers in order to deal with the limits of the
  452. * underlying CHIM. This limit is 34 scatter gather elements.
  453. */
  454. #define AAC_QUIRK_34SG 0x0002
  455. /*
  456. * This adapter is a slave (no Firmware)
  457. */
  458. #define AAC_QUIRK_SLAVE 0x0004
  459. /*
  460. * This adapter is a master.
  461. */
  462. #define AAC_QUIRK_MASTER 0x0008
  463. /*
  464. * Some adapter firmware perform poorly when it must split up scatter gathers
  465. * in order to deal with the limits of the underlying CHIM. This limit in this
  466. * class of adapters is 17 scatter gather elements.
  467. */
  468. #define AAC_QUIRK_17SG 0x0010
  469. /*
  470. * Some adapter firmware does not support 64 bit scsi passthrough
  471. * commands.
  472. */
  473. #define AAC_QUIRK_SCSI_32 0x0020
  474. /*
  475. * The adapter interface specs all queues to be located in the same
  476. * physically contiguous block. The host structure that defines the
  477. * commuication queues will assume they are each a separate physically
  478. * contiguous memory region that will support them all being one big
  479. * contiguous block.
  480. * There is a command and response queue for each level and direction of
  481. * commuication. These regions are accessed by both the host and adapter.
  482. */
  483. struct aac_queue {
  484. u64 logical; /*address we give the adapter */
  485. struct aac_entry *base; /*system virtual address */
  486. struct aac_qhdr headers; /*producer,consumer q headers*/
  487. u32 entries; /*Number of queue entries */
  488. wait_queue_head_t qfull; /*Event to wait on if q full */
  489. wait_queue_head_t cmdready; /*Cmd ready from the adapter */
  490. /* This is only valid for adapter to host command queues. */
  491. spinlock_t *lock; /* Spinlock for this queue must take this lock before accessing the lock */
  492. spinlock_t lockdata; /* Actual lock (used only on one side of the lock) */
  493. struct list_head cmdq; /* A queue of FIBs which need to be prcessed by the FS thread. This is */
  494. /* only valid for command queues which receive entries from the adapter. */
  495. u32 numpending; /* Number of entries on outstanding queue. */
  496. struct aac_dev * dev; /* Back pointer to adapter structure */
  497. };
  498. /*
  499. * Message queues. The order here is important, see also the
  500. * queue type ordering
  501. */
  502. struct aac_queue_block
  503. {
  504. struct aac_queue queue[8];
  505. };
  506. /*
  507. * SaP1 Message Unit Registers
  508. */
  509. struct sa_drawbridge_CSR {
  510. /* Offset | Name */
  511. __le32 reserved[10]; /* 00h-27h | Reserved */
  512. u8 LUT_Offset; /* 28h | Lookup Table Offset */
  513. u8 reserved1[3]; /* 29h-2bh | Reserved */
  514. __le32 LUT_Data; /* 2ch | Looup Table Data */
  515. __le32 reserved2[26]; /* 30h-97h | Reserved */
  516. __le16 PRICLEARIRQ; /* 98h | Primary Clear Irq */
  517. __le16 SECCLEARIRQ; /* 9ah | Secondary Clear Irq */
  518. __le16 PRISETIRQ; /* 9ch | Primary Set Irq */
  519. __le16 SECSETIRQ; /* 9eh | Secondary Set Irq */
  520. __le16 PRICLEARIRQMASK;/* a0h | Primary Clear Irq Mask */
  521. __le16 SECCLEARIRQMASK;/* a2h | Secondary Clear Irq Mask */
  522. __le16 PRISETIRQMASK; /* a4h | Primary Set Irq Mask */
  523. __le16 SECSETIRQMASK; /* a6h | Secondary Set Irq Mask */
  524. __le32 MAILBOX0; /* a8h | Scratchpad 0 */
  525. __le32 MAILBOX1; /* ach | Scratchpad 1 */
  526. __le32 MAILBOX2; /* b0h | Scratchpad 2 */
  527. __le32 MAILBOX3; /* b4h | Scratchpad 3 */
  528. __le32 MAILBOX4; /* b8h | Scratchpad 4 */
  529. __le32 MAILBOX5; /* bch | Scratchpad 5 */
  530. __le32 MAILBOX6; /* c0h | Scratchpad 6 */
  531. __le32 MAILBOX7; /* c4h | Scratchpad 7 */
  532. __le32 ROM_Setup_Data; /* c8h | Rom Setup and Data */
  533. __le32 ROM_Control_Addr;/* cch | Rom Control and Address */
  534. __le32 reserved3[12]; /* d0h-ffh | reserved */
  535. __le32 LUT[64]; /* 100h-1ffh | Lookup Table Entries */
  536. };
  537. #define Mailbox0 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX0
  538. #define Mailbox1 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX1
  539. #define Mailbox2 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX2
  540. #define Mailbox3 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX3
  541. #define Mailbox4 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX4
  542. #define Mailbox5 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX5
  543. #define Mailbox6 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX6
  544. #define Mailbox7 SaDbCSR.MAILBOX7
  545. #define DoorbellReg_p SaDbCSR.PRISETIRQ
  546. #define DoorbellReg_s SaDbCSR.SECSETIRQ
  547. #define DoorbellClrReg_p SaDbCSR.PRICLEARIRQ
  548. #define DOORBELL_0 0x0001
  549. #define DOORBELL_1 0x0002
  550. #define DOORBELL_2 0x0004
  551. #define DOORBELL_3 0x0008
  552. #define DOORBELL_4 0x0010
  553. #define DOORBELL_5 0x0020
  554. #define DOORBELL_6 0x0040
  555. #define PrintfReady DOORBELL_5
  556. #define PrintfDone DOORBELL_5
  557. struct sa_registers {
  558. struct sa_drawbridge_CSR SaDbCSR; /* 98h - c4h */
  559. };
  560. #define Sa_MINIPORT_REVISION 1
  561. #define sa_readw(AEP, CSR) readl(&((AEP)->regs.sa->CSR))
  562. #define sa_readl(AEP, CSR) readl(&((AEP)->regs.sa->CSR))
  563. #define sa_writew(AEP, CSR, value) writew(value, &((AEP)->regs.sa->CSR))
  564. #define sa_writel(AEP, CSR, value) writel(value, &((AEP)->regs.sa->CSR))
  565. /*
  566. * Rx Message Unit Registers
  567. */
  568. struct rx_mu_registers {
  569. /* Local | PCI*| Name */
  570. __le32 ARSR; /* 1300h | 00h | APIC Register Select Register */
  571. __le32 reserved0; /* 1304h | 04h | Reserved */
  572. __le32 AWR; /* 1308h | 08h | APIC Window Register */
  573. __le32 reserved1; /* 130Ch | 0Ch | Reserved */
  574. __le32 IMRx[2]; /* 1310h | 10h | Inbound Message Registers */
  575. __le32 OMRx[2]; /* 1318h | 18h | Outbound Message Registers */
  576. __le32 IDR; /* 1320h | 20h | Inbound Doorbell Register */
  577. __le32 IISR; /* 1324h | 24h | Inbound Interrupt
  578. Status Register */
  579. __le32 IIMR; /* 1328h | 28h | Inbound Interrupt
  580. Mask Register */
  581. __le32 ODR; /* 132Ch | 2Ch | Outbound Doorbell Register */
  582. __le32 OISR; /* 1330h | 30h | Outbound Interrupt
  583. Status Register */
  584. __le32 OIMR; /* 1334h | 34h | Outbound Interrupt
  585. Mask Register */
  586. __le32 reserved2; /* 1338h | 38h | Reserved */
  587. __le32 reserved3; /* 133Ch | 3Ch | Reserved */
  588. __le32 InboundQueue;/* 1340h | 40h | Inbound Queue Port relative to firmware */
  589. __le32 OutboundQueue;/*1344h | 44h | Outbound Queue Port relative to firmware */
  590. /* * Must access through ATU Inbound
  591. Translation Window */
  592. };
  593. struct rx_inbound {
  594. __le32 Mailbox[8];
  595. };
  596. #define INBOUNDDOORBELL_0 0x00000001
  597. #define INBOUNDDOORBELL_1 0x00000002
  598. #define INBOUNDDOORBELL_2 0x00000004
  599. #define INBOUNDDOORBELL_3 0x00000008
  600. #define INBOUNDDOORBELL_4 0x00000010
  601. #define INBOUNDDOORBELL_5 0x00000020
  602. #define INBOUNDDOORBELL_6 0x00000040
  603. #define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_0 0x00000001
  604. #define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_1 0x00000002
  605. #define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_2 0x00000004
  606. #define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_3 0x00000008
  607. #define OUTBOUNDDOORBELL_4 0x00000010
  608. #define InboundDoorbellReg MUnit.IDR
  609. #define OutboundDoorbellReg MUnit.ODR
  610. struct rx_registers {
  611. struct rx_mu_registers MUnit; /* 1300h - 1347h */
  612. __le32 reserved1[2]; /* 1348h - 134ch */
  613. struct rx_inbound IndexRegs;
  614. };
  615. #define rx_readb(AEP, CSR) readb(&((AEP)->regs.rx->CSR))
  616. #define rx_readl(AEP, CSR) readl(&((AEP)->regs.rx->CSR))
  617. #define rx_writeb(AEP, CSR, value) writeb(value, &((AEP)->regs.rx->CSR))
  618. #define rx_writel(AEP, CSR, value) writel(value, &((AEP)->regs.rx->CSR))
  619. /*
  620. * Rkt Message Unit Registers (same as Rx, except a larger reserve region)
  621. */
  622. #define rkt_mu_registers rx_mu_registers
  623. #define rkt_inbound rx_inbound
  624. struct rkt_registers {
  625. struct rkt_mu_registers MUnit; /* 1300h - 1347h */
  626. __le32 reserved1[1006]; /* 1348h - 22fch */
  627. struct rkt_inbound IndexRegs; /* 2300h - */
  628. };
  629. #define rkt_readb(AEP, CSR) readb(&((AEP)->regs.rkt->CSR))
  630. #define rkt_readl(AEP, CSR) readl(&((AEP)->regs.rkt->CSR))
  631. #define rkt_writeb(AEP, CSR, value) writeb(value, &((AEP)->regs.rkt->CSR))
  632. #define rkt_writel(AEP, CSR, value) writel(value, &((AEP)->regs.rkt->CSR))
  633. /*
  634. * PMC SRC message unit registers
  635. */
  636. #define src_inbound rx_inbound
  637. struct src_mu_registers {
  638. /* PCI*| Name */
  639. __le32 reserved0[8]; /* 00h | Reserved */
  640. __le32 IDR; /* 20h | Inbound Doorbell Register */
  641. __le32 IISR; /* 24h | Inbound Int. Status Register */
  642. __le32 reserved1[3]; /* 28h | Reserved */
  643. __le32 OIMR; /* 34h | Outbound Int. Mask Register */
  644. __le32 reserved2[25]; /* 38h | Reserved */
  645. __le32 ODR_R; /* 9ch | Outbound Doorbell Read */
  646. __le32 ODR_C; /* a0h | Outbound Doorbell Clear */
  647. __le32 reserved3[6]; /* a4h | Reserved */
  648. __le32 OMR; /* bch | Outbound Message Register */
  649. __le32 IQ_L; /* c0h | Inbound Queue (Low address) */
  650. __le32 IQ_H; /* c4h | Inbound Queue (High address) */
  651. };
  652. struct src_registers {
  653. struct src_mu_registers MUnit; /* 00h - c7h */
  654. __le32 reserved1[130790]; /* c8h - 7fc5fh */
  655. struct src_inbound IndexRegs; /* 7fc60h */
  656. };
  657. #define src_readb(AEP, CSR) readb(&((AEP)->regs.src.bar0->CSR))
  658. #define src_readl(AEP, CSR) readl(&((AEP)->regs.src.bar0->CSR))
  659. #define src_writeb(AEP, CSR, value) writeb(value, \
  660. &((AEP)->regs.src.bar0->CSR))
  661. #define src_writel(AEP, CSR, value) writel(value, \
  662. &((AEP)->regs.src.bar0->CSR))
  663. #define SRC_ODR_SHIFT 12
  664. #define SRC_IDR_SHIFT 9
  665. typedef void (*fib_callback)(void *ctxt, struct fib *fibctx);
  666. struct aac_fib_context {
  667. s16 type; // used for verification of structure
  668. s16 size;
  669. u32 unique; // unique value representing this context
  670. ulong jiffies; // used for cleanup - dmb changed to ulong
  671. struct list_head next; // used to link context's into a linked list
  672. struct semaphore wait_sem; // this is used to wait for the next fib to arrive.
  673. int wait; // Set to true when thread is in WaitForSingleObject
  674. unsigned long count; // total number of FIBs on FibList
  675. struct list_head fib_list; // this holds fibs and their attachd hw_fibs
  676. };
  677. struct sense_data {
  678. u8 error_code; /* 70h (current errors), 71h(deferred errors) */
  679. u8 valid:1; /* A valid bit of one indicates that the information */
  680. /* field contains valid information as defined in the
  681. * SCSI-2 Standard.
  682. */
  683. u8 segment_number; /* Only used for COPY, COMPARE, or COPY AND VERIFY Commands */
  684. u8 sense_key:4; /* Sense Key */
  685. u8 reserved:1;
  686. u8 ILI:1; /* Incorrect Length Indicator */
  687. u8 EOM:1; /* End Of Medium - reserved for random access devices */
  688. u8 filemark:1; /* Filemark - reserved for random access devices */
  689. u8 information[4]; /* for direct-access devices, contains the unsigned
  690. * logical block address or residue associated with
  691. * the sense key
  692. */
  693. u8 add_sense_len; /* number of additional sense bytes to follow this field */
  694. u8 cmnd_info[4]; /* not used */
  695. u8 ASC; /* Additional Sense Code */
  696. u8 ASCQ; /* Additional Sense Code Qualifier */
  697. u8 FRUC; /* Field Replaceable Unit Code - not used */
  698. u8 bit_ptr:3; /* indicates which byte of the CDB or parameter data
  699. * was in error
  700. */
  701. u8 BPV:1; /* bit pointer valid (BPV): 1- indicates that
  702. * the bit_ptr field has valid value
  703. */
  704. u8 reserved2:2;
  705. u8 CD:1; /* command data bit: 1- illegal parameter in CDB.
  706. * 0- illegal parameter in data.
  707. */
  708. u8 SKSV:1;
  709. u8 field_ptr[2]; /* byte of the CDB or parameter data in error */
  710. };
  711. struct fsa_dev_info {
  712. u64 last;
  713. u64 size;
  714. u32 type;
  715. u32 config_waiting_on;
  716. unsigned long config_waiting_stamp;
  717. u16 queue_depth;
  718. u8 config_needed;
  719. u8 valid;
  720. u8 ro;
  721. u8 locked;
  722. u8 deleted;
  723. char devname[8];
  724. struct sense_data sense_data;
  725. };
  726. struct fib {
  727. void *next; /* this is used by the allocator */
  728. s16 type;
  729. s16 size;
  730. /*
  731. * The Adapter that this I/O is destined for.
  732. */
  733. struct aac_dev *dev;
  734. /*
  735. * This is the event the sendfib routine will wait on if the
  736. * caller did not pass one and this is synch io.
  737. */
  738. struct semaphore event_wait;
  739. spinlock_t event_lock;
  740. u32 done; /* gets set to 1 when fib is complete */
  741. fib_callback callback;
  742. void *callback_data;
  743. u32 flags; // u32 dmb was ulong
  744. /*
  745. * And for the internal issue/reply queues (we may be able
  746. * to merge these two)
  747. */
  748. struct list_head fiblink;
  749. void *data;
  750. struct hw_fib *hw_fib_va; /* Actual shared object */
  751. dma_addr_t hw_fib_pa; /* physical address of hw_fib*/
  752. };
  753. /*
  754. * Adapter Information Block
  755. *
  756. * This is returned by the RequestAdapterInfo block
  757. */
  758. struct aac_adapter_info
  759. {
  760. __le32 platform;
  761. __le32 cpu;
  762. __le32 subcpu;
  763. __le32 clock;
  764. __le32 execmem;
  765. __le32 buffermem;
  766. __le32 totalmem;
  767. __le32 kernelrev;
  768. __le32 kernelbuild;
  769. __le32 monitorrev;
  770. __le32 monitorbuild;
  771. __le32 hwrev;
  772. __le32 hwbuild;
  773. __le32 biosrev;
  774. __le32 biosbuild;
  775. __le32 cluster;
  776. __le32 clusterchannelmask;
  777. __le32 serial[2];
  778. __le32 battery;
  779. __le32 options;
  780. __le32 OEM;
  781. };
  782. struct aac_supplement_adapter_info
  783. {
  784. u8 AdapterTypeText[17+1];
  785. u8 Pad[2];
  786. __le32 FlashMemoryByteSize;
  787. __le32 FlashImageId;
  788. __le32 MaxNumberPorts;
  789. __le32 Version;
  790. __le32 FeatureBits;
  791. u8 SlotNumber;
  792. u8 ReservedPad0[3];
  793. u8 BuildDate[12];
  794. __le32 CurrentNumberPorts;
  795. struct {
  796. u8 AssemblyPn[8];
  797. u8 FruPn[8];
  798. u8 BatteryFruPn[8];
  799. u8 EcVersionString[8];
  800. u8 Tsid[12];
  801. } VpdInfo;
  802. __le32 FlashFirmwareRevision;
  803. __le32 FlashFirmwareBuild;
  804. __le32 RaidTypeMorphOptions;
  805. __le32 FlashFirmwareBootRevision;
  806. __le32 FlashFirmwareBootBuild;
  807. u8 MfgPcbaSerialNo[12];
  808. u8 MfgWWNName[8];
  809. __le32 SupportedOptions2;
  810. __le32 StructExpansion;
  811. /* StructExpansion == 1 */
  812. __le32 FeatureBits3;
  813. __le32 SupportedPerformanceModes;
  814. __le32 ReservedForFutureGrowth[80];
  815. };
  816. #define AAC_FEATURE_FALCON cpu_to_le32(0x00000010)
  817. #define AAC_FEATURE_JBOD cpu_to_le32(0x08000000)
  818. /* SupportedOptions2 */
  819. #define AAC_OPTION_MU_RESET cpu_to_le32(0x00000001)
  820. #define AAC_OPTION_IGNORE_RESET cpu_to_le32(0x00000002)
  821. #define AAC_OPTION_POWER_MANAGEMENT cpu_to_le32(0x00000004)
  822. #define AAC_OPTION_DOORBELL_RESET cpu_to_le32(0x00004000)
  823. #define AAC_SIS_VERSION_V3 3
  824. #define AAC_SIS_SLOT_UNKNOWN 0xFF
  825. #define GetBusInfo 0x00000009
  826. struct aac_bus_info {
  827. __le32 Command; /* VM_Ioctl */
  828. __le32 ObjType; /* FT_DRIVE */
  829. __le32 MethodId; /* 1 = SCSI Layer */
  830. __le32 ObjectId; /* Handle */
  831. __le32 CtlCmd; /* GetBusInfo */
  832. };
  833. struct aac_bus_info_response {
  834. __le32 Status; /* ST_OK */
  835. __le32 ObjType;
  836. __le32 MethodId; /* unused */
  837. __le32 ObjectId; /* unused */
  838. __le32 CtlCmd; /* unused */
  839. __le32 ProbeComplete;
  840. __le32 BusCount;
  841. __le32 TargetsPerBus;
  842. u8 InitiatorBusId[10];
  843. u8 BusValid[10];
  844. };
  845. /*
  846. * Battery platforms
  847. */
  848. #define AAC_BAT_REQ_PRESENT (1)
  849. #define AAC_BAT_REQ_NOTPRESENT (2)
  850. #define AAC_BAT_OPT_PRESENT (3)
  851. #define AAC_BAT_OPT_NOTPRESENT (4)
  852. #define AAC_BAT_NOT_SUPPORTED (5)
  853. /*
  854. * cpu types
  855. */
  856. #define AAC_CPU_SIMULATOR (1)
  857. #define AAC_CPU_I960 (2)
  858. #define AAC_CPU_STRONGARM (3)
  859. /*
  860. * Supported Options
  861. */
  862. #define AAC_OPT_SNAPSHOT cpu_to_le32(1)
  863. #define AAC_OPT_CLUSTERS cpu_to_le32(1<<1)
  864. #define AAC_OPT_WRITE_CACHE cpu_to_le32(1<<2)
  865. #define AAC_OPT_64BIT_DATA cpu_to_le32(1<<3)
  866. #define AAC_OPT_HOST_TIME_FIB cpu_to_le32(1<<4)
  867. #define AAC_OPT_RAID50 cpu_to_le32(1<<5)
  868. #define AAC_OPT_4GB_WINDOW cpu_to_le32(1<<6)
  869. #define AAC_OPT_SCSI_UPGRADEABLE cpu_to_le32(1<<7)
  870. #define AAC_OPT_SOFT_ERR_REPORT cpu_to_le32(1<<8)
  871. #define AAC_OPT_SUPPORTED_RECONDITION cpu_to_le32(1<<9)
  872. #define AAC_OPT_SGMAP_HOST64 cpu_to_le32(1<<10)
  873. #define AAC_OPT_ALARM cpu_to_le32(1<<11)
  874. #define AAC_OPT_NONDASD cpu_to_le32(1<<12)
  875. #define AAC_OPT_SCSI_MANAGED cpu_to_le32(1<<13)
  876. #define AAC_OPT_RAID_SCSI_MODE cpu_to_le32(1<<14)
  877. #define AAC_OPT_SUPPLEMENT_ADAPTER_INFO cpu_to_le32(1<<16)
  878. #define AAC_OPT_NEW_COMM cpu_to_le32(1<<17)
  879. #define AAC_OPT_NEW_COMM_64 cpu_to_le32(1<<18)
  880. #define AAC_OPT_NEW_COMM_TYPE1 cpu_to_le32(1<<28)
  881. struct aac_dev
  882. {
  883. struct list_head entry;
  884. const char *name;
  885. int id;
  886. /*
  887. * negotiated FIB settings
  888. */
  889. unsigned max_fib_size;
  890. unsigned sg_tablesize;
  891. unsigned max_num_aif;
  892. /*
  893. * Map for 128 fib objects (64k)
  894. */
  895. dma_addr_t hw_fib_pa;
  896. struct hw_fib *hw_fib_va;
  897. struct hw_fib *aif_base_va;
  898. /*
  899. * Fib Headers
  900. */
  901. struct fib *fibs;
  902. struct fib *free_fib;
  903. spinlock_t fib_lock;
  904. struct aac_queue_block *queues;
  905. /*
  906. * The user API will use an IOCTL to register itself to receive
  907. * FIBs from the adapter. The following list is used to keep
  908. * track of all the threads that have requested these FIBs. The
  909. * mutex is used to synchronize access to all data associated
  910. * with the adapter fibs.
  911. */
  912. struct list_head fib_list;
  913. struct adapter_ops a_ops;
  914. unsigned long fsrev; /* Main driver's revision number */
  915. unsigned long dbg_base; /* address of UART
  916. * debug buffer */
  917. unsigned base_size, dbg_size; /* Size of
  918. * mapped in region */
  919. struct aac_init *init; /* Holds initialization info to communicate with adapter */
  920. dma_addr_t init_pa; /* Holds physical address of the init struct */
  921. u32 *host_rrq; /* response queue
  922. * if AAC_COMM_MESSAGE_TYPE1 */
  923. dma_addr_t host_rrq_pa; /* phys. address */
  924. u32 host_rrq_idx; /* index into rrq buffer */
  925. struct pci_dev *pdev; /* Our PCI interface */
  926. void * printfbuf; /* pointer to buffer used for printf's from the adapter */
  927. void * comm_addr; /* Base address of Comm area */
  928. dma_addr_t comm_phys; /* Physical Address of Comm area */
  929. size_t comm_size;
  930. struct Scsi_Host *scsi_host_ptr;
  931. int maximum_num_containers;
  932. int maximum_num_physicals;
  933. int maximum_num_channels;
  934. struct fsa_dev_info *fsa_dev;
  935. struct task_struct *thread;
  936. int cardtype;
  937. /*
  938. * The following is the device specific extension.
  939. */
  941. # define AAC_MIN_FOOTPRINT_SIZE 8192
  942. # define AAC_MIN_SRC_BAR0_SIZE 0x400000
  943. # define AAC_MIN_SRC_BAR1_SIZE 0x800
  944. #endif
  945. union
  946. {
  947. struct sa_registers __iomem *sa;
  948. struct rx_registers __iomem *rx;
  949. struct rkt_registers __iomem *rkt;
  950. struct {
  951. struct src_registers __iomem *bar0;
  952. char __iomem *bar1;
  953. } src;
  954. } regs;
  955. volatile void __iomem *base, *dbg_base_mapped;
  956. volatile struct rx_inbound __iomem *IndexRegs;
  957. u32 OIMR; /* Mask Register Cache */
  958. /*
  959. * AIF thread states
  960. */
  961. u32 aif_thread;
  962. struct aac_adapter_info adapter_info;
  963. struct aac_supplement_adapter_info supplement_adapter_info;
  964. /* These are in adapter info but they are in the io flow so
  965. * lets break them out so we don't have to do an AND to check them
  966. */
  967. u8 nondasd_support;
  968. u8 jbod;
  969. u8 cache_protected;
  970. u8 dac_support;
  971. u8 needs_dac;
  972. u8 raid_scsi_mode;
  973. u8 comm_interface;
  974. # define AAC_COMM_PRODUCER 0
  975. # define AAC_COMM_MESSAGE 1
  976. # define AAC_COMM_MESSAGE_TYPE1 3
  977. u8 raw_io_interface;
  978. u8 raw_io_64;
  979. u8 printf_enabled;
  980. u8 in_reset;
  981. u8 msi;
  982. int management_fib_count;
  983. spinlock_t manage_lock;
  984. };
  985. #define aac_adapter_interrupt(dev) \
  986. (dev)->a_ops.adapter_interrupt(dev)
  987. #define aac_adapter_notify(dev, event) \
  988. (dev)->a_ops.adapter_notify(dev, event)
  989. #define aac_adapter_disable_int(dev) \
  990. (dev)->a_ops.adapter_disable_int(dev)
  991. #define aac_adapter_enable_int(dev) \
  992. (dev)->a_ops.adapter_enable_int(dev)
  993. #define aac_adapter_sync_cmd(dev, command, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, status, r1, r2, r3, r4) \
  994. (dev)->a_ops.adapter_sync_cmd(dev, command, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, status, r1, r2, r3, r4)
  995. #define aac_adapter_check_health(dev) \
  996. (dev)->a_ops.adapter_check_health(dev)
  997. #define aac_adapter_restart(dev,bled) \
  998. (dev)->a_ops.adapter_restart(dev,bled)
  999. #define aac_adapter_ioremap(dev, size) \
  1000. (dev)->a_ops.adapter_ioremap(dev, size)
  1001. #define aac_adapter_deliver(fib) \
  1002. ((fib)->dev)->a_ops.adapter_deliver(fib)
  1003. #define aac_adapter_bounds(dev,cmd,lba) \
  1004. dev->a_ops.adapter_bounds(dev,cmd,lba)
  1005. #define aac_adapter_read(fib,cmd,lba,count) \
  1006. ((fib)->dev)->a_ops.adapter_read(fib,cmd,lba,count)
  1007. #define aac_adapter_write(fib,cmd,lba,count,fua) \
  1008. ((fib)->dev)->a_ops.adapter_write(fib,cmd,lba,count,fua)
  1009. #define aac_adapter_scsi(fib,cmd) \
  1010. ((fib)->dev)->a_ops.adapter_scsi(fib,cmd)
  1011. #define aac_adapter_comm(dev,comm) \
  1012. (dev)->a_ops.adapter_comm(dev, comm)
  1013. #define FIB_CONTEXT_FLAG_TIMED_OUT (0x00000001)
  1014. #define FIB_CONTEXT_FLAG (0x00000002)
  1015. /*
  1016. * Define the command values
  1017. */
  1018. #define Null 0
  1019. #define GetAttributes 1
  1020. #define SetAttributes 2
  1021. #define Lookup 3
  1022. #define ReadLink 4
  1023. #define Read 5
  1024. #define Write 6
  1025. #define Create 7
  1026. #define MakeDirectory 8
  1027. #define SymbolicLink 9
  1028. #define MakeNode 10
  1029. #define Removex 11
  1030. #define RemoveDirectoryx 12
  1031. #define Rename 13
  1032. #define Link 14
  1033. #define ReadDirectory 15
  1034. #define ReadDirectoryPlus 16
  1035. #define FileSystemStatus 17
  1036. #define FileSystemInfo 18
  1037. #define PathConfigure 19
  1038. #define Commit 20
  1039. #define Mount 21
  1040. #define UnMount 22
  1041. #define Newfs 23
  1042. #define FsCheck 24
  1043. #define FsSync 25
  1044. #define SimReadWrite 26
  1045. #define SetFileSystemStatus 27
  1046. #define BlockRead 28
  1047. #define BlockWrite 29
  1048. #define NvramIoctl 30
  1049. #define FsSyncWait 31
  1050. #define ClearArchiveBit 32
  1051. #define SetAcl 33
  1052. #define GetAcl 34
  1053. #define AssignAcl 35
  1054. #define FaultInsertion 36 /* Fault Insertion Command */
  1055. #define CrazyCache 37 /* Crazycache */
  1056. #define MAX_FSACOMMAND_NUM 38
  1057. /*
  1058. * Define the status returns. These are very unixlike although
  1059. * most are not in fact used
  1060. */
  1061. #define ST_OK 0
  1062. #define ST_PERM 1
  1063. #define ST_NOENT 2
  1064. #define ST_IO 5
  1065. #define ST_NXIO 6
  1066. #define ST_E2BIG 7
  1067. #define ST_ACCES 13
  1068. #define ST_EXIST 17
  1069. #define ST_XDEV 18
  1070. #define ST_NODEV 19
  1071. #define ST_NOTDIR 20
  1072. #define ST_ISDIR 21
  1073. #define ST_INVAL 22
  1074. #define ST_FBIG 27
  1075. #define ST_NOSPC 28
  1076. #define ST_ROFS 30
  1077. #define ST_MLINK 31
  1078. #define ST_WOULDBLOCK 35
  1079. #define ST_NAMETOOLONG 63
  1080. #define ST_NOTEMPTY 66
  1081. #define ST_DQUOT 69
  1082. #define ST_STALE 70
  1083. #define ST_REMOTE 71
  1084. #define ST_NOT_READY 72
  1085. #define ST_BADHANDLE 10001
  1086. #define ST_NOT_SYNC 10002
  1087. #define ST_BAD_COOKIE 10003
  1088. #define ST_NOTSUPP 10004
  1089. #define ST_TOOSMALL 10005
  1090. #define ST_SERVERFAULT 10006
  1091. #define ST_BADTYPE 10007
  1092. #define ST_JUKEBOX 10008
  1093. #define ST_NOTMOUNTED 10009
  1094. #define ST_MAINTMODE 10010
  1095. #define ST_STALEACL 10011
  1096. /*
  1097. * On writes how does the client want the data written.
  1098. */
  1099. #define CACHE_CSTABLE 1
  1100. #define CACHE_UNSTABLE 2
  1101. /*
  1102. * Lets the client know at which level the data was committed on
  1103. * a write request
  1104. */
  1105. #define CMFILE_SYNCH_NVRAM 1
  1106. #define CMDATA_SYNCH_NVRAM 2
  1107. #define CMFILE_SYNCH 3
  1108. #define CMDATA_SYNCH 4
  1109. #define CMUNSTABLE 5
  1110. struct aac_read
  1111. {
  1112. __le32 command;
  1113. __le32 cid;
  1114. __le32 block;
  1115. __le32 count;
  1116. struct sgmap sg; // Must be last in struct because it is variable
  1117. };
  1118. struct aac_read64
  1119. {
  1120. __le32 command;
  1121. __le16 cid;
  1122. __le16 sector_count;
  1123. __le32 block;
  1124. __le16 pad;
  1125. __le16 flags;
  1126. struct sgmap64 sg; // Must be last in struct because it is variable
  1127. };
  1128. struct aac_read_reply
  1129. {
  1130. __le32 status;
  1131. __le32 count;
  1132. };
  1133. struct aac_write
  1134. {
  1135. __le32 command;
  1136. __le32 cid;
  1137. __le32 block;
  1138. __le32 count;
  1139. __le32 stable; // Not used
  1140. struct sgmap sg; // Must be last in struct because it is variable
  1141. };
  1142. struct aac_write64
  1143. {
  1144. __le32 command;
  1145. __le16 cid;
  1146. __le16 sector_count;
  1147. __le32 block;
  1148. __le16 pad;
  1149. __le16 flags;
  1150. #define IO_TYPE_WRITE 0x00000000
  1151. #define IO_TYPE_READ 0x00000001
  1152. #define IO_SUREWRITE 0x00000008
  1153. struct sgmap64 sg; // Must be last in struct because it is variable
  1154. };
  1155. struct aac_write_reply
  1156. {
  1157. __le32 status;
  1158. __le32 count;
  1159. __le32 committed;
  1160. };
  1161. struct aac_raw_io
  1162. {
  1163. __le32 block[2];
  1164. __le32 count;
  1165. __le16 cid;
  1166. __le16 flags; /* 00 W, 01 R */
  1167. __le16 bpTotal; /* reserved for F/W use */
  1168. __le16 bpComplete; /* reserved for F/W use */
  1169. struct sgmapraw sg;
  1170. };
  1171. #define CT_FLUSH_CACHE 129
  1172. struct aac_synchronize {
  1173. __le32 command; /* VM_ContainerConfig */
  1174. __le32 type; /* CT_FLUSH_CACHE */
  1175. __le32 cid;
  1176. __le32 parm1;
  1177. __le32 parm2;
  1178. __le32 parm3;
  1179. __le32 parm4;
  1180. __le32 count; /* sizeof(((struct aac_synchronize_reply *)NULL)->data) */
  1181. };
  1182. struct aac_synchronize_reply {
  1183. __le32 dummy0;
  1184. __le32 dummy1;
  1185. __le32 status; /* CT_OK */
  1186. __le32 parm1;
  1187. __le32 parm2;
  1188. __le32 parm3;
  1189. __le32 parm4;
  1190. __le32 parm5;
  1191. u8 data[16];
  1192. };
  1193. #define CT_POWER_MANAGEMENT 245
  1194. #define CT_PM_START_UNIT 2
  1195. #define CT_PM_STOP_UNIT 3
  1196. #define CT_PM_UNIT_IMMEDIATE 1
  1197. struct aac_power_management {
  1198. __le32 command; /* VM_ContainerConfig */
  1199. __le32 type; /* CT_POWER_MANAGEMENT */
  1200. __le32 sub; /* CT_PM_* */
  1201. __le32 cid;
  1202. __le32 parm; /* CT_PM_sub_* */
  1203. };
  1204. #define CT_PAUSE_IO 65
  1205. #define CT_RELEASE_IO 66
  1206. struct aac_pause {
  1207. __le32 command; /* VM_ContainerConfig */
  1208. __le32 type; /* CT_PAUSE_IO */
  1209. __le32 timeout; /* 10ms ticks */
  1210. __le32 min;
  1211. __le32 noRescan;
  1212. __le32 parm3;
  1213. __le32 parm4;
  1214. __le32 count; /* sizeof(((struct aac_pause_reply *)NULL)->data) */
  1215. };
  1216. struct aac_srb
  1217. {
  1218. __le32 function;
  1219. __le32 channel;
  1220. __le32 id;
  1221. __le32 lun;
  1222. __le32 timeout;
  1223. __le32 flags;
  1224. __le32 count; // Data xfer size
  1225. __le32 retry_limit;
  1226. __le32 cdb_size;
  1227. u8 cdb[16];
  1228. struct sgmap sg;
  1229. };
  1230. /*
  1231. * This and associated data structs are used by the
  1232. * ioctl caller and are in cpu order.
  1233. */
  1234. struct user_aac_srb
  1235. {
  1236. u32 function;
  1237. u32 channel;
  1238. u32 id;
  1239. u32 lun;
  1240. u32 timeout;
  1241. u32 flags;
  1242. u32 count; // Data xfer size
  1243. u32 retry_limit;
  1244. u32 cdb_size;
  1245. u8 cdb[16];
  1246. struct user_sgmap sg;
  1247. };
  1248. #define AAC_SENSE_BUFFERSIZE 30
  1249. struct aac_srb_reply
  1250. {
  1251. __le32 status;
  1252. __le32 srb_status;
  1253. __le32 scsi_status;
  1254. __le32 data_xfer_length;
  1255. __le32 sense_data_size;
  1256. u8 sense_data[AAC_SENSE_BUFFERSIZE]; // Can this be SCSI_SENSE_BUFFERSIZE
  1257. };
  1258. /*
  1259. * SRB Flags
  1260. */
  1261. #define SRB_NoDataXfer 0x0000
  1262. #define SRB_DisableDisconnect 0x0004
  1263. #define SRB_DisableSynchTransfer 0x0008
  1264. #define SRB_BypassFrozenQueue 0x0010
  1265. #define SRB_DisableAutosense 0x0020
  1266. #define SRB_DataIn 0x0040
  1267. #define SRB_DataOut 0x0080
  1268. /*
  1269. * SRB Functions - set in aac_srb->function
  1270. */
  1271. #define SRBF_ExecuteScsi 0x0000
  1272. #define SRBF_ClaimDevice 0x0001
  1273. #define SRBF_IO_Control 0x0002
  1274. #define SRBF_ReceiveEvent 0x0003
  1275. #define SRBF_ReleaseQueue 0x0004
  1276. #define SRBF_AttachDevice 0x0005
  1277. #define SRBF_ReleaseDevice 0x0006
  1278. #define SRBF_Shutdown 0x0007
  1279. #define SRBF_Flush 0x0008
  1280. #define SRBF_AbortCommand 0x0010
  1281. #define SRBF_ReleaseRecovery 0x0011
  1282. #define SRBF_ResetBus 0x0012
  1283. #define SRBF_ResetDevice 0x0013
  1284. #define SRBF_TerminateIO 0x0014
  1285. #define SRBF_FlushQueue 0x0015
  1286. #define SRBF_RemoveDevice 0x0016
  1287. #define SRBF_DomainValidation 0x0017
  1288. /*
  1289. * SRB SCSI Status - set in aac_srb->scsi_status
  1290. */
  1291. #define SRB_STATUS_PENDING 0x00
  1292. #define SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS 0x01
  1293. #define SRB_STATUS_ABORTED 0x02
  1294. #define SRB_STATUS_ABORT_FAILED 0x03
  1295. #define SRB_STATUS_ERROR 0x04
  1296. #define SRB_STATUS_BUSY 0x05
  1297. #define SRB_STATUS_INVALID_REQUEST 0x06
  1298. #define SRB_STATUS_INVALID_PATH_ID 0x07
  1299. #define SRB_STATUS_NO_DEVICE 0x08
  1300. #define SRB_STATUS_TIMEOUT 0x09
  1304. #define SRB_STATUS_BUS_RESET 0x0E
  1305. #define SRB_STATUS_PARITY_ERROR 0x0F
  1307. #define SRB_STATUS_NO_HBA 0x11
  1308. #define SRB_STATUS_DATA_OVERRUN 0x12
  1311. #define SRB_STATUS_BAD_SRB_BLOCK_LENGTH 0x15
  1312. #define SRB_STATUS_REQUEST_FLUSHED 0x16
  1313. #define SRB_STATUS_DELAYED_RETRY 0x17
  1314. #define SRB_STATUS_INVALID_LUN 0x20
  1315. #define SRB_STATUS_INVALID_TARGET_ID 0x21
  1316. #define SRB_STATUS_BAD_FUNCTION 0x22
  1317. #define SRB_STATUS_ERROR_RECOVERY 0x23
  1318. #define SRB_STATUS_NOT_STARTED 0x24
  1319. #define SRB_STATUS_NOT_IN_USE 0x30
  1320. #define SRB_STATUS_FORCE_ABORT 0x31
  1322. /*
  1323. * Object-Server / Volume-Manager Dispatch Classes
  1324. */
  1325. #define VM_Null 0
  1326. #define VM_NameServe 1
  1327. #define VM_ContainerConfig 2
  1328. #define VM_Ioctl 3
  1329. #define VM_FilesystemIoctl 4
  1330. #define VM_CloseAll 5
  1331. #define VM_CtBlockRead 6
  1332. #define VM_CtBlockWrite 7
  1333. #define VM_SliceBlockRead 8 /* raw access to configured "storage objects" */
  1334. #define VM_SliceBlockWrite 9
  1335. #define VM_DriveBlockRead 10 /* raw access to physical devices */
  1336. #define VM_DriveBlockWrite 11
  1337. #define VM_EnclosureMgt 12 /* enclosure management */
  1338. #define VM_Unused 13 /* used to be diskset management */
  1339. #define VM_CtBlockVerify 14
  1340. #define VM_CtPerf 15 /* performance test */
  1341. #define VM_CtBlockRead64 16
  1342. #define VM_CtBlockWrite64 17
  1343. #define VM_CtBlockVerify64 18
  1344. #define VM_CtHostRead64 19
  1345. #define VM_CtHostWrite64 20
  1346. #define VM_DrvErrTblLog 21
  1347. #define VM_NameServe64 22
  1348. #define MAX_VMCOMMAND_NUM 23 /* used for sizing stats array - leave last */
  1349. /*
  1350. * Descriptive information (eg, vital stats)
  1351. * that a content manager might report. The
  1352. * FileArray filesystem component is one example
  1353. * of a content manager. Raw mode might be
  1354. * another.
  1355. */
  1356. struct aac_fsinfo {
  1357. __le32 fsTotalSize; /* Consumed by fs, incl. metadata */
  1358. __le32 fsBlockSize;
  1359. __le32 fsFragSize;
  1360. __le32 fsMaxExtendSize;
  1361. __le32 fsSpaceUnits;
  1362. __le32 fsMaxNumFiles;
  1363. __le32 fsNumFreeFiles;
  1364. __le32 fsInodeDensity;
  1365. }; /* valid iff ObjType == FT_FILESYS && !(ContentState & FSCS_NOTCLEAN) */
  1366. union aac_contentinfo {
  1367. struct aac_fsinfo filesys; /* valid iff ObjType == FT_FILESYS && !(ContentState & FSCS_NOTCLEAN) */
  1368. };
  1369. /*
  1370. * Query for Container Configuration Status
  1371. */
  1372. #define CT_GET_CONFIG_STATUS 147
  1373. struct aac_get_config_status {
  1374. __le32 command; /* VM_ContainerConfig */
  1375. __le32 type; /* CT_GET_CONFIG_STATUS */
  1376. __le32 parm1;
  1377. __le32 parm2;
  1378. __le32 parm3;
  1379. __le32 parm4;
  1380. __le32 parm5;
  1381. __le32 count; /* sizeof(((struct aac_get_config_status_resp *)NULL)->data) */
  1382. };
  1383. #define CFACT_CONTINUE 0
  1384. #define CFACT_PAUSE 1
  1385. #define CFACT_ABORT 2
  1386. struct aac_get_config_status_resp {
  1387. __le32 response; /* ST_OK */
  1388. __le32 dummy0;
  1389. __le32 status; /* CT_OK */
  1390. __le32 parm1;
  1391. __le32 parm2;
  1392. __le32 parm3;
  1393. __le32 parm4;
  1394. __le32 parm5;
  1395. struct {
  1396. __le32 action; /* CFACT_CONTINUE, CFACT_PAUSE or CFACT_ABORT */
  1397. __le16 flags;
  1398. __le16 count;
  1399. } data;
  1400. };
  1401. /*
  1402. * Accept the configuration as-is
  1403. */
  1404. #define CT_COMMIT_CONFIG 152
  1405. struct aac_commit_config {
  1406. __le32 command; /* VM_ContainerConfig */
  1407. __le32 type; /* CT_COMMIT_CONFIG */
  1408. };
  1409. /*
  1410. * Query for Container Configuration Status
  1411. */
  1412. #define CT_GET_CONTAINER_COUNT 4
  1413. struct aac_get_container_count {
  1414. __le32 command; /* VM_ContainerConfig */
  1415. __le32 type; /* CT_GET_CONTAINER_COUNT */
  1416. };
  1417. struct aac_get_container_count_resp {
  1418. __le32 response; /* ST_OK */
  1419. __le32 dummy0;
  1420. __le32 MaxContainers;
  1421. __le32 ContainerSwitchEntries;
  1422. __le32 MaxPartitions;
  1423. };
  1424. /*
  1425. * Query for "mountable" objects, ie, objects that are typically
  1426. * associated with a drive letter on the client (host) side.
  1427. */
  1428. struct aac_mntent {
  1429. __le32 oid;
  1430. u8 name[16]; /* if applicable */
  1431. struct creation_info create_info; /* if applicable */
  1432. __le32 capacity;
  1433. __le32 vol; /* substrate structure */
  1434. __le32 obj; /* FT_FILESYS, etc. */
  1435. __le32 state; /* unready for mounting,
  1436. readonly, etc. */
  1437. union aac_contentinfo fileinfo; /* Info specific to content
  1438. manager (eg, filesystem) */
  1439. __le32 altoid; /* != oid <==> snapshot or
  1440. broken mirror exists */
  1441. __le32 capacityhigh;
  1442. };
  1443. #define FSCS_NOTCLEAN 0x0001 /* fsck is necessary before mounting */
  1444. #define FSCS_READONLY 0x0002 /* possible result of broken mirror */
  1445. #define FSCS_HIDDEN 0x0004 /* should be ignored - set during a clear */
  1446. #define FSCS_NOT_READY 0x0008 /* Array spinning up to fulfil request */
  1447. struct aac_query_mount {
  1448. __le32 command;
  1449. __le32 type;
  1450. __le32 count;
  1451. };
  1452. struct aac_mount {
  1453. __le32 status;
  1454. __le32 type; /* should be same as that requested */
  1455. __le32 count;
  1456. struct aac_mntent mnt[1];
  1457. };
  1458. #define CT_READ_NAME 130
  1459. struct aac_get_name {
  1460. __le32 command; /* VM_ContainerConfig */
  1461. __le32 type; /* CT_READ_NAME */
  1462. __le32 cid;
  1463. __le32 parm1;
  1464. __le32 parm2;
  1465. __le32 parm3;
  1466. __le32 parm4;
  1467. __le32 count; /* sizeof(((struct aac_get_name_resp *)NULL)->data) */
  1468. };
  1469. struct aac_get_name_resp {
  1470. __le32 dummy0;
  1471. __le32 dummy1;
  1472. __le32 status; /* CT_OK */
  1473. __le32 parm1;
  1474. __le32 parm2;
  1475. __le32 parm3;
  1476. __le32 parm4;
  1477. __le32 parm5;
  1478. u8 data[16];
  1479. };
  1480. #define CT_CID_TO_32BITS_UID 165
  1481. struct aac_get_serial {
  1482. __le32 command; /* VM_ContainerConfig */
  1483. __le32 type; /* CT_CID_TO_32BITS_UID */
  1484. __le32 cid;
  1485. };
  1486. struct aac_get_serial_resp {
  1487. __le32 dummy0;
  1488. __le32 dummy1;
  1489. __le32 status; /* CT_OK */
  1490. __le32 uid;
  1491. };
  1492. /*
  1493. * The following command is sent to shut down each container.
  1494. */
  1495. struct aac_close {
  1496. __le32 command;
  1497. __le32 cid;
  1498. };
  1499. struct aac_query_disk
  1500. {
  1501. s32 cnum;
  1502. s32 bus;
  1503. s32 id;
  1504. s32 lun;
  1505. u32 valid;
  1506. u32 locked;
  1507. u32 deleted;
  1508. s32 instance;
  1509. s8 name[10];
  1510. u32 unmapped;
  1511. };
  1512. struct aac_delete_disk {
  1513. u32 disknum;
  1514. u32 cnum;
  1515. };
  1516. struct fib_ioctl
  1517. {
  1518. u32 fibctx;
  1519. s32 wait;
  1520. char __user *fib;
  1521. };
  1522. struct revision
  1523. {
  1524. u32 compat;
  1525. __le32 version;
  1526. __le32 build;
  1527. };
  1528. /*
  1529. * Ugly - non Linux like ioctl coding for back compat.
  1530. */
  1531. #define CTL_CODE(function, method) ( \
  1532. (4<< 16) | ((function) << 2) | (method) \
  1533. )
  1534. /*
  1535. * Define the method codes for how buffers are passed for I/O and FS
  1536. * controls
  1537. */
  1538. #define METHOD_BUFFERED 0
  1539. #define METHOD_NEITHER 3
  1540. /*
  1541. * Filesystem ioctls
  1542. */
  1545. #define FSACTL_DELETE_DISK 0x163
  1546. #define FSACTL_QUERY_DISK 0x173
  1553. #define FSACTL_GET_CONTAINERS 2131
  1555. struct aac_common
  1556. {
  1557. /*
  1558. * If this value is set to 1 then interrupt moderation will occur
  1559. * in the base commuication support.
  1560. */
  1561. u32 irq_mod;
  1562. u32 peak_fibs;
  1563. u32 zero_fibs;
  1564. u32 fib_timeouts;
  1565. /*
  1566. * Statistical counters in debug mode
  1567. */
  1568. #ifdef DBG
  1569. u32 FibsSent;
  1570. u32 FibRecved;
  1571. u32 NoResponseSent;
  1572. u32 NoResponseRecved;
  1573. u32 AsyncSent;
  1574. u32 AsyncRecved;
  1575. u32 NormalSent;
  1576. u32 NormalRecved;
  1577. #endif
  1578. };
  1579. extern struct aac_common aac_config;
  1580. /*
  1581. * The following macro is used when sending and receiving FIBs. It is
  1582. * only used for debugging.
  1583. */
  1584. #ifdef DBG
  1585. #define FIB_COUNTER_INCREMENT(counter) (counter)++
  1586. #else
  1587. #define FIB_COUNTER_INCREMENT(counter)
  1588. #endif
  1589. /*
  1590. * Adapter direct commands
  1591. * Monitor/Kernel API
  1592. */
  1593. #define BREAKPOINT_REQUEST 0x00000004
  1594. #define INIT_STRUCT_BASE_ADDRESS 0x00000005
  1595. #define READ_PERMANENT_PARAMETERS 0x0000000a
  1596. #define WRITE_PERMANENT_PARAMETERS 0x0000000b
  1597. #define HOST_CRASHING 0x0000000d
  1598. #define SEND_SYNCHRONOUS_FIB 0x0000000c
  1599. #define COMMAND_POST_RESULTS 0x00000014
  1600. #define GET_ADAPTER_PROPERTIES 0x00000019
  1601. #define GET_DRIVER_BUFFER_PROPERTIES 0x00000023
  1602. #define RCV_TEMP_READINGS 0x00000025
  1603. #define GET_COMM_PREFERRED_SETTINGS 0x00000026
  1604. #define IOP_RESET 0x00001000
  1605. #define IOP_RESET_ALWAYS 0x00001001
  1606. #define RE_INIT_ADAPTER 0x000000ee
  1607. /*
  1608. * Adapter Status Register
  1609. *
  1610. * Phase Staus mailbox is 32bits:
  1611. * <31:16> = Phase Status
  1612. * <15:0> = Phase
  1613. *
  1614. * The adapter reports is present state through the phase. Only
  1615. * a single phase should be ever be set. Each phase can have multiple
  1616. * phase status bits to provide more detailed information about the
  1617. * state of the board. Care should be taken to ensure that any phase
  1618. * status bits that are set when changing the phase are also valid
  1619. * for the new phase or be cleared out. Adapter software (monitor,
  1620. * iflash, kernel) is responsible for properly maintining the phase
  1621. * status mailbox when it is running.
  1622. *
  1623. * MONKER_API Phases
  1624. *
  1625. * Phases are bit oriented. It is NOT valid to have multiple bits set
  1626. */
  1627. #define SELF_TEST_FAILED 0x00000004
  1628. #define MONITOR_PANIC 0x00000020
  1629. #define KERNEL_UP_AND_RUNNING 0x00000080
  1630. #define KERNEL_PANIC 0x00000100
  1631. /*
  1632. * Doorbell bit defines
  1633. */
  1634. #define DoorBellSyncCmdAvailable (1<<0) /* Host -> Adapter */
  1635. #define DoorBellPrintfDone (1<<5) /* Host -> Adapter */
  1636. #define DoorBellAdapterNormCmdReady (1<<1) /* Adapter -> Host */
  1637. #define DoorBellAdapterNormRespReady (1<<2) /* Adapter -> Host */
  1638. #define DoorBellAdapterNormCmdNotFull (1<<3) /* Adapter -> Host */
  1639. #define DoorBellAdapterNormRespNotFull (1<<4) /* Adapter -> Host */
  1640. #define DoorBellPrintfReady (1<<5) /* Adapter -> Host */
  1641. #define DoorBellAifPending (1<<6) /* Adapter -> Host */
  1642. /* PMC specific outbound doorbell bits */
  1643. #define PmDoorBellResponseSent (1<<1) /* Adapter -> Host */
  1644. /*
  1645. * For FIB communication, we need all of the following things
  1646. * to send back to the user.
  1647. */
  1648. #define AifCmdEventNotify 1 /* Notify of event */
  1649. #define AifEnConfigChange 3 /* Adapter configuration change */
  1650. #define AifEnContainerChange 4 /* Container configuration change */
  1651. #define AifEnDeviceFailure 5 /* SCSI device failed */
  1652. #define AifEnEnclosureManagement 13 /* EM_DRIVE_* */
  1653. #define EM_DRIVE_INSERTION 31
  1654. #define EM_DRIVE_REMOVAL 32
  1655. #define AifEnBatteryEvent 14 /* Change in Battery State */
  1656. #define AifEnAddContainer 15 /* A new array was created */
  1657. #define AifEnDeleteContainer 16 /* A container was deleted */
  1658. #define AifEnExpEvent 23 /* Firmware Event Log */
  1659. #define AifExeFirmwarePanic 3 /* Firmware Event Panic */
  1660. #define AifHighPriority 3 /* Highest Priority Event */
  1661. #define AifEnAddJBOD 30 /* JBOD created */
  1662. #define AifEnDeleteJBOD 31 /* JBOD deleted */
  1663. #define AifCmdJobProgress 2 /* Progress report */
  1664. #define AifJobCtrZero 101 /* Array Zero progress */
  1665. #define AifJobStsSuccess 1 /* Job completes */
  1666. #define AifJobStsRunning 102 /* Job running */
  1667. #define AifCmdAPIReport 3 /* Report from other user of API */
  1668. #define AifCmdDriverNotify 4 /* Notify host driver of event */
  1669. #define AifDenMorphComplete 200 /* A morph operation completed */
  1670. #define AifDenVolumeExtendComplete 201 /* A volume extend completed */
  1671. #define AifReqJobList 100 /* Gets back complete job list */
  1672. #define AifReqJobsForCtr 101 /* Gets back jobs for specific container */
  1673. #define AifReqJobsForScsi 102 /* Gets back jobs for specific SCSI device */
  1674. #define AifReqJobReport 103 /* Gets back a specific job report or list of them */
  1675. #define AifReqTerminateJob 104 /* Terminates job */
  1676. #define AifReqSuspendJob 105 /* Suspends a job */
  1677. #define AifReqResumeJob 106 /* Resumes a job */
  1678. #define AifReqSendAPIReport 107 /* API generic report requests */
  1679. #define AifReqAPIJobStart 108 /* Start a job from the API */
  1680. #define AifReqAPIJobUpdate 109 /* Update a job report from the API */
  1681. #define AifReqAPIJobFinish 110 /* Finish a job from the API */
  1682. /* PMC NEW COMM: Request the event data */
  1683. #define AifReqEvent 200
  1684. /*
  1685. * Adapter Initiated FIB command structures. Start with the adapter
  1686. * initiated FIBs that really come from the adapter, and get responded
  1687. * to by the host.
  1688. */
  1689. struct aac_aifcmd {
  1690. __le32 command; /* Tell host what type of notify this is */
  1691. __le32 seqnum; /* To allow ordering of reports (if necessary) */
  1692. u8 data[1]; /* Undefined length (from kernel viewpoint) */
  1693. };
  1694. /**
  1695. * Convert capacity to cylinders
  1696. * accounting for the fact capacity could be a 64 bit value
  1697. *
  1698. */
  1699. static inline unsigned int cap_to_cyls(sector_t capacity, unsigned divisor)
  1700. {
  1701. sector_div(capacity, divisor);
  1702. return capacity;
  1703. }
  1704. /* SCp.phase values */
  1705. #define AAC_OWNER_MIDLEVEL 0x101
  1706. #define AAC_OWNER_LOWLEVEL 0x102
  1707. #define AAC_OWNER_ERROR_HANDLER 0x103
  1708. #define AAC_OWNER_FIRMWARE 0x106
  1709. const char *aac_driverinfo(struct Scsi_Host *);
  1710. struct fib *aac_fib_alloc(struct aac_dev *dev);
  1711. int aac_fib_setup(struct aac_dev *dev);
  1712. void aac_fib_map_free(struct aac_dev *dev);
  1713. void aac_fib_free(struct fib * context);
  1714. void aac_fib_init(struct fib * context);
  1715. void aac_printf(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 val);
  1716. int aac_fib_send(u16 command, struct fib * context, unsigned long size, int priority, int wait, int reply, fib_callback callback, void *ctxt);
  1717. int aac_consumer_get(struct aac_dev * dev, struct aac_queue * q, struct aac_entry **entry);
  1718. void aac_consumer_free(struct aac_dev * dev, struct aac_queue * q, u32 qnum);
  1719. int aac_fib_complete(struct fib * context);
  1720. #define fib_data(fibctx) ((void *)(fibctx)->hw_fib_va->data)
  1721. struct aac_dev *aac_init_adapter(struct aac_dev *dev);
  1722. int aac_get_config_status(struct aac_dev *dev, int commit_flag);
  1723. int aac_get_containers(struct aac_dev *dev);
  1724. int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd);
  1725. int aac_dev_ioctl(struct aac_dev *dev, int cmd, void __user *arg);
  1726. #ifndef shost_to_class
  1727. #define shost_to_class(shost) &shost->shost_dev
  1728. #endif
  1729. ssize_t aac_get_serial_number(struct device *dev, char *buf);
  1730. int aac_do_ioctl(struct aac_dev * dev, int cmd, void __user *arg);
  1731. int aac_rx_init(struct aac_dev *dev);
  1732. int aac_rkt_init(struct aac_dev *dev);
  1733. int aac_nark_init(struct aac_dev *dev);
  1734. int aac_sa_init(struct aac_dev *dev);
  1735. int aac_src_init(struct aac_dev *dev);
  1736. int aac_queue_get(struct aac_dev * dev, u32 * index, u32 qid, struct hw_fib * hw_fib, int wait, struct fib * fibptr, unsigned long *nonotify);
  1737. unsigned int aac_response_normal(struct aac_queue * q);
  1738. unsigned int aac_command_normal(struct aac_queue * q);
  1739. unsigned int aac_intr_normal(struct aac_dev *dev, u32 Index,
  1740. int isAif, int isFastResponse,
  1741. struct hw_fib *aif_fib);
  1742. int aac_reset_adapter(struct aac_dev * dev, int forced);
  1743. int aac_check_health(struct aac_dev * dev);
  1744. int aac_command_thread(void *data);
  1745. int aac_close_fib_context(struct aac_dev * dev, struct aac_fib_context *fibctx);
  1746. int aac_fib_adapter_complete(struct fib * fibptr, unsigned short size);
  1747. struct aac_driver_ident* aac_get_driver_ident(int devtype);
  1748. int aac_get_adapter_info(struct aac_dev* dev);
  1749. int aac_send_shutdown(struct aac_dev *dev);
  1750. int aac_probe_container(struct aac_dev *dev, int cid);
  1751. int _aac_rx_init(struct aac_dev *dev);
  1752. int aac_rx_select_comm(struct aac_dev *dev, int comm);
  1753. int aac_rx_deliver_producer(struct fib * fib);
  1754. char * get_container_type(unsigned type);
  1755. extern int numacb;
  1756. extern int acbsize;
  1757. extern char aac_driver_version[];
  1758. extern int startup_timeout;
  1759. extern int aif_timeout;
  1760. extern int expose_physicals;
  1761. extern int aac_reset_devices;
  1762. extern int aac_msi;
  1763. extern int aac_commit;
  1764. extern int update_interval;
  1765. extern int check_interval;
  1766. extern int aac_check_reset;