psycholonials-ep-5.yaml 989 B

  1. Album: Psycholonials EP 5
  2. Artists:
  3. - Clark Powell
  4. Date: March 10, 2021
  5. Date Added: April 12, 2021
  6. URLs:
  7. -
  8. Has Track Art: false
  9. Cover Artists:
  10. - Andrew Hussie
  11. Color: '#f51806'
  12. Groups:
  13. - Psycholonials
  14. - Beyond
  15. Banner Artists:
  16. - Andrew Hussie
  17. Banner Dimensions: 1100x180
  18. Banner File Extension: png
  19. Wallpaper Style: 'opacity: 0.65;'
  20. Wallpaper File Extension: png
  21. Wallpaper Artists:
  22. - Andrew Hussie
  23. - Niklink (edits for wiki)
  24. Listed on Homepage: false
  25. Additional Files:
  26. - Title: Bandcamp Banner
  27. Files:
  28. - banner.png
  29. ---
  30. Track: In The Works
  31. Duration: '4:22'
  32. URLs:
  33. -
  34. ---
  35. Track: Ephemeral Muse
  36. Originally Released As: Harrigan
  37. Duration: '4:46'
  38. URLs:
  39. -
  40. ---
  41. Track: Blood On Their Hands
  42. Originally Released As: Dusk for the Age of Miracles
  43. Duration: '2:46'
  44. URLs:
  45. -