flashes.yaml 52 KB

  1. Color: '#7799ff'
  2. Act: Act 1 - The Note Desolation Plays
  3. Anchor: a1
  4. Jump: Side 1 (Acts 1-5)
  5. Jump Color: '#4ac925'
  6. ---
  7. Date: April 16, 2009
  8. Featured Tracks:
  9. - Problem Sleuth Theme
  10. Flash: 'John: Examine games on CD rack.'
  11. Page: '31'
  12. ---
  13. Date: April 21, 2009
  14. URLs:
  15. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/001977.html
  16. Featured Tracks:
  17. - track:showtime-piano-refrain
  18. Flash: '[S] John: Play haunting piano refrain.'
  19. Page: '77'
  20. ---
  21. Date: April 24, 2009
  22. URLs:
  23. - https://youtu.be/rrG3_mqjW04
  24. Featured Tracks:
  25. - Windchime Foley
  26. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  27. Page: '82'
  28. ---
  29. Date: April 27, 2009
  30. Featured Tracks:
  31. - track:harlequin
  32. Flash: '[S] John: Enter.'
  33. Page: '88'
  34. ---
  35. Date: April 28, 2009
  36. URLs:
  37. - https://youtu.be/Ytrd_2x-8Rs
  38. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/001990.html
  39. Featured Tracks:
  40. - track:showtime-original-mix
  41. Flash: '[S] STRIFE!'
  42. Page: '90'
  43. ---
  44. Date: May 9, 2009
  45. URLs:
  46. - https://youtu.be/IBqARyNMonk
  47. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002037.html
  48. Featured Tracks:
  49. - Sburban Jungle (Brief Mix)
  50. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  51. Page: '137'
  52. ---
  53. Date: May 21, 2009
  54. Featured Tracks:
  55. - track:harlequin
  56. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  57. Page: '186'
  58. ---
  59. Date: May 29, 2009
  60. URLs:
  61. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002122.html
  62. Featured Tracks:
  63. - track:aggrieve-violin-refrain
  64. Flash: '[S] Rose: Play a haunting refrain on the violin.'
  65. Page: '222'
  66. ---
  67. Date: June 7, 2009
  68. URLs:
  69. - https://youtu.be/ec0sDrBI0V8
  70. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002146.html
  71. Featured Tracks:
  72. - track:sburban-countdown
  73. Flash: '[S] John: Take bite of apple.'
  74. Page: '246'
  75. ---
  76. Color: '#ff5555'
  77. Act: Act 2 - Raise of the Conductor's Baton
  78. Anchor: a2
  79. ---
  80. Date: June 14, 2009
  81. URLs:
  82. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002153.html
  83. Featured Tracks:
  84. - track:showtime-piano-refrain
  85. - track:harlequin
  86. Flash: '[S] YOU THERE. BOY.'
  87. Page: '253'
  88. ---
  89. Date: July 4, 2009
  90. URLs:
  91. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002238.html
  92. Featured Tracks:
  93. - track:phat1
  94. - track:phat2
  95. - track:phat3
  96. - track:phat4
  97. - track:phat5
  98. - track:phat6
  99. - track:phat7
  100. - track:phat8
  101. - track:phat9
  102. - track:phat10
  103. - track:phat11
  104. - track:phat12
  105. - track:phat13
  106. - track:phat14
  107. - track:phat15
  108. - track:phat16
  109. - track:harlequin
  110. - Captain Planet and the Planeteers End Title
  111. - Ghostbusters
  112. - track:i-dont-want-to-miss-a-thing-aerosmith
  113. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  114. Page: '338'
  115. ---
  116. Date: July 19, 2009
  117. URLs:
  118. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002288.html
  119. Featured Tracks:
  120. - track:aggrieve
  121. Flash: '[S] Rose: Youth roll right out the front door.'
  122. Page: '388'
  123. ---
  124. Date: July 22, 2009
  125. URLs:
  126. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002293.html
  127. Featured Tracks:
  128. - track:showtime-imp-strife-mix
  129. Flash: '[S] ==>==>==>!!!!!!!!!'
  130. Page: '393'
  131. ---
  132. Date: July 23, 2009
  133. URLs:
  134. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002297.html
  135. Featured Tracks:
  136. - track:showtime-imp-strife-mix
  138. Page: '397'
  139. ---
  140. Date: July 25, 2009
  141. URLs:
  142. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002300.html
  143. Featured Tracks:
  144. - track:showtime-imp-strife-mix
  146. Page: '400'
  147. ---
  148. Date: July 30, 2009
  149. Featured Tracks:
  150. - track:nannaquin
  152. Page: '418'
  153. ---
  154. Date: August 1, 2009
  155. URLs:
  156. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002322.html
  157. Featured Tracks:
  158. - track:skies-of-skaia
  159. Flash: '[S] GO ON. ==>'
  160. Page: '422'
  161. ---
  162. Date: August 15, 2009
  163. URLs:
  164. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002376.html
  165. Featured Tracks:
  166. - track:harlequin-rock-version
  167. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  168. Page: '476'
  169. ---
  170. Date: September 15, 2009
  171. Featured Tracks:
  172. - track:john-sleeps-skaian-magicant
  173. Flash: '[S] John: Sleep.'
  174. Page: '644'
  175. ---
  176. Date: September 17, 2009
  177. Featured Tracks:
  178. - track:john-sleeps-skaian-magicant
  179. Flash: '[S] John: Wake up.'
  180. Page: '651'
  181. ---
  182. Date: September 21, 2009
  183. URLs:
  184. - https://youtu.be/hLzo0aaSvlg
  185. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002565.html
  186. Featured Tracks:
  187. - track:upward-movement-dave-owns
  188. Flash: '[S] Dave: Ascend to the highest point of the building.'
  189. Page: '665'
  190. ---
  191. Date: October 2, 2009
  192. URLs:
  193. - https://youtu.be/bQ2Lw3dcilg
  194. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002621.html
  195. Featured Tracks:
  196. - track:vagabounce
  197. Flash: '[S] WV: Lead your men to victory!'
  198. Page: '721'
  199. ---
  200. Date: October 9, 2009
  201. URLs:
  202. - https://youtu.be/_xjI4ZmvnGc
  203. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002655.html
  204. Featured Tracks:
  205. - Sburban Reversal
  206. Flash: '[S] WV: Hasten to the exit post-haste!'
  207. Page: '755'
  208. ---
  209. Date: October 11, 2009
  210. URLs:
  211. - https://youtu.be/a-WxdPfVddo
  212. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002657.html
  213. Featured Tracks:
  214. - track:explore
  215. Flash: '[S] WV: Ascend.'
  216. Page: '757'
  217. ---
  218. Color: '#55ff77'
  219. Act: Act 3 - Insane Corkscrew Haymakers
  220. Anchor: a3
  221. ---
  222. Date: October 15, 2009
  223. Featured Tracks:
  224. - Flute Performance
  225. Flash: '[S] Jade: Play a silly flute refrain.'
  226. Page: '769'
  227. ---
  228. Date: October 27, 2009
  229. Featured Tracks:
  230. - Gardener
  231. Flash: '[S] Jade: Play a hauntingly relaxing bassline.'
  232. Page: '822'
  233. ---
  234. Date: October 31, 2009
  235. Featured Tracks:
  236. - track:showtime-remix
  237. - track:aggrieve-remix
  238. - track:verdancy-bassline
  239. - Potential Verdancy
  240. - track:ohgodwhat
  241. - track:ohgodwhat-remix
  242. - track:rediscover-fusion
  243. - Crystalanthemums
  244. - track:explore-remix
  245. Flash: '[S] Jade: Open FreshJamz!'
  246. Page: '830'
  247. ---
  248. Date: November 2, 2009
  249. URLs:
  250. - https://youtu.be/wAGh8RJk-TU
  251. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002733.html
  252. Featured Tracks:
  253. - Dead Shuffle
  254. Flash: '[S] MIDNIGHT CREW: ACT 1031'
  255. Page: '833'
  256. ---
  257. Date: November 6, 2009
  258. URLs:
  259. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002736.html
  260. Featured Tracks:
  261. - track:beatdown-strider-style
  262. Flash: '[S] Dave: STRIFE.'
  263. Page: '836'
  264. ---
  265. Date: November 8, 2009
  266. URLs:
  267. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002743.html
  268. Featured Tracks:
  269. - track:harleboss
  270. Flash: '[S] Jade: Descend.'
  271. Page: '843'
  272. ---
  273. Date: November 18, 2009
  274. URLs:
  275. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002771.html
  276. Featured Tracks:
  277. - track:beatdown-round-2
  278. Flash: '[S] Dave: Abscond.'
  279. Page: '871'
  280. ---
  281. Date: November 20, 2009
  282. URLs:
  283. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002779.html
  284. Featured Tracks:
  285. - track:harleboss
  286. Flash: '[S] Rose: Ascend.'
  287. Page: '879'
  288. ---
  289. Date: November 27, 2009
  290. URLs:
  291. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002818.html
  292. Featured Tracks:
  293. - track:dissension-original
  294. Flash: '[S] Strife!!!'
  295. Page: '918'
  296. ---
  297. Date: December 1, 2009
  298. URLs:
  299. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002838.html
  300. Featured Tracks:
  301. - track:chorale-for-jaspers
  302. Flash: '[S] Rose: Fast forward to now.'
  303. Page: '938'
  304. ---
  305. Date: December 1, 2009
  306. URLs:
  307. - https://youtu.be/USB1pj6hAjU
  308. Featured Tracks:
  309. - track:pony-chorale
  310. Flash: '[S] Ride.'
  311. Page: pony
  312. ---
  313. Date: December 3, 2009
  314. URLs:
  315. - https://youtu.be/DNydoi_vFng
  316. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002848.html
  317. Featured Tracks:
  318. - track:revelawesome
  319. Flash: '[S] John: Examine your dad''s room.'
  320. Page: '948'
  321. ---
  322. Date: December 6, 2009
  323. Featured Tracks:
  324. - track:hardlyquin
  325. Flash: '[S] John: Mental breakdown.'
  326. Page: '979'
  327. ---
  328. Date: December 8, 2009
  329. URLs:
  330. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002880.html
  331. Featured Tracks:
  332. - An Unbreakable Union
  333. - track:carefree-victory
  334. Flash: '[S] Jade: Retrieve package.'
  335. Page: '980'
  336. ---
  337. Date: December 18, 2009
  338. URLs:
  339. - https://youtu.be/71UlrQFkZJc
  340. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002926.html
  341. Featured Tracks:
  342. - The Beginning of Something Really Excellent
  343. Flash: '[S] Jade: Dream up extra arms and play advanced bass solo.'
  344. Page: '1026'
  345. ---
  346. Date: December 24, 2009
  347. Featured Tracks:
  348. - Versus
  349. Flash: '[S] Dave: Strife!'
  350. Page: '1070'
  351. ---
  352. Date: December 29, 2009
  353. URLs:
  354. - https://youtu.be/WYF1aiE0fOc
  355. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/002973.html
  356. Featured Tracks:
  357. - track:ballad-of-awakening
  358. Flash: '[S] Jade: Pester John.'
  359. Page: '1073'
  360. ---
  361. Date: January 14, 2010
  362. URLs:
  363. - https://youtu.be/g2CBnn3d1cY
  364. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/003049.html
  365. Featured Tracks:
  366. - track:sburban-jungle
  367. Flash: '[S] Enter.'
  368. Page: '1149'
  369. ---
  370. Color: '#22cc22'
  371. Act: Intermission - Don't Bleed on the Suits.
  372. Anchor: i1
  373. ---
  374. Date: January 29, 2010
  375. URLs:
  376. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/003167.html
  377. Featured Tracks:
  378. - Three in the Morning
  379. Flash: '[S][I] ==>'
  380. Page: '1267'
  381. ---
  382. Color: '#b536da'
  383. Act: Act 4 - Flight of the Paradox Clones
  384. Anchor: a4
  385. ---
  386. Date: February 10, 2010
  387. URLs:
  388. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/003258.html
  389. Featured Tracks:
  390. - track:doctor
  391. Flash: '[S] ACT 4 ==>'
  392. Page: '1358'
  393. ---
  394. Date: February 17, 2010
  395. URLs:
  396. - https://youtu.be/iRHWm9R59mo
  397. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/003307.html
  398. Featured Tracks:
  399. - track:endless-climb
  400. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  401. Page: '1407'
  402. ---
  403. Date: April 2, 2010
  404. URLs:
  405. - https://youtu.be/kgddCGdUq9c
  406. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/003541.html
  407. Featured Tracks:
  408. - track:atomyk-ebonpyre
  409. Flash: '[S] Dave: Accelerate.'
  410. Page: '1641'
  411. ---
  412. Date: April 3, 2010
  413. URLs:
  414. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/003556.html
  415. Featured Tracks:
  416. - Bed of Rose's / Dreams of Derse
  417. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  418. Page: '1656'
  419. ---
  420. Date: April 13, 2010
  421. URLs:
  422. - https://youtu.be/DaYBhbe0dns
  423. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/003568.html
  424. Featured Tracks:
  425. - track:black
  426. - Descend
  427. Flash: '[S] Jack: Ascend.'
  428. Page: '1668'
  429. ---
  430. Date: April 22, 2010
  431. Featured Tracks:
  432. - Unsheath'd
  433. - Welcome to the New Extreme
  434. - Octoroon Rangoon
  435. - Derse Dreamers
  436. - Phantasmagoric Waltz
  437. Flash: '[S] Rose and Dave: Shut up and jam.'
  438. Page: '1720'
  439. ---
  440. Contributors:
  441. - Michael Firman (art)
  442. - Nic Carey (art)
  443. Date: May 5, 2010
  444. URLs:
  445. - https://youtu.be/ehSFreQEq2A
  446. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/003701.html
  447. Featured Tracks:
  448. - Skaian Skirmish
  449. Flash: '[S] WV?: Rise up.'
  450. Page: '1801'
  451. ---
  452. Date: May 26, 2010
  453. URLs:
  454. - https://youtu.be/7YqiHDf-agA
  455. Featured Tracks:
  456. - How Do I Live (Bunny Back in the Box Version)
  457. Flash: '[S] John: Reunite with your loving wife and daughter.'
  458. Page: '1931'
  459. ---
  460. Contributors:
  461. - Brett Muller (art)
  462. - Eyes5 (art)
  463. - Jessica Allison (art)
  464. - Lexxy (art)
  465. - Rebecca Harding (art)
  466. - Nic Carey (art)
  467. - Paige Turner (art)
  468. - Richard Gung (art)
  469. - Hanni Brosh (art)
  470. - Vivian Ng (art)
  471. Date: May 31, 2010
  472. URLs:
  473. - https://youtu.be/paQXkYModNs
  474. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/003840.html
  475. Featured Tracks:
  476. - Descend
  477. Flash: '[S] Descend.'
  478. Page: '1940'
  479. ---
  480. Color: '#0000ff'
  481. Act: 'Act 5 Act 1 - <span style="color: #008282">MOB1US DOUBL3 R34CH4ROUND</span>'
  482. Anchor: a5a1
  483. ---
  484. Date: June 22, 2010
  485. URLs:
  486. - https://www.homestuck.com/story/2070
  487. Featured Tracks:
  488. - Showdown
  489. Flash: '[S???] ======>'
  490. Page: '2070'
  491. ---
  492. Contributors:
  493. - Brett Muller (art)
  494. - clorinspats (art)
  495. - Eyes5 (art)
  496. - FauxMonstur (art)
  497. - Jessica Allison (art)
  498. - Lexxy (art)
  499. - Rebecca Harding (art)
  500. - myluckyseven (art)
  501. - Nic Carey (art)
  502. - Paige Turner (art)
  503. - Richard Gung (art)
  504. - Hanni Brosh (art)
  505. - Tavia Morra (art)
  506. - Molly Gur (art)
  507. - Lauren Ross (art)
  508. - Vivian Ng (art)
  509. Date: September 8, 2010
  510. URLs:
  511. - https://youtu.be/raMHZCdgnnU
  512. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/004478.html
  513. Featured Tracks:
  514. - Crystamanthequins
  515. Flash: '[S] Make her pay.'
  516. Page: '2578'
  517. ---
  518. Color: '#ff0000'
  519. Act: 'Act 5 Act 2 - <span style="color: #2ed73a">He is already here.</span>'
  520. Anchor: a5a2
  521. ---
  522. Date: September 19, 2010
  523. URLs:
  524. - https://youtu.be/zZIyQuHn0Ag
  525. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/004526.html
  526. Featured Tracks:
  527. - Homestuck
  528. Flash: '[S] ACT 5 ACT 2 ==>'
  529. Page: '2626'
  530. ---
  531. Date: September 26, 2010
  532. Featured Tracks:
  533. - How Do I Live
  534. Flash: 'Vriska: What''s his deal????????'
  535. Page: '2672'
  536. ---
  537. Date: October 19, 2010
  538. URLs:
  539. - https://youtu.be/MfRv4W0homw
  540. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/004687.html
  541. Featured Tracks:
  542. - How Do I Live (Bunny Back in the Box Version)
  543. Flash: '[S] Vriska: Watch street tough maverick with nothing to lose'
  544. Page: '2787'
  545. ---
  546. Contributors:
  547. - Brett Muller (art)
  548. - Eyes5 (art)
  549. - Jessica Allison (art)
  550. - Rebecca Harding (art)
  551. - Paige Turner (art)
  552. - Richard Gung (art)
  553. - Hanni Brosh (art)
  554. - Vivian Ng (art)
  555. Date: October 25, 2010
  556. URLs:
  557. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/004692.html
  558. Featured Tracks:
  559. - Karkat's Theme
  560. - Vriska's Theme
  561. - Terezi's Theme
  562. - AlterniaBound
  563. - Spider's Claw
  564. - track:MeGaLoVania
  565. - A Tender Moment
  566. - Nic Cage Romance
  567. - Nic Cage Song
  568. - Secret ROM
  569. - Boy Skylark (Brief)
  570. - Hero's Growth
  571. - Phrenic Phever
  572. - Walk-Stab-Walk (R&E)
  573. - Horschestra
  574. Flash: '[S] Past Karkat: Wake up.'
  575. Page: '2792'
  576. ---
  577. Date: October 31, 2010
  578. Featured Tracks:
  579. - track:miracles-icp
  580. Flash: 'Dave: Answer Gamzee.'
  581. Page: '2818'
  582. ---
  583. Contributors:
  584. - Brett Muller (art)
  585. - Eyes5 (art)
  586. - Jessica Allison (art)
  587. - Rebecca Harding (art)
  588. - Paige Turner (art)
  589. - Richard Gung (art)
  590. - Hanni Brosh (art)
  591. - Molly Gur (art)
  592. - Tavia Morra (art)
  593. - Vivian Ng (art)
  594. Date: November 10, 2010
  595. URLs:
  596. - https://youtu.be/NUHzVVCnEVk
  597. Featured Tracks:
  598. - Let the Squiddles Sleep (End Theme)
  599. Flash: '[S] Jade: Wake up.'
  600. Page: '2848'
  601. ---
  602. Contributors:
  603. - Brett Muller (art)
  604. - Eyes5 (art)
  605. - Lexxy (art)
  606. - Rebecca Harding (art)
  607. - Nic Carey (art)
  608. - Richard Gung (art)
  609. - Hanni Brosh (art)
  610. - Lauren Ross (art)
  611. - Vivian Ng (art)
  612. Date: November 28, 2010
  613. URLs:
  614. - https://youtu.be/BeeVidHB8-I
  615. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/004827.html
  616. Featured Tracks:
  617. - Umbral Ultimatum
  618. Flash: '[S] Jade: Enter.'
  619. Page: '2927'
  620. ---
  621. Date: December 4, 2010
  622. URLs:
  623. - https://youtu.be/roCH-7IQjj0
  624. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/004888.html
  625. Featured Tracks:
  626. - track:frost-vol6
  627. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  628. Page: '2988'
  629. ---
  630. Date: December 6, 2010
  631. URLs:
  632. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/004901.html
  633. Featured Tracks:
  634. - Sunslammer
  635. Flash: '[S] Jade: STRIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!'
  636. Page: '3001'
  637. ---
  638. Contributors:
  639. - Eyes5 (art)
  640. - Lexxy (art)
  641. - Rebecca Harding (art)
  642. - Nic Carey (art)
  643. - Richard Gung (art)
  644. - Hanni Brosh (art)
  645. - Lauren Ross (art)
  646. - Vivian Ng (art)
  647. Date: December 15, 2010
  648. URLs:
  649. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/004979.html
  650. Featured Tracks:
  651. - Planet Healer
  652. - Typheus
  653. Flash: '[S] John: Enter village.'
  654. Page: '3079'
  655. ---
  656. Contributors:
  657. - Lexxy (art)
  658. Date: December 16, 2010
  659. URLs:
  660. - https://youtu.be/jYCa-ByMNsA
  661. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/004987.html
  662. Featured Tracks:
  663. - Savior of the Waking World
  664. Flash: '[S] JOHN. RISE UP.'
  665. Page: '3087'
  666. ---
  667. Date: January 15, 2011
  668. URLs:
  669. - https://youtu.be/cIqYNGZokFY
  670. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/005197.html
  671. Featured Tracks:
  672. - track:MeGaLoVania
  673. Flash: '[S] Wake.'
  674. Page: '3297'
  675. ---
  676. Contributors:
  677. - Brett Muller (art)
  678. - Eyes5 (art)
  679. - Jessica Allison (art)
  680. - Lexxy (art)
  681. - Rebecca Harding (art)
  682. - Paige Turner (art)
  683. - Richard Gung (art)
  684. - Hanni Brosh (art)
  685. - Lauren Ross (art)
  686. - Vivian Ng (art)
  687. Date: January 22, 2011
  688. URLs:
  689. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/005221.html
  690. Featured Tracks:
  691. - Darling Kanaya
  692. - Karkat's Theme
  693. - Eridan's Theme
  694. - Nautical Nightmare
  695. - Heir Conditioning
  696. Flash: '[S] Kanaya: Return to the core.'
  697. Page: '3321'
  698. ---
  699. Contributors:
  700. - Brett Muller (art)
  701. - Eyes5 (art)
  702. - Jessica Allison (art)
  703. - Lexxy (art)
  704. - Rebecca Harding (art)
  705. - Paige Turner (art)
  706. - Richard Gung (art)
  707. - Hanni Brosh (art)
  708. - Lauren Ross (art)
  709. - Vivian Ng (art)
  710. Date: February 6, 2011
  711. URLs:
  712. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/005338.html
  713. Featured Tracks:
  714. - Horschestra STRONG Version
  715. - Nepeta's Theme
  716. - Blackest Heart (With Honks)
  717. - Midnight Calliope
  718. - track:miracles-icp
  719. Flash: '[S] Equius: Seek the highb100d.'
  720. Page: '3438'
  721. ---
  722. Contributors:
  723. - Eyes5 (art)
  724. - Lexxy (art)
  725. - Nic Carey (art)
  726. - Molly Gur (art)
  727. - Vivian Ng (art)
  728. Date: February 16, 2011
  729. URLs:
  730. - https://youtu.be/VEA60fK1bk8
  731. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/005420.html
  732. Featured Tracks:
  733. - Trollian Standoff
  734. Flash: '[S] 3x SHOWDOWN COMBO.'
  735. Page: '3520'
  736. ---
  737. Date: March 23, 2011
  738. URLs:
  739. - https://youtu.be/LB2wi2EYSbw
  740. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/005579.html
  741. Featured Tracks:
  742. - Warhammer of Zillyhoo
  743. Flash: '[S] All: Behold glory of Zillyhoo.'
  744. Page: '3679'
  745. ---
  746. Contributors:
  747. - Eyes5 (art)
  748. - Lexxy (art)
  749. - Rebecca Harding (art)
  750. - Paige Turner (art)
  751. - Hanni Brosh (art)
  752. - Lauren Ross (art)
  753. - Vivian Ng (art)
  754. Date: March 30, 2011
  755. URLs:
  756. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/005595.html
  757. Featured Tracks:
  758. - Black Rose / Green Sun
  759. Flash: '[S] Seer: Descend.'
  760. Page: '3695'
  761. ---
  762. Contributors:
  763. - Lexxy (art)
  764. Date: April 2, 2011
  765. URLs:
  766. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/005596.html
  767. Featured Tracks:
  768. - At The Price of Oblivion
  769. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  770. Page: '3696'
  771. ---
  772. Date: April 17, 2011
  773. URLs:
  774. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/005618.html
  775. Featured Tracks:
  776. - Secret ROM
  777. Flash: '[S] Terezi: Read note.'
  778. Page: '3718'
  779. ---
  780. Date: April 19, 2011
  781. URLs:
  782. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/005625.html
  783. Featured Tracks:
  784. - Trollcops
  785. - Havoc To Be Wrought
  786. - Rumble at the Rink
  787. - Unlabeled
  788. - XROM
  789. - I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew
  790. Flash: '[S] Terezi: Play records.'
  791. Page: '3725'
  792. ---
  793. Contributors:
  794. - clorinspats (art)
  795. - Eyes5 (art)
  796. - Rebecca Harding (art)
  797. - myluckyseven (art)
  798. - Nic Carey (art)
  799. - Paige Turner (art)
  800. - Molly Gur (art)
  801. - Lauren Ross (art)
  802. - Vivian Ng (art)
  803. Date: April 30, 2011
  804. URLs:
  805. - https://youtu.be/n-hCXQPW_do
  806. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/005644.html
  807. Featured Tracks:
  808. - Terezi Owns
  809. Flash: '[S] Seer: Ascend.'
  810. Page: '3744'
  811. ---
  812. Date: May 15, 2011
  813. URLs:
  814. - https://youtu.be/8RC_02KeBrE
  815. Featured Tracks:
  816. - 'BL1ND JUST1C3 : 1NV3ST1G4T1ON !!'
  817. Flash: '[S] Flip.'
  818. Page: '3760'
  819. ---
  820. Date: August 15, 2011
  821. Featured Tracks:
  822. - Typheus
  823. Flash: '[S][o] ==>'
  824. Page: '3952'
  825. ---
  826. Contributors:
  827. - Vivian Ng (art)
  828. - Lazylaz (art)
  829. Date: August 22, 2011
  830. URLs:
  831. - https://youtu.be/V-ePGeiKr_k
  832. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/005985.html
  833. Featured Tracks:
  834. - The Carnival
  835. Flash: '[S] Attempt rare and highly dangerous 5x SHOWDOWN COMBO.'
  836. Page: '4085'
  837. ---
  838. Contributors:
  839. - Brett Muller (art)
  840. - Eyes5 (art)
  841. - Lazylaz (art)
  842. - Leppu (art)
  843. - Lexxy (art)
  844. - Rebecca Harding (art)
  845. - myluckyseven (art)
  846. - Nic Carey (art)
  847. - Paige Turner (art)
  848. - Richard Gung (art)
  849. - Shad Andrews (art)
  850. - Molly Gur (art)
  851. - Lauren Ross (art)
  852. - Tavia Morra (art)
  853. - Vivian Ng (art)
  854. - Xamag (art)
  855. Date: October 25, 2011
  856. URLs:
  857. - https://youtu.be/FDt-SLyEcjI
  858. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/006009.html
  859. Featured Tracks:
  860. - Cascade
  861. Flash: '[S] Cascade.'
  862. Page: '4109'
  863. ---
  864. Color: '#22cc22'
  865. Act: Intermission 2 - The Man in the Cairo Overcoat.
  866. Anchor: a2
  867. ---
  868. Date: October 31, 2011
  869. URLs:
  870. - https://youtu.be/Bc0DAfQuFNQ
  871. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/006011.html
  872. Featured Tracks:
  873. - English
  874. Flash: '[S] Begin intermission 2.'
  875. Page: '4111'
  876. ---
  877. Color: '#7799ff'
  878. Act: Act 6 Act 1 - Through Broken Glass
  879. Anchor: a6a1
  880. Jump: Side 2 (Acts 6-7)
  881. Jump Color: '#1076a2'
  882. ---
  883. Date: November 11, 2011
  884. URLs:
  885. - https://youtu.be/htBxlE2hKok
  886. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/006013.html
  887. Featured Tracks:
  888. - Homestuck Anthem
  889. Flash: '[S] ACT 6'
  890. Page: '4113'
  891. ---
  892. Date: December 7, 2011
  893. Featured Tracks:
  894. - Goat Foley
  895. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  896. Page: '4275'
  897. ---
  898. Date: December 9, 2011
  899. Featured Tracks:
  900. - Windchime Foley
  901. Flash: '[S] Jane: Get mail.'
  902. Page: '4282'
  903. ---
  904. Color: '#a10000'
  905. Act: Act 6 Intermission 1 - corpse party
  906. Anchor: a6i1
  907. ---
  908. Date: December 23, 2011
  909. URLs:
  910. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/006273.html
  911. Featured Tracks:
  912. - Frustracean
  913. Flash: '[S][A6I1] Karkat: Mental breakdown.'
  914. Page: '4373'
  915. ---
  916. Date: December 29, 2011
  917. URLs:
  918. - https://youtu.be/kwuo1yH5DHg
  919. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/006290.html
  920. Featured Tracks:
  921. - Infinity Mechanism
  922. Flash: '[S] END OF ACT 6 INTERMISSION 1'
  923. Page: '4390'
  924. ---
  925. Color: '#f2a400'
  926. Act: Act 6 Act 2 - Your shit is wrecked.
  927. Anchor: a6a2
  928. ---
  929. Date: January 21, 2011
  930. URLs:
  931. - https://youtu.be/1ZYAcoEQ0dA
  932. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/006386.html
  933. Featured Tracks:
  934. - Even in Death
  935. Flash: '[S] Roxy: Sleepwalk.'
  936. Page: '4486'
  937. ---
  938. Date: February 4, 2012
  939. Featured Tracks:
  940. - Anbroids
  941. Flash: '[S] RAP-OFF!!!!!!!!!!'
  942. Page: '4541'
  943. ---
  944. Date: February 16, 2012
  945. URLs:
  946. - https://youtu.be/PVO0FXYAfKw
  947. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/006472.html
  948. Featured Tracks:
  949. - Time on My Side
  950. Flash: '[S] Prince of Heart: Rise up.'
  951. Page: '4572'
  952. ---
  953. Date: February 26, 2012
  954. Featured Tracks:
  955. - track:chorale-for-jaspers
  956. Flash: '[S] Frigglish: Fast forward to Jaspersprite.'
  957. Page: '4617'
  958. ---
  959. Date: February 26, 2012
  960. URLs:
  961. - https://youtu.be/vHSyoThUyOQ
  962. Featured Tracks:
  963. - track:pony-chorale
  964. Flash: '[S] Ride.'
  965. Page: pony2
  966. ---
  967. Date: March 8, 2012
  968. URLs:
  969. - https://youtu.be/cbg-wxqtgUo
  970. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/006565.html
  971. Featured Tracks:
  972. - Another Jungle
  973. - A Taste for Adventure
  974. Flash: '[S] Jane: Enter.'
  975. Page: '4665'
  976. ---
  977. Color: '#e00707'
  978. Act: Act 6 Intermission 2 - penis ouija
  979. Anchor: a6a2
  980. ---
  981. Date: April 3, 2012
  982. Featured Tracks:
  983. - weird moody horse shit
  984. Flash: '[S][A6I2] ???'
  985. Page: '4815'
  986. ---
  987. Color: '#8899cc'
  988. Act: Act 6 Act 3 - Nobles
  989. Anchor: a6a3
  990. ---
  991. Date: April 14, 2012
  992. URLs:
  993. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/006720.html
  994. Featured Tracks:
  995. - Rain
  996. Flash: '[S] ACT 6 ACT 3'
  997. Page: '4820'
  998. ---
  999. Date: April 16, 2012
  1000. URLs:
  1001. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/006725.html
  1002. Featured Tracks:
  1003. - Ruins (With Strings)
  1004. Flash: '[S] Jane: Proceed.'
  1005. Page: '4825'
  1006. ---
  1007. Date: April 17, 2012
  1008. URLs:
  1009. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/006727.html
  1010. Featured Tracks:
  1011. - Elevatorstuck
  1012. Flash: '[S] Jane: Cautiously approach.'
  1013. Page: '4827'
  1014. ---
  1015. Date: May 17, 2012
  1016. Featured Tracks:
  1017. - track:black
  1018. Flash: '[S] DD: Ascend.'
  1019. Page: '4942'
  1020. ---
  1021. Date: May 17, 2012
  1022. URLs:
  1023. - https://youtu.be/owe03uIkhFo
  1024. Featured Tracks:
  1025. - I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew (Acapella)
  1026. Flash: '[S] DD: Ascend more casually.'
  1027. Page: '4944'
  1028. ---
  1029. Date: June 12, 2012
  1030. Featured Tracks:
  1031. - track:i-dont-want-to-miss-a-thing
  1032. Flash: '[S] Terry: Fast forward to Liv.'
  1033. Page: '5027'
  1034. ---
  1035. Date: July 9, 2012
  1036. URLs:
  1037. - https://youtu.be/GZ0PkXNtUhU
  1038. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/007138.html
  1039. Featured Tracks:
  1040. - Unite Synchronization
  1041. Flash: '[S] Dirk: Synchronize.'
  1042. Page: '5238'
  1043. ---
  1044. Date: July 9, 2012
  1045. URLs:
  1046. - https://youtu.be/U9uFkc3N4JQ
  1047. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/007152.html
  1048. Featured Tracks:
  1049. - Unite Synchronization
  1050. Flash: '[S] Dirk: Unite.'
  1051. Page: '5252'
  1052. ---
  1053. Date: July 28, 2012
  1054. URLs:
  1055. - https://youtu.be/L4QUXZTKgfo
  1056. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/007161.html
  1057. Featured Tracks:
  1058. - Eternity Served Cold
  1059. Flash: '[S] Caliborn: Enter.'
  1060. Page: '5261'
  1061. ---
  1062. Color: '#b536da'
  1063. Act: Act 6 Intermission 3 - Ballet of the Dancestors
  1064. Anchor: a6i3
  1065. ---
  1066. Contributors:
  1067. - Amanda H. (art)
  1068. - Chaz Canterbury (art)
  1069. - Lexxy (art)
  1070. - Paige Turner (art)
  1071. - Scarodactyl (art)
  1072. - Hanni Brosh (art)
  1073. - Lauren Ross (art)
  1074. - Vivian Ng (art)
  1075. - Xamag (art)
  1076. - Tanney Liu (art)
  1077. Date: August 31, 2012
  1078. URLs:
  1079. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/007163.html
  1080. Featured Tracks:
  1081. - track:fuchsia-ruler
  1082. - Darling Dolorosa
  1083. - GameGlr
  1084. - Iron Infidel
  1085. - Elevatorstuck
  1086. Flash: '[S] ACT 6 INTERMISSION 3'
  1087. Page: '5263'
  1088. ---
  1089. Contributors:
  1090. - <i>See [[flash:5263]].</i>
  1091. Date: September 24, 2012
  1092. URLs:
  1093. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/007208.html
  1094. Featured Tracks:
  1095. - Hate You
  1096. - G4M38L0RG
  1097. - Olive Rogue
  1098. - Violet Prince
  1099. - Purple Bard
  1100. - Teal Seer
  1101. - Crab Waltz
  1102. Flash: '[S][A6I3] ==>'
  1103. Page: '5308'
  1104. ---
  1105. Date: October 9, 2012
  1106. Featured Tracks:
  1107. - weird moody horse shit
  1108. Flash: '[S][A6I3] ==>'
  1109. Page: '5373'
  1110. ---
  1111. Date: October 9, 2012
  1112. Featured Tracks:
  1113. - weird moody horse shit
  1114. Flash: '[S][A6I3] ==>'
  1115. Page: '5374'
  1116. ---
  1117. Date: October 9, 2012
  1118. Featured Tracks:
  1119. - weird moody horse shit
  1120. Flash: '[S][A6I3] ==>'
  1121. Page: '5375'
  1122. ---
  1123. Date: October 11, 2012
  1124. Featured Tracks:
  1125. - weird moody horse shit
  1126. Flash: '[S][A6I3] ==>'
  1127. Page: '5376'
  1128. ---
  1129. Date: October 11, 2012
  1130. Featured Tracks:
  1131. - weird moody horse shit
  1132. Flash: '[S][A6I3] ==>'
  1133. Page: '5377'
  1134. ---
  1135. Contributors:
  1136. - <i>See [[flash:5263]].</i>
  1137. Date: October 22, 2012
  1138. URLs:
  1139. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/007298.html
  1140. Featured Tracks:
  1141. - 108 Stars of Density
  1142. - The Brave and the Bronze
  1143. - Jade Sylph
  1144. - Rust Maid
  1145. - Indigo Heir
  1146. - Orchid Horror
  1147. - Davesprite
  1149. Flash: '[S][A6I3] ==>'
  1150. Page: '5398'
  1151. ---
  1152. Date: October 27, 2012
  1153. Cover Art File Extension: gif
  1154. Flash: '[S][A6I3] ==>'
  1155. Page: '5426'
  1156. ---
  1157. Contributors:
  1158. - 'Feastings (art: character sprites)'
  1159. - 'Scarodactyl (art: background sprites)'
  1160. - 'Shelby Cragg (art: last panel)'
  1161. Date: November 3, 2012
  1162. URLs:
  1163. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/007327.html
  1164. Featured Tracks:
  1165. - Killed by BR8K Spider!!!!!!!!
  1166. Flash: '[S][A6I3] MINISTRIFE!!!'
  1167. Page: '5427'
  1168. ---
  1169. Color: '#cccccc'
  1170. Act: Act 6 Act 4 - Void
  1171. Anchor: a6a4
  1172. ---
  1173. Date: November 12, 2012
  1174. URLs:
  1175. - https://youtu.be/mF3mNn7FPwU
  1176. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/007338.html
  1177. Featured Tracks:
  1178. - Even in Death (T'Morra's Belly Mix)
  1179. Flash: '[S] ACT 6 ACT 4'
  1180. Page: '5438'
  1181. ---
  1182. Date: November 14, 2012
  1183. Featured Tracks:
  1184. - English
  1185. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  1186. Page: '5440'
  1187. ---
  1188. Color: '#777777'
  1189. Act: Act 6 Intermission 4 - Dead
  1190. Anchor: a6i4
  1191. ---
  1192. Date: November 18, 2012
  1193. Featured Tracks:
  1194. - Elevatorstuck
  1195. Flash: '[S][A6I4] ==>'
  1196. Page: '5471'
  1197. ---
  1198. Date: November 19, 2012
  1199. Featured Tracks:
  1200. - Elevatorstuck
  1201. Flash: '[S][A6I4] ==>'
  1202. Page: '5472'
  1203. ---
  1204. Date: November 19, 2012
  1205. Featured Tracks:
  1206. - Elevatorstuck
  1207. Flash: '[S][A6I4] ==>'
  1208. Page: '5473'
  1209. ---
  1210. Date: November 19, 2012
  1211. Featured Tracks:
  1212. - Elevatorstuck
  1213. Flash: '[S][A6I4] ==>'
  1214. Page: '5474'
  1215. ---
  1216. Date: November 21, 2012
  1217. Featured Tracks:
  1218. - Elevatorstuck
  1219. Flash: '[S][A6I4] ==>'
  1220. Page: '5485'
  1221. ---
  1222. Date: November 25, 2012
  1223. Featured Tracks:
  1224. - Elevatorstuck
  1225. Flash: '[S!][A6I4] ==>'
  1226. Page: '5494'
  1227. ---
  1228. Date: November 25, 2012
  1229. Featured Tracks:
  1230. - Elevatorstuck
  1231. Flash: '[!!!][A6I4] ==>'
  1232. Page: '5495'
  1233. ---
  1234. Color: '#ffee00'
  1235. Act: Act 6 Act 5 - Of Gods and Tricksters
  1236. Anchor: a6a5
  1237. ---
  1238. Date: November 28, 2012
  1239. URLs:
  1240. - https://youtu.be/ShIvL8SLC7c
  1241. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/007412.html
  1242. Featured Tracks:
  1243. - A Taste for Adventure
  1244. Flash: '[S] ACT 6 ACT 5'
  1245. Page: '5512'
  1246. ---
  1247. Date: December 26, 2012
  1248. URLs:
  1249. - https://youtu.be/z48Ssmhu3vg
  1250. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/007555.html
  1251. Featured Tracks:
  1252. - Horschestra STRONG Version
  1253. Flash: '[S] Ride.'
  1254. Page: '5655'
  1255. ---
  1256. Date: January 9, 2013
  1257. URLs:
  1258. - https://youtu.be/5O0OZQ3BuTQ
  1259. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/008131.html
  1260. Featured Tracks:
  1261. - Trickster Mode (Engage)
  1262. Flash: '[S] Jane: Engage.'
  1263. Page: '5711'
  1264. ---
  1265. Date: January 10, 2013
  1266. URLs:
  1267. - https://youtu.be/tPo5q6985uE
  1268. Featured Tracks:
  1269. - Trickster Mode (Blast Off)
  1270. Flash: '[S] Jane: Blast off.'
  1271. Page: '5712'
  1272. ---
  1273. Date: January 11, 2013
  1274. Featured Tracks:
  1275. - Kazoostuck
  1276. Flash: '[S] ACT 6 ACT 5 ACT 2'
  1277. Page: '5714'
  1278. ---
  1279. Date: January 13, 2013
  1280. Featured Tracks:
  1281. - Trickster Mode (Engage)
  1282. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  1283. Page: '5726'
  1284. ---
  1285. Date: January 17, 2013
  1286. Featured Tracks:
  1287. - Trickster Mode (Engage)
  1288. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  1289. Page: '5740'
  1290. ---
  1291. Date: January 23, 2013
  1292. Featured Tracks:
  1293. - Trickster Mode (Engage)
  1294. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  1295. Page: '5759'
  1296. ---
  1297. Date: January 24, 2013
  1298. Featured Tracks:
  1299. - A Very Trickster Mode Christmas
  1300. Flash: '[S] Tricksters: Alchemize.'
  1301. Page: '5763'
  1302. ---
  1303. Date: January 25, 2013
  1304. Featured Tracks:
  1305. - Warhammer of Zillyhoo (With Mario Paint)
  1306. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  1307. Page: '5764'
  1308. ---
  1309. Date: January 26, 2013
  1310. Featured Tracks:
  1311. - A Very Trickster Mode Christmas (WHEEEEEEEEEEE!)
  1312. Flash: '[S] WHEEEEEEEEEEE!'
  1313. Page: '5776'
  1314. ---
  1315. Date: January 26, 2013
  1316. Featured Tracks:
  1317. - A Very Trickster Mode Christmas (With Fancy Santas)
  1318. Flash: '[S] HA HA HA! HE HE HE! HO HO HO!'
  1319. Page: '5777'
  1320. ---
  1321. Color: '#77ff88'
  1322. Act: 'Act 6 Intermission 5 - <span style="color: #929292">I''M PUTTING YOU ON SPEAKER
  1323. CRAB.</span>'
  1324. Anchor: a6i5
  1325. ---
  1326. Date: March 10, 2013
  1327. URLs:
  1328. - https://youtu.be/fT0SLVNdvF8
  1329. Featured Tracks:
  1330. - Elevatorstuck
  1331. Flash: '[S][A6I5] BEGIN INTERFISHIN'
  1332. Page: '5981'
  1333. ---
  1334. Date: March 14, 2013
  1335. Featured Tracks:
  1336. - Yaldabaoth
  1337. Flash: '[S][A6I5] ==>'
  1338. Page: '5997'
  1339. ---
  1340. Date: April 1, 2013
  1341. Featured Tracks:
  1342. - Blackest Heart (With Honks)
  1344. Page: '6066'
  1345. ---
  1346. Date: April 13, 2013
  1347. URLs:
  1348. - https://youtu.be/oReLrD9WrA8
  1349. Featured Tracks:
  1350. - A Taste for Adventure
  1351. Flash: '[S][A6I5] ==>'
  1352. Page: '6231'
  1353. ---
  1354. Color: '#2ed73a'
  1355. Act: Act 6 Act 6 Act 1 - HOMOSUCK
  1356. Anchor: a6a6a1
  1357. ---
  1358. Date: June 12, 2013
  1359. URLs:
  1360. - https://youtu.be/PTYc67Cp6oE
  1361. Featured Tracks:
  1362. - Homosuck Anthem
  1363. Flash: '[S] ACT 6 ACT 6'
  1364. Page: '6243'
  1365. ---
  1366. Color: '#dddddd'
  1367. Act: Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 1 - Stardust
  1368. Anchor: a6a6i1
  1369. ---
  1370. Date: June 14, 2013
  1371. URLs:
  1372. - https://youtu.be/j-wdUF0ofts
  1373. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/008178.html
  1374. Featured Tracks:
  1375. - Gold Pilot
  1376. Flash: '[S] ACT 6 ACT 6 INTERMISSION 1'
  1377. Page: '6278'
  1378. ---
  1379. Date: August 7, 2013
  1380. URLs:
  1381. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/008300.html
  1382. Featured Tracks:
  1383. - Elevatorstuck
  1384. Flash: '[S][A6A6I1] ====>'
  1385. Page: '6400'
  1386. ---
  1387. Color: '#e00707'
  1388. Act: Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 2 - theres problems
  1389. Anchor: a6a6i2
  1390. ---
  1391. Date: September 3, 2013
  1392. Featured Tracks:
  1393. - track:fuchsia-ruler
  1394. Flash: '[S][A6A6I2] ====>'
  1395. Page: '6552'
  1396. ---
  1397. Color: '#dddddd'
  1398. Act: Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 3 - GAME OVER
  1399. Anchor: a6a6i3
  1400. ---
  1401. Contributors:
  1402. - Hanni Brosh (art)
  1403. - Matt Cummings (art)
  1404. - Jonathan Griffiths (art)
  1405. - Rennie Kingsley (art)
  1406. - Zack Morrison (art)
  1407. - J.N. Wiedle (art)
  1408. Date: October 25, 2014
  1409. URLs:
  1410. - https://youtu.be/5IDKxUEiuyc
  1411. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/GAMEOVER.html
  1412. Featured Tracks:
  1413. - Carne Vale
  1414. Flash: '[S] GAME OVER.'
  1415. Page: '6901'
  1416. ---
  1417. Color: '#4466ff'
  1418. Act: 'Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 4 - <span style="color: #008282">F1X TH1S</span>'
  1419. Anchor: a6a6i4
  1420. ---
  1421. Date: November 24, 2014
  1422. Featured Tracks:
  1423. - Typheus (Glitched)
  1424. Flash: '[S][A6A6I4] ====>'
  1425. Page: '7086'
  1426. ---
  1427. Date: November 28, 2014
  1428. URLs:
  1429. - https://youtu.be/Xdn70gnBw2w
  1430. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/008998.html
  1431. Featured Tracks:
  1432. - Pipeorgankind
  1433. Flash: '[S][A6A6I4] ====>'
  1434. Page: '7098'
  1435. ---
  1436. Date: December 1, 2014
  1437. Featured Tracks:
  1438. - Elevatorstuck, with Meows
  1439. Flash: '[S][A6A6I4] ====>'
  1440. Page: '7101'
  1441. ---
  1442. Date: January 19, 2015
  1443. Featured Tracks:
  1444. - not a creature was stirring
  1445. Flash: '[S][A6A6I4] ====>'
  1446. Page: '7405'
  1447. ---
  1448. Color: '#55ff00'
  1449. Act: Act 6 Act 6 Act 5 - MASTERPIECE
  1450. Anchor: a6a6a5
  1451. ---
  1452. Date: April 13, 2015
  1453. Featured Tracks:
  1454. - Homosuck Swan Song
  1455. Flash: '[S] ACT 6 ACT 6 ACT 5'
  1456. Page: '7409'
  1457. ---
  1458. Date: April 22, 2015
  1459. URLs:
  1460. - https://youtu.be/v3PIyyIr2pQ
  1461. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/009348.html
  1462. Featured Tracks:
  1463. - Hello Zepp
  1464. Flash: '[S] MSPA Reader: Mental breakdown.'
  1465. Page: '7448'
  1466. ---
  1467. Color: '#00ffff'
  1468. Act: 'Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 5 - <span style="color: #1076a2">She''s 8ack</span>'
  1469. Anchor: a6a6i5
  1470. ---
  1471. Contributors:
  1472. - Xamag (art)
  1473. - Adrienne Garcia (art)
  1474. - Ikimaru (art)
  1475. - Rennie Kingsley (art)
  1476. - J.N. Wiedle (art)
  1477. Date: April 26, 2015
  1478. URLs:
  1479. - https://youtu.be/BzxRi-HWDLc
  1480. - https://www.bgreco.net/hsflash/009349.html
  1481. Featured Tracks:
  1482. - Moonsetter
  1483. Flash: '[S] ACT 6 ACT 6 INTERMISSION 5'
  1484. Page: '7449'
  1485. ---
  1486. Contributors:
  1487. - Rah-Bop (art)
  1488. Date: June 3, 2015
  1489. Featured Tracks:
  1490. - Echidna
  1491. Flash: '[S][A6A6I5] ====>'
  1492. Page: '7635'
  1493. ---
  1494. Contributors:
  1495. - ipgd (art)
  1496. Date: July 23, 2015
  1497. URLs:
  1498. - https://youtu.be/9G-2714Ht9Q
  1499. Featured Tracks:
  1500. - Horsecatska
  1501. Flash: '[S][A6A6I5] ====>'
  1502. Page: '7928'
  1503. ---
  1504. Contributors:
  1505. - Adrienne Garcia (art)
  1506. - Ikimaru (art)
  1507. - Angela Sham (art)
  1508. - Shelby Cragg (art)
  1509. - Rah-Bop (art)
  1510. Date: July 27, 2015
  1511. URLs:
  1512. - https://youtu.be/3pLgxneqLgk
  1513. Featured Tracks:
  1514. - Do You Remem8er Me
  1515. Flash: '[S] Terezi: Remem8er.'
  1516. Page: '7959'
  1517. ---
  1518. Color: '#ee1100'
  1519. Act: 'Act 6 Act 6 Act 6 - <span style="color: #ff0000">Collide.</span>'
  1520. Anchor: a6a6a6
  1521. ---
  1522. Contributors:
  1523. - Adrienne Garcia (art)
  1524. - Airin (art)
  1525. - Angela Sham (art)
  1526. - Callan Bencich (art)
  1527. - Chaz Canterbury (art)
  1528. - Danny Cragg (art)
  1529. - HONE (art)
  1530. - Jonathan Griffiths (art)
  1531. - Jos Venti (art)
  1532. - Matt Cummings (art)
  1533. - Phil Gibson (art)
  1534. - Rah-Bop (art)
  1535. - Ri (art)
  1536. - Shelby Cragg (art)
  1537. - Tauhid Bondia (art)
  1538. - Temmie Chang (art)
  1539. - ToastyGlow (art)
  1540. - Vivian Ng (art)
  1541. - Xamag (art)
  1542. Date: April 6, 2016
  1543. URLs:
  1544. - https://youtu.be/Y5wYN6rB_Rg
  1545. Featured Tracks:
  1546. - Creata (Canon Edit)
  1547. - Oppa Toby Style
  1548. - Eternity, Served Cold (Canon Edit)
  1549. - track:heir-of-grief-collide
  1550. Flash: '[S] Collide.'
  1551. Page: '8087'
  1552. ---
  1553. Color: '#dddddd'
  1554. Act: 'Act 7 - <span style="color: #c7ff43">The Rapture</span><br><i>&amp; Post Canon</i>'
  1555. Anchor: a7
  1556. ---
  1557. Contributors:
  1558. - Angela Sham
  1559. - Ani Roschier
  1560. - Jeffrey Lai
  1561. Date: April 13, 2016
  1562. URLs:
  1563. - https://youtu.be/FevMNMwvdPw
  1564. Featured Tracks:
  1565. - Overture (Canon Edit)
  1566. Flash: '[S] ACT 7'
  1567. Page: '8127'
  1568. ---
  1569. Date: October 25, 2016
  1570. Featured Tracks:
  1571. - Windchime Foley
  1572. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  1573. Page: '8129'
  1574. ---
  1575. Contributors:
  1576. - Adrienne Garcia
  1577. Date: October 25, 2016
  1578. URLs:
  1579. - https://youtu.be/rMZU89jY2j8
  1580. Featured Tracks:
  1581. - Ascend
  1582. Flash: '[S] ==>'
  1583. Page: '8130'
  1584. ---
  1585. Color: '#33cc77'
  1586. Act: Hiveswap
  1587. Anchor: hiveswap
  1588. Jump: Hiveswap
  1589. ---
  1590. Directory: hiveswap-act1
  1591. Contributors:
  1592. - Adrienne Garcia (lead animator, animation, animation cleanup, cutscene illustration)
  1593. - Alex Krokus (animation)
  1594. - Amanda End (engineering)
  1595. - Anastasia Kinzel (engineering)
  1596. - Andrew Hussie (executive producer, writing)
  1597. - Angela Sham (animation director, animation, animation cleanup, cutscene illustration)
  1598. - Ani Roschier (environment art, cutscene backgrounds)
  1599. - Ash Paulsen (marketing)
  1600. - Chris Durel (engineering)
  1601. - Chris Friedemann (engineering)
  1602. - Chris Hastings (additional writing)
  1603. - Chris M. Aguirre Samaniego (engineering)
  1604. - Cindy Dominguez (executive producer)
  1605. - Cohen Edenfield (director, scripting, writing, marketing)
  1606. - ctset (additional writing)
  1607. - Curi Lagann (animation)
  1608. - Dan Hernbrott (engineering)
  1609. - Drake Stillman (quality assurance)
  1610. - Eric Aberhardt (marketing)
  1611. - Francine B. (concept art)
  1612. - Gina Chacón (concept art, environment art, cutscene backgrounds)
  1613. - HONE (environment art)
  1614. - Jackie Lee (animation)
  1615. - James Roach (lead composer, sound designer, music)
  1616. - Jeffrey Flanagan (animation)
  1617. - Jess Haskins (additional writing)
  1618. - Jessica Woulfe (cutscene illustration)
  1619. - John Alexander (quality assurance)
  1620. - John Hatchford (senior producer)
  1621. - Julian Dominguez (marketing)
  1622. - Koukouvayia (cutscene backgrounds)
  1623. - Kris Straub (font design)
  1624. - Odera Igbokwe (animation, cutscene illustration)
  1625. - M. Aurora Parker (cutscene backgrounds)
  1626. - Mallory Dyer (concept art, environment art, font design)
  1627. - Marcy Nabors (additional sound)
  1628. - Molly Gur (environment art)
  1629. - Nic Freeman (quality assurance)
  1630. - Paul Dochney (additional writing)
  1631. - Phil Gibson (animation, animation cleanup, cutscene illustration, environment art)
  1632. - Phillip Huang (quality assurance)
  1633. - Rachel Jost (cutscene backgrounds)
  1634. - Rah-Bop (environment art director, cutscene illustration, concept art, environment
  1635. art, cutscene backgrounds)
  1636. - Riley Smith (engineering)
  1637. - Rose City Games (marketing)
  1638. - Ryan North (additional writing)
  1639. - Shelby Cragg (animation cleanup, cutscene illustration, environment art, cutscene
  1640. backgrounds)
  1641. - Sondra Crawford (quality assurance)
  1642. - Spencer Riedel (quality assurance)
  1643. - Tauhid Bondia (lead UI designer, animation cleanup, font design)
  1644. - Temmie Chang (animation)
  1645. - Tess Snider (engineering)
  1646. - ToastyGlow (animation)
  1647. - Toby Fox (music)
  1648. - Tom Hunt (engineering)
  1649. Date: September 14, 2017
  1650. Featured Tracks:
  1651. - Definitely Safe Forever
  1652. - Snake Escape
  1653. - Joey Claire, Extraordinaire
  1654. - Half-Harley Manor
  1655. - Relatively Visible Darkness
  1656. - Bedroom for an Annoying Dog
  1657. - That's How I Beat Snake
  1658. - Jude Harley, Bizarrely
  1659. - Table for Tooth
  1660. - Final Spice
  1661. - Living Legend
  1662. - Singular Peril
  1663. - A More Defensible Position
  1664. - Open The Door
  1665. - Keep Your Head Down
  1666. - Oh Whoa, What's This
  1667. - Some Kind of Alien
  1668. - Rustblood
  1669. - Filthy Nuclear Bunker
  1670. - SPORTS! Personally, I Love Them.
  1671. - Lofted Gunpile
  1673. - We Shall Go Together
  1674. - Wish You Were Here
  1675. - Intermission 1
  1676. Flash: Hiveswap Act 1
  1677. ---
  1678. Directory: hiveswap-act2
  1679. Contributors:
  1680. - Adelaide Killigan (scripting, QA)
  1681. - Adrienne Garcia (animation director, animation, character design)
  1682. - Alex Mankin (additional engineering)
  1683. - Andrew Hussie (director, executive producer, scripting)
  1684. - Andy R. (animation cleanup)
  1685. - Angela Sham (animation director, animation, character design)
  1686. - Ash Paulsen (additional contributions)
  1687. - Aysha U. Farah (director, scripting)
  1688. - Berlin Lopez (additional art)
  1689. - Chris Friedemann (engineering)
  1690. - Chris M. Aguirre Samaniego (additional engineering)
  1691. - Cindy Dominguez (executive producer)
  1692. - CJ Walker (additional art)
  1693. - Clark Powell (music)
  1694. - Clockheart (animation, animation cleanup, cutscene art)
  1695. - Cohen Edenfield (additional contributions)
  1696. - Dagmar (animation, cutscene art, prop illustration, animation cleanup)
  1697. - Dan Hernbrott (additional engineering)
  1698. - Danny Cragg (animation)
  1699. - Delfina Isla (additional art)
  1700. - Drake Stillman (additional contributions)
  1701. - Elly Beck (additional art)
  1702. - Esther Pimentel (animation, cutscene art, animation cleanup)
  1703. - Fellow Traveller (marketing)
  1704. - fenkko (environment art, cutscene art)
  1705. - Gina Chacón (concept art)
  1706. - Hazel M. (additional sound)
  1707. - HONE (additional art)
  1708. - James Roach (music & sound effects lead, music)
  1709. - Jennifer Giesbrecht (scripting)
  1710. - John Alexander (additional contributions)
  1711. - John Hatchford (additional contributions)
  1712. - Julian Dominguez (director, executive producer, producer)
  1713. - Katie McDermott (UI design)
  1714. - Kim Quach (animation, character design, trial sprites, prop illustration, animation
  1715. cleanup)
  1716. - Liquid T. (cutscene art, animation cleanup)
  1717. - Mallory Dyer (concept art, environment art director, environment art, cutscene art,
  1718. prop illustration)
  1719. - Marcy Nabors (additional sound)
  1720. - Matthew Olsen (scripting)
  1721. - Paulina Lepiz (animation, environment art, cutscene art)
  1722. - Phil Gibson (animation, character design)
  1723. - Peter West (scripting)
  1724. - Rah-Bop (concept art, environment art director, environment art)
  1725. - Raven Robertson (animation, environment art, prop illustration, animation cleanup)
  1726. - Sabina Kim (customer service, additional contributions)
  1727. - Shelby Cragg (character design)
  1728. - Sondra Crawford (QA)
  1729. - Tauhid Bondia (animation cleanup, UI design)
  1730. - Thomas Carr (scripting)
  1731. - ToastyGlow (animation cleanup)
  1732. - Toby Fox (music)
  1733. - What Pumpkin Games (marketing)
  1734. - Xamag (environment art)
  1735. - Yamigoye (animation, animation cleanup)
  1736. Date: November 25, 2020
  1737. Featured Tracks:
  1738. - On-Time Departure
  1739. - Lunch Break
  1740. - DRONE
  1741. - Above Sea Level
  1742. - Studio Space
  1743. - Raw Honey
  1744. - Homestead
  1745. - Shell Game
  1747. - track:ticket-to-ride-rusty
  1748. - track:ticket-to-ride-quadrant-confusion
  1749. - The Prince of All Mustardbloods
  1750. - track:ticket-to-ride-trial-variation
  1751. - Court Begins
  1752. - Objection
  1753. - Cross Examination
  1754. - Cornered
  1755. - VALID END
  1756. - yall know i just do the music right
  1757. - track:ticket-to-ride-the-other-half
  1758. - turns out its like the shoe
  1759. - track:ticket-to-ride-down-with-the-clown
  1760. - take me to clown church
  1761. - track:dark-carnival-rusty
  1762. - track:dark-carnival-quadrant-confusion
  1763. - track:dark-carnival-trial-variation
  1764. - track:dark-carnival-the-other-half
  1765. - the final clowntdown
  1766. - Conductor's Cabin
  1767. - track:old-secret-act2
  1768. - Ghost Train
  1769. - Fight of the Bumblebee
  1770. Flash: Hiveswap Act 2
  1771. ---
  1772. Color: '#d3ff8f'
  1773. Act: Hiveswap Friendsim
  1774. Anchor: friendsim
  1775. Jump: Hiveswap Friendsim
  1776. ---
  1777. Directory: fs-vol1
  1778. Contributors:
  1779. - 'Andrew Hussie (writing: Ardata, Diemen)'
  1780. - 'Danny Cragg (art: characters, backgrounds, endings)'
  1781. - 'Shelby Cragg (art: colorist)'
  1782. - David Turnbull (programming)
  1783. Date: April 13, 2018
  1784. Featured Tracks:
  1785. - Breeding Duties
  1786. - Moonshine
  1787. Flash: Of Bloodthurst and Bratwurst
  1788. ---
  1789. Directory: fs-vol2
  1790. Contributors:
  1791. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Amisia)'
  1792. - 'Anonymous (writing: Cirava)'
  1793. - 'Danny Cragg (art: characters, backgrounds, endings)'
  1794. - 'Shelby Cragg (art: colorist)'
  1795. - David Turnbull (programming)
  1796. Date: April 27, 2018
  1797. Featured Tracks:
  1799. - track:moist
  1800. Flash: Of Aesthetics, Crimson and Otherwise
  1801. ---
  1802. Directory: fs-vol3
  1803. Contributors:
  1804. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Skylla)'
  1805. - 'Cee L. Kyle (writing: Bronya)'
  1806. - 'Adrienne Garcia (art: characters, backgrounds, endings)'
  1807. - David Turnbull (programming)
  1808. Date: May 11, 2018
  1809. Featured Tracks:
  1810. - Dapper Dueling
  1811. - Phantasmagoric Waltz
  1812. Flash: Of Ladies Gray and Lusii White
  1813. ---
  1814. Directory: fs-vol4
  1815. Contributors:
  1816. - 'Lalo Hunt (writing: Tagora)'
  1817. - 'Magdalena Clark (writing: Vikare)'
  1818. - 'Gina Chacón (art: characters, backgrounds, endings)'
  1819. - David Turnbull (programming)
  1820. Date: May 25, 2018
  1821. Featured Tracks:
  1822. - Call me Gor-Gor
  1823. - Thip of the Tongue
  1824. Flash: Of Wright and Wronged
  1825. ---
  1826. Directory: fs-vol5
  1827. Contributors:
  1828. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Polypa)'
  1829. - 'Cee L. Kyle (writing: Zebruh)'
  1830. - 'Adrienne Garcia (art: characters, backgrounds, endings)'
  1831. - David Turnbull (programming)
  1832. Date: June 8, 2018
  1833. Featured Tracks:
  1834. - Coursing
  1835. - Hollow Suit
  1836. Flash: Of Affection, Unwanted or Untrue
  1837. ---
  1838. Directory: fs-vol6
  1839. Contributors:
  1840. - 'Magdalena Clark (writing: Elwurd)'
  1841. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Kuprum & Folykl)'
  1842. - 'Danny Cragg (art: characters, backgrounds, endings)'
  1843. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  1844. Date: June 22, 2018
  1845. Featured Tracks:
  1846. - Superego
  1847. - track:tfw-another-james-roach-track
  1848. Flash: Of Text and Envy, Green
  1849. ---
  1850. Directory: fs-vol7
  1851. Contributors:
  1852. - 'Cee L. Kyle (writing: Remele)'
  1853. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Konyyl)'
  1854. - 'Gina Chacón (art: characters, backgrounds, endings)'
  1855. - David Turnbull (programming)
  1856. Date: July 6, 2018
  1857. Featured Tracks:
  1858. - track:piwates
  1859. - track:olive-scribe
  1860. Flash: Of Business, Flagrantly Illegal
  1861. ---
  1862. Directory: fs-vol8
  1863. Contributors:
  1864. - 'Lalo Hunt (writing: Tyzias)'
  1865. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Chixie)'
  1866. - 'Adrienne Garcia (art: characters, backgrounds, endings)'
  1867. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  1868. Date: July 20, 2018
  1869. Featured Tracks:
  1870. - Single Female Lawyer
  1871. - it be like that sometimes
  1872. Flash: Of Stresses, Song and Otherwise
  1873. ---
  1874. Directory: fs-vol9
  1875. Contributors:
  1876. - 'Kieran Miranda (writing: Azdaja)'
  1877. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Chahut)'
  1878. - 'Gina Chacón (art: characters, backgrounds, endings)'
  1879. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  1880. Date: August 3, 2018
  1881. Featured Tracks:
  1882. - DaJam
  1883. - take me to clown church
  1884. Flash: Of Gazes Cool and Tempers Hot
  1885. ---
  1886. Directory: fs-vol10
  1887. Contributors:
  1888. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Zebede)'
  1889. - 'Magdalena Clark (writing: Zebede)'
  1890. - 'David Turnbull (writing: Tegiri)'
  1891. - 'Adrienne Garcia (art: characters)'
  1892. - 'Phil Gibson (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  1893. - 'Angela Sham (art: backgrounds)'
  1894. Date: August 17, 2018
  1895. Featured Tracks:
  1896. - beekeeper who? i dont know her.
  1897. - ASSAULT
  1898. Flash: Of Faraway Lands and Nearby Pals
  1899. ---
  1900. Directory: fs-vol11
  1901. Contributors:
  1902. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Mallek)'
  1903. - 'Cee L. Kyle (writing: Lynera)'
  1904. - 'Adrienne Garcia (art: characters)'
  1905. - 'Phil Gibson (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  1906. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  1907. Date: August 31, 2018
  1908. Featured Tracks:
  1909. - fortnite funny moments epic fails episode 413
  1910. - Frostbite
  1911. Flash: Of Pals and Promises, Made and Broken
  1912. ---
  1913. Directory: fs-vol12
  1914. Contributors:
  1915. - 'Lalo Hunt (writing: Galekh)'
  1916. - 'David Turnbull (writing: Tirona)'
  1917. - 'Adrienne Garcia (art: characters)'
  1918. - 'Leland Goodman (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  1919. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  1920. Date: September 14, 2018
  1921. Featured Tracks:
  1922. - Snow Pollen
  1923. - Carefree Princess Berryboo
  1924. Flash: Of Know-Nothings and Know-It-Alls
  1925. ---
  1926. Directory: fs-vol13
  1927. Contributors:
  1928. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Boldir)'
  1929. - 'Kieran Miranda (writing: Stelsa)'
  1930. - 'Adrienne Garcia (art: characters)'
  1931. - 'Phil Gibson (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  1932. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  1933. Date: September 28, 2018
  1934. Featured Tracks:
  1935. - track:old-secret
  1937. Flash: Of Fate, Fortune, and Fashion
  1938. ---
  1939. Directory: fs-vol14
  1940. Contributors:
  1941. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Marsti)'
  1942. - 'Thomas Carr (writing: Karako)'
  1943. - 'Kim Quach (art: characters)'
  1944. - 'Angela Sham (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  1945. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  1946. Date: October 10, 2018
  1947. Featured Tracks:
  1948. - SERVICE CAR
  1949. - (an ascii image of bowsette)
  1950. Flash: Of Cleanliness and Clownliness
  1951. ---
  1952. Directory: fs-vol15
  1953. Contributors:
  1954. - 'Kieran Miranda (writing: Charun)'
  1955. - 'Lalo Hunt (writing: Wanshi)'
  1956. - 'Adrienne Garcia (art: characters)'
  1957. - 'Phil Gibson (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  1958. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  1959. Date: October 26, 2018
  1960. Featured Tracks:
  1961. - Charun's Cave
  1962. - idk man you name it im tired
  1963. Flash: Of Creatives, Conventional or Otherwise
  1964. ---
  1965. Directory: fs-vol16
  1966. Contributors:
  1967. - 'Thomas Carr (writing: Fozzer)'
  1968. - 'V (writing: Marvus)'
  1969. - 'Kim Quach (art: characters)'
  1970. - 'CJ Walker (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  1971. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  1972. Date: November 9, 2018
  1973. Featured Tracks:
  1976. Flash: Of Cult- And Capt-ivation
  1977. ---
  1978. Directory: fs-vol17
  1979. Contributors:
  1980. - 'Cee L. Kyle (writing: Daraya)'
  1981. - 'David Turnbull (writing: Nihkee, programming)'
  1982. - 'Adrienne Garcia (art: characters)'
  1983. - 'Phil Gibson (art: backgrounds)'
  1984. - 'Kim Quach (art: endings)'
  1985. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  1986. Date: November 30, 2018
  1987. Featured Tracks:
  1988. - (this title was too long)
  1989. - turns out its like the shoe
  1991. Flash: Of Teen and Tech, Acerbic
  1992. ---
  1993. Directory: fs-vol18
  1994. Contributors:
  1995. - 'V (writing: Lanque)'
  1996. - 'Kieran Miranda (writing: Soleil Twins)'
  1997. - 'Kim Quach (art: characters)'
  1998. - 'CJ Walker (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  1999. - 'Adrienne Garcia (art: colorist)'
  2000. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  2001. Date: December 14, 2018
  2002. Featured Tracks:
  2003. - yall know i just do the music right
  2004. - VALID END
  2005. - the final clowntdown
  2006. Flash: Of Endings, Many
  2007. ---
  2008. Directory: fs-epilogue
  2009. Contributors:
  2010. - Aysha U. Farah (writing)
  2011. - Lalo Hunt (writing)
  2012. - 'Kim Quach (art: characters)'
  2013. - 'Phil Gibson (art: endings)'
  2014. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  2015. Date: December 14, 2018
  2016. Featured Tracks:
  2017. - WORST END
  2018. Flash: Of Hosts, Excellent
  2019. ---
  2020. Color: '#71daff'
  2021. Act: Pesterquest
  2022. Anchor: pesterquest
  2023. Jump: Pesterquest
  2024. ---
  2025. Directory: pq-vol1
  2026. Contributors:
  2027. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Prologue)'
  2028. - 'Andrew Hussie (writing: John, art: backgrounds)'
  2029. - 'Kim Quach (art: characters)'
  2030. - 'Xamag (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2031. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  2032. Date: September 4, 2019
  2033. Featured Tracks:
  2034. - WORST END
  2035. - sometimes i call andrew hussie 'andy' and so far he hasn't corrected me
  2036. Flash: Magic Is Fucking Real
  2037. ---
  2038. Directory: pq-vol2
  2039. Contributors:
  2040. - Aysha U. Farah (writing)
  2041. - 'Andy R. (art: characters)'
  2042. - 'Courtney Brendle (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2043. - David Turnbull (programming)
  2044. Date: September 4, 2019
  2045. Featured Tracks:
  2046. - please support The Trevor Project
  2047. Flash: Something Beyond The Sky
  2048. ---
  2049. Directory: pq-vol3
  2050. Contributors:
  2051. - James Roach (writing)
  2052. - 'Gina Chacón (art: characters)'
  2053. - 'Xamag (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2054. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  2055. Date: September 18, 2019
  2056. Featured Tracks:
  2057. - 2chords
  2058. - ill probably just name this one something normal oh no wait oh jeez aw beans
  2059. - 24/7 lo fi anime beats to question your sexuality to
  2060. Flash: A King's Feast of Ass
  2061. ---
  2062. Directory: pq-vol4
  2063. Contributors:
  2064. - David Turnbull (writing, programming)
  2065. - 'Andy R. (art: characters)'
  2066. - 'Courtney Brendle (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2067. Date: October 2, 2019
  2068. Featured Tracks:
  2070. Flash: The Loneliest Girl In The World
  2071. ---
  2072. Directory: pq-vol5
  2073. Contributors:
  2074. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Karkat)'
  2075. - 'Magdalena Clark (writing: Kanaya)'
  2076. - 'Gina Chacón (art: characters)'
  2077. - 'Phil Gibson (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2078. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  2079. Date: October 16, 2019
  2080. Featured Tracks:
  2081. - 2chords
  2082. - track:crustacean-pq
  2083. - track:drone-pq
  2084. - Darling Kanaya
  2085. Flash: Skip to The Trolls
  2086. ---
  2087. Directory: pq-vol6
  2088. Contributors:
  2089. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Gamzee)'
  2090. - 'Kate Mitchell (writing: Vriska)'
  2091. - 'Haven Daniels-Taylor (art: characters)'
  2092. - 'Courtney Brendle (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2093. - David Turnbull (programming)
  2094. Date: October 30, 2019
  2095. Featured Tracks:
  2096. - track:miracles
  2097. - Superego
  2098. Flash: Clowns and Corsairs
  2099. ---
  2100. Directory: pq-vol7
  2101. Contributors:
  2102. - 'Lalo Hunt (writing: Equius)'
  2103. - 'Sarah Zedig (writing: Terezi)'
  2104. - 'Xamag (art: characters)'
  2105. - 'Gina Chacón (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2106. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  2107. Date: November 13, 2019
  2108. Featured Tracks:
  2109. - 2chords
  2110. - CH3CK TH3 M3T4D4T4
  2111. - Indigo Heir
  2112. Flash: Dragons and Dairy
  2113. ---
  2114. Directory: pq-vol8
  2115. Contributors:
  2116. - 'David Turnbull (writing: Tavros, programming)'
  2117. - 'James Roach (writing: Aradia)'
  2118. - 'Andy R. (art: characters)'
  2119. - 'Courtney Brendle (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2120. Date: December 5, 2019
  2121. Featured Tracks:
  2122. - Bronze Rebel
  2123. - it's a cover of 'made of time'
  2124. - yeah, it is
  2125. - IT'S NOTHING
  2127. Flash: Team Charge
  2128. ---
  2129. Directory: pq-vol9
  2130. Contributors:
  2131. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Nepeta)'
  2132. - 'Anonymous 2.0 (writing: Sollux)'
  2133. - 'Haven Daniels-Taylor (art: Nepeta, Pounce)'
  2134. - 'Gina Chacón (art: Sollux)'
  2135. - 'Charlie Flocke (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2136. - Mint Chipleaf (programming)
  2137. Date: December 20, 2019
  2138. Featured Tracks:
  2139. - 2chords
  2140. - track:requiem-labyrinths-heart
  2141. - KWCOM DOT WAV
  2142. Flash: Blood and Binary
  2143. ---
  2144. Directory: pq-vol10
  2145. Contributors:
  2146. - 'Griever (writing: Eridan)'
  2147. - 'Thomas Carr (writing: Feferi)'
  2148. - 'Kim Quach (art: characters)'
  2149. - 'Gina Chacón (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2150. - Zichao Zang (programming)
  2151. Date: January 15, 2020
  2152. Featured Tracks:
  2153. - 2chords
  2154. - Busker's Theme mk II
  2155. - The La2t Frontiier
  2156. - Love You (Feferi's Theme)
  2157. Flash: Wow Pesterquest Your Mom Lets You Have Two Fish ?
  2158. ---
  2159. Directory: pq-vol11
  2160. Contributors:
  2161. - Pip Dillistone (writing)
  2162. - 'Gina Chacón (art: characters)'
  2163. - 'Courtney Brendle (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2164. - Adelaide Killigan (prorgamming)
  2165. Date: February 5, 2020
  2166. Featured Tracks:
  2167. - 2chords
  2168. - i guess
  2169. Flash: The Call Of Leadership
  2170. ---
  2171. Directory: pq-vol12
  2172. Contributors:
  2173. - Magdalena Clark (writing)
  2174. - 'Andy R. (art: characters)'
  2175. - 'Gina Chacón (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2176. - Andrew D. (programming)
  2177. Date: February 19, 2020
  2178. Featured Tracks:
  2179. - 2chords
  2180. - Riches to Ruins Movement II
  2181. Flash: Thats right ADVENTURE!!!!
  2182. ---
  2183. Directory: pq-vol13
  2184. Contributors:
  2185. - Lalo Hunt (writing)
  2186. - 'Haven Daniels-Taylor (art: characters)'
  2187. - 'Courtney Brendle (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2188. - Andrew D. (programming)
  2189. Date: March 4, 2020
  2190. Featured Tracks:
  2191. - 2chords
  2192. - Would you believe this was for something else
  2193. - Even in Death (T'Morra's Belly Mix)
  2194. Flash: Friendship Wozard
  2195. ---
  2196. Directory: pq-vol14
  2197. Contributors:
  2198. - 'Lalo Hunt (writing: Dirk)'
  2199. - 'Aysha U. Farah (writing: Afterw@rd)'
  2200. - 'Gina Chacón (art: characters)'
  2201. - 'Courtney Brendle (art: backgrounds, endings)'
  2202. - Adelaide Killigan (programming)
  2203. Date: April 1, 2020
  2204. Featured Tracks:
  2205. - 2chords
  2206. - Stress
  2207. - Beatup
  2208. - Unite Synchronization
  2209. - track:mspar-remember
  2210. - normal song name
  2211. - Embittered Shore
  2212. Flash: Just Go Ahead Now
  2213. ---
  2214. Color: '#f51806'
  2215. Act: Psycholonials
  2216. Anchor: psycholonials
  2217. Jump: Psycholonials
  2218. ---
  2219. Directory: psycholonials
  2220. Contributors:
  2221. - Andrew Hussie (author)
  2222. - Clark Powell (musician)
  2223. - Adelaide Killigan (lead engineer)
  2224. - Andrew D. (additional engineering)
  2225. - Aysha U. Farah (editing)
  2226. - Yitong Zhu (language proofreading)
  2227. - Raissa Castro (language proofreading)
  2228. - SK (language proofreading)
  2229. - James Roach (language proofreading)
  2230. Date: February 3, 2021
  2231. Flash: Psycholonials
  2232. ---
  2233. Directory: psych-ch1
  2234. Date: February 3, 2021
  2235. Featured Tracks:
  2236. - track:love-song
  2237. - track:summer-that-never-was
  2238. - track:morning-ritual
  2239. - track:ephemeral-muse
  2240. - track:whats-wasting-me
  2241. - track:the-successor
  2242. Flash: Summer That Never Was
  2243. ---
  2244. Directory: psych-ch2
  2245. Date: February 17, 2021
  2246. Featured Tracks:
  2247. - track:edge-of-dawn
  2248. - track:love-song
  2249. - track:the-cold-hand
  2250. - track:together
  2251. - track:summer-that-never-was
  2252. - track:the-influencer
  2253. - track:just-dreams
  2254. - track:i-have-some-ideas
  2255. - track:the-successor
  2256. Flash: Pranxis
  2257. ---
  2258. Directory: psych-ch3
  2259. Date: February 24, 2021
  2260. Featured Tracks:
  2261. - track:love-song
  2262. - track:morning-ritual
  2263. - track:time-is-helpless
  2264. - track:whats-wasting-me
  2265. - track:through-the-play
  2266. - track:just-almost
  2267. - track:the-successor
  2268. Flash: Wildcard
  2269. ---
  2270. Directory: psych-ch4
  2271. Date: March 3, 2021
  2272. Featured Tracks:
  2273. - track:edge-of-dawn
  2274. - track:love-song
  2275. - track:outlaw
  2276. - track:a-screaming-inside
  2277. - track:just-dreams
  2278. - track:breakthroughs
  2279. - track:ephemeral-muse
  2280. - track:nervous-energy
  2281. - track:now-and-forever
  2282. - track:the-successor
  2283. Flash: A Symbol Of Strength
  2284. ---
  2285. Directory: psych-ch5
  2286. Date: March 10, 2021
  2287. Featured Tracks:
  2288. - track:love-song
  2289. - track:through-the-play
  2290. - track:whats-wasting-me
  2291. - track:in-the-works
  2292. - track:i-have-some-ideas
  2293. - track:ephemeral-muse
  2294. - track:blood-on-their-hands
  2295. - track:the-cold-hand
  2296. - track:the-successor
  2297. Flash: Stuck Pig
  2298. ---
  2299. Directory: psych-ch6
  2300. Date: March 24, 2021
  2301. Featured Tracks:
  2302. - track:love-song
  2303. - track:outlaw
  2304. - track:the-influencer
  2305. - track:the-administrator
  2306. - track:time-is-helpless
  2307. - track:means-of-conquest
  2308. - track:twelve-clown-salute
  2309. - track:together
  2310. - track:now-and-forever
  2311. - track:the-successor
  2312. Flash: The Practice of Delegation
  2313. ---
  2314. Directory: psych-ch7
  2315. Date: March 31, 2021
  2316. Featured Tracks:
  2317. - track:love-song
  2318. - track:the-march
  2319. - track:the-administrator
  2320. - track:such-a-shame
  2321. - track:nervous-energy
  2322. - track:a-screaming-inside
  2323. - track:break-this
  2324. - track:just-almost
  2325. - track:means-of-conquest
  2326. - track:now-and-forever
  2327. - track:the-successor
  2328. Flash: It Never Even Stood A Chance
  2329. ---
  2330. Directory: psych-ch8
  2331. Date: April 13, 2021
  2332. Featured Tracks:
  2333. - track:edge-of-dawn
  2334. - track:love-song
  2335. - track:nervous-energy
  2336. - track:in-the-works
  2337. - track:in-the-loop
  2338. - track:breakthroughs
  2339. - track:whats-wasting-me
  2340. - track:twelve-clown-salute
  2341. - track:such-a-shame
  2342. - track:flare-insurrection-remix
  2343. - track:the-cold-hand
  2344. - track:through-the-play
  2345. - track:summer-that-never-was
  2346. - track:summer-that-never-was-firebrand-remix
  2347. - track:just-almost
  2348. - track:the-successor
  2349. Flash: Grinch Heart
  2350. ---
  2351. Directory: psych-ch9
  2352. Date: April 20, 2021
  2353. Featured Tracks:
  2354. - track:ephemeral-muse-final-remix
  2355. - track:fix-this
  2356. - track:edge-of-dawn
  2357. - track:threshold
  2358. - track:in-the-loop
  2359. - track:we-were-right-about-everything
  2360. - track:feeling-i-cant-shake
  2361. - track:zhen
  2362. - track:just-almost
  2363. - track:the-successor
  2364. - track:love-song
  2365. - track:the-march
  2366. - track:together-vocal-remix
  2367. Flash: A Sword And A Crown
  2368. ---
  2369. Color: '#0088ff'
  2370. Act: Miscellaneous
  2371. Anchor: miscellaneous
  2372. Jump: Miscellaneous
  2373. ---
  2374. Directory: sbahj-movie-1
  2375. Date: May 21, 2010
  2376. Featured Tracks:
  2377. - SBAHJ THE MOVIE 1
  2378. Flash: 'MOVIE #1: hooly SHIT, wear a MOVIE???????????'
  2379. ---
  2380. Directory: namco-high
  2381. Contributors:
  2382. - Ananth Hirsh (head writer)
  2383. - Andrew Hussie (creative director)
  2384. - Brian Clevinger (writer)
  2385. - Cat Sze (UI design)
  2386. - 'Charmwitch (character design: support characters)'
  2387. - Conrad Kreyling (lead developer)
  2388. - George Rohac (co-producer)
  2389. - Magnolia Porter (writer)
  2390. - Rob Pereyda (producer)
  2391. - Ryan Francis (composer)
  2392. - 'Ahvia (art: backgrounds)'
  2393. - 'Yuko Ota (art: Cousin, Taira)'
  2394. - 'Richard Stevens (art: Galaga)'
  2395. - 'J.N. Wiedle (art: Lolo, Jane Crocker)'
  2396. - 'Leigh Davis (art: Valkyrie)'
  2397. - 'Geneva Hodgson (art: Meowkie)'
  2398. - 'Dax Gordine (art: Anti-Bravoman)'
  2399. - 'Lexxy (art: Terezi)'
  2400. - 'E.N. (art: Donko, Davesprite)'
  2401. - 'Tess Stone (art: Albatross, Richard Miller)'
  2402. - 'Noelle Stevenson (art: Nidia)'
  2403. - 'Gigi D.G. (art: Mr. Driller)'
  2404. - 'Audra Furuichi (art: Blue Max)'
  2405. - 'OMOCAT (art: Hiromi)'
  2406. - 'Tyson Hesse (art: Akiho Matsuo)'
  2407. - 'Der-shing Helmer (art: Tomari)'
  2408. Date: December 17, 2013
  2409. Featured Tracks:
  2410. - Namco Theme
  2411. - track:school-namco-high
  2412. - Around Town
  2413. - Private Times
  2414. - Sad Times
  2415. - Romance
  2416. - Upbeat
  2417. - Upbeat (Half)
  2418. - Boss Theme
  2419. - Credits
  2420. Flash: Namco High