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Portable linux workspace

A container with a set of familiar tools
if for some reason you have to work in an unfamiliar environment - this can help you
Installation instructions as "Visual Studio Code" terminal


  • Docker-desktop (tested on WSL2)
  • Windows Terminal (for theme)

How to use it:

Docker desktop should be running!

Check that your Powershell has an alias for cd. If not, replace the cd in the construction below with Set-Location -Path

  • Git clone to your favorite empty folder or download and extract the archive into it
  • Open Windows Terminal with PowerShell:

    cd \path\to\you\favorite\folder

    docker-compose up -d

    docker ps

    docker exec -it (copy and paste the name or id from the command output above) bash

  • On MacOS, the same actions need to be performed in Terminal
After installation, inside container:
  • Change $HOME/.config/base16-shell/scripts/ in .bashrc, if don't like the default theme
  • Run dpkg-reconfigure tzdata, to set the desired time zone

Your needs may be broader than mine. Edit the Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml according to your needs.


Git changes the newline character by default, which can cause problems when building the image. Comment on anything Vim-related, or study THIS and take action.

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