For VSCode 899 B

In VSCode, you can use this container as a terminal. It is very comfortable.

  • Run Visual Studio Code
  • Press CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + P and write in window settings.json
  • Add in your `setting.json' following lines:

    • "": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",

    • "": ["cd C:\\path\\to\\you\\favorite\\folder\\; (docker-compose up -d); docker exec -it foldername_workspace_1 bash"]

  • Check that your Powershell has an alias for cd. If not, replace the cd in the construction above with Set-Location -Path
  • *Don't forget to change C:\\path\\to\\you\\favorite\\folder\\ to real path to yor folder with docker-compose.yml file*
  • *Run docker ps -a, your container name will be different from foldername_workspace_1 in my example*