ax.1 2.7 KB

  1. .TH AX 1 "May 2022" "version 0.0.3" "USER COMMANDS"
  2. .SH NAME
  3. ax \- run X server with windows/desktop environment specified in the command
  4. line.
  6. .BI "ax [" windows\-desktop_manager "|" \-L "|" \-l "|" \-p "|" \-V "|" \-? "]"
  8. .B ax
  9. program run X server with windows/desktop environment specified in the command
  10. line.
  11. .PP
  12. If no argoment is specified,
  13. .B ax
  14. search it in the file .xinitrc if exist else run default windows\-desktop
  15. environment.
  16. .SH OPTION
  17. .TP
  18. .B "windows\-desktop_manager"
  19. Windows/desktop environment to run.
  20. .TP
  21. .B "-L"
  22. Localization.
  23. .TP
  24. .B "-l"
  25. List windows/desktop environment known.
  26. .TP
  27. .B "-p"
  28. List windows/desktop environment available.
  29. .TP
  30. .B "-V"
  31. Print version information in the standard output and exit (with success).
  32. .TP
  33. .B "-h"
  34. Print syntax in the standard output and exit (with success).
  36. .B ax
  37. return a value equal to zero if start with success a windows/desktop
  38. environment selected. If error return a value different to zero.
  39. .SH FILE
  40. .TP
  41. .I ~/.xinitrc
  42. File wrote from ax that indicate the program to run at the start of X server.
  43. .TP
  44. .I /usr/local/etc/ax/client
  45. Global configuration file that indicate where are registered windows/desktop
  46. environment that ax runs. File format is divided in field: name of
  47. windows/desktop environment, name of executable and optionally parameter to
  48. pass to executable. This file is read subsequently to local configuration file
  49. only if the client is not found.
  50. .TP
  51. .I ~/.ax/client
  52. Local configuration file that indicate where are registered windows/desktop
  53. environment that ax runs. This file use same file format of global
  54. configuration file and is read before it.
  55. .TP
  56. .I /usr/local/etc/ax/
  57. Global shell file that specified the program must be executed before the start
  58. of X server. This file is read before of local shell file.
  59. .TP
  60. .I ~/.ax/
  61. Local shell file that specified the program must be executed before the start
  62. of X server. This file is read after of global shell file.
  63. .TP
  64. .I /usr/local/etc/ax/
  65. Global shell file that specified parameters to pass as argument to X server.
  66. This file is read before local shell file.
  67. .TP
  68. .I ~/.ax/
  69. Local shell file that specified parameters to pass as argument to X server.
  70. This file is read only if global shell file is not exist.
  71. .TP
  72. .I /usr/local/etc/ax/
  73. Global shell file that specified the program must be executed after termination
  74. of X server. This file is read before local shell file.
  75. .TP
  76. .I ~/.ax/
  77. Local shell file that specified the program must be executed after termination
  78. of X server. This file is read only if global shell file is not exist.
  79. .TP
  80. .I /usr/local/etc/ax/lang/
  81. Directory where are localization file.
  82. .SH AUTHOR
  83. Viverna (viverna (at)
  84. .SH SEE ALSO
  85. startx(1)
  86. xinit(1)