webpack.main.config.ts 632 B

  1. import type { Configuration } from "webpack";
  2. import TsconfigPathsPlugin from "tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin";
  3. import { rules } from "./webpack.rules";
  4. import { plugins } from "./webpack.plugins";
  5. export const mainConfig: Configuration = {
  6. /**
  7. * This is the main entry point for your application, it's the first file
  8. * that runs in the main process.
  9. */
  10. entry: "./src/index.ts",
  11. devtool: "source-map",
  12. // Put your normal webpack config below here
  13. module: {
  14. rules,
  15. },
  16. plugins,
  17. resolve: {
  18. extensions: [".js", ".ts", ".jsx", ".tsx", ".css", ".json"],
  19. plugins: [new TsconfigPathsPlugin()],
  20. },
  21. };