1.5 KB


2023-05-17 Version 0.4.2

  • removed function that does not works with ttk::paned-window.
  • improved 'lambda-debounce'.

2023-05-17 Version 0.4.0

  • the main loop has been totally rewritten and should works well
  • with multithread code;
  • expanded the wrapper for the 'text' widget;
  • used tkimg to expand the number of image file format supported
  • (JPG, TGA and more).

2022-12-26 Version 0.3.0

  • added a new widget: a text entry with auto completion feature;
  • specialized function "see" on listbox;
  • added "listbox-move-selection" to shift, by an arbitrary offset,
  • the selected entry in a listbox;

2022-11-18 Version 0.1.6

Implemented an API to modify the styles of the widgets

2020-03-27 version 0.0.6

Fixed a bug in validatecommand for widget entry.

2019-12-07 Version 0.0.5

The user can choose (from a set) the shape of a symbol to paint the points of a scatter plot.

2019-09-08 Version 0.0.4

Removed the reader macro #[ ... ]

2019-09-08 Version 0.0.3

  • Scatter plot it is a bit interactive now (see the demo)

2019-09-01 Version 0.0.2

Included three more widgets:

  • notify window;
  • scatter plot;
  • calendar.