1. Version 0.5.0
  2. - The library has been mostly rewritten: it can now manage gettext
  3. MO and PO file format as well as its internal format.
  4. Plural forms for the formats above is supported.
  5. Functions to find system's locale and message's catalogs file path
  6. has been added.
  7. Version 0.4.1
  8. 2011-12-28
  9. - File format of the translation table changed;
  10. - Added a simple method to deal with plural form;
  11. - Added an an approximated matching algorithm in the file scanning
  12. routines for translatable string;
  13. - Added examples directory;
  14. - Refactoring of code.
  15. Version 0.4
  16. 2007-01-07
  17. - Support for merging translation strings (by Vilson Vieira)
  18. - Refactoring of code
  19. Version 0.3
  20. - 2007-01-07
  21. - Support for extraction of translatable strings (by Vilson Vieira)
  22. Version 0.2
  23. 2007-01-04
  24. - Initial public release (by Leslie P. Polzer)