Original Fortran source code for Zork

Simon Morgan c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
actors.F c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
actors.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
advers.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
ballop.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
blkdata.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
clock.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
clockr.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
curxt.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
debug.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
demons.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dgame.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dindx.dat c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dinit.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dmain.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dso1.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dso2.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dso3.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dso4.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dso5.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dso6.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dso7.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dsub.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dtext.dat c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dverb1.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
dverb2.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
errors c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
exits.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
flags.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
gamestat.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
gdt.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
history c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
io.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
lightp.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
makefile c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
mindex.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
nobjs.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
np.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
np1.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
np2.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
np3.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
nrooms.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
objcts.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
objects.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
oflags.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
oindex.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
parser.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
puzzle.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
read.me c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
readit.c c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
readme c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
readme.src c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
rflag.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
rindex.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
rooms.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
rooms.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
rtim.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
screen.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
sobjs.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
state.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
sverbs.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
tempfile c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
verbs.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
verbs.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
villians.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
villns.for c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
vocab.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
xpars.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás
xsrch.h c5dbb9723f Initial import 7 anos atrás


This is a source file distribution for the game dungeon as implemented
in f77 for Unix(R) systems. It is based on the game dungeon as
distributed on a DECUS tape, circa 1980. It has been converted from
the original DEC FORTRAN into something that is palatable to Unix f77.
See the file "History" for some revision history and credit to those
whose efforts have made this possible.

Checkout the Makefile and adjust it to fit your system. The only
things that should really need tweaking are the directory definitions
and the "-D" defines. There is an example for both large address
machines (e.g. Vax) that get the complete game and small address
machines (e.g. Pdp-11) that get a modified game with minor functionality
missing (to get it to fit). Also edit the include file "files.h" if

All of the f77 files end in a '.F' extension to force f77 to invoke the
C preprocessor for the #include files and #ifdefs. Most of the #ifdefs
are for the PDP version (default non-pdp) and for debug (default off).

Except for DTEXT.DAT, all files in the distribution kit are ASCII.
DTEXT.DAT is a binary file consisting of 76-byte fixed length records.

This has been compiled and tested on a PDP-11/44 Version 7, PDP-11/70
2.9bsd Vax-11/785 4.3bsd and Sun-3 before the pdp and Vax sources were
merged (see the file "History"). After the merge it was again tested on
the Vax 11-785 4.3bsd.

I/we consider my/our changes to be in the public domain. The original
source, however, is copyright.

John Gilmore, Nebula Consultants
11 December 1986

Bill Randle
Tektronix, Inc.
9 February 1987

Dungeon consists of the following files:

dmain.F -program root
dgame.F -main routine
dsub.F -resident subroutines
dinit.F -initialization routine
np.F -parser, part 0
np1.F -parser, part 1
np2.F -parser, part 2
np3.F -parser, part 3
gdt.F -game debugging tool
verbs.F -principal verbs
objcts.F -principal objects
sverbs.F -simple verbs
dverb1.F -auxiliary verbs, part 1
dverb2.F -auxiliary verbs, part 2
actors.F -character processors
demons.F -demon processors
clockr.F -clock event processors
rooms.F -room processors
nrooms.F -new room processors
sobjs.F -simple objects
nobjs.F -new objects
ballop.F -balloon processor
lightp.F -light processors
villns.F -villain processors
dso1.F -overlaid subroutines, part 1
dso2.F -overlaid subroutines, part 2
dso3.F -overlaid subroutines, part 3
dso4.F -overlaid subroutines, part 4
dso5.F -overlaid subroutines, part 5
dso6.F -overlaid subroutines, part 6
dso7.F -overlaid subroutines, part 7
advers.h -header file
clock.h -header file
curxt.h -header file
debug.h -header file
exits.h -header file
files.h -header file for directory paths
flags.h -header file
gamestate.h -header file
io.h -header file
objects.h -header file
oflags.h -header file
oindex.h -header file
parser.h -header file
puzzle.h -header file
rflag.h -header file
rindex.h -header file
rooms.h -header file
screen.h -header file
state.h -header file
verbs.h -header file
villians.h -header file
vocab.h -header file
xpars.h -header file
xsrch.h -header file
cinit.c -C routine to initialize game [pdp ver]
cio.c -C routine for misc i/o [pdp version]
rtim.c -C routines for system dependent functions
listen.c -C co-process for reading keyboard [pdp]
cspeak.c -C co-process for displaying messages [pdp]
speak.F -lookup messages for speak process [pdp]
decode.c -C routine to decode binary text file [debug]
dindx.dat -initialization data base
dtext.dat -main data base [binary file]
rtext.dat -message index file [pdp version]
dungeon.sh -shell script to invoke pdp version
dungeon.doc -original documentation file
dungeon.6 -man page abstracted from dungeon.doc
Makefile -Makefile for making pdp or vax versions
History -Some revision history notes
PDP.doc -Notes on the PDP-11/Unix conversion
README -This file