readme.src 811 B

  1. The makefile will make dungeon.exe from the sources.
  2. You will need:
  3. 1. A UNIX like make (I use Don Kneller's NDMAKE)
  4. 2. Microsoft Fortran (versions 4 and 5 tested)
  5. I modified the sources only slightly from the distribution I received (which
  6. was intended for the VAX). Changes made:
  7. 1. INCLUDE statement syntax different
  8. 2. Continuation character moved from column 1 to 6 (boy is the VAXUNIX wierd!)
  9. 3. Bitwise logical function names changed.
  10. 4. GDT command always available if compiled with debug code present (see
  11. makefile for instructions).
  12. All pretty trivial.
  13. Also, the program readit (compiled from readit.c) will allow printing out
  14. all the text strings in the game. This is useful for the cheaters among you,
  15. particularly those compiling in the GDT command. :-)
  16. Tom Almy