1. Here's a quick explanation of the files included in this zip file:
  2. README.TXT : This file
  3. PM.TXT : A quick explanation of the PM.EXE midi player
  4. PM.EXE : PM - a command line midi file player
  5. MAKETMB.EXE : this generates TMB files for use by PM. Read GMTIMBRE.INI
  6. GMTIMBRE.TMB : A timbre file generated by MAKETMB
  7. GMTIMBRE.INI : An example timbre script for MAKETMB. Generates GMTIMBRE.TMB
  8. PERCUS.IBK : General MIDI percussion instruments. Used by GMTIMBRE.INI
  9. GENMIDI.IBK : General MIDI percussion instruments. Used by GMTIMBRE.INI
  10. TIMBRES.ZIP : A couple sets of instrument banks that can be used as
  11. source material for fm instruments.
  12. MAKETMB is a simple utility to allow developers to develop and use their
  13. own FM instrument banks with the Apogee Sound System. It can generate
  14. either a data file or source code (ask me if you'd prefer to use this
  15. feature) containing the instruments and usable by the sound system.
  16. The benefit of having the instruments in a data file is that multiple files
  17. could be made, each with instruments specific to a particular song or set
  18. of songs. It also allows you to make quick changes to the instruments and
  19. hear them in a song (using PM) very quickly, without having to recompile
  20. the code (very useful for musicians).
  21. I know I'm terrible at writing documentation, so if these files are a little
  22. vague, give me a call and I'll walk you through it.
  23. Jim Dosé‚
  24. (214)-271-1365 Ext. 221