localize.cpp 52 KB

  1. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. //
  3. // Copyright 2016 RWS Inc, All Rights Reserved
  4. //
  5. // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  6. // it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
  7. // the Free Software Foundation
  8. //
  9. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10. // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12. // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13. //
  14. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
  15. // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
  16. // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
  17. //
  18. // localize.cpp
  19. // Project: Postal
  20. //
  21. // This module deals with localization issues.
  22. //
  23. // History:
  24. // 11/19/96 MJR Started.
  25. //
  26. // 01/21/97 JMI Added g_pszAssetsMissingError for when the condition occurs
  27. // that is an error when the assets are unfound by the nostril.
  28. //
  29. // 01/22/97 JMI Added g_pszSaveFileQuery.
  30. //
  31. // 01/22/97 MJR Added g_pszBadCDPath, g_pszBadHDPath, g_pszBadVDPath
  32. //
  33. // 02/03/97 JMI Added g_pszBadNoSakDirPath[].
  34. //
  35. // 04/11/97 JMI Added g_pszSaveDemoTitle and g_pszGeneralWriteError.
  36. //
  37. // 04/16/97 MJR Added a few more messages and cleaned up text for others.
  38. //
  39. // And then added a few more video messages, too.
  40. //
  41. // 04/21/97 MJR Created generic version of "bad path" message.
  42. //
  43. // 05/14/97 JMI Added g_pszPickedUpMessage_ld_s for CDude.
  44. //
  45. // 06/03/97 JMI Changed g_pszAudioModeError to g_pszAudioModeGeneralError
  46. // and added g_pszAudioModeInUseError,
  47. // g_pszAudioModeNoDeviceError,
  48. // g_pszAudioModeNotSupportedError.
  49. //
  50. // 06/04/97 JMI Added g_pszNotOnCDROM.
  51. //
  52. // 06/06/97 JMI Changed message for g_pszPickedUpMessage_ld_s and its name
  53. // to g_pszPickedUpMessage_s.
  54. //
  55. // 06/14/97 MJR Added/enhanced general file error messages.
  56. //
  57. // 07/13/97 JMI Changed g_pszAudioModeNotSupportedError to
  58. // g_pszAudioModeNotSupportedError_s and changed to ask the
  59. // user if they want to try the vanilla mode.
  60. // Also, changed the other audio errors to include the
  61. // sprintf format parameters in their names.
  62. // Also, added g_pszAudioVanillaModeNotSupportedError_s for
  63. // the case when the hardware does not support the vanilla
  64. // mode.
  65. //
  66. // 07/18/97 BRH Added strings for new dialogs for loading and saving
  67. // games.
  68. //
  69. // 07/21/97 JMI Added g_pszNoWeaponButHaveAmmo_s and g_pszNoWeapon_s.
  70. //
  71. // 07/28/97 JMI Added g_pszDispenserNoDispenseeTypeChosen.
  72. //
  73. // 07/30/97 BRH Added death messages that come up when the CDude dies.
  74. //
  75. // 08/05/97 JMI Added g_pszDontHaveExecuteWeapon_s and
  76. // g_pszDontHaveSuicideWeapon_s.
  77. // Also, made g_sLocalizeNumDeadMessages get its value based
  78. // on the number of elements in g_apszDeathMessages[] so we
  79. // don't have to worry about keeping that up to date.
  80. //
  81. // 08/12/97 JMI Added g_pszGenericBrowseFor_s_Title and
  82. // g_pszGenericMustBeRelativePath_s.
  83. //
  84. // 08/17/97 JMI Got rid of m_szMessages and all message related functions
  85. // and variables from CDude since we are now using the toolbar
  86. // for dude status feedback to the user. This includes:
  87. // MsgTypeInfo, m_lNextStatusUpdateTime, m_lMsgUpdateDoneTime,
  88. // m_print, m_bClearedStatus, m_szMessages[], m_sDeadMsgNum,
  89. // ms_amtfMessages[], ms_u8FontForeIndex, ms_u8FontBackIndex,
  90. // ms_u8FontShadowIndex, DrawStatus(), StatusChange(),
  91. // MessageChange(), Message(), UpdateFontColors(),
  92. // CPowerUp::ms_apszPowerUpTypeNames[],
  93. // CPowerUp::GetDescription(), and some strings and a string
  94. // array in localize.*.
  95. //
  96. // 08/20/97 JMI Added g_pszDontDropYourselfMORON.
  97. //
  98. // 08/21/97 JMI Added g_pszDoofusCannotFindNavNet_EditMode_hu_hu and
  99. // g_pszDoofusCannotFindNavNet_PlayMode_hu_hu.
  100. //
  101. // 08/25/97 JMI Added g_pszCannotOpenSoundFiles_s_s.
  102. //
  103. // 08/27/97 JMI Upgraded g_pszCannotOpenSoundFiles_s_s message.
  104. //
  105. // 09/09/97 MJR Changed g_pszBadBlueInit to include reference to DirectX.
  106. //
  107. // MJR Further changed g_pszBadBlueInit to include NT info.
  108. //
  109. // 09/11/97 JMI Added g_pszPlayOneRealmOnlyMessage.
  110. //
  111. // 09/18/97 JMI Added localization vars for menus.
  112. //
  113. // 09/18/97 JMI Added localization vars for SampleMaster categories.
  114. //
  115. // 09/19/97 JMI Columnized menu strings so it would be easier to copy
  116. // and paste from here into Excel and back.
  117. //
  118. // 09/23/97 JMI Added localizable sections for menus for US/UK, FRENCH, &
  119. // GERMAN.
  120. //
  121. // 09/24/97 BRH Made ini file based on LOCALE.
  122. //
  123. // 09/26/97 JMI Added French & German for Menus.
  124. //
  125. // 09/29/97 JMI Added g_pszNoSoundFiles.
  126. //
  127. // 09/30/97 JMI g_pszCantFindAssets was missing the word 'in' in the
  128. // clause "you may need to change the '%s =' entry the file
  129. // PREFS_FILE to specify where the APP_NAME files are
  130. // located" between 'entry' and 'the file'.
  131. //
  132. // 09/30/97 BRH Changed postalUK.ini to postalEU.ini since it applies
  133. // to all of the foreign versions.
  134. //
  135. // 10/07/97 JMI Changed PostalEU.ini to PostalUK.INI, PostalFr.INI, and
  136. // PostalGr.INI.
  137. //
  138. // 10/07/97 BRH Added Score localizations to the file.
  139. //
  140. // 10/09/97 JMI Added g_pszVideoChangeDepthErrorUnderGDI_s and modified
  141. // g_pszVideoChangeDepthError to only mention the part about
  142. // Windows' help under Win32.
  143. //
  144. // 10/13/97 JMI Added g_pszControlsMenu_UseJoystick to localizable texts.
  145. //
  146. // 12/04/97 BRH Added g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_AddOn.
  147. //
  148. // 03/05/98 BRH Added g_pszWrongCD message that tells the player that they
  149. // must have the original Postal CD in the drive in order to
  150. // play the Postal Add on Pack.
  151. //
  152. // 09/27/99 JMI Added conditions for LOCALE == JAPAN.
  153. //
  154. // 10/07/99 JMI Added conditions for TARGET == JAPAN_ADD_ON and
  156. //
  157. // 11/28/99 MJR For JAPAN_ADD_ON changed the .ini file to "Postal.ini" so
  158. // that the installation process is easier, since it can then
  159. // just use the same .ini as the original version of Postal.
  160. //
  161. // 12/02/99 MJR Changed JAPAN_ADD_ON back to using a special .ini file.
  162. //
  163. // 02/04/00 MJR Added g_pszPromptForOriginalCD.
  164. //
  165. // 03/30/00 MJR Moved APP_NAME and PREFS_FILE macro definitions into
  166. // CompileOptions.h.
  167. // Switched to using new START_MENU_ADDON_ITEM macro to
  168. // control whether there's an add-on item on the START menu.
  169. // Added new POSTAL_PLUS text.
  170. //
  171. // 04/02/00 MJR Major changes to lots of error messages. The idea was to
  172. // reduce the verbage and instead refer the user to the
  173. // help files for details.
  174. //
  175. // 04/03/00 MJR New text for POSTAL_PLUS start menu items.
  176. //
  177. // 06/25/01 MJR Added some new messages.
  178. //
  179. // 05/07/03 MJR Changed error messages that said "CD-ROM drive" to say
  180. // "drive it was installed from". This should help clear
  181. // up confusion for people that have multiple drives such
  182. // as DVD, CD-R, etc.
  183. //
  184. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  185. #define LOCALIZE_CPP
  186. #include "RSPiX.h"
  187. #include "localize.h"
  188. #include "CompileOptions.h"
  189. #include "realm.h"
  190. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  191. // Macros/types/etc.
  192. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  193. // Determines the number of elements in the passed array at compile time.
  194. #define NUM_ELEMENTS(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]) )
  195. // Message used in a few places
  196. #define CD_DRIVE_CHANGE_MESSAGE "If you added (or removed) a drive to your system after the game was installed, try putting the CD in another drive (if you have more than one) or re-install the game."
  197. #define ADVANCED_USERS_CHANGE_PATH "For advanced users: Instead of re-installing you can edit the '" PREFS_FILE"' file and change the '%s' entry in the [%s] section to the correct drive letter."
  198. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  199. // Variables/data
  200. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  201. extern char g_pszAppName[] = APP_NAME;
  202. extern char g_pszCriticalErrorTitle[] = APP_NAME;
  203. extern char g_pszBadBlueInit[] =
  204. "A system incompatibility has been detected."
  205. "\n\n"
  206. #ifdef WIN32
  207. "Updating your video and/or sound drivers may solve this problem."
  208. "\n\n"
  209. #endif
  210. "See code R100 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  211. extern char g_pszVideoModeError[] =
  212. "The required display settings (%s) were reported by the system as being available, "
  213. "but could not be set properly."
  214. "\n\n"
  215. "An updated video driver may solve this problem. "
  216. "Contact your video card vendor for more help."
  217. "\n\n"
  218. "See code R101 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  219. extern char g_pszVideoChangeDepthError[] =
  220. "The required display settings (%s) could not be set properly."
  221. "\n\n"
  222. "The required number of colors is different from your current settings."
  223. "\n\n"
  224. "Change your color settings before running " APP_NAME "."
  225. "\n\n"
  226. "See code R102 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  227. extern char g_pszVideoDepthError[] =
  228. "The required display settings (%s) could not be set properly."
  229. "\n\n"
  230. "Your video card does not appear to support this number of colors."
  231. "\n\n"
  232. "An updated video driver could solve this, but it is more likely due to limitations "
  233. "of your video card hardware. Contact your video card vendor for more help."
  234. "\n\n"
  235. "See code R103 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  236. extern char g_pszVideoResolutionError[] =
  237. "The required display settings (%s) could not be set properly."
  238. "\n\n"
  239. "Your video card does not appear to support this pixel area (resolution) with this "
  240. "number of colors."
  241. "\n\n"
  242. "An updated video driver could solve this, but it is more likely due to limitations "
  243. "of your video card hardware. Contact your video card vendor for more help."
  244. "\n\n"
  245. "See code R104 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  246. extern char g_pszVideoPagesError[] =
  247. "The required display settings (%s) could not be set properly."
  248. "\n\n"
  249. "Your video card does not appear to support this number of pages at these settings."
  250. "\n\n"
  251. "An updated video driver could solve this, but it is more likely due to limitations "
  252. "of your video card hardware. Contact your video card vendor for more help."
  253. "\n\n"
  254. "See code R105 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  255. extern char g_pszVideoChangeDepthErrorUnderGDI_s[] =
  256. "The required display settings (%s) could not be set properly because you are not "
  257. "using DirectX."
  258. "\n\n"
  259. "You can manually change your color settings before running " APP_NAME ", but "
  260. "we recommend using DirectX, which allows " APP_NAME " to use any color depth."
  261. "\n\n"
  262. "See code R106 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  263. extern char g_pszAudioModeGeneralError_s[] =
  264. "The required audio mode (%s) could not be set properly."
  265. "\n\n"
  266. "If the audio device is or was being used, it may be available once the current "
  267. "sound is done. Choose 'Retry' if you want to try again."
  268. "\n\n"
  269. "If there is no audio device or it does not support the required mode, you can "
  270. "choose 'Ignore' to continue without audio."
  271. "\n\n"
  272. "If you want to stop the program, choose 'Abort'.";
  273. extern char g_pszAudioModeInUseError_s[] =
  274. "The required audio mode (%s) could not be set properly."
  275. "\n\n"
  276. "The audio device is or was being used, it may be available once the current "
  277. "sound is done. Choose 'Retry' if you want to try again."
  278. "\n\n"
  279. "If you would like to continue without sound from " APP_NAME ", you can "
  280. "choose 'Ignore'."
  281. "\n\n"
  282. "If you want to stop the program, choose 'Abort'.";
  283. extern char g_pszAudioModeNoDeviceError_s[] =
  284. "The required audio mode (%s) could not be set properly."
  285. "\n\n"
  286. "There is no audio device or the driver is incorrectly installed or missing."
  287. "\n\n"
  288. "If you want to continue without audio, choose 'Yes'."
  289. "\n"
  290. "If you want to stop the program, choose 'No'."
  291. "\n\n"
  292. "Would you like to continue without audio?";
  293. extern char g_pszAudioModeNotSupportedError_s[] =
  294. "The audio mode (%s) could not be set properly."
  295. "\n\n"
  296. "The audio device does not support this mode."
  297. "\n\n"
  298. "If you want to stop the program, choose 'Abort'."
  299. "\n\n"
  300. "If you want to try another simpler mode that might work "
  301. "choose 'Retry'."
  302. "\n\n"
  303. "If you want to continue without audio, choose 'Ignore'.";
  304. extern char g_pszAudioVanillaModeNotSupportedError_s[] =
  305. "The audio mode (%s) could not be set properly."
  306. "\n\n"
  307. "The audio device does not support this mode."
  308. "\n\n"
  309. "If you want to continue without audio, choose 'Yes'."
  310. "\n"
  311. "If you want to stop the program, choose 'No'."
  312. "\n\n"
  313. "Would you like to continue without audio?";
  314. extern char g_pszPrefFileName[] = PREFS_FILE;
  315. extern char g_pszPrefOpenError[] =
  316. "The preference file '" PREFS_FILE "' could not be opened."
  317. "\n\n"
  318. "See code A100 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  319. extern char g_pszPrefReadError[] =
  320. "An error occurred while reading from '" PREFS_FILE "'."
  321. "\n\n"
  322. "See code A101 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  323. extern char g_pszPrefWriteError[] =
  324. "An error occurred while saving to '" PREFS_FILE "'."
  325. "\n\n"
  326. "Any settings that you may have made will not be saved."
  327. "\n\n"
  328. "See code A102 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  329. extern char g_pszPrefReadOnly[] =
  330. "The file '" PREFS_FILE "' is set to 'READ-ONLY'."
  331. "\n\n"
  332. "Any settings that you may have made will not be saved."
  333. "\n\n"
  334. "See code A103 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  335. extern char g_pszTitleError[] =
  336. "An error occurred during the title sequence."
  337. "\n\n"
  338. "See code A104 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  339. extern char g_pszCantFindAssets[] =
  340. "One or more required files could not be found."
  341. "\n\n"
  343. "\n\n"
  344. "See code A105 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  345. extern char g_pszWrongCD[] =
  346. "The original Postal CD is not in the drive it was installed from."
  347. "\n\n"
  348. "The CD in the drive does not appear to be the original Postal CD."
  349. "\n\n"
  350. "Please insert the original Postal CD and click on Retry.";
  351. extern char g_pszPromptForOriginalCD[] =
  352. "Please make sure the original Postal CD\n"
  353. "is in the drive it was installed from.";
  354. extern char g_pszNotOnCDROM[] =
  355. "Please insert the " APP_NAME " CD into the drive you used to install it."
  356. "\n\n"
  358. "\n\n"
  359. "See code A106 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  360. extern char g_pszGeneralError[] =
  361. "An error has occurred. This application cannot proceed."
  362. "\n\n"
  363. "See code A107 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  364. extern char g_pszBadPath_s_s[] =
  365. "One or more file locations for the game are invalid."
  366. "\n\n"
  368. "\n\n"
  370. "\n\n"
  371. "See code A108 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  372. extern char g_pszBadCDPath_s_s[] =
  373. "Make sure the " APP_NAME " CD is in the drive you used to install it."
  374. "\n\n"
  376. "\n\n"
  378. "\n\n"
  379. "See code A108 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  380. extern char g_pszCannotOpenSoundFiles_s_s[] =
  381. "Your audio hardware supports %s, but the " APP_NAME " file(s) associated with that "
  382. "sound format were not installed."
  383. "\n\n"
  384. "See code A109 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  385. extern char g_pszNoSoundFiles[] =
  386. "There is no sound file installed."
  387. "\n\n"
  388. "Please run " APP_NAME " Setup and choose a sound option."
  389. "\n\n"
  390. "See code A110 in " APP_NAME " Help for more information.";
  391. extern char g_pszAssetsMissingError[] =
  392. "One or more files needed by the editor could not be found.";
  393. extern char g_pszSaveFileQuery[] =
  394. "Save file before this operation?";
  395. extern char g_pszSaveDemoTitle[] =
  396. "Save Demo";
  397. extern char g_pszSaveGameTitle[] =
  398. "Choose a name for your saved game";
  399. extern char g_pszSaveGameErrorTitle[] =
  400. "Error saving file";
  401. extern char g_pszSaveGameErrorText[] =
  402. "Your game could not be saved. Check to see if your disk is full.";
  403. extern char g_pszLoadGameTitle[] =
  404. "Choose the game you wish to restore";
  405. extern char g_pszFileOpenError_s[] =
  406. "Unable to open the file '%s'."
  407. "\n\n"
  408. "The file may be missing or corrupted, or you may not have permission to open it.";
  409. extern char g_pszFileReadError_s[] =
  410. "An error has occurred while reading from the file '%s'."
  411. "\n\n"
  412. "The file may be corrupted, or you may not have permission to access it.";
  413. extern char g_pszFileWriteError_s[] =
  414. "An error has occurred while writing to the file '%s'."
  415. "\n\n"
  416. "The file may be corrupted, or you may not have permission to write to it.";
  417. extern char g_pszDispenserNoDispenseeTypeChosen[] =
  418. "You must choose a dispensee type or Cancel.";
  419. extern char g_pszGenericBrowseFor_s_Title[] =
  420. "Browse for %s";
  421. extern char g_pszGenericMustBeRelativePath_s[] =
  422. "You must choose a file below path \"%s\".\n";
  423. extern char g_pszDontDropYourselfMORON[] =
  424. "You don't really want to drop yourself!!\n";
  425. extern char g_pszDoofusCannotFindNavNet_EditMode_hu_hu[] =
  426. "Doofus with ID %hd found that ID %hd (its NavNet ID) was not "
  427. "a NavNet.\n";
  428. extern char g_pszDoofusCannotFindNavNet_PlayMode_hu_hu[] =
  429. "A character with ID %hd was unable to locate its NavNet with "
  430. "ID %hd.\n";
  431. extern char g_pszPlayOneRealmOnlyMessage[] =
  432. "This version of " APP_NAME " only allows you to play the"
  433. "\n"
  434. "levels that it came with."
  435. "\n";
  436. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  437. ////////////////////////////////// Misc ///////////////////////////////////////
  438. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  439. // NOTICE: These aren't currently available in any language other than english!
  441. extern char g_pszEditorDisabled[] = "The editor is not available in this demo version.";
  442. extern char g_pszMultiplayerDisabled[] = "Multiplayer is not available in this demo version.";
  443. extern char g_pszBuy[] = "You can order the full version of the game from"
  444. "\n\n"
  445. " www.gopostal.com"
  446. "\n\n"
  447. "You know you want it... what are you waiting for?!";
  448. #elif LOCALE == GERMAN
  449. #elif LOCALE == FRENCH
  450. #endif
  451. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  452. ////////////////////////////////// Menus ///////////////////////////////////////
  453. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  454. #if ENGLISH_LOCALE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  455. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Title[] = MAIN_MENU_TITLE;
  456. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Start[] = "START";
  457. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Options[] = "OPTIONS";
  458. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Editor[] = "EDITOR";
  459. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Buy[] = "ORDER INFO";
  460. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Exit[] = "EXIT";
  461. extern char g_pszVerifyExitMenu_Title[] = "REALLY EXIT?";
  462. extern char g_pszVerifyExitMenu_Yes[] = "YES";
  463. extern char g_pszVerifyExitMenu_No[] = "NO";
  464. extern char g_pszVerifyQuitMenu_Title[] = "REALLY QUIT?";
  465. extern char g_pszVerifyQuitMenu_Yes[] = "YES";
  466. extern char g_pszVerifyQuitMenu_No[] = "NO";
  467. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Title[] = "GAME";
  468. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Continue[] = "CONTINUE";
  469. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Save[] = "SAVE";
  470. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Options[] = "OPTIONS";
  471. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Quit[] = "QUIT";
  472. extern char g_pszEditorMenu_Title[] = "EDITOR";
  473. extern char g_pszEditorMenu_Continue[] = "CONTINUE";
  474. extern char g_pszEditorMenu_Options[] = "OPTIONS";
  475. extern char g_pszEditorMenu_Quit[] = "QUIT";
  476. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Title[] = "OPTIONS";
  477. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Video[] = "VIDEO";
  478. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Audio[] = "AUDIO";
  479. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Controls[] = "CONTROLS";
  480. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Multiplayer[] = "MULTIPLAYER";
  481. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Performance[] = "PERFORMANCE";
  482. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Difficulty[] = "DIFFICULTY";
  483. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Crosshair[] = "CROSSHAIR";
  484. extern char g_pszDifficultyMenu_Title[] = "DIFFICULTY";
  485. extern char g_pszDifficultyMenu_SetDifficulty[] = "SET";
  486. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_Title[] = "SOUND TEST";
  487. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_SpecialKeysHeading[] = "SPECIAL KEYS";
  488. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_NumericKeysFunction[] = " 0 thru 9 - PLAY A SOUND";
  489. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_AlphaKeysFunction[] = " A thru Z - PLAY A SOUND";
  490. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_TabKeyFunction[] = " TAB - NEXT SET OF SOUNDS";
  491. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_Exit[] = "EXIT";
  492. extern char g_pszAudioMenu_Title[] = "AUDIO";
  493. extern char g_pszAudioMenu_Mixer[] = "MIXER";
  494. extern char g_pszAudioMenu_SoundTest[] = "SOUND TEST";
  495. extern char g_pszVideoMenu_Title[] = "VIDEO";
  496. extern char g_pszVideoMenu_Gamma[] = "GAMMA";
  497. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_Title[] = "CONTROLS";
  498. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_KeyboardSetup[] = "KEYBOARD SETUP";
  499. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_MouseSetup[] = "MOUSE SETUP";
  500. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_JoystickSetup[] = "X CONTROLLER SETUP";
  501. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_TurningSpeeds[] = "TURNING SPEEDS";
  502. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_UseMouse[] = "USE MOUSE";
  503. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_HorizMouseSensitivity[] = "HORIZ MOUSE SENS.";
  504. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_VertMouseSensitivity[] = "VERT MOUSE SENS.";
  505. extern char g_pszKeyboardSetupMenu_Title[] = "KEYBOARD SETUP";
  506. extern char g_pszMouseSetupMenu_Title[] = "MOUSE SETUP";
  507. extern char g_pszJoystickSetupMenu_Title[] = "X CONTROLLER SETUP";
  508. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_Title[] = "PERFORMANCE";
  509. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_Transparency[] = "TRANSPARENCY";
  510. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_3dLighting[] = "3D LIGHTING";
  511. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_Particles[] = "PARTICLES";
  512. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_DynamicVolume[] = "DYNAMIC VOLUME";
  513. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_AmbientSounds[] = "AMBIENT SOUNDS";
  514. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_Title[] = "TURNING SPEEDS ";
  515. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_RunningSlow[] = "RUNNING (SLOW)";
  516. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_RunningFast[] = "RUNNING (FAST)";
  517. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_StandingSlow[] = "STANDING (SLOW)";
  518. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_StandingFast[] = "STANDING (FAST)";
  519. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_TapDegrees[] = "TAP DEGREES";
  520. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_RestoreDefaults[] = "RESTORE DEFAULTS";
  521. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_RestoreDefaultsOld[] = "RESTORE OLD DEFAULTS";
  522. extern char g_pszVolumesMenu_Title[] = "AUDIO MIXER";
  523. extern char g_pszStartGameMenu_Title[] = "START GAME";
  524. extern char g_pszStartGameMenu_SinglePlayer[] = "SINGLE PLAYER";
  525. extern char g_pszStartGameMenu_Multiplayer[] = "MULTIPLAYER";
  526. extern char g_pszStartGameMenu_Demo[] = "DEMO";
  527. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_Title[] = "SINGLE PLAYER";
  528. #if defined(START_MENU_ADDON_ITEM)
  529. #if TARGET == JAPAN_ADD_ON
  530. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_New[] = "GO POSTAL IN THE USA";
  531. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_AddOn[] = "GO POSTAL IN JAPAN";
  532. #elif TARGET == POSTAL_PLUS
  533. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_New[] = "NEW GAME (ALL LEVELS)";
  534. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_AddOn[] = "SPECIAL DELIVERY LEVELS";
  535. #elif TARGET == POSTAL_2015
  536. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_New[] = "NEW GAME";
  537. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_AddOn[] = "SPECIAL DELIVERY";
  538. #else
  539. #error Strings must be customized for current TARGET
  540. #endif
  541. #else
  543. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_New[] = "GO POSTAL ALL OVER";
  544. #elif (TARGET == POSTAL_PLUS || TARGET == POSTAL_2015)
  545. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_New[] = "NEW GAME";
  546. #else
  547. #error Strings must be customized for current TARGET
  548. #endif
  549. #endif
  550. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_LoadLevel[] = "LOAD LEVEL";
  551. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_LoadGame[] = "LOAD GAME";
  552. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_Challenge[] = "GAUNTLET CHALLENGE";
  553. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Title[] = "CHALLENGE";
  554. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Gauntlet[] = "THE GAUNTLET";
  555. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Timed[] = "TIMED";
  556. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Goal[] = "GOAL";
  557. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Flag[] = "FLAG";
  558. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_CheckPoint[] = "CHECKPOINT";
  559. extern char g_pszStartMultiplayerMenu_Title[] = "MULTIPLAYER";
  560. extern char g_pszStartMultiplayerMenu_Join[] = "JOIN GAME";
  561. extern char g_pszStartMultiplayerMenu_Host[] = "HOST GAME";
  562. extern char g_pszStartMultiplayerMenu_Options[] = "OPTIONS";
  563. extern char g_pszJoinGameMenu_Title[] = "JOIN GAME";
  564. extern char g_pszJoinGameMenu_Browse[] = "BROWSE (LAN only)";
  565. extern char g_pszJoinGameMenu_ConnectTo[] = "CONNECT TO";
  566. extern char g_pszHostGameMenu_Title[] = "HOST GAME";
  567. extern char g_pszHostGameMenu_Start[] = "START";
  568. extern char g_pszStartDemoMenu_Title[] = "DEMO";
  569. extern char g_pszStartDemoMenu_Browse[] = "BROWSE";
  570. extern char g_pszStartDemoMenu_Play[] = "PLAY";
  571. extern char g_pszStartDemoMenu_Record[] = "RECORD";
  572. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Title[] = "MULTIPLAYER";
  573. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Name[] = "NAME";
  574. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Color[] = "COLOR";
  575. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Protocol[] = "PROTOCOL";
  576. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Connection[] = "CONNECTION";
  577. // Keep at end -- was not in original localizable text.
  578. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_UseJoystick[] = "USE X CONTROLLER";
  579. #elif LOCALE == GERMAN ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  580. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Title[] = MAIN_MENU_TITLE;
  581. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Start[] = "SPIEL STARTEN";
  582. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Options[] = "OPTIONEN";
  583. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Editor[] = "EDITOR";
  584. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Buy[] = "ORDER INFO";
  585. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Exit[] = "BEENDEN";
  586. extern char g_pszVerifyExitMenu_Title[] = "WIRKLICH BEENDEN?";
  587. extern char g_pszVerifyExitMenu_Yes[] = "JA";
  588. extern char g_pszVerifyExitMenu_No[] = "NEIN";
  589. extern char g_pszVerifyQuitMenu_Title[] = "WIRKLICH BEENDEN?";
  590. extern char g_pszVerifyQuitMenu_Yes[] = "JA";
  591. extern char g_pszVerifyQuitMenu_No[] = "NEIN";
  592. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Title[] = "SPIEL";
  593. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Continue[] = "WEITER";
  594. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Save[] = "SPEICHERN";
  595. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Options[] = "OPTIONEN";
  596. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Quit[] = "BEENDEN";
  597. extern char g_pszEditorMenu_Title[] = "EDITOR";
  598. extern char g_pszEditorMenu_Continue[] = "WEITER";
  599. extern char g_pszEditorMenu_Options[] = "OPTIONEN";
  600. extern char g_pszEditorMenu_Quit[] = "BEENDEN";
  601. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Title[] = "OPTIONEN";
  602. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Video[] = "VIDEO";
  603. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Audio[] = "AUDIO";
  604. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Controls[] = "STEUERUNG";
  605. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Multiplayer[] = "MEHRERE SPIELER";
  606. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Performance[] = "LEISTUNG";
  607. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Difficulty[] = "SCHWIERIGKEIT";
  608. extern char g_pszDifficultyMenu_Title[] = "SCHWIERIGKEIT";
  609. extern char g_pszDifficultyMenu_SetDifficulty[] = "";
  610. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_Title[] = "SOUND-TEST";
  611. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_SpecialKeysHeading[] = "SONDERTASTEN";
  612. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_NumericKeysFunction[] = "0 BIS 9 - SOUND ABSPIELEN";
  613. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_AlphaKeysFunction[] = "A BIS Z - SOUND ABSPIELEN";
  614. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_TabKeyFunction[] = "TAB - NACHSTE SOUND-REIHE";
  615. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_Exit[] = "BEENDEN";
  616. extern char g_pszAudioMenu_Title[] = "AUDIO";
  617. extern char g_pszAudioMenu_Mixer[] = "MISCHPULT";
  618. extern char g_pszAudioMenu_SoundTest[] = "SOUND-TEST";
  619. extern char g_pszVideoMenu_Title[] = "VIDEO";
  620. extern char g_pszVideoMenu_Gamma[] = "GAMMA";
  621. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_Title[] = "STEUERUNG";
  622. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_KeyboardSetup[] = "TASTATUR-SETUP";
  623. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_MouseSetup[] = "MAUS-SETUP";
  624. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_JoystickSetup[] = "JOYSTICK-SETUP";
  625. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_TurningSpeeds[] = "DREHGESCHWINDIGKEITEN";
  626. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_UseMouse[] = "MAUS VERWENDEN";
  627. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_HorizMouseSensitivity[] = "HORIZONTALE MAUSBEWEGUNG";
  628. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_VertMouseSensitivity[] = "VERTIKALE MAUSBEWEGUNG";
  629. extern char g_pszKeyboardSetupMenu_Title[] = "TASTATUR-SETUP";
  630. extern char g_pszMouseSetupMenu_Title[] = "MAUS-SETUP";
  631. extern char g_pszJoystickSetupMenu_Title[] = "JOYSTICK-SETUP";
  632. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_Title[] = "LEISTUNG";
  633. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_Transparency[] = "TRANSPARENZ";
  634. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_3dLighting[] = "3D-BELEUCHTUNG";
  635. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_Particles[] = "PARTIKEL";
  636. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_DynamicVolume[] = "DYNAMISCHE LAUTSTARKE";
  637. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_AmbientSounds[] = "UMGEBENDE KLANGE";
  638. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_Title[] = "DREHGESCHWINDIGKEITEN";
  639. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_RunningSlow[] = "LAUFT (LANGSAM)";
  640. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_RunningFast[] = "LAUFT (SCHNELL)";
  641. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_StandingSlow[] = "STEHT (LANGSAM)";
  642. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_StandingFast[] = "STEHT (SCHNELL)";
  643. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_TapDegrees[] = "TIPPEN GRADE";
  644. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_RestoreDefaults[] = "ZURUCKSETZEN";
  645. extern char g_pszVolumesMenu_Title[] = "AUDIO-MISCHPULT";
  646. extern char g_pszStartGameMenu_Title[] = "SPIEL STARTEN";
  647. extern char g_pszStartGameMenu_SinglePlayer[] = "EINZELSPIELER";
  648. extern char g_pszStartGameMenu_Multiplayer[] = "MEHRERE SPIELER";
  649. extern char g_pszStartGameMenu_Demo[] = "DEMO";
  650. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_Title[] = "EINZELSPIELER";
  651. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_New[] = "ORIGINAL SPIEL"; // Mike's lame translation
  652. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_AddOn[] = "ADD-ON SPIEL" // Mike's lame translation
  653. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_LoadLevel[] = "EBENE LADEN";
  654. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_LoadGame[] = "SPIEL LADEN";
  655. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_Challenge[] = "HERAUSFORDERUNG";
  656. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Title[] = "HERAUSFORDERUNG";
  657. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Gauntlet[] = "SPIESSRUTEN";
  658. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Timed[] = "ZEIT NEHMEN";
  659. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Goal[] = "ZIEL";
  660. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Flag[] = "FLAGGE";
  661. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_CheckPoint[] = "CHECKPOINT";
  662. extern char g_pszStartMultiplayerMenu_Title[] = "MEHRERE SPIELER";
  663. extern char g_pszStartMultiplayerMenu_Join[] = "MITSPIELEN";
  664. extern char g_pszStartMultiplayerMenu_Host[] = "HOST-SPIEL";
  665. extern char g_pszStartMultiplayerMenu_Options[] = "OPTIONEN";
  666. extern char g_pszJoinGameMenu_Title[] = "MITSPIELEN";
  667. extern char g_pszJoinGameMenu_Browse[] = "DURCHSUCHEN";
  668. extern char g_pszJoinGameMenu_ConnectTo[] = "VERBINDEN MIT";
  669. extern char g_pszHostGameMenu_Title[] = "HOST-SPIEL";
  670. extern char g_pszHostGameMenu_Start[] = "START";
  671. extern char g_pszStartDemoMenu_Title[] = "DEMO";
  672. extern char g_pszStartDemoMenu_Browse[] = "DURCHSUCHEN";
  673. extern char g_pszStartDemoMenu_Play[] = "ABSPIELEN";
  674. extern char g_pszStartDemoMenu_Record[] = "AUSZEICHNEN";
  675. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Title[] = "MEHRERE SPIELER";
  676. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Name[] = "NAME";
  677. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Color[] = "FARBE";
  678. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Protocol[] = "PROTOKOLL";
  679. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Connection[] = "VERBINDUNG";
  680. // Keep at end -- was not in original localizable text.
  681. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_UseJoystick[] = "JOYSTICK VERWENDEN";
  682. #elif LOCALE == FRENCH ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  683. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Title[] = MAIN_MENU_TITLE;
  684. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Start[] = "DEMARRER";
  685. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Options[] = "OPTIONS";
  686. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Editor[] = "EDITEUR";
  687. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Buy[] = "ORDER INFO";
  688. extern char g_pszMainMenu_Exit[] = "QUITTER";
  689. extern char g_pszVerifyExitMenu_Title[] = "VRAIMENT SORTIR ?";
  690. extern char g_pszVerifyExitMenu_Yes[] = "OUI";
  691. extern char g_pszVerifyExitMenu_No[] = "NON";
  692. extern char g_pszVerifyQuitMenu_Title[] = "VRAIMENT QUITTER ?";
  693. extern char g_pszVerifyQuitMenu_Yes[] = "OUI";
  694. extern char g_pszVerifyQuitMenu_No[] = "NON";
  695. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Title[] = "JEU";
  696. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Continue[] = "CONTINUER";
  697. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Save[] = "ENREGISTRER";
  698. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Options[] = "OPTIONS";
  699. extern char g_pszGameMenu_Quit[] = "QUITTER";
  700. extern char g_pszEditorMenu_Title[] = "EDITEUR";
  701. extern char g_pszEditorMenu_Continue[] = "CONTINUER";
  702. extern char g_pszEditorMenu_Options[] = "OPTIONS";
  703. extern char g_pszEditorMenu_Quit[] = "QUITTER";
  704. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Title[] = "OPTIONS";
  705. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Video[] = "VIDEO";
  706. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Audio[] = "AUDIO";
  707. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Controls[] = "COMMANDES";
  708. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Multiplayer[] = "JOUEURS MULTIPLES";
  709. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Performance[] = "PERFORMANCE";
  710. extern char g_pszOptionsMenu_Difficulty[] = "DIFFICULTE";
  711. extern char g_pszDifficultyMenu_Title[] = "DIFFICULTE";
  712. extern char g_pszDifficultyMenu_SetDifficulty[] = "DEFINIR";
  713. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_Title[] = "TEST SONORE";
  714. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_SpecialKeysHeading[] = "TOUCHES SPECIALES";
  715. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_NumericKeysFunction[] = "0 A 9 - JOUER UN SON";
  716. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_AlphaKeysFunction[] = "A A Z - JOUER UN SON";
  717. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_TabKeyFunction[] = "TAB - PROCHAIN JEU DE SONS";
  718. extern char g_pszOrganMenu_Exit[] = "QUITTER";
  719. extern char g_pszAudioMenu_Title[] = "AUDIO";
  720. extern char g_pszAudioMenu_Mixer[] = "MIXER";
  721. extern char g_pszAudioMenu_SoundTest[] = "TEST SONORE";
  722. extern char g_pszVideoMenu_Title[] = "VIDEO";
  723. extern char g_pszVideoMenu_Gamma[] = "GAMMA";
  724. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_Title[] = "COMMANDES";
  725. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_KeyboardSetup[] = "CONFIGURATION CLAVIER";
  726. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_MouseSetup[] = "CONFIGURATION SOURIS";
  727. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_JoystickSetup[] = "CONFIGURATION DE LA MANETTE DE JEU";
  728. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_TurningSpeeds[] = "VITESSES DE ROTATION";
  729. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_UseMouse[] = "UTILISER LA SOURIS";
  730. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_HorizMouseSensitivity[] = "SOURIS HORIZONTALE";
  731. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_VertMouseSensitivity[] = "SOURIS VERTICALE";
  732. extern char g_pszKeyboardSetupMenu_Title[] = "CONFIGURATION CLAVIER";
  733. extern char g_pszMouseSetupMenu_Title[] = "CONFIGURATION SOURIS";
  734. extern char g_pszJoystickSetupMenu_Title[] = "CONFIGURATION DE LA MANETTE DE JEU";
  735. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_Title[] = "PERFORMANCE";
  736. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_Transparency[] = "TRANSPARENCE";
  737. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_3dLighting[] = "ECLAIRAGE 3D";
  738. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_Particles[] = "PARTICULES";
  739. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_DynamicVolume[] = "VOLUME DYNAMIQUE";
  740. extern char g_pszPerformanceMenu_AmbientSounds[] = "SONS AMBIANTS";
  741. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_Title[] = "VITESSES DE ROTATION";
  742. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_RunningSlow[] = "COURIR (LENTEMENT)";
  743. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_RunningFast[] = "COURIR (VITE)";
  744. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_StandingSlow[] = "SE TENIR DEBOUT (LENTEMENT)";
  745. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_StandingFast[] = "SE TENIR DEBOUT (VITE)";
  746. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_TapDegrees[] = "DEGRES DE FRAPPE";
  747. extern char g_pszRotationSetupMenu_RestoreDefaults[] = "DEFAUT";
  748. extern char g_pszVolumesMenu_Title[] = "MIXER AUDIO";
  749. extern char g_pszStartGameMenu_Title[] = "DEMARRE LE JEU";
  750. extern char g_pszStartGameMenu_SinglePlayer[] = "JOUEUR UNIQUE";
  751. extern char g_pszStartGameMenu_Multiplayer[] = "JOUEURS MULTIPLES";
  752. extern char g_pszStartGameMenu_Demo[] = "DEMO";
  753. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_Title[] = "JOUEUR UNIQUE";
  754. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_New[] = "CHARGER ORIGINAL"; // Mike's lame translation
  755. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_AddOn[] = "CHARGER ADD-ON"; // Mike's lame translation
  756. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_LoadLevel[] = "CHARGER LE NIVEAU";
  757. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_LoadGame[] = "CHARGER LE JEU";
  758. extern char g_pszStartSinglePlayerMenu_Challenge[] = "DEFI";
  759. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Title[] = "DEFI";
  760. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Gauntlet[] = "LE GANT";
  761. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Timed[] = "CHRONOMETRE";
  762. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Goal[] = "BUT";
  763. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_Flag[] = "DRAPEAU";
  764. extern char g_pszStartChallengeMenu_CheckPoint[] = "CONTROLE";
  765. extern char g_pszStartMultiplayerMenu_Title[] = "JOUEURS MULTIPLES";
  766. extern char g_pszStartMultiplayerMenu_Join[] = "JOINDRE LE JEU";
  767. extern char g_pszStartMultiplayerMenu_Host[] = "ANIMER LE JEU";
  768. extern char g_pszStartMultiplayerMenu_Options[] = "OPTIONS";
  769. extern char g_pszJoinGameMenu_Title[] = "JOINDRE LE JEU";
  770. extern char g_pszJoinGameMenu_Browse[] = "PARCOURIR (RESEAU LOCAL UNIQUEMENT)";
  771. extern char g_pszJoinGameMenu_ConnectTo[] = "SE CONNECTER A";
  772. extern char g_pszHostGameMenu_Title[] = "ANIMER LE JEU";
  773. extern char g_pszHostGameMenu_Start[] = "DEMARRER";
  774. extern char g_pszStartDemoMenu_Title[] = "DEMO";
  775. extern char g_pszStartDemoMenu_Browse[] = "PARCOURIR";
  776. extern char g_pszStartDemoMenu_Play[] = "JOUER";
  777. extern char g_pszStartDemoMenu_Record[] = "ENREGISTRER";
  778. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Title[] = "JOUEURS MULTIPLES";
  779. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Name[] = "NOM";
  780. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Color[] = "COULEUR";
  781. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Protocol[] = "PROTOCOLE";
  782. extern char g_pszMultiplayerSetupMenu_Connection[] = "CONNEXION";
  783. // Keep at end -- was not in original localizable text.
  784. extern char g_pszControlsMenu_UseJoystick[] = "UTILISER LA MANETTE DE JEU";
  785. #endif
  786. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  787. ///////////////////////////// Sample Master ////////////////////////////////////
  788. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  790. extern char* g_apszSoundCategories[] =
  791. {
  792. "GENERAL",
  793. "SOUNDTRACK",
  794. "WEAPONS",
  795. "FEEDBACK",
  797. "AMBIENT",
  798. "DEMON",
  799. "SHOUTING",
  800. "PAIN",
  801. "SUFFERING"
  802. };
  803. #elif LOCALE == GERMAN
  804. extern char* g_apszSoundCategories[] =
  805. {
  806. "ALLGEMEIN",
  807. "SOUNDTRACK",
  808. "WAFFEN",
  809. "FEEDBACK",
  810. "ZERSTORUNG",
  811. "UMGEBUNG",
  812. "DAMON",
  813. "GESCHREI",
  814. "SCHMERZEN",
  815. "LEIDEN",
  816. };
  817. #elif LOCALE == FRENCH
  818. extern char* g_apszSoundCategories[] =
  819. {
  820. "GENERAL",
  822. "ARMES",
  823. "FEED-BACK",
  825. "AMBIANTE",
  826. "DEMON",
  827. "CRIS",
  828. "DOULEUR",
  829. "SOUFFRANCE",
  830. };
  831. #endif
  832. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  833. // Score module
  834. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  835. #if ENGLISH_LOCALE // ScoreDisplayText
  836. extern char* g_apszScoreDisplayText[CRealm::TotalScoringModes] =
  837. {
  838. " Population %d Hostiles %d Killed %d (%d%% / %d%%)", // Standard
  839. " Time Remaining %d:%2.2d Kills %d", // Timed
  840. " Time Remaining %d:%2.2d Kills %d Remaining %d / %d", // TimedGoal
  841. " Time Remaining %d:%2.2d", // TimedFlag
  842. " Kills %d Remaining %d Time Elapsed %d:%2.2d",// Goal
  843. " Time Elapsed %d:%2.2d", // CaptureFlag
  844. " Clock %d:%2.2d You have %d flags Flags Remaining %d", // Checkpoint
  845. "Time Remaining %d:%2.2d", // MPTimed
  846. "Time Remaining %d:%2.2d", // MPFrag
  847. "", // MPLastMan,
  848. "", // MPCaptureFlag
  849. "", // MPTimedFlag,
  850. "", // MPTimedFrag
  851. "", // MPLastManFrag
  852. "", // MPLastManTimed
  853. "" // MPLastManTimedFrag
  854. };
  855. #elif LOCALE == GERMAN
  856. extern char* g_apszScoreDisplayText[CRealm::TotalScoringModes] =
  857. {
  858. " Leute %d Feinden %d Totungen %d (%d%%)", // Standard
  859. " Verbleibende Zeit %d:%2.2d Totungen %d", // Timed
  860. " Verbleibende Zeit %d:%2.2d Totungen %d Verbleibend %d", // TimedGoal
  861. " Verbleibende Zeit %d:%2.2d", // TimedFlag
  862. " Totungen %d Verbleibend %d Vergangene Zeit %d:%2.2d",// Goal
  863. " Vergangene Zeit %d:%2.2d", // CaptureFlag
  864. " Uhr %d:%2.2d Sie haben %d Flaggen Verbleibende Flaggen %d", // Checkpoint
  865. "Verbleibende Zeit %d:%2.2d", // MPTimed
  866. "Verbleibende Zeit %d:%2.2d", // MPFrag
  867. "", // MPLastMan,
  868. "", // MPCaptureFlag
  869. "", // MPTimedFlag,
  870. "", // MPTimedFrag
  871. "", // MPLastManFrag
  872. "", // MPLastManTimed
  873. "" // MPLastManTimedFrag
  874. };
  875. #elif LOCALE == FRENCH
  876. extern char* g_apszScoreDisplayText[CRealm::TotalScoringModes] =
  877. {
  878. " Personnes %d Ennemis %d Victimes %d (%d%%)", // Standard
  879. " Temps restant %d:%2.2d Victimes %d", // Timed
  880. " Temps restant %d:%2.2d Kills %d Remaining %d", // TimedGoal
  881. " Temps restant %d:%2.2d", // TimedFlag
  882. " Victimes %d Restant %d Temps ecoule %d:%2.2d",// Goal
  883. " Temps ecoule %d:%2.2d", // CaptureFlag
  884. " Horloge %d:%2.2d Vous avez %d drapeaux Drapeaux restants %d", // Checkpoint
  885. "Temps restant %d:%2.2d", // MPTimed
  886. "Temps restant %d:%2.2d", // MPFrag
  887. "", // MPLastMan,
  888. "", // MPCaptureFlag
  889. "", // MPTimedFlag,
  890. "", // MPTimedFrag
  891. "", // MPLastManFrag
  892. "", // MPLastManTimed
  893. "" // MPLastManTimedFrag
  894. };
  895. #endif // ScoreDisplayText
  896. #if ENGLISH_LOCALE // ScoreGoalText
  897. extern char* g_apszScoreGoalText[CRealm::TotalScoringModes] =
  898. {
  899. " You must kill %d%% of the hostiles.", // Standard
  900. " Score as many kills as possible in the time remaining.", // Timed
  901. " Kill everyone before time runs out.", // TimedGoal
  902. " Capture the flag before time runs out.", // TimedFlag
  903. " Kill %d People in as little time as possible.", // Goal
  904. " Capture the flag in as little time as possible.", // CaptureFlag
  905. " Grab as many flags as possible before time runs out.", // Checkpoint
  906. " The player with the most kills when time expires is the winner", // MPTimed
  907. " The first player to get %d kills wins", // MPFrag
  908. "", // MPLastMan,
  909. "", // MPCaptureFlag
  910. "", // MPTimedFlag
  911. " Try to reach %d kills before time expires", // MPTimedFrag
  912. "", // MPLastManFrag
  913. "", // MPLastManTimed
  914. " There are no time or kill limits on this game - play as long as you like" // MPLastManTimedFrag
  915. };
  916. #elif LOCALE == GERMAN
  917. extern char* g_apszScoreGoalText[CRealm::TotalScoringModes] =
  918. {
  919. " Sie mussen %d%% Feinde toten.", // Standard
  920. " Erzielen Sie in der verbleibenden Zeit su viele Totungen wie moglich.", // Timed
  921. " Toten Sie jeden vor Ablauf der Zeit.", // TimedGoal
  922. " Nehmen Sie vor Ablauf der Zeit die Flagge ein.", // TimedFlag
  923. " Toten Sie so schnell wie moglich %d Leute.", // Goal
  924. " Nehmen Sie so schnell wie moglich die Flagge ein.", // CaptureFlag
  925. " Holen Sie sich vor Ablauf der Zeit so viele Flaggen wie moglich.", // Checkpoint
  926. " Der Spieler, dar nach Ablauf der Zeit die meisten Totungen hat, ist der Sieger", // MPTimed
  927. " Der erste Spieler mit %d Totungen hat gewonnen", // MPFrag
  928. "", // MPLastMan,
  929. "", // MPCaptureFlag
  930. "", // MPTimedFlag
  931. " Versuchen Sie, vor Ablauf der Zeit %d Totungen zu erreichen", // MPTimedFrag
  932. "", // MPLastManFrag
  933. "", // MPLastManTimed
  934. " In diesem Spiel gibt es keine Ziet- oder Totungsbeschrakungen - spielen Sie so lange wie Sie wollen" // MPLastManTimedFrag
  935. };
  936. #elif LOCALE == FRENCH
  937. extern char* g_apszScoreGoalText[CRealm::TotalScoringModes] =
  938. {
  939. " Vous devez tuer %d%% ennemis.", // Standard
  940. " Faites autant de victimes que possible dans le delai restant.", // Timed
  941. " Tuez tout le monde avant l'expiration du delai.", // TimedGoal
  942. " Capturez le drapeau avant l'expiration du delai.", // TimedFlag
  943. " Tuez %d personnes aussi vite que possible.", // Goal
  944. " Capturez le drapeau aussi vite que possible.", // CaptureFlag
  945. " Saisissez autant de drapeaux que possible avant l'expiration dudelai.", // Checkpoint
  946. " Le joueur ayant fait le plus de victimes a l'expiration du delai est le gagnant", // MPTimed
  947. " Le premier joueur faisant %d victimes gagne le jeu.", // MPFrag
  948. "", // MPLastMan,
  949. "", // MPCaptureFlag
  950. "", // MPTimedFlag
  951. " Essayez de faire %d victimes avant l'expiration du delai", // MPTimedFrag
  952. "", // MPLastManFrag
  953. "", // MPLastManTimed
  954. " Aucune limite de temps ou de victimes dans ce jeu - jouez aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez." // MPLastManTimedFrag
  955. };
  956. #endif // ScoreGoalText
  957. #if ENGLISH_LOCALE // ScoreUnits
  958. // Units for the various scoring types.
  959. extern char* g_apszScoreUnits[] =
  960. {
  961. "", // Standard.
  962. "Kills", // Timed.
  963. "", // Timed goal.
  964. "", // Timed flag.
  965. "", // Goal.
  966. "", // Capture the flag.
  967. "Flags", // Checkpoint.
  968. "Frags", // Multiplayer timed.
  969. "Frags", // Multiplayer Frag limited.
  970. "Frags", // Multiplayer last man standing.
  971. "Frags", // Multiplayer capture the flag.
  972. "Frags", // Multiplayer Timed capture the flag.
  973. "Frags", // Multiplayer timed frags.
  974. "Frags", // Multiplayer last man frag limited.
  975. "Frags", // Multiplayer last man with time limit.
  976. "Frags", // Multiplayer last man frag and time limited.
  977. };
  978. #elif LOCALE == GERMAN
  979. extern char* g_apszScoreUnits[] =
  980. {
  981. "", // Standard.
  982. "Totungen", // Timed.
  983. "", // Timed goal.
  984. "", // Timed flag.
  985. "", // Goal.
  986. "", // Capture the flag.
  987. "Flaggen", // Checkpoint.
  988. "Totungen", // Multiplayer timed.
  989. "Totungen", // Multiplayer Frag limited.
  990. "Totungen", // Multiplayer last man standing.
  991. "Totungen", // Multiplayer capture the flag.
  992. "Totungen", // Multiplayer Timed capture the flag.
  993. "Totungen", // Multiplayer timed frags.
  994. "Totungen", // Multiplayer last man frag limited.
  995. "Totungen", // Multiplayer last man with time limit.
  996. "Totungen", // Multiplayer last man frag and time limited.
  997. };
  998. #elif LOCALE == FRENCH
  999. extern char* g_apszScoreUnits[] =
  1000. {
  1001. "", // Standard.
  1002. "tues", // Timed.
  1003. "", // Timed goal.
  1004. "", // Timed flag.
  1005. "", // Goal.
  1006. "", // Capture the flag.
  1007. "Drapeaux", // Checkpoint.
  1008. "tues", // Multiplayer timed.
  1009. "tues", // Multiplayer Frag limited.
  1010. "tues", // Multiplayer last man standing.
  1011. "tues", // Multiplayer capture the flag.
  1012. "tues", // Multiplayer Timed capture the flag.
  1013. "tues", // Multiplayer timed frags.
  1014. "tues", // Multiplayer last man frag limited.
  1015. "tues", // Multiplayer last man with time limit.
  1016. "tues", // Multiplayer last man frag and time limited.
  1017. };
  1018. #endif // ScoreUnits
  1019. #if ENGLISH_LOCALE // ScoreExplanations
  1020. // Explanations for the various scoring types.
  1021. extern char* g_apszScoreExplanations[] =
  1022. {
  1023. "", // Standard.
  1024. "Most kills in %s", // Timed.
  1025. "Best times for killing %d hostiles", // Timed goal.
  1026. "Best times for capturing the flag", // Timed flag.
  1027. "Best times for killing %d hostiles", // Goal.
  1028. "Best times for capturing the flag", // Capture the flag.
  1029. "Most flags collected", // Checkpoint.
  1030. "Top %d Scores", // Multiplayer timed.
  1031. "Top %d Scores", // Multiplayer frag.
  1032. "Top %d Scores", // Multiplayer last man standing.
  1033. "Top %d Scores", // Multiplayer capture the flag.
  1034. "Top %d Scores", // Multiplayer Timed capture the flag.
  1035. "Top %d Scores", // Multiplayer timed frags.
  1036. "Top %d Scores", // Multiplayer last man frag limited.
  1037. "Top %d Scores", // Multiplayer last man with time limit.
  1038. "Top %d Scores", // Multiplayer last man frag and time limited.
  1039. };
  1040. #elif LOCALE == GERMAN
  1041. extern char* g_apszScoreExplanations[] =
  1042. {
  1043. "", // Standard.
  1044. "Die meisten Totungen in %s", // Timed.
  1045. "Bestzeiten beim Toten von %d Feinden", // Timed goal.
  1046. "Bestzeiten beim Einnehmen der Flagge", // Timed flag.
  1047. "Bestzeiten beim Toten von %d Fienden", // Goal.
  1048. "Bestzeiten beim Einnehmen der Flagge", // Capture the flag.
  1049. "Meiste gesammelte Flaggen", // Checkpoint.
  1050. "Hochste %d Punktzahlen", // Multiplayer timed.
  1051. "Hochste %d Punktzahlen", // Multiplayer frag.
  1052. "Hochste %d Punktzahlen", // Multiplayer last man standing.
  1053. "Hochste %d Punktzahlen", // Multiplayer capture the flag.
  1054. "Hochste %d Punktzahlen", // Multiplayer Timed capture the flag.
  1055. "Hochste %d Punktzahlen", // Multiplayer timed frags.
  1056. "Hochste %d Punktzahlen", // Multiplayer last man frag limited.
  1057. "Hochste %d Punktzahlen", // Multiplayer last man with time limit.
  1058. "Hochste %d Punktzahlen", // Multiplayer last man frag and time limited.
  1059. };
  1060. #elif LOCALE == FRENCH
  1061. extern char* g_apszScoreExplanations[] =
  1062. {
  1063. "", // Standard.
  1064. "Maximum de victimes en %s", // Timed.
  1065. "Meilleurs temps pour tuer %d ennemis", // Timed goal.
  1066. "Meilleurs temps de capture des drapeaux", // Timed flag.
  1067. "Meilleurs temps pour tuer %d ennemis", // Goal.
  1068. "Meilleurs temps de capture des drapeaux", // Capture the flag.
  1069. "Nombre maximum de drapeaux amasses", // Checkpoint.
  1070. "%d Meilleurs Scores", // Multiplayer timed.
  1071. "%d Meilleurs Scores", // Multiplayer frag.
  1072. "%d Meilleurs Scores", // Multiplayer last man standing.
  1073. "%d Meilleurs Scores", // Multiplayer capture the flag.
  1074. "%d Meilleurs Scores", // Multiplayer Timed capture the flag.
  1075. "%d Meilleurs Scores", // Multiplayer timed frags.
  1076. "%d Meilleurs Scores", // Multiplayer last man frag limited.
  1077. "%d Meilleurs Scores", // Multiplayer last man with time limit.
  1078. "%d Meilleurs Scores", // Multiplayer last man frag and time limited.
  1079. };
  1080. #endif // ScoreExplanations
  1081. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1082. // EOF
  1083. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////