1. ; Catacomb Armageddon Source Code
  2. ; Copyright (C) 1993-2014 Flat Rock Software
  3. ;
  4. ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  5. ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  6. ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  7. ; (at your option) any later version.
  8. ;
  9. ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10. ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12. ; GNU General Public License for more details.
  13. ;
  14. ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
  15. ; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
  16. ; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  17. ; ID_RF_A.ASM
  18. IDEAL
  21. ;============================================================================
  22. TILESWIDE = 21
  23. TILESHIGH = 14
  26. EXTRN screenseg:WORD
  27. EXTRN updateptr:WORD
  28. EXTRN updatestart:WORD
  29. EXTRN masterofs:WORD ;start of master tile port
  30. EXTRN bufferofs:WORD ;start of current buffer port
  31. EXTRN screenstart:WORD ;starts of three screens (0/1/master) in EGA mem
  32. EXTRN grsegs:WORD
  33. EXTRN mapsegs:WORD
  34. EXTRN originmap:WORD
  35. EXTRN updatemapofs:WORD
  36. EXTRN tinf:WORD ;seg pointer to map header and tile info
  37. EXTRN blockstarts:WORD ;offsets from bufferofs for each update block
  38. planemask db ?
  39. planenum db ?
  41. screenstartcs dw ? ;in code segment for accesability
  43. ;============================================================================
  44. ;
  45. ; CGA refresh routines
  46. ;
  47. ;============================================================================
  48. TILEWIDTH = 4
  49. ;=================
  50. ;
  51. ; RFL_NewTile
  52. ;
  53. ; Draws a composit two plane tile to the master screen and sets the update
  54. ; spot to 1 in both update pages, forcing the tile to be copied to the
  55. ; view pages the next two refreshes
  56. ;
  57. ; Called to draw newlly scrolled on strips and animating tiles
  58. ;
  59. ;=================
  60. PROC RFL_NewTile updateoffset:WORD
  61. PUBLIC RFL_NewTile
  62. USES SI,DI
  63. ;
  64. ; mark both update lists at this spot
  65. ;
  66. mov di,[updateoffset]
  67. mov bx,[updateptr] ;start of update matrix
  68. mov [BYTE bx+di],1
  69. mov dx,SCREENWIDTH-TILEWIDTH ;add to get to start of next line
  70. ;
  71. ; set di to the location in screenseg to draw the tile
  72. ;
  73. shl di,1
  74. mov si,[updatemapofs+di] ;offset in map from origin
  75. add si,[originmap]
  76. mov di,[blockstarts+di] ;screen location for tile
  77. add di,[masterofs]
  78. ;
  79. ; set BX to the foreground tile number and SI to the background number
  80. ; If either BX or SI = 0xFFFF, the tile does not need to be masked together
  81. ; as one of the planes totally eclipses the other
  82. ;
  83. mov es,[mapsegs+2] ;foreground plane
  84. mov bx,[es:si]
  85. mov es,[mapsegs] ;background plane
  86. mov si,[es:si]
  87. mov es,[screenseg]
  88. or bx,bx
  89. jz @@singletile
  90. jmp @@maskeddraw ;draw both together
  91. ;=============
  92. ;
  93. ; Draw single background tile from main memory
  94. ;
  95. ;=============
  96. @@singletile:
  97. shl si,1
  98. mov ds,[grsegs+STARTTILE16*2+si]
  99. xor si,si ;block is segment aligned
  100. REPT 15
  101. movsw
  102. movsw
  103. add di,dx
  104. ENDM
  105. movsw
  106. movsw
  107. mov ax,ss
  108. mov ds,ax ;restore turbo's data segment
  109. ret
  110. ;=========
  111. ;
  112. ; Draw a masked tile combo
  113. ; Interupts are disabled and the stack segment is reassigned
  114. ;
  115. ;=========
  116. @@maskeddraw:
  117. cli ; don't allow ints when SS is set
  118. shl bx,1
  119. mov ss,[grsegs+STARTTILE16M*2+bx]
  120. shl si,1
  121. mov ds,[grsegs+STARTTILE16*2+si]
  122. xor si,si ;first word of tile data
  123. REPT 16
  124. mov ax,[si] ;background tile
  125. and ax,[ss:si] ;mask
  126. or ax,[ss:si+64] ;masked data
  127. stosw
  128. mov ax,[si+2] ;background tile
  129. and ax,[ss:si+2] ;mask
  130. or ax,[ss:si+66] ;masked data
  131. stosw
  132. add si,4
  133. add di,dx
  134. ENDM
  135. mov ax,@DATA
  136. mov ss,ax
  137. sti
  138. mov ds,ax
  139. ret
  140. ENDP
  141. ENDIF
  143. ;===========================================================================
  144. ;
  145. ; EGA refresh routines
  146. ;
  147. ;===========================================================================
  148. TILEWIDTH = 2
  149. ;=================
  150. ;
  151. ; RFL_NewTile
  152. ;
  153. ; Draws a composit two plane tile to the master screen and sets the update
  154. ; spot to 1 in both update pages, forcing the tile to be copied to the
  155. ; view pages the next two refreshes
  156. ;
  157. ; Called to draw newlly scrolled on strips and animating tiles
  158. ;
  159. ; Assumes write mode 0
  160. ;
  161. ;=================
  162. PROC RFL_NewTile updateoffset:WORD
  163. PUBLIC RFL_NewTile
  164. USES SI,DI
  165. ;
  166. ; mark both update lists at this spot
  167. ;
  168. mov di,[updateoffset]
  169. mov bx,[updatestart] ;page 0 pointer
  170. mov [BYTE bx+di],1
  171. mov bx,[updatestart+2] ;page 1 pointer
  172. mov [BYTE bx+di],1
  173. ;
  174. ; set screenstartcs to the location in screenseg to draw the tile
  175. ;
  176. shl di,1
  177. mov si,[updatemapofs+di] ;offset in map from origin
  178. add si,[originmap]
  179. mov di,[blockstarts+di] ;screen location for tile
  180. add di,[masterofs]
  181. mov [cs:screenstartcs],di
  182. ;
  183. ; set BX to the foreground tile number and SI to the background number
  184. ; If either BX or SI = 0xFFFF, the tile does not need to be masked together
  185. ; as one of the planes totally eclipses the other
  186. ;
  187. mov es,[mapsegs+2] ;foreground plane
  188. mov bx,[es:si]
  189. mov es,[mapsegs] ;background plane
  190. mov si,[es:si]
  191. mov es,[screenseg]
  192. mov dx,SC_INDEX ;for stepping through map mask planes
  193. or bx,bx
  194. jz @@singletile
  195. jmp @@maskeddraw ;draw both together
  196. ;=========
  197. ;
  198. ; No foreground tile, so draw a single background tile.
  199. ;
  200. ;=========
  201. @@singletile:
  202. mov bx,SCREENWIDTH-2 ;add to get to start of next line
  203. shl si,1
  204. mov ax,[cs:screenstartcs]
  205. mov ds,[grsegs+STARTTILE16*2+si]
  206. xor si,si ;block is segment aligned
  207. mov ax,SC_MAPMASK+0001b*256 ;map mask for plane 0
  208. mov cx,4 ;draw four planes
  209. @@planeloop:
  210. mov dx,SC_INDEX
  211. WORDOUT
  212. mov di,[cs:screenstartcs] ;start at same place in all planes
  213. REPT 15
  214. movsw
  215. add di,bx
  216. ENDM
  217. movsw
  218. shl ah,1 ;shift plane mask over for next plane
  219. loop @@planeloop
  220. mov ax,ss
  221. mov ds,ax ;restore turbo's data segment
  222. ret
  223. ;=========
  224. ;
  225. ; Draw a masked tile combo
  226. ; Interupts are disabled and the stack segment is reassigned
  227. ;
  228. ;=========
  229. @@maskeddraw:
  230. cli ; don't allow ints when SS is set
  231. shl bx,1
  232. mov ss,[grsegs+STARTTILE16M*2+bx]
  233. shl si,1
  234. mov ds,[grsegs+STARTTILE16*2+si]
  235. xor si,si ;first word of tile data
  236. mov ax,SC_MAPMASK+0001b*256 ;map mask for plane 0
  237. mov di,[cs:screenstartcs]
  238. @@planeloopm:
  239. WORDOUT
  240. tileofs = 0
  241. lineoffset = 0
  242. REPT 16
  243. mov bx,[si+tileofs] ;background tile
  244. and bx,[ss:tileofs] ;mask
  245. or bx,[ss:si+tileofs+32] ;masked data
  246. mov [es:di+lineoffset],bx
  247. tileofs = tileofs + 2
  248. lineoffset = lineoffset + SCREENWIDTH
  249. ENDM
  250. add si,32
  251. shl ah,1 ;shift plane mask over for next plane
  252. cmp ah,10000b
  253. je @@done ;drawn all four planes
  254. jmp @@planeloopm
  255. @@done:
  256. mov ax,@DATA
  257. mov ss,ax
  258. sti
  259. mov ds,ax
  260. ret
  261. ENDP
  262. ENDIF
  264. ;============================================================================
  265. ;
  266. ; VGA refresh routines
  267. ;
  268. ;============================================================================
  269. ENDIF
  270. ;============================================================================
  271. ;
  272. ; reasonably common refresh routines
  273. ;
  274. ;============================================================================
  275. ;=================
  276. ;
  277. ; RFL_UpdateTiles
  278. ;
  279. ; Scans through the update matrix pointed to by updateptr, looking for 1s.
  280. ; A 1 represents a tile that needs to be copied from the master screen to the
  281. ; current screen (a new row or an animated tiled). If more than one adjacent
  282. ; tile in a horizontal row needs to be copied, they will be copied as a group.
  283. ;
  284. ; Assumes write mode 1
  285. ;
  286. ;=================
  287. ; AX 0/1 for scasb, temp for segment register transfers
  288. ; BX width for block copies
  289. ; CX REP counter
  290. ; DX line width deltas
  291. ; SI source for copies
  292. ; DI scas dest / movsb dest
  293. ; BP pointer to UPDATETERMINATE
  294. ;
  295. ; DS
  296. ; ES
  297. ; SS
  298. PROC RFL_UpdateTiles
  299. PUBLIC RFL_UpdateTiles
  300. USES SI,DI,BP
  301. jmp SHORT @@realstart
  302. @@done:
  303. ;
  304. ; all tiles have been scanned
  305. ;
  306. ret
  307. @@realstart:
  308. mov di,[updateptr]
  309. mov bp,(TILESWIDE+1)*TILESHIGH+1
  310. add bp,di ; when di = bx, all tiles have been scanned
  311. push di
  312. mov cx,-1 ; definately scan the entire thing
  313. ;
  314. ; scan for a 1 in the update list, meaning a tile needs to be copied
  315. ; from the master screen to the current screen
  316. ;
  317. @@findtile:
  318. pop di ; place to continue scaning from
  319. mov ax,ss
  320. mov es,ax ; search in the data segment
  321. mov ds,ax
  322. mov al,1
  323. repne scasb
  324. cmp di,bp
  325. je @@done
  326. cmp [BYTE di],al
  327. jne @@singletile
  328. jmp @@tileblock
  329. ;============
  330. ;
  331. ; copy a single tile
  332. ;
  333. ;============
  334. EVEN
  335. @@singletile:
  336. inc di ; we know the next tile is nothing
  337. push di ; save off the spot being scanned
  338. sub di,[updateptr]
  339. shl di,1
  340. mov di,[blockstarts-4+di] ; start of tile location on screen
  341. mov si,di
  342. add di,[bufferofs] ; dest in current screen
  343. add si,[masterofs] ; source in master screen
  345. mov ax,[screenseg]
  346. mov ds,ax
  347. mov es,ax
  348. ;--------------------------
  350. REPT 15
  351. movsw
  352. movsw
  353. add si,dx
  354. add di,dx
  355. ENDM
  356. movsw
  357. movsw
  358. ENDIF
  359. ;--------------------------
  361. REPT 15
  362. movsb
  363. movsb
  364. add si,dx
  365. add di,dx
  366. ENDM
  367. movsb
  368. movsb
  369. ENDIF
  370. ;--------------------------
  371. jmp @@findtile
  372. ;============
  373. ;
  374. ; more than one tile in a row needs to be updated, so do it as a group
  375. ;
  376. ;============
  377. EVEN
  378. @@tileblock:
  379. mov dx,di ; hold starting position + 1 in dx
  380. inc di ; we know the next tile also gets updated
  381. repe scasb ; see how many more in a row
  382. push di ; save off the spot being scanned
  383. mov bx,di
  384. sub bx,dx ; number of tiles in a row
  385. shl bx,1 ; number of bytes / row
  386. mov di,dx ; lookup position of start tile
  387. sub di,[updateptr]
  388. shl di,1
  389. mov di,[blockstarts-2+di] ; start of tile location
  390. mov si,di
  391. add di,[bufferofs] ; dest in current screen
  392. add si,[masterofs] ; source in master screen
  393. mov dx,SCREENWIDTH
  394. sub dx,bx ; offset to next line on screen
  396. sub dx,bx ; bx is words wide in CGA tiles
  397. ENDIF
  398. mov ax,[screenseg]
  399. mov ds,ax
  400. mov es,ax
  401. REPT 15
  402. mov cx,bx
  404. rep movsw
  405. ENDIF
  407. rep movsb
  408. ENDIF
  409. add si,dx
  410. add di,dx
  411. ENDM
  412. mov cx,bx
  414. rep movsw
  415. ENDIF
  417. rep movsb
  418. ENDIF
  419. dec cx ; was 0 from last rep movsb, now $ffff for scasb
  420. jmp @@findtile
  421. ENDP
  422. ;============================================================================
  423. ;=================
  424. ;
  425. ; RFL_MaskForegroundTiles
  426. ;
  427. ; Scan through update looking for 3's. If the foreground tile there is a
  428. ; masked foreground tile, draw it to the screen
  429. ;
  430. ;=================
  431. PROC RFL_MaskForegroundTiles
  432. PUBLIC RFL_MaskForegroundTiles
  433. USES SI,DI,BP
  434. jmp SHORT @@realstart
  435. @@done:
  436. ;
  437. ; all tiles have been scanned
  438. ;
  439. ret
  440. @@realstart:
  441. mov di,[updateptr]
  442. mov bp,(TILESWIDE+1)*TILESHIGH+2
  443. add bp,di ; when di = bx, all tiles have been scanned
  444. push di
  445. mov cx,-1 ; definately scan the entire thing
  446. ;
  447. ; scan for a 3 in the update list
  448. ;
  449. @@findtile:
  450. mov ax,ss
  451. mov es,ax ; scan in the data segment
  452. mov al,3
  453. pop di ; place to continue scaning from
  454. repne scasb
  455. cmp di,bp
  456. je @@done
  457. ;============
  458. ;
  459. ; found a tile, see if it needs to be masked on
  460. ;
  461. ;============
  462. push di
  463. sub di,[updateptr]
  464. shl di,1
  465. mov si,[updatemapofs-2+di] ; offset from originmap
  466. add si,[originmap]
  467. mov es,[mapsegs+2] ; foreground map plane segment
  468. mov si,[es:si] ; foreground tile number
  469. or si,si
  470. jz @@findtile ; 0 = no foreground tile
  471. mov bx,si
  472. add bx,INTILE ;INTILE tile info table
  473. mov es,[tinf]
  474. test [BYTE PTR es:bx],80h ;high bit = masked tile
  475. jz @@findtile
  476. ;-------------------
  478. ;=================
  479. ;
  480. ; mask the tile CGA
  481. ;
  482. ;=================
  483. mov di,[blockstarts-2+di]
  484. add di,[bufferofs]
  485. mov es,[screenseg]
  486. shl si,1
  487. mov ds,[grsegs+STARTTILE16M*2+si]
  488. mov bx,64 ;data starts 64 bytes after mask
  489. xor si,si
  490. lineoffset = 0
  491. REPT 16
  492. mov ax,[es:di+lineoffset] ;background
  493. and ax,[si] ;mask
  494. or ax,[si+bx] ;masked data
  495. mov [es:di+lineoffset],ax ;background
  496. inc si
  497. inc si
  498. mov ax,[es:di+lineoffset+2] ;background
  499. and ax,[si] ;mask
  500. or ax,[si+bx] ;masked data
  501. mov [es:di+lineoffset+2],ax ;background
  502. inc si
  503. inc si
  504. lineoffset = lineoffset + SCREENWIDTH
  505. ENDM
  506. ENDIF
  507. ;-------------------
  509. ;=================
  510. ;
  511. ; mask the tile
  512. ;
  513. ;=================
  514. mov [BYTE planemask],1
  515. mov [BYTE planenum],0
  516. mov di,[blockstarts-2+di]
  517. add di,[bufferofs]
  518. mov [cs:screenstartcs],di
  519. mov es,[screenseg]
  520. shl si,1
  521. mov ds,[grsegs+STARTTILE16M*2+si]
  522. mov bx,32 ;data starts 32 bytes after mask
  523. @@planeloopm:
  524. mov dx,SC_INDEX
  525. mov al,SC_MAPMASK
  526. mov ah,[ss:planemask]
  527. WORDOUT
  528. mov dx,GC_INDEX
  529. mov al,GC_READMAP
  530. mov ah,[ss:planenum]
  531. WORDOUT
  532. xor si,si
  533. mov di,[cs:screenstartcs]
  534. lineoffset = 0
  535. REPT 16
  536. mov cx,[es:di+lineoffset] ;background
  537. and cx,[si] ;mask
  538. or cx,[si+bx] ;masked data
  539. inc si
  540. inc si
  541. mov [es:di+lineoffset],cx
  542. lineoffset = lineoffset + SCREENWIDTH
  543. ENDM
  544. add bx,32 ;the mask is now further away
  545. inc [ss:planenum]
  546. shl [ss:planemask],1 ;shift plane mask over for next plane
  547. cmp [ss:planemask],10000b ;done all four planes?
  548. je @@drawn ;drawn all four planes
  549. jmp @@planeloopm
  550. @@drawn:
  551. ENDIF
  552. ;-------------------
  553. mov ax,ss
  554. mov ds,ax
  555. mov cx,-1 ;definately scan the entire thing
  556. jmp @@findtile
  557. ENDP
  558. END