1. =============================================================================
  2. QAVEDIT History File
  3. Copyright (c) 1994-95 Q Studios Corporation
  4. Contact: Peter Freese
  5. or CIS:74170,543
  6. =============================================================================
  8. Esc Exit the editor
  9. Enter Play the animation
  10. F2 Save
  11. Ctrl F2 Save As
  12. F3 Load
  13. 1/2 Go backward/forward one frame
  14. Home Go to first frame
  15. End Go to last frame
  16. Page Up/Down Move up/down a layer
  17. -/+ Change ticks per frame by ñ1
  18. Space Play QAV once
  19. Enter Play QAV and loop
  20. O  Nudge origin
  21. O LMouse Drag origin
  22. O Ctrl Move origin and adjust all frame offsets
  23. Insert Duplicate a tile
  24. Delete Delete the current tile
  25. LMouse Drag tile
  26.  Nudge tile
  27. P Change Palookup by +1
  28. Alt P Select Palookup via dialog
  29. R Toggle tile positioning from origin to corner
  30. T Cycle between translucency levels 0, 1, and 2
  31. V Select tile
  32. X Toggle x flipping
  33. Y Toggle y flipping
  34. Pad +/- Change tile shade ñ1
  35. Ctrl Pad +/- Set tile shade to min/max
  36. Pad 0 Set tile shade to 0
  37. < > Coarse tile angle change
  38. Sh < > Fine tile angle change
  39. Pad / * Coarse zoom up/down
  40. Sh Pad / * Fine zoom up/down
  41. Sh Page Up/Dn Drag tile up/down a layer
  42. F Edit trigger for current frame
  43. Ctrl Ins Insert a layer
  44. Ctrl Del Delete a layer
  45. Ctrl Sh Pg Up/Dn Drag an entire layer up/down
  46. Alt Ins Insert a frame
  47. Alt Del Delete a frame
  48. While playing animation:
  49. Ctrl Play at 1/2 speed
  50. Shift Play at 1/4 speed
  51. -/+ Adjust ticks per frame
  52. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. 95/06/13
  54. This document created.
  55. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. 95/12/21
  57. QavEdit, formerly AnimEdit, has undergone a complete overhaul. The QAV engine
  58. now uses a different metaphor to create and display animations. It is now
  59. based on fixed frames intervals, with a fixed number of layers (currently 8).
  60. This means that it is much easier to control the z-ordering of tiles, and
  61. simple to adjust the overall speed of playback.
  62. You should convert all existing QAVs with the command line:
  63. QAVEDIT -c path\*.QAV
  64. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. 96/01/15
  66. Fixed a crash bug that would occur when deleting entire frames.