123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705 |
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LobbyApp.cpp
- Implementation of the lobby
- Owner:
- Copyright 1986-2000 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "pch.h"
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <zreg.h>
- CLobbyApp * g_pLobbyApp = NULL;
- #ifdef USEAUTH
- void CLobbyApp::OnSQLErrorRecord(SSERRORINFO * perror, OLECHAR * postrError)
- {
- // don't make the event an error event, because this may or may not be fatal.
- // But we certainly want to see them all in any case.
- m_plas->LogEvent(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, LE_DatabaseError, perror->pwszMessage,
- perror->pwszProcedure, perror->lNative, perror->wLineNumber, postrError);
- }
- #endif
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * CLobbyApp.ProcessMsgPump
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Purpose:
- Process all thread messages, which so far are only sql query completion notifications
- Returns:
- Whether we received a WM_QUIT
- */
- bool CLobbyApp::ProcessMsgPump()
- {
- static CTimer timerMsgPump("in message pump", 0.1f);
- timerMsgPump.Start();
- bool fQuit = false;
- // Process the message queue, if any messages were received
- MSG msg;
- while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
- {
- // dispatch Windows Messages to allow for the admin tool's COM to work
- TranslateMessage(&msg);
- switch (msg.message)
- {
- #ifdef USEAUTH
- case wm_sql_querydone:
- {
- CSQLQuery * pQuery = (CSQLQuery *) msg.lParam;
- pQuery->DataReady();
- break;
- }
- #endif
- case WM_QUIT:
- fQuit = true;
- break;
- default:
- DispatchMessage(&msg);
- }
- }
- timerMsgPump.Stop();
- return fQuit;
- }
- void CLobbyApp::SetConstantGameInfo()
- {
- ZGameServerInfoMsg* gameInfo = GetGameServerInfoMsg();
- gameInfo->protocolSignature = zGameInfoSignature;
- gameInfo->protocolVersion = zGameInfoCurrentProtocolVersion;
- gameInfo->numEntries = 1;
- ZGameServerInfoMsgEndian(gameInfo);
- lstrcpy(gameInfo->info[0].gameInternalName, m_fFreeLobby ? "sOBLI_xx_x02" : "sOBLI_xx_x01");
- lstrcpy(gameInfo->info[0].gameFriendlyName, "Allegiance");
- lstrcpy(gameInfo->info[0].gameRoomDescription, "Am I supposed to put something here?");
- lstrcpy(gameInfo->info[0].setupToken, ""); //reserverd for internal Zone use
- }
- void CLobbyApp::SetVariableGameInfo()
- {
- ZGameServerInfoMsg* gameInfo = GetGameServerInfoMsg();
- gameInfo->info[0].order = 1; //used for Web page order of view
- gameInfo->info[0].blobsize = 0; //reserved for internal Zone use
- gameInfo->info[0].maxPopulation = 1000;
- gameInfo->info[0].gameAddr = 0; //inet_addr ("127.0.0/1");
- gameInfo->info[0].gamePort = 0; //2803; //your game port
- gameInfo->info[0].serviceType = GAMEINFO_SERVICE_TYPE_GAME;
- gameInfo->info[0].gameState = zGameStateActive;
- gameInfo->info[0].gameVersion = 1;
- SYSTEMTIME systime;
- GetSystemTime (&systime);
- SystemTimeToFileTime(&systime, &(gameInfo->info[0].timeGameStart));
- gameInfo->info[0].numPlayers = m_pCounters->cPlayersMissions + m_pCounters->cPlayersLobby;
- gameInfo->info[0].numSysops = 0;
- gameInfo->info[0].numNotPlaying = m_pCounters->cPlayersLobby;
- gameInfo->info[0].numGamesServed = m_pCounters->cMissions; // relies on perf counters being updated
- // can not use interlocked calls here b/c they're 16bit values
- gameInfo->info[0].numTables = 1;
- gameInfo->info[0].numTablesInUse = 1;
- }
- void CLobbyApp::SendGameInfo()
- {
- ZGameServerInfoMsg* gameInfo = GetGameServerInfoMsg();
- SetVariableGameInfo();
- //must do endian so both side of network get correct numbers
- //gameinfo used on Unix and Intel boxes
- //note that doing this once will invalidate all numbers
- //so set gameInfo->info[0] numbers again.
- ZGameInstanceInfoMsgEndian( gameInfo->info );
- //send, usually to many Ip addresses which are Zone Web servers, so add this to your game configuration
- for (int i = 0; i < m_cReportServers; i++)
- ZGameInfoSendTo(m_rgulIP[i], 2000, GetGameServerInfoMsg(), sizeof(m_GameInfoBuf));
- }
- CLobbyApp::CLobbyApp(ILobbyAppSite * plas) :
- m_plas(plas),
- m_fmServers(&m_psiteServer),
- m_fmClients(&m_psiteClient),
- m_cReportServers(0),
- m_sGameInfoInterval(0), // doesn't really matter, but...
- m_fProtocol(true)
- #ifdef USEAUTH
- ,
- m_csqlSilentThreads(0),
- m_csqlNotifyThreads(0),
- m_sql(this)
- #endif
- {
- assert(m_plas);
- m_plas->LogEvent(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, LE_Creating);
- #ifdef USEAUTH
- m_strSQLConfig.Empty();
- #endif
- // see if we're setup to report to any web servers
- HKEY hk;
- {
- // read AutoUpdate portion of registry
- char szServers[c_cReportServersMax * 17];
- bool bSuccess = _Module.ReadFromRegistry(hk, true, "GameInfoServers", szServers, 0, true);
- if(bSuccess)
- {
- char * token;
- token = strtok((char *) szServers, " ");
- while(token)
- {
- unsigned long ip = inet_addr(token);
- if (INADDR_NONE == ip) // then try to resolve by name
- {
- HOSTENT * phe = gethostbyname(token);
- if (phe)
- ip = * (unsigned long *) phe->h_addr_list[0];
- }
- if (INADDR_NONE != ip)
- m_rgulIP[m_cReportServers++] = ip;
- else
- m_plas->LogEvent(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, LE_BadGameInfoSrv, token);
- token = strtok(NULL, " ");
- }
- bSuccess = _Module.ReadFromRegistry(hk, false, "GameInfoInterval", &m_sGameInfoInterval, 25);
- }
- m_szToken[0] = '\0';
- bSuccess = _Module.ReadFromRegistry(hk, true, "Token", m_szToken, NULL);
- DWORD dwProtocol;
- bSuccess = _Module.ReadFromRegistry(hk, false, "fProtocol", &dwProtocol, (unsigned long) true);
- m_fProtocol = !!dwProtocol;
- DWORD dwFreeLobby;
- bSuccess = _Module.ReadFromRegistry(hk, false, "fFreeLobby", &dwFreeLobby, (unsigned long)
- #ifdef USEAUTH
- false
- #else
- true
- #endif
- );
- m_fFreeLobby = !!dwFreeLobby;
- DWORD dwCheckKey;
- bSuccess = _Module.ReadFromRegistry(hk, false, "fCheckCDKey", &dwCheckKey, (unsigned long)
- #ifdef USEAUTH
- true
- #else
- false
- #endif
- );
- m_fCheckCDKey = !!dwCheckKey;
- #ifdef USEAUTH
- bSuccess = _Module.ReadFromRegistry(hk, false, "SQLThreadsNotify", &m_csqlNotifyThreads, (unsigned long) 5);
- bSuccess = _Module.ReadFromRegistry(hk, false, "SQLThreadsSilent", &m_csqlSilentThreads, (unsigned long) 1);
- if (FAILED(LoadRegString(hk, "SQLConfig", m_strSQLConfig)))
- {
- m_strSQLConfig.Empty();
- _Module.LogEvent(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, LE_RegStrMissingNoDef, "SQLConfig");
- }
- #endif
- }
- g_pLobbyApp = this;
- // stuff for reporting population to zone
- WSAData data;
- WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,0),&data);
- //initialize UDP send API
- ZGameInfoInit(0);
- //initialize structure
- SetConstantGameInfo();
- // if zone club lobby
- #ifdef USEAUTH
- m_pzas = CreateZoneAuthServer();
- #endif
- }
- CLobbyApp::~CLobbyApp()
- {
- m_plas->LogEvent(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, LE_ShuttingDown);
- m_pzas = NULL;
- m_perfshare.FreeCounters(m_pCounters);
- ZGameInfoClose();
- WSACleanup();
- }
- HRESULT CLobbyApp::Init()
- {
- m_plas->LogEvent(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, LE_Initializing);
- ZVerify(m_perfshare.Initialize());
- m_pCounters = (LOBBY_COUNTERS *)m_perfshare.AllocateCounters(
- "AllLobby", "0", // if there are ever multiple lobbies running, change this
- sizeof(LOBBY_COUNTERS));
- ZeroMemory(m_pCounters, sizeof(LOBBY_COUNTERS));
- #ifdef USEAUTH
- hr = m_sql.Init(m_strSQLConfig.m_str, GetCurrentThreadId(), m_csqlSilentThreads, m_csqlNotifyThreads);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- m_plas->LogEvent(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, LE_SQLInitFailed);
- return hr;
- }
- #endif
- // TODO: Make keep-alives an option
- if (FAILED(hr = m_fmServers.HostSession(m_fFreeLobby ? FEDFREELOBBYSERVERS_GUID : FEDLOBBYSERVERS_GUID, false, 0, m_fProtocol)) ||
- FAILED(hr = m_fmClients.HostSession(m_fFreeLobby ? FEDFREELOBBYCLIENTS_GUID : FEDLOBBYCLIENTS_GUID, true, 0, m_fProtocol)))
- {
- m_plas->LogEvent(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, LE_HostSessionFailure);
- return hr;
- }
- //
- // Read Registry
- //
- DWORD dw; // Gets result of whether it opened or created...
- HKEY hk;
- {
- // read AutoUpdate portion of registry
- DWORD dwWantAutoDownload;
- bool bSuccess = _Module.ReadFromRegistry(hk, false, "AutoUpdateActive", &dwWantAutoDownload, 0);
- if(bSuccess && dwWantAutoDownload)
- {
- char szFileName[MAX_PATH+16];
- strcpy(szFileName, _Module.GetModulePath());
- strcat(szFileName, "FileList.txt");
- CreateAutoUpdate(hk, szFileName);
- }
- else
- g_pAutoUpdate = NULL;
- RegCloseKey(hk);
- }
- return hr;
- }
- void CLobbyApp::UpdatePerfCounters()
- {
- static CTempTimer timerPerfCounters("assembling perf info", .05f);
- timerPerfCounters.Start();
- m_fmClients.GetSendQueue(&(m_pCounters->cOutboundQueueLength),
- &(m_pCounters->cOutboundQueueSize));
- m_fmClients.GetReceiveQueue(&(m_pCounters->cInboundQueueLength),
- &(m_pCounters->cInboundQueueSize));
- m_pCounters->cPlayersLobby = m_fmClients.GetCountConnections();
- m_pCounters->cServers = m_fmServers.GetConnectionCount();
- // Get all the per server stuff, and agregate the count of missions and players
- ListConnections::Iterator iterCnxn(*m_fmServers.GetConnections());
- int cMissions = 0;
- DWORD cPlayers = 0;
- while (!iterCnxn.End())
- {
- CFLServer * pServerT = CFLServer::FromConnection(*iterCnxn.Value());
- cMissions += (pServerT->GetCounters()->cMissions = pServerT->GetMissions()->GetCount());
- cPlayers += (pServerT->GetCounters()->cPlayers = pServerT->GetPlayerCount());
- pServerT->GetCounters()->percentLoad = pServerT->GetPercentLoad();
- iterCnxn.Next();
- }
- m_pCounters->cMissions = cMissions;
- m_pCounters->cPlayersMissions = cPlayers;
- timerPerfCounters.Stop();
- }
- void CLobbyApp::RollCall()
- {
- ListConnections::Iterator iterCnxn(*m_fmServers.GetConnections());
- while (!iterCnxn.End())
- {
- CFMConnection & cnxn = *iterCnxn.Value();
- iterCnxn.Next(); // have to move iterator FIRST, because we might kill the current node
- CFLServer * pServerT = CFLServer::FromConnection(cnxn);
- if (pServerT->GetHere())
- {
- // not combining ifs, since order would matter
- if (cnxn.IncAbsentCount() > 4) // dead--nuke 'em
- {
- m_plas->LogEvent(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, LE_ServerMissedRollCall, cnxn.GetName());
- m_fmServers.DeleteConnection(cnxn);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int CLobbyApp::Run()
- {
- const DWORD c_dwUpdateInterval = 200; // milliseconds
- DWORD dwSleep = c_dwUpdateInterval;
- m_plas->LogEvent(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, LE_Running);
- _putts("---------Press Q to exit---------");
- printf("Ready for clients/servers.\n");
- CTempTimer timerIterations("between iterations", .25f);
- timerIterations.Start();
- CTempTimer timerReceiveClientsMessages("in clients ReceiveMessages()", .05f);
- CTempTimer timerReceiveServersMessages("in servers ReceiveMessages()", .05f);
- Time timeLastQueueCheck = Time::Now();
- Time timeLastGameInfo = Time::Now();
- while (true)
- {
- timerIterations.Stop();
- timerIterations.Start();
- if (ProcessMsgPump() ||
- (_kbhit() && toupper(_getch()) == 'Q'))
- return 0;
- SetNow();
- m_pCounters->timeInnerLoop = timerIterations.LastInterval();
- // receive any messages in the queue
- timerReceiveClientsMessages.Start();
- m_fmClients.ReceiveMessages();
- timerReceiveClientsMessages.Stop();
- timerReceiveServersMessages.Start();
- m_fmServers.ReceiveMessages();
- timerReceiveServersMessages.Stop();
- if (GetNow() - timeLastQueueCheck >= 1.0f)
- {
- // count the fairly expensive stuff no more than once a second
- UpdatePerfCounters();
- timeLastQueueCheck = GetNow();
- if (GetNow() - timeLastGameInfo >= (float) m_sGameInfoInterval)
- {
- SendGameInfo();
- timeLastGameInfo = GetNow();
- }
- // Do a periodic roll call. If we haven't heard from anyone for two roll calls in a row, waste 'em
- static Time timeRollCall = Time::Now();
- if (GetNow() - timeRollCall >= 5.0f)
- {
- RollCall();
- timeRollCall = GetNow();
- }
- }
- Sleep(1);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int CLobbyApp::OnMessageBox(const char * strText, const char * strCaption, UINT nType)
- {
- char sz[256];
- if (strCaption && *strCaption)
- {
- lstrcpy(sz, strCaption);
- lstrcat(sz, ": ");
- }
- lstrcat(sz, strText);
- return m_plas->LogEvent(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, LE_ODBC_Error, strText);
- }
- PER_SERVER_COUNTERS * CLobbyApp::AllocatePerServerCounters(const char * szServername)
- {
- m_perfshare.AllocateCounters((CHAR *) "AllLobbyPerServer", (CHAR*) szServername, sizeof(PER_SERVER_COUNTERS));
- ZeroMemory(pPerServerCounters, sizeof(*pPerServerCounters));
- return pPerServerCounters;
- }
- bool CLobbyApp::OnAssert(const char* psz, const char* pszFile, int line, const char* pszModule)
- {
- m_plas->LogEvent(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, LE_Assert, ZString("'")
- + psz
- + "' ("
- + pszFile
- + ":"
- + ZString(line)
- + ")\n"
- );
- return true;
- }
- void CLobbyApp::DebugOutput(const char *psz)
- {
- ::OutputDebugString("AllLobby: ");
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- Win32App::DebugOutput(psz);
- #endif
- }
- void CLobbyApp::BootPlayersByName(const ZString& strName)
- {
- PlayerByName::iterator iterPlayer = m_playerByName.find(strName);
- // if we think that player is already logged on...
- while (iterPlayer != m_playerByName.end()
- && (*iterPlayer).first == strName)
- {
- // boot all old copies
- CFLMission * pMissionOld = (*(*iterPlayer).second).second.GetMission();
- BEGIN_PFM_CREATE(m_fmServers, pfmRemovePlayer, L, REMOVE_PLAYER)
- pfmRemovePlayer->dwMissionCookie = pMissionOld->GetCookie();
- pfmRemovePlayer->reason = RPR_duplicateName;
- m_fmServers.SendMessages(pMissionOld->GetServer()->GetConnection(),
- ++iterPlayer;
- }
- }
- bool CLobbyApp::BootPlayersByCDKey(const ZString& strCDKey, const ZString& strNameExclude, ZString& strOldPlayer)
- {
- PlayerByCDKey::iterator iterPlayerByCDKey = m_playerByCDKey.find(strCDKey);
- bool bBootedSomeone = false;
- // if we think that player is already logged on...
- while (iterPlayerByCDKey != m_playerByCDKey.end()
- && (*iterPlayerByCDKey).first == strCDKey)
- {
- // boot all old copies
- if ((*iterPlayerByCDKey).second.GetName() != strNameExclude)
- {
- CFLMission * pMissionOld = (*iterPlayerByCDKey).second.GetMission();
- BEGIN_PFM_CREATE(m_fmServers, pfmRemovePlayer, L, REMOVE_PLAYER)
- FM_VAR_PARM((PCC)(*iterPlayerByCDKey).second.GetName(), CB_ZTS)
- FM_VAR_PARM((PCC)(strNameExclude), CB_ZTS)
- pfmRemovePlayer->dwMissionCookie = pMissionOld->GetCookie();
- pfmRemovePlayer->reason = RPR_duplicateCDKey;
- m_fmServers.SendMessages(pMissionOld->GetServer()->GetConnection(),
- // note: only returns the name of the last player we booted.
- strOldPlayer = (*iterPlayerByCDKey).second.GetName();
- bBootedSomeone = true;
- }
- ++iterPlayerByCDKey;
- }
- return bBootedSomeone;
- }
- void CLobbyApp::SetPlayerMission(const char* szPlayerName, const char* szCDKey, CFLMission* pMission)
- {
- ZString strPlayerName = szPlayerName;
- ZString strCDKey = szCDKey;
- // boot any old copies of this player
- #ifdef USEAUTH
- BootPlayersByName(strPlayerName);
- #endif
- if (EnforceCDKey())
- {
- // make sure the key requested is valid (since we can't guarantee that
- // they reported the correct value to the server).
- /* // we don't have any "instant" way to validate keys, and it's not worth it (now) to go back to db
- if (!CDKeyIsValid(szCDKey))
- {
- BEGIN_PFM_CREATE(m_fmServers, pfmRemovePlayer, L, REMOVE_PLAYER)
- FM_VAR_PARM(szPlayerName, CB_ZTS)
- pfmRemovePlayer->dwMissionCookie = pMission->GetCookie();
- pfmRemovePlayer->reason = RPR_duplicateCDKey;
- m_fmServers.SendMessages(pMission->GetServer()->GetConnection(),
- GetSite()->LogEvent(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, LE_BadCDKey, szCDKey,
- pMission->GetServer()->GetConnection()->GetName(), szPlayerName);
- }
- else
- */
- ZString strOldPlayer;
- if (BootPlayersByCDKey(strCDKey, szPlayerName, strOldPlayer))
- {
- BEGIN_PFM_CREATE(m_fmServers, pfmRemovePlayer, L, REMOVE_PLAYER)
- FM_VAR_PARM(szPlayerName, CB_ZTS)
- FM_VAR_PARM((PCC)strOldPlayer, CB_ZTS)
- pfmRemovePlayer->dwMissionCookie = pMission->GetCookie();
- pfmRemovePlayer->reason = RPR_duplicateCDKey;
- m_fmServers.SendMessages(pMission->GetServer()->GetConnection(),
- }
- }
- // create a new player by creating entries in the maps
- PlayerByCDKey::iterator iterPlayerByCDKey =
- m_playerByCDKey.insert(PlayerByCDKey::value_type(strCDKey, PlayerLocInfo(strPlayerName, pMission)));
- m_playerByName.insert(PlayerByName::value_type(strPlayerName, iterPlayerByCDKey));
- pMission->AddPlayer();
- }
- void CLobbyApp::RemovePlayerFromMission(const char* szPlayerName, CFLMission* pMission)
- {
- ZString strPlayerName = szPlayerName;
- PlayerByName::iterator iterPlayer = m_playerByName.find(strPlayerName);
- // we better have found the player
- if(iterPlayer != m_playerByName.end())
- {
- // find the entry coresponding to this mission
- while (iterPlayer != m_playerByName.end()
- && (*iterPlayer).first == strPlayerName)
- {
- if ((*(*iterPlayer).second).second.GetMission() == pMission)
- {
- pMission->RemovePlayer();
- // delete the player from the maps
- m_playerByCDKey.erase((*iterPlayer).second);
- m_playerByName.erase(iterPlayer);
- return;
- }
- ++iterPlayer;
- }
- }
- m_plas->LogEvent(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, LE_CantRemovePlayer, szPlayerName, pMission->GetCookie());
- }
- void CLobbyApp::RemoveAllPlayersFromMission(CFLMission* pMission)
- {
- // remove all players playing in this mission
- if (pMission->GetPlayerCount() != 0)
- {
- // REVIEW: O(AllPlayers). We could do this in O(ln(AllPlayers)) by
- // storing a set of players on each mission, but that requires extra
- // work for the common case (inserting or removing players) to speed
- // up the uncommon case (removing a server with players).
- // loop through all of the players
- PlayerByName::iterator iterPlayer = m_playerByName.begin();
- while (iterPlayer != m_playerByName.end())
- {
- // if this player was playing in the mission to be deleted...
- if ((*(*iterPlayer).second).second.GetMission() == pMission)
- {
- pMission->RemovePlayer();
- // delete the player from the maps
- m_playerByCDKey.erase((*iterPlayer).second);
- iterPlayer = m_playerByName.erase(iterPlayer);
- }
- else
- ++iterPlayer;
- }
- assert(pMission->GetPlayerCount() == 0);
- }
- }
- void CLobbyApp::RemoveAllPlayersFromServer(CFLServer* pServer)
- {
- // remove all players playing in this server
- if (pServer->GetPlayerCount() != 0)
- {
- // REVIEW: O(AllPlayers). We could do this in O(ln(AllPlayers)) by
- // storing a set of players on each mission, but that requires extra
- // work for the common case (inserting or removing players) to speed
- // up the uncommon case (removing a server with players).
- // loop through all of the players
- PlayerByName::iterator iterPlayer = m_playerByName.begin();
- while (iterPlayer != m_playerByName.end())
- {
- // if this player was playing in the mission to be deleted...
- if ((*(*iterPlayer).second).second.GetMission()->GetServer() == pServer)
- {
- (*(*iterPlayer).second).second.GetMission()->RemovePlayer();
- // delete the player from the map
- m_playerByCDKey.erase((*iterPlayer).second);
- iterPlayer = m_playerByName.erase(iterPlayer);
- }
- else
- ++iterPlayer;
- }
- assert(pServer->GetPlayerCount() == 0);
- }
- }
- CFLMission* CLobbyApp::FindPlayersMission(const char* szPlayerName)
- {
- PlayerByName::iterator iterPlayerName = m_playerByName.find(szPlayerName);
- if (iterPlayerName != m_playerByName.end())
- {
- CFLMission* pmission = (*(*iterPlayerName).second).second.GetMission();
- return pmission->GetServer()->GetPaused() ? NULL : pmission;
- }
- else
- return NULL;
- }
- bool CLobbyApp::StringCmpLess::operator () (const ZString& str1, const ZString& str2) const
- {
- // comparing lengths first is faster than a strcmp and still creates a strong ordering
- int nLength1 = str1.GetLength();
- int nLength2 = str2.GetLength();
- if (nLength1 == nLength2)
- return memcmp((PCC)str1, (PCC)str2, nLength1) < 0;
- else
- return nLength1 < nLength2;
- };
- bool CLobbyApp::StringICmpLess::operator () (const ZString& str1, const ZString& str2) const
- {
- // comparing lengths first is faster than a strcmp and still creates a strong ordering
- int nLength1 = str1.GetLength();
- int nLength2 = str2.GetLength();
- if (nLength1 == nLength2)
- return _stricmp(str1, str2) < 0;
- else
- return nLength1 < nLength2;
- };