developments.dat 146 KB

  1. 1 genericres01 Super Cheat SuperCheat TestOnly 56 120 icontech 1 0 940
  2. 7500 fig16 Interceptor This fast, short-range vessel is the most deadly of all fighters but hampered by its low fuel capacity, poor scan range, lack of shielding, and incompatibility with teleportation systems. HasResearch1 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedDefender1 31 120 icontech 4 33 941
  3. 7500 fig17 Stealth Fighter This more lightly armored combat craft is ideal for hit-and-run attacks. It has a low sensor signature, the ability to cloak, and very high-end scanners. HasElectronics1 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedStealth1 26 120 icontech 3 23 941
  4. 10000 bom07b Heavy Bomber This large, lumbering craft is designed for base assault. It is less vulnerable to enemies but still requires turret support to be effective. HasStarbase2 ResearchedBomber1 NotArena IsNotCivBelters IsNotCivRix ResearchedBomber2 35 120 icontech 1 50 941
  5. 5000 acs34 Large Shield 2 Develops an improved version of the Large Shield 1 which can absorb more damage. HasShipyard1 NotArena ResearchedLgShield2 111 120 icontech 5 422 944
  6. 5000 acs38 Heavy Sig cloak 2 A signature supression system that almost completely blinds enemy radar but rapidly drains energy rapidly while active. HasStarbase2 ResearchedCapCloak1 NotArena ResearchedCapCloak2 120 120 icontech 1 611 944
  7. 80000 acs01 Reinforcement Research this to call in the reinforcements and WIN THE GAME! unavailable WinTheGame 1 600 icontech 0 0 940
  8. 10000 ss24a Upgrade Garrison This upgrade toughens the Garrison and makes available several key ship upgrades. HasStarbase1 NotArena IsNotCivIronLeague IsNotCivBios IsNotCivBelters ResearchedStarbase2 171 120 icontech 1 0 945
  9. 10000 fig17 Adv Stealth Ftr This more lightly armored combat craft is ideal for hit-and-run attacks. It has a low sensor signature, the ability to cloak, and very high-end scanners. HasElectronics2 ResearchedStealth1 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedStealth2 24 120 icontech 3 22 941
  10. 15000 cap01 Missile Frigate This capital-scale craft is capable of carrying a great deal of missile ordnance to supplement multiple gun turrets. It is essentially a tougher version of the Bomber, best used to attack bases. HasShipyard1 NotArena IsNotCivBios IsNotCivCrimsonWing IsNotCivBelters ResearchedCapital1 51 120 icontech 5 84 941
  11. 10000 fig16 Heavy Interceptor This fast, short-range vessel is the most deadly of all fighters but hampered by its low fuel capacity, poor scan range, lack of shielding, and incompatibility with teleportation systems. HasResearch2 ResearchedDefender1 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedDefender2 29 120 icontech 4 32 941
  12. 25000 ss103 Upgrade Supremacy This upgrade toughens the Supremacy Center and gives players more research options, especially for Fighter-class ships. HasOrdnance1 NotArena IsNotCivBios IsNotCivIronLeague IsNotCivBelters ResearchedOrdnance2 2 120 icontech 2 0 945
  13. 7500 fig12 Enhanced Fighter Typically deployed for prolonged combat situations that require quick response and good range, this fighter has 3 weapon mounts, hardpoints for missiles, and an average scan range. HasOrdnance1 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedFighter2 20 120 icontech 2 13 941
  14. 7500 fig05 Advanced Scout This small and agile craft is packed with scanner suites. It can deploy minefields and probes, and has 1 weapon mount for machine guns or repair weapons. HasStarbase2 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedSupport2 15 120 icontech 1 2 941
  15. 25000 acs08 Upgrade Tactical Lab This upgrade toughens the Tactical Laboratory and gives teams more research options, especially for Stealth Fighter craft. HasElectronics1 NotArena IsNotCivBios IsNotCivIronLeague IsNotCivBelters ResearchedElectronics2 3 120 icontech 3 0 945
  16. 30000 cap03 Cruiser Capable of carrying several turret gunners for defense, this capital ship can fire the largest and most deadly tactical nuke missiles, swiftly devastating enemy stations. HasShipyard2 NotArena IsCivBios ResearchedCapital2 45 120 icontech 5 80 941
  17. 12000 cap100 Destroyer This large, mainly defensive capitol ship can fire very long range missiles at Fighter class craft. It has no turrets but has Ripcord ability. HasShipyard1 NotArena IsNotCivIronLeague IsNotCivBelters ResearchedArtillery1 48 120 icontech 5 82 941
  18. 5000 wep04 PW EMP Cannon 2 Develops an Interceptor-mounted particle weapon with explosive area effect HasResearch2 ResearchedCannon1 NotArena ResearchedCannon2 78 120 icontech 4 152 942
  19. 7500 utl27 Troop Transport This transport carries specially trained troops capable of taking over enemy facilities. This version requires station shields to be neutralized before it can land and take over bases. HasResearch1 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedAPC1 43 120 icontech 4 71 941
  20. 2000 res05 Ripcord 1 Reduces teleportation time by 15% HasOrdnance1 NotArena 155 120 119 icontech 2 1031 940
  21. 2000 res14 Station shield 1 Improves station shield strength by 10%. HasResearch1 NotArena 169 120 106 icontech 4 1045 940
  22. 2000 res16 Station hull 1 Improves station hull strength by 10%. HasResearch1 NotArena 167 120 104 icontech 4 1043 940
  23. 2000 res01 Faster He3 1 Improves miner collection rate by 10%. HasResearch1 NotArena 145 120 117 icontech 4 1021 940
  24. 10000 bom07b Bomber This large, lumbering craft is designed for base assault. It is vulnerable to enemies and requires turret support to be effective. HasStarbase1 NotArena IsNotCivBelters IsNotCivRix ResearchedBomber1 37 120 icontech 1 51 941
  25. 10000 fig12 Adv Fighter Typically deployed for prolonged combat situations that require quick response and good range, this advanced version can carry special weapons for base attacks. HasOrdnance2 ResearchedFighter2 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedFighter3 18 120 icontech 2 12 941
  26. 10000 utl27 Hvy Troop Transport This transport carries specially trained troops capable of taking over enemy facilities. This heavy version will neutralize station shields on contact before landing and taking over bases. HasResearch2 ResearchedAPC1 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedAPC2 41 120 icontech 4 70 941
  27. 10000 bom05b Gunship This ship's key features are 2 heavy turret positions, with excellent cover for defending stationary and moving targets. It's fast enough to escort constructors, capital ships, and miners. HasStarbase2 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedPlatform1 39 120 icontech 1 60 941
  28. 2000 res09 EW range 1 Improves range of energy-based weapons by 10%. HasElectronics1 NotArena 141 120 115 icontech 3 1017 940
  29. 5000 wep90 EW SkyRipper Develops a Devestator mounted energy weapon dealing out incredible damage. HasShipyard2 IsNotCivBelters IsNotCivCrimsonWing NotArena ResearchedAntiCapGun1 86 120 icontech 5 176 942
  30. 25000 ss18 Upgrade Shipyard This upgrade toughens the Shipyard and gives teams more research options for capital ships. HasShipyard1 NotArena HasLevel2 IsNotCivBios IsNotCivIronLeague IsNotCivCrimsonWing IsNotCivBelters ResearchedShipyard2 4 120 icontech 5 0 945
  31. 5000 mis11 SRM Anti-Base 2 Develops a more powerful version of the SRM Anti-Base 1. HasOrdnance1 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileBomberAntiBase2 96 120 icontech 2 235 943
  32. 5000 acs40 Countermeasure 2 Develops an anti-missile decoy system that is up to 50% effective against advanced missiles. HasOrd1Res1 NotArena ResearchedChaff2 131 120 icontech 1 902 944
  33. 5000 acs40 Countermeasure 3 Develops an anti-missile decoy system that is up to 75% effective against advanced missiles. HasOrd2Res2 ResearchedChaff2 NotArena ResearchedChaff3 130 120 icontech 1 901 944
  34. 5000 wep19 EW Galvonic Blaster Develops the Advanced Fighter-mounted energy weapon, optimized for combat against station hulls. HasOrdnance2 ResearchedDisruptor2 NotArena ResearchedGalvonic 72 120 icontech 2 130 942
  35. 5000 wep09 PW Gattling Gun 2 Develops the Fighter/scout -mounted particle weapon, optimized for fighter-to-fighter combat. HasOrdnance1 NotArena ResearchedMachineGun2 71 120 icontech 2 122 942
  36. 5000 wep09 PW Gattling Gun 3 Develops the Fighter/scout -mounted particle weapon, optimized for fighter-to-fighter combat. HasOrdnance2 ResearchedMachineGun2 NotArena ResearchedMachineGun3 70 120 icontech 2 121 942
  37. 5000 wep07 EW Disruptor 2 Develops the Fighter-mounted enhanced energy weapon, optimized for inflicting shield damage. HasOrdnance1 ResearchedDisruptor1 NotArena ResearchedDisruptor2 74 120 icontech 2 132 942
  38. 5000 wep07 EW Disruptor 3 Develops the Fighter-mounted enhanced energy weapon, optimized for inflicting shield damage. HasOrdnance2 ResearchedDisruptor2 NotArena ResearchedDisruptor3 73 120 icontech 2 131 942
  39. 5000 wep16 PW Mini-Gun 2 Develops the Interceptor-mounted rapid-fire particle weapon, optimized for fighter-to-fighter combat. HasResearch1 NotArena ResearchedMinigun2 77 120 icontech 4 142 942
  40. 5000 wep16 PW Mini-Gun 3 Develops the Interceptor-mounted rapid-fire particle weapon, optimized for fighter-to-fighter combat. HasResearch2 ResearchedMinigun2 NotArena ResearchedMinigun3 76 120 icontech 4 141 942
  41. 5000 acs57 EW Utl Cannon 2 Develops the Stealth Fighter-mounted energy weapon, optimized for damage to utility craft such as miners and constructors. HasElectronics1 ResearchedAntiUtility1 NotArena ResearchedAntiUtility2 67 120 icontech 3 102 942
  42. 5000 acs57 EW Utl Cannon 3 Develops the Stealth Fighter-mounted energy weapon, optimized for damage to utility craft such as miners and constructors. HasElectronics2 ResearchedAntiUtility2 NotArena ResearchedAntiUtility3 66 120 icontech 3 101 942
  43. 5000 wep06 EW Sniper Rifle 1 Develops the Stealth Fighter-mounted energy weapon, optimized for low-signature, long-range attacks against ships. HasElectronics1 NotArena ResearchedSniperWeapon1 68 120 icontech 3 111 942
  44. 5000 wep06 EW Sniper Rifle 2 Develops the Stealth Fighter-mounted energy weapon, optimized for low-signature, long-range attacks against ships. HasElectronics2 ResearchedSniperWeapon1 NotArena ResearchedSniperWeapon2 69 120 icontech 3 110 942
  45. 5000 wep02 PW Turret AC 2 An enhanced particle-based turret weapon for use on Bombers and Stealth Bombers. HasOrdnance1 NotArena ResearchedTurret2 81 120 icontech 2 162 942
  46. 5000 wep12 PW SkyCap Turret 2 An enhanced particle-based turret weapon for use on capital-class ships and gunships. Does area damage. HasShipyard1 ResearchedCapTurret1 NotArena ResearchedCapTurret2 83 120 icontech 5 172 942
  47. 5000 wep12 PW SkyCap Turret 3 An enhanced particle-based turret weapon for use on capital-class ships and gunships. Does area damage. HasShipyard2 ResearchedCapTurret2 NotArena IsNotCivCrimsonWing ResearchedCapTurret3 82 120 icontech 5 171 942
  48. 5000 mis05 SRM Dumbfire 2 Develops a more powerful version of the SRM Dumbfire 1. HasOrdnance1 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileDumb2 88 120 icontech 2 202 943
  49. 5000 mis05 SRM Dumbfire 3 Develops a more powerful version of the SRM Dumbfire 2. HasOrdnance2 ResearchedMissileDumb2 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileDumb3 89 120 icontech 2 201 943
  50. 5000 mis06 MRM Seeker 2 Develops a more accurate version of the MRM Seeker 1. HasStarbase1 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileTracking2 90 120 icontech 1 211 943
  51. 5000 mis06 MRM Seeker 3 Develops a more powerful version of the MRM Seeker 2. HasStarbase2 ResearchedMissileTracking2 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileTracking3 91 120 icontech 1 210 943
  52. 5000 mis07 LRM Hunter 2 Develops a more accurate version of the LRM Hunter 1. HasElectronics1 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileMedium2 93 120 icontech 3 222 943
  53. 5000 mis13 SRM Tactical Nuke 2 Develops a more powerful version of the SRM Tactican Nuke 1. HasShipyard2 ResearchedMissileCapAntiBase1 NotArena IsNotCivRix IsNotCivCrimsonWing ResearchedMissileCapAntiBase2 101 120 icontech 5 311 943
  54. 5000 mis14 MRM Seismic A medium-range asteroid-destroying missile that does incredible damage to rocks of all types. HasShipyard1 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileCapAntiRock1 105 120 icontech 5 390 943
  55. 5000 mis08 XRM Hunter Killer 2 Develops the enhanced long-range anti-fighter missile with great tracking ability, optimized for killing fighter-class ships. HasShipyard1 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileCapAntiFighter2 100 120 icontech 5 302 943
  56. 5000 acs40 Hvy Counter 2 Develops an improved version of the Hvy Counter 1 that can be up to 85% effective. HasShipyard1 ResearchedCapChaff1 NotArena ResearchedCapChaff2 133 120 icontech 5 912 944
  57. 5000 acs40 Hvy Counter 3 Develops an improved version of the Hvy Counter 2 that can be up to 90% effective. HasShipyard2 ResearchedCapChaff2 NotArena IsNotCivCrimsonWing ResearchedCapChaff3 132 120 icontech 5 911 944
  58. 5000 wep18 EW Nanite Repair 2 Develops an enhanced repair weapon for more rapid healing of all ships and stations. HasStarbase2 NotArena ResearchedRepairWeapon2 87 120 icontech 1 181 944
  59. 2000 res03 PW range 1 Improves speed of ammo-based weapons by 10% HasResearch1 NotArena 153 120 114 icontech 4 1029 940
  60. 2000 res07 Ship energy 1 Improves energy storage by 10% HasElectronics1 NotArena 139 120 113 icontech 3 1015 940
  61. 2000 res28 Ship sensors 1 Improves sensor range by 10% HasOrdnance1 NotArena 157 120 111 icontech 2 1033 940
  62. 25000 ss104 Upgrade Expansion This upgrade toughens the Expansion Complex and provides more research technologies, especially for Interceptors and Troop Transports. HasResearch1 NotArena IsNotCivBios IsNotCivIronLeague IsNotCivBelters ResearchedResearch2 5 120 icontech 4 0 945
  63. 5000 utl101 Enhanced Miner Develops a faster, more stealthy, and tougher miner. HasStarbase1 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedMiner2 64 120 icontech 1 97 940
  64. 7500 utl101 Advanced Miner Develops a faster, more stealthy, and tougher miner. HasResearch2 ResearchedMiner2 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedMiner3 62 120 icontech 4 96 940
  65. 5000 utl11 Enh Constructor Develops a faster, more stealthy, and tougher constructor. HasStarbase1 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedBuilder2 58 120 icontech 1 91 940
  66. 7500 utl11 Adv Constructor Develops a faster, more stealthy, and tougher constructor. HasResearch2 ResearchedBuilder2 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedBuilder3 59 120 icontech 4 91 940
  67. 5000 acs38 Signature Cloak 2 Develops an improved version of the Signature Cloak 1. HasElectronics1 ResearchedCloak1 NotArena ResearchedCloak2 118 120 icontech 3 602 944
  68. 5000 acs38 Heavy Sig cloak 1 A signature supression system that almost completely blinds enemy radar but rapidly drains energy while active. HasStarbase1 ResearchedCloak1 NotArena ResearchedCapCloak1 121 120 icontech 1 612 944
  69. 2500 acs38 Signature Cloak 1 Develops a signature supression system that will make a ship almost invisible. HasStarbase1 NotArena ResearchedCloak1 119 120 icontech 1 603 944
  70. 7500 fig17 Stealth Bomber This cloakable Bomber with the tenacity of the Stealth Fighter has outstanding anti-base missile capability. HasElectronics2 ResearchedBomber1 ResearchedStealth1 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedStealthBomber1 33 120 icontech 3 40 941
  71. 5000 wep04 PW EMP Cannon 1 Develops an Interceptor-mounted particle weapon with explosive area effect HasResearch1 NotArena ResearchedCannon1 79 120 icontech 4 153 942
  72. 5000 acs48 Booster 2 Develops an improved version of the booster 1, which is more efficient. HasOrdnance1 ResearchedBooster1 NotArena ResearchedBooster2 113 120 icontech 2 502 944
  73. 5000 acs48 Light Booster 2 Develops improved version of the Light Booster 1 which has better thrust and efficiency. HasResearch2 ResearchedDietBooster1 NotArena ResearchedDietBooster2 115 120 icontech 4 511 944
  74. 5000 acs48 Light Booster 1 Develops a booster with limited thrust but significantly better fuel efficiency. HasResearch1 ResearchedBooster1 NotArena ResearchedDietBooster1 116 120 icontech 4 512 944
  75. 5000 acs48 Booster 3 Develops an improved version of the booster 2, which is somewhat more powerful. HasOrdnance2 ResearchedBooster2 NotArena ResearchedBooster3 112 120 icontech 2 501 944
  76. 5000 mis12 XRM Cruise 1 Develops an enhanced very long-range anti-base missile with a better warhead. HasShipyard1 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileSkeet1 104 120 icontech 5 322 943
  77. 5000 mis12 XRM Cruise 2 Develops an enhanced very long-range anti-base missile with a better warhead. HasShipyard2 ResearchedMissileSkeet1 NotArena IsNotCivRix IsNotCivCrimsonWing ResearchedMissileSkeet2 103 120 icontech 5 321 943
  78. 2000 res01 He3 yield 1 Increases He3 yield by 10% HasResearch1 NotArena 147 120 118 icontech 4 1023 940
  79. 2000 res14 Ship shield 1 Improves shield strength by 10% HasElectronics1 NotArena 161 120 109 icontech 3 1037 940
  80. 2000 res24 Missile track 1 Improves missile agility by 10% HasOrdnance1 NotArena IsNotCivRix 151 120 116 icontech 2 1027 940
  81. 2000 res03 PW damage 1 Improves weapon damage by 10% HasResearch1 NotArena 143 120 120 icontech 4 1019 940
  82. 2000 res18 Ship speed 1 Improve top speeds by 10% HasShipyard1 NotArena 165 120 100 icontech 5 1041 940
  83. 2000 res20 Ship agility 1 Improve agility by 10% HasOrdnance1 NotArena 137 120 102 icontech 2 1013 940
  84. 2000 res16 Ship hull 1 Improve hull strength by 10% HasOrdnance1 NotArena 159 120 108 icontech 2 1035 940
  85. 2000 res22 Missile damage 1 Improves missile damage by 10% HasOrdnance1 NotArena IsNotCivRix 149 120 121 icontech 2 1025 940
  86. 2000 res18 Ship acceleration 1 Improves acceleration by 10% HasResearch1 NotArena 135 120 101 icontech 4 1010 940
  87. 2000 res26 Ship signature 1 Reduces signatures by 10% HasResearch1 NotArena 163 120 112 icontech 4 1039 940
  88. 2500 res19 Ship speed 2 Improve top speeds by 10% HasShipyard2 NotArena IsNotCivCrimsonWing 166 120 100 icontech 5 1042 940
  89. 2500 res19 Ship acceleration 2 Improves acceleration by 10% HasResearch2 NotArena 136 120 101 icontech 4 1011 940
  90. 2500 res21 Ship agility 2 Improve agility by 10% HasOrdnance2 NotArena 138 120 102 icontech 2 1014 940
  91. 2500 res17 Station hull 2 Improves station hull strength by 10%. HasResearch2 NotArena 168 120 104 icontech 4 1044 940
  92. 2500 res13 Station shield 2 Improves station shield strength by 10%. HasResearch2 NotArena 170 120 106 icontech 4 1046 940
  93. 2500 res16 Ship hull 2 Improve hull strength by 10% HasOrdnance2 NotArena 160 120 108 icontech 2 1036 940
  94. 2500 res13 Ship shield 2 Improves shield strength by 10% HasElectronics2 NotArena 162 120 109 icontech 3 1038 940
  95. 2500 res29 Ship sensors 2 Improves sensor range by 10% HasOrdnance2 NotArena 158 120 111 icontech 2 1034 940
  96. 2500 res27 Ship signature 2 Reduces signatures by 10% HasResearch2 NotArena 164 120 112 icontech 4 1040 940
  97. 2500 res08 Ship energy 2 Improves energy storage by 10% HasElectronics2 NotArena 140 120 113 icontech 3 1016 940
  98. 2500 res03 PW range 2 Improves speed of ammo-based weapons by 10% HasResearch2 NotArena 154 120 114 icontech 4 1030 940
  99. 2500 res10 EW range 2 Improves range of energy-based weapons by 10%. HasElectronics2 NotArena 142 120 115 icontech 3 1018 940
  100. 2500 res25 Missile track 2 Improves missile agility by 10% HasOrdnance2 NotArena IsNotCivRix 152 120 116 icontech 2 1028 940
  101. 2500 res02 Faster He3 2 Improves miner collection rate by 10%. HasResearch2 NotArena 146 120 117 icontech 4 1022 940
  102. 2500 res02 He3 yield 2 Increases He3 yield by 10% HasResearch2 NotArena 148 120 118 icontech 4 1024 940
  103. 2500 res05 Ripcord 2 Reduces teleportation time by 15% HasOrdnance2 NotArena 156 120 119 icontech 2 1032 940
  104. 2500 res03 PW damage 2 Improves weapon damage by 10% HasResearch2 NotArena 144 120 120 icontech 4 1020 940
  105. 2500 res23 Missile damage 2 Improves missile damage by 10% HasOrdnance2 NotArena IsNotCivRix 150 120 121 icontech 2 1026 940
  106. 5000 utl74 Teleport probe 1 Develops a short lived deployable probe that acts as a teleportation reciever. HasStarbase2 NotArena ResearchedTeleportProbe1 125 120 icontech 1 720 944
  107. 5000 mis01 SRM EMP Missile Develops a specialized missile that does a huge amount of damage to a target's shields (but no damage to its hull). HasResearch1 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileEMP 98 120 icontech 4 241 943
  108. 5000 acs39 Med Shield 2 Develops an improved version of the Medium Shield 1 which can absorb more damage. HasStarbase1 NotArena ResearchedMdShield2 109 120 icontech 1 412 944
  109. 5000 acs39 Med Shield 3 Develops an improved version of the Medium Shield 2 which can absorb more damage. HasStarbase2 ResearchedMdShield2 NotArena ResearchedMdShield3 108 120 icontech 1 411 944
  110. 5000 acs34 Large Shield 3 Develops an improved version of the Large Shield 2 which can absorb more damage. HasShipyard2 ResearchedLgShield2 NotArena IsNotCivCrimsonWing ResearchedLgShield3 110 120 icontech 5 421 944
  111. 5000 wep02 PW Turret AC 3 An Advanced particle-based turret weapon for use on Bombers and Stealth Bombers. HasOrdnance2 ResearchedTurret2 NotArena ResearchedTurret3 80 120 icontech 2 161 942
  112. 5000 acs41 Prox Mine 2 Develops a more powerful version of the Prox Mine 1. HasResearch1 NotArena ResearchedMine2 127 120 icontech 4 802 944
  113. 5000 acs41 Prox Mine 3 Develops a more powerful version of the Prox Mine 2. HasResearch2 ResearchedMine2 NotArena ResearchedMine3 126 120 icontech 4 801 944
  114. 5000 utl23 EWS Probe 2 Develops a more stealthy version of the EWS Probe 1 that also has a slightly larger scan range. HasOrdnance1 NotArena ResearchedProbe2 123 120 icontech 2 702 944
  115. 5000 utl23 EWS Probe 3 Develops a more stealthy version of the EWS Probe 2 that also has a slightly larger scan range. HasOrdnance2 ResearchedProbe2 NotArena ResearchedProbe3 122 120 icontech 2 701 944
  116. 5000 utl23 Pulse Probe Develops a short lived probe that has an excellent scan range. HasResearch1 NotArena ResearchedPulseProbe 124 120 icontech 4 710 944
  117. 5000 acs41 Mine Pack 1 Develops a compact and deadly minefield that, when deployed correctly, is very effective against chasing opponents. HasOrdnance1 NotArena ResearchedMinePack1 129 120 icontech 2 812 944
  118. 5000 acs41 Mine Pack 2 Develops an improved version of the Mine Pack 1. HasOrdnance2 ResearchedMinePack1 NotArena ResearchedMinePack2 128 120 icontech 2 811 944
  119. 5000 mis14 SRM Seismic Missile Develops a short-range asteroid-destroying missile that does incredible damage to rocks of all types. HasElectronics2 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileAntiRock1 97 120 icontech 3 238 943
  120. 5000 mis09 LRM Killer 1 Develops a powerful, anti-capital ship missile. HasElectronics1 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileKiller1 95 120 icontech 3 232 943
  121. 5000 mis09 LRM Killer 2 Develops a more poerful version of the LRM Killer 1. HasElectronics2 NotArena ResearchedMissileKiller1 IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileKiller2 94 120 icontech 3 231 943
  122. 5000 mis07 LRM Hunter 3 Develops a more powerful version of the LRM Hunter 2. HasElectronics2 NotArena ResearchedMissileMedium2 IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileMedium3 92 120 icontech 3 221 943
  123. 5000 acs38 Signature Cloak 3 Develops an improved version of the Signature Cloak 2. HasElectronics2 ResearchedCloak2 NotArena ResearchedCloak3 117 120 icontech 3 601 944
  124. 5000 mis08 XRM Hunter Killer 3 Develops the Advanced long-range anti-fighter missile with great tracking ability, optimized for killing fighter-class ships. HasShipyard2 NotArena ResearchedMissileCapAntiFighter2 IsNotCivRix IsNotCivCrimsonWing ResearchedMissileCapAntiFighter3 99 120 icontech 5 301 943
  125. 2500 wep12 PW SkyCap Turret 1 An enhanced particle-based turret weapon for use on capital-class ships and gunships. Does area damage. HasStarbase1 NotArena ResearchedCapTurret1 84 120 icontech 1 173 942
  126. 2500 wep07 EW Disruptor 1 Develops the Fighter-mounted enhanced energy weapon, optimized for inflicting shield damage. HasStarbase1 NotArena ResearchedDisruptor1 75 120 icontech 1 133 942
  127. 5000 mis13 SRM Tactical Nuke 1 Develops an enhanced short-range anti-base missile that packs incredible punch but has almost no tracking ability. HasShipyard1 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileCapAntiBase1 102 120 icontech 5 312 943
  128. 5000 fig12 Patroller Can deploy, mines, probes, is fast has a good scan range. HasStarbase1 NotArena IsCivCrimsonWing ResearchedFighter1 22 120 icontech 1 14 941
  129. 5000 mis03 LRM Killer Swarm 1 Develops a specialized missile swarm for maximum damage to capital ships. HasShipyard1 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMirv1 177 120 icontech 5 252 943
  130. 5000 mis03 LRM Killer Swarm 2 Develops a more powerful version of the LRM Killer Swarm 1. HasShipyard2 NotArena ResearchedMirv1 IsNotCivRix IsNotCivCrimsonWing ResearchedMirv2 176 120 icontech 5 251 943
  131. 2500 acs40 Hvy Counter 1 Develops missile counter-measures for capital ships that can be up to 75% effective. HasStarbase1 NotArena ResearchedCapChaff1 134 120 icontech 1 913 944
  132. 2500 acs48 Booster 1 Develops a fuel based booster rocket, poor endurance but can provide a significant increase in speed. HasStarbase1 NotArena ResearchedBooster1 114 120 icontech 1 503 944
  133. 30000 ss104 Upgrade Expansion This upgrade toughens the Expansion Complex and provides more research technologies, especially for Interceptors and Troop Transports. HasResearch1 NotArena IsCivIronLeague ResearchedResearch2 6 120 icontech 4 0 945
  134. 12000 ss24a Upgrade Garrison This upgrade toughens the Garrison and makes available several key ship upgrades. HasStarbase1 NotArena IsCivIronLeague ResearchedStarbase2 7 120 icontech 1 0 945
  135. 30000 ss18 Upgrade Shipyard This upgrade toughens the Shipyard and gives teams more research options for capital ships. HasShipyard1 NotArena HasLevel1 IsCivIronLeague ResearchedShipyard2 8 120 icontech 5 0 945
  136. 30000 ss103 Upgrade Supremacy This upgrade toughens the Supremacy Center and gives players more research options, especially for Fighter-class ships. HasOrdnance1 NotArena IsCivIronLeague ResearchedOrdnance2 9 120 icontech 2 0 945
  137. 30000 acs08 Upgrade Tactical Lab This upgrade toughens the Tactical Laboratory and gives teams more research options, especially for Stealth Fighter craft. HasElectronics1 NotArena IsCivIronLeague ResearchedElectronics2 10 120 icontech 3 0 945
  138. 15000 cap03 Cruiser Capable of carrying several turret gunners for defense, this capital ship can fire the largest and most deadly tactical nuke missiles, swiftly devastating enemy stations. HasShipyard2 NotArena ResearchedCapital1 IsNotCivCrimsonWing IsNotCivBios IsNotCivBelters ResearchedCapital2 46 120 icontech 5 81 941
  139. 15000 cap100 Devastator Capable of carrying several turret gunners for defense, this capital ship carries the Skyripper cannon. HasShipyard2 NotArena IsNotCivRix IsNotCivBelters IsNotCivCrimsonWing ResearchedArtillery2 50 120 icontech 5 83 941
  140. 15000 cap100 Devastator Capable of carrying several turret gunners for defense, this capital ship carries the Skyripper cannon. HasShipyard1 NotArena IsCivCrimsonWing ResearchedArtillery2 175 120 icontech 5 83 941
  141. 22500 cap01 Light Cruiser Capable of carrying several turret gunners for defense, this capital ship can fire the largest and most deadly tactical nuke missiles, swiftly devastating enemy stations. HasShipyard1 NotArena IsCivCrimsonWing ResearchedCapital1 52 120 icontech 5 85 941
  142. 10000 utl18a Assault ship This ships major strength is its ability to act as a mobile teleport receiver. HasShipyard2 NotArena IsNotCivBelters IsNotCivCrimsonWing ResearchedSectorSupport 53 120 icontech 5 86 941
  143. 5000 acs30 Small Shield 2 Develops an improved version of the Small Shield 1 which can absorb more damage. HasStarbase1 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedSmShield2 107 120 icontech 1 402 944
  144. 5000 acs30 Small Shield 3 Develops an improved version of the Small Shield 2 which can absorb more damage. HasStarbase2 ResearchedSmShield2 NotArena IsNotCivBelters ResearchedSmShield3 106 120 icontech 1 401 944
  145. 3750 fig16 Interceptor This fast, short-range vessel is the most deadly of all fighters but hampered by its low fuel capacity, poor scan range, lack of shielding, and incompatibility with teleportation systems. HasResearch1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedDefender1 32 120 icontech 4 33 941
  146. 5000 bom07b Heavy Bomber This large, lumbering craft is designed for base assault. It is less vulnerable to enemies but still requires turret support to be effective. HasStarbase2 ResearchedBomber1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedBomber2 36 120 icontech 1 50 941
  147. 3750 fig17 Stealth Fighter This more lightly armored combat craft is ideal for hit-and-run attacks. It has a low sensor signature, the ability to cloak, and very high-end scanners. HasElectronics1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedStealth1 27 120 icontech 3 23 941
  148. 3750 fig12 Enhanced Fighter Typically deployed for prolonged combat situations that require quick response and good range, this fighter has 3 weapon mounts, hardpoints for missiles, and an average scan range. HasOrdnance1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedFighter2 21 120 icontech 2 13 941
  149. 3750 fig05 Advanced Scout This small and agile craft is packed with scanner suites. It can deploy minefields and probes, and has 1 weapon mount for machine guns or repair weapons. HasStarbase2 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedSupport2 16 120 icontech 1 2 941
  150. 3750 utl27 Troop Transport This transport carries specially trained troops capable of taking over enemy facilities. This version requires station shields to be neutralized before it can land and take over bases. HasResearch1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedAPC1 44 120 icontech 4 71 941
  151. 5000 bom07b Bomber This large, lumbering craft is designed for base assault. It is vulnerable to enemies and requires turret support to be effective. HasStarbase1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedBomber1 38 120 icontech 1 51 941
  152. 3750 utl101 Advanced Miner Develops a faster, more stealthy, and tougher miner. HasResearch2 ResearchedMiner2 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedMiner3 63 120 icontech 4 96 940
  153. 3750 utl11 Adv Constructor Develops a faster, more stealthy, and tougher constructor. HasResearch2 ResearchedBuilder2 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedBuilder3 60 120 icontech 4 91 940
  154. 3750 fig17 Stealth Bomber This cloakable Bomber with the tenacity of the Stealth Fighter has outstanding anti-base missile capability. HasElectronics2 ResearchedBomber1 ResearchedStealth1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedStealthBomber1 34 120 icontech 3 40 941
  155. 4000 cap100 Destroyer This large, mainly defensive capitol ship can fire very long range missiles at Fighter class craft. It has no turrets but has Ripcord ability. HasShipyard1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedArtillery1 49 120 icontech 5 82 941
  156. 5000 fig17 Adv Stealth Ftr This more lightly armored combat craft is ideal for hit-and-run attacks. It has a low sensor signature, the ability to cloak, and very high-end scanners. HasElectronics2 ResearchedStealth1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedStealth2 25 120 icontech 3 22 941
  157. 5000 cap01 Missile Frigate This capital-scale craft is capable of carrying a great deal of missile ordnance to supplement multiple gun turrets. It is essentially a tougher version of the Bomber, best used to attack bases. HasShipyard1 IsCivBelters ResearchedCapital1 54 120 icontech 5 84 941
  158. 5000 fig16 Heavy Interceptor This fast, short-range vessel is the most deadly of all fighters but hampered by its low fuel capacity, poor scan range, lack of shielding, and incompatibility with teleportation systems. HasResearch2 ResearchedDefender1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedDefender2 30 120 icontech 4 32 941
  159. 5000 fig12 Adv Fighter Typically deployed for prolonged combat situations that require quick response and good range, this advanced version can carry special weapons for base attacks. HasOrdnance2 ResearchedFighter2 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedFighter3 19 120 icontech 2 12 941
  160. 5000 utl27 Hvy Troop Transport This transport carries specially trained troops capable of taking over enemy facilities. This heavy version will neutralize station shields on contact before landing and taking over bases. HasResearch2 ResearchedAPC1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedAPC2 42 120 icontech 4 70 941
  161. 5000 bom05b Gunship This ship's key features are 2 heavy turret positions, with excellent cover for defending stationary and moving targets. It's fast enough to escort constructors, capital ships, and miners. HasStarbase2 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedPlatform1 40 120 icontech 1 60 941
  162. 5000 cap03 Cruiser Capable of carrying several turret gunners for defense, this capital ship can fire the largest and most deadly tactical nuke missiles, swiftly devastating enemy stations. HasShipyard2 NotArena ResearchedCapital1 IsCivBelters ResearchedCapital2 47 120 icontech 5 81 941
  163. 5000 utl18a Assault ship This ships major strength is its ability to act as a mobile teleport receiver. HasShipyard2 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedSectorSupport 55 120 icontech 5 86 941
  164. 2500 utl11 Enh Constructor Develops a faster, more stealthy, and tougher constructor. HasStarbase1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedBuilder2 61 120 icontech 1 91 940
  165. 2500 utl101 Enhanced Miner Develops a faster, more stealthy, and tougher miner. HasStarbase1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedMiner2 65 120 icontech 1 97 940
  166. 16000 ss103 Upgrade Supremacy This upgrade toughens the Supremacy Center and gives players more research options, especially for Fighter-class ships. HasOrdnance1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedOrdnance2 11 120 icontech 2 0 945
  167. 16000 acs08 Upgrade Tactical Lab This upgrade toughens the Tactical Laboratory and gives teams more research options, especially for Stealth Fighter craft. HasElectronics1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedElectronics2 12 120 icontech 3 0 945
  168. 16000 ss18 Upgrade Shipyard This upgrade toughens the Shipyard and gives teams more research options for capital ships. HasShipyard1 NotArena HasLevel2 IsCivBelters ResearchedShipyard2 13 120 icontech 5 0 945
  169. 16000 ss104 Upgrade Expansion This upgrade toughens the Expansion Complex and provides more research technologies, especially for Interceptors and Troop Transports. HasResearch1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedResearch2 14 120 icontech 4 0 945
  170. 6400 ss24a Upgrade Garrison This upgrade toughens the Garrison and makes available several key ship upgrades. HasStarbase1 NotArena IsCivBelters ResearchedStarbase2 172 120 icontech 1 0 945
  171. 5000 mis02 LRM Aleph Resonator Develops a missile that will destabilize an aleph, causing a huge explosion at both ends. HasStarbase2 NotArena ResearchedAlephBomb 173 120 icontech 1 391 943
  172. 5000 wep90 EW SkyRipper Develops a Devestator mounted energy weapon dealing out incredible damage. HasShipyard1 IsCivCrimsonWing NotArena ResearchedAntiCapGun1 85 120 icontech 5 176 942
  173. 5000 wep91 EW Stinger 2 Develops the enhanced short-range, Bomber-mounted anti-base missile. HasOrdnance1 NotArena IsCivRix ResearchedStinger2 178 120 icontech 2 191 942
  174. 5000 acs02 Combat pod 2 Develops a improved version of the combat pod 1 which can inflict more damage. HasElectronics1 NotArena IsCivRix ResearchedPod2 182 120 icontech 3 331 944
  175. 5000 acs02 Combat pod 3 Develops a improved version of the combat pod 2 which can inflict more damage. HasElectronics2 NotArena IsCivRix ResearchedPod2 ResearchedPod3 181 120 icontech 3 330 944
  176. 5000 utl02 Hv Station Pod 2 Develops a deployable tower that can be dropped from capital ships and will damage nearby enemy stations before it self-destructs. HasShipyard2 NotArena IsCivRix ResearchedHvStationPod2 184 120 icontech 5 351 944
  177. 5000 acs02 Hv Pod 2 Develops an improved version of the Hv Pod 1, which can do more damage to enemy ships. HasElectronics2 NotArena IsCivRix ResearchedHvPod1 ResearchedHvPod2 185 120 icontech 3 335 944
  178. 5000 acs02 Hv Pod 1 Develops a deployable tower that briefly fires upon nearby enemies. It is optimized against capital ships. HasElectronics1 NotArena IsCivRix ResearchedHvPod1 186 120 icontech 3 336 944
  179. 10000 ss08 Carbon Mine Researches an installation that generates income from Carbon Asteroids. NotArena IsCivCrimsonWing SupremacyAllowed ResearchedCarbonMine 187 120 icontech 1 99 940
  180. 10000 ss08 Uranium Mine Researches an installation that generates income from Uranium Asteroids. NotArena IsCivCrimsonWing ExpansionAllowed ResearchedUraniumMine 188 120 icontech 1 99 940
  181. 10000 ss08 Silicon Mine Researches an installation that generates income from Silicon Asteroids. NotArena IsCivCrimsonWing TacticalAllowed ResearchedSiliconMine 189 120 icontech 1 99 940
  182. 5000 utl02 Station Pod 2 Develops a more deadly version of the Station Pod 1. HasElectronics2 NotArena IsCivRix ResearchedStationPod2 190 120 icontech 3 340 944
  183. 10000 utl18a Assault ship This ships major strength is its ability to act as a mobile teleport receiver. HasShipyard1 NotArena IsCivCrimsonWing ResearchedSectorSupport 191 120 icontech 5 86 941
  184. 5000 mis11 SRM Anti-Base 3 Develops a version of the SRM Anti-Base 2 that can be fired more quickly. HasOrdnance2 NotArena IsNotCivRix ResearchedMissileBomberAntiBase2 ResearchedMissileBomberAntiBase3 192 120 icontech 2 234 943
  185. 5000 utl74 Teleport probe 2 Develops an improved version of the Teleport Probe 1 that activates more quickly. HasOrdnance2 NotArena ResearchedTeleportProbe1 ResearchedTeleportProbe2 194 120 icontech 2 720 944
  186. 10000 bom07b Ballista This large, lumbering craft is designed for base assault. It is vulnerable to enemies and requires turret support to be effective. HasStarbase1 NotArena IsCivRix ResearchedBomber1 193 120 icontech 1 51 941
  187. 10000 bom07b Heavy Ballista This large, lumbering craft is designed for base assault. It is less vulnerable to enemies but still requires turret support to be effective. HasStarbase2 ResearchedBomber1 NotArena IsCivRix ResearchedBomber2 195 120 icontech 1 50 941
  188. 5000 wep92 PW Lancer 2 Develops the enhanced long-range anti-fighter missile with great tracking ability, optimized for killing fighter-class ships. HasShipyard1 NotArena IsCivRix ResearchedLancer2 196 120 icontech 5 178 942
  189. 5000 wep92 PW Lancer 3 Develops the enhanced long-range anti-fighter missile with great tracking ability, optimized for killing fighter-class ships. HasShipyard1 NotArena IsCivRix ResearchedLancer2 ResearchedLancer3 197 120 icontech 5 177 942