checkincurrentdata.bat 1.3 KB

  1. @echo off
  2. if "%1" == "/?" goto usage
  3. if "%1" == "-?" goto usage
  4. if "%1" == "" goto usage
  5. if "%2" == "" goto usage
  6. set Server=
  7. if NOT "%1"=="" set Server=/s %1
  8. if NOT "%2"=="" set Database=/d %2
  9. out Afterburners.dat
  10. out Ammo.dat
  11. out AttachPoints.dat
  12. out AttachPointTypes.dat
  13. out chaff.dat
  14. out Civs.dat
  15. out cloaks.dat
  16. out developments.dat
  17. out drones.dat
  18. out Effects.dat
  19. out expendables.dat
  20. out globalattributes.dat
  21. out magazines.dat
  22. out mines.dat
  23. out missiles.dat
  24. out Parts.dat
  25. out PartTypes.dat
  26. out probes.dat
  27. out Projectiles.dat
  28. out Shields.dat
  29. out shipclasses.dat
  30. out ShipTypes.dat
  31. out stationclasses.dat
  32. out stationtypes.dat
  33. out techbits.dat
  34. out treasurechances.dat
  35. out treasuresets.dat
  36. out turrets.dat
  37. out Weapons.dat
  38. call dumptables out %Server% %Database%
  39. in -ofc "Current data"
  40. pause
  41. goto end
  42. :usage
  43. rem 12345678911234567892123456789312345678941234567895123456789612345678971234567898
  44. echo Description: captures the data in the database and checks it in
  45. echo.
  46. echo Usage: CheckinCurrentData [Server [Database]]
  47. echo.
  48. echo Where: Server is machine of database you want to use, so you can use
  49. echo from a machine other than the one the database is on.
  50. echo Database is the name of the SQL database to use on the server specified
  51. echo.
  52. echo Example: CheckinCurrentData OBLSQL Federation
  53. echo.
  54. :end