123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960 |
- @echo off
- if "%1" == "/?" goto usage
- if "%1" == "-?" goto usage
- if "%1" == "" goto usage
- if "%2" == "" goto usage
- set Server=
- if NOT "%1"=="" set Server=/s %1
- if NOT "%2"=="" set Database=/d %2
- out Afterburners.dat
- out Ammo.dat
- out AttachPoints.dat
- out AttachPointTypes.dat
- out chaff.dat
- out Civs.dat
- out cloaks.dat
- out developments.dat
- out drones.dat
- out Effects.dat
- out expendables.dat
- out globalattributes.dat
- out magazines.dat
- out mines.dat
- out missiles.dat
- out Parts.dat
- out PartTypes.dat
- out probes.dat
- out Projectiles.dat
- out Shields.dat
- out shipclasses.dat
- out ShipTypes.dat
- out stationclasses.dat
- out stationtypes.dat
- out techbits.dat
- out treasurechances.dat
- out treasuresets.dat
- out turrets.dat
- out Weapons.dat
- call dumptables out %Server% %Database%
- in -ofc "Current data"
- pause
- goto end
- :usage
- rem 12345678911234567892123456789312345678941234567895123456789612345678971234567898
- echo Description: captures the data in the database and checks it in
- echo.
- echo Usage: CheckinCurrentData [Server [Database]]
- echo.
- echo Where: Server is machine of database you want to use, so you can use
- echo from a machine other than the one the database is on.
- echo Database is the name of the SQL database to use on the server specified
- echo.
- echo Example: CheckinCurrentData OBLSQL Federation
- echo.
- :end