123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- 2 Light Outpost ss92 Build to move your launch point closer to the enemy and to establish territorial control. It provides no technology benefits. 302.5 6666 6666 30.0 15.0 3750 100 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivCrimsonWing HasGarrison 375 2400.0 8 0 station 741 761 781 801 380 420 460 821 841 861 881 901 921 0 1 1 12 13 Outpost 27
- 3 Shipyard ss18 Build to destroy your opponents' installations with anti-base missiles and capital-class ships such as Frigates and Destroyers. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 15000 250 120 AtCanBuildCapShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivCrimsonWing HasLevel2 ShipyardsAllowed HasShipyard1 CopyShipyard 4982 2400.0 8 0 iconshipyd 742 762 782 802 380 420 460 822 842 862 882 902 922 0 2 1 7 10 Shipyard 26
- 7 Adv Supremacy ss93 This upgrade toughens the Supremacy Center and gives players more research options, especially for Fighter-class ships. 302.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedOrdnance2 IsCivCrimsonWing SupremacyAllowed HasOrdnance2 HasOrdnance1 HasOrd1Res1 HasOrd2Res2 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyOrdnance 886 3000.0 64 0 station 746 766 786 806 380 420 460 826 846 866 886 906 926 0 6 1 7 10 AdvSupremacy 26
- 8 Adv Expansion utl20 This upgrade toughens the Expansion Complex and provides more research technologies, especially for Interceptors and Troop Transports. 302.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedResearch2 IsCivCrimsonWing ExpansionAllowed HasResearch2 HasResearch1 HasOrd1Res1 HasOrd2Res2 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyResearch 886 3000.0 16 0 station 745 765 785 805 380 420 460 825 845 865 885 905 925 0 5 1 7 10 AdvExpansion 26
- 9 Adv Tactical Lab ss23 This upgrade toughens the Tactical Laboratory and gives teams more research options, especially for Stealth Fighter craft. 302.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedElectronics2 IsCivCrimsonWing TacticalAllowed HasElectronics2 HasElectronics1 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyElectronics 886 3000.0 32 0 station 747 767 787 807 380 420 460 827 847 867 887 907 927 0 7 1 7 10 AdvTactical 26
- 10 Starbase ss24a This upgrade toughens the Garrison and makes available several key ship upgrades. 423.5 25000 15000 150.0 50.0 20000 250 120 AtStarbase2 AtCanBuildBuildings AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings ResearchedStarbase2 IsCivCrimsonWing HasStarbase2 HasStarbase1 887 4500.0 8 0 station 740 760 780 800 380 420 460 820 840 860 880 900 920 0 0 1 7 10 Starbase 26
- 11 Supremacy Ctr ss93 Build to quickly seize sector control with the versatile Fighter-class ship and a large array of weaponry and offensive technologies. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivCrimsonWing SupremacyAllowed HasOrdnance1 HasOrd1Res1 HasLevel1 CopyOrdnance 7 886 2400.0 64 0 station 746 766 786 806 380 420 460 826 846 866 886 906 926 0 6 1 7 10 Supremacy 26
- 12 Expansion Com utl20 Build to develop economic and defensive technologies such as better mining yield, Interceptors and Troop Transport craft. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivCrimsonWing ExpansionAllowed HasResearch1 HasOrd1Res1 HasLevel1 CopyResearch 8 886 2400.0 16 0 station 745 765 785 805 380 420 460 825 845 865 885 905 925 0 5 1 7 10 Expansion 26
- 13 Tactical Lab ss23 Build to ruin your enemies' infrastructure with technologies such as the Stealth Fighter, the signature cloak, and better shields. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivCrimsonWing TacticalAllowed HasElectronics1 HasLevel1 CopyElectronics 9 886 2400.0 32 0 station 747 767 787 807 380 420 460 827 847 867 887 907 927 0 7 1 7 10 Tactical 26
- 14 Lt Refinery Platform ss06 Build near He3 Asteroids to shorten round trip for Miners 121.0 6666 3333 20.0 10.0 2250 250 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivCrimsonWing 10241 2400.0 8 0 refinery 744 764 784 804 380 420 460 824 844 864 884 904 924 0 4 1 12 13 Refinery 27
- 15 Garrison ss24a Build as a hub for all sector activity and to build all the other large buildings, the nexus of your team's operation. 423.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 20000 250 120 AtStarbase1 AtCanBuildBuildings AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivCrimsonWing HasStarbase1 10 887 3600.0 8 0 station 740 760 780 800 380 420 460 820 840 860 880 900 920 0 0 1 7 10 Garrison 26
- 47 Lt Teleport Receiver utl06 Build to establish a rapid-response transportation system. Good in defense and offense. 60.0 6666 3333 20.0 10.0 2250 50 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivCrimsonWing 8200 2400.0 8 0 ripstation 743 763 783 803 380 420 460 823 843 863 883 903 923 0 3 1 12 13 Teleport 27
- 101 Drydock acs05 This upgrade toughens the Shipyard and gives teams more research options for capital ships, particularly the Cruiser-class ship. 423.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 15000 250 120 AtCanBuildCapShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedShipyard2 IsCivIronLeague ShipyardsAllowed HasShipyard1 HasShipyard2 CopyShipyard 4983 3000.0 8 0 iconshipyd 742 762 782 802 380 425 460 822 842 862 882 902 922 0 2 1 7 10 Drydock 426
- 102 Heavy Outpost ss90 Build to move your launch point closer to the enemy and to establish territorial control. It provides no technology benefits but cannot be destroyed by small ship weapons. 302.5 6666 6666 100.0 40.0 5000 100 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivIronLeague HasGarrison 375 2400.0 8 0 station 741 761 781 801 380 425 460 821 841 861 881 901 921 0 1 1 7 10 Outpost 427
- 103 Shipyard acs05 Build to destroy your opponents' installations with anti-base missiles and capital-class ships such as Frigates and Destroyers. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 15000 250 120 AtCanBuildCapShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivIronLeague ShipyardsAllowed HasShipyard1 CopyShipyard 101 4983 2400.0 8 0 iconshipyd 742 762 782 802 380 425 460 822 842 862 882 902 922 0 2 1 7 10 Shipyard 426
- 107 Adv Supremacy ss21a This upgrade toughens the Supremacy Center and gives players more research options, especially for Fighter-class ships. 302.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedOrdnance2 IsCivIronLeague SupremacyAllowed HasOrdnance2 HasOrdnance1 HasOrd1Res1 HasOrd2Res2 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyOrdnance 887 3000.0 64 0 station 746 766 786 806 380 425 460 826 846 866 886 906 926 0 6 1 7 10 AdvSupremacy 426
- 108 Adv Expansion ss28 This upgrade toughens the Expansion Complex and provides more research technologies, especially for Interceptors and Troop Transports. 302.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedResearch2 IsCivIronLeague ExpansionAllowed HasResearch2 HasResearch1 HasOrd1Res1 HasOrd2Res2 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyResearch 887 3000.0 16 0 station 745 765 785 805 380 425 460 825 845 865 885 905 925 0 5 1 7 10 AdvExpansion 426
- 109 Adv Tactical Lab acs08 This upgrade toughens the Tactical Laboratory and gives teams more research options, especially for Stealth Fighter craft. 302.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedElectronics2 IsCivIronLeague TacticalAllowed HasElectronics2 HasElectronics1 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyElectronics 887 3000.0 32 0 station 747 767 787 807 380 425 460 827 847 867 887 907 927 0 7 1 7 10 AdvTactical 426
- 110 Starbase ss27 This upgrade toughens the Garrison and makes available several key ship upgrades. 423.5 25000 15000 150.0 50.0 20000 250 120 AtStarbase2 AtCanBuildBuildings AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings ResearchedStarbase2 IsCivIronLeague HasStarbase2 HasStarbase1 887 4500.0 8 0 station 740 760 780 800 380 425 460 820 840 860 880 900 920 0 0 1 7 10 Starbase 426
- 111 Supremacy Ctr ss21a Build to quickly seize sector control with the versatile Fighter-class ship and a large array of weaponry and offensive technologies. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivIronLeague SupremacyAllowed HasOrdnance1 HasOrd1Res1 HasLevel1 CopyOrdnance 107 887 2400.0 64 0 station 746 766 786 806 380 425 460 826 846 866 886 906 926 0 6 1 7 10 Supremacy 426
- 112 Expansion Com ss28 Build to develop economic and defensive technologies such as better mining yield, Interceptors and Troop Transport craft. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivIronLeague ExpansionAllowed HasResearch1 HasOrd1Res1 HasLevel1 CopyResearch 108 887 2400.0 16 0 station 745 765 785 805 380 425 460 825 845 865 885 905 925 0 5 1 7 10 Expansion 426
- 113 Tactical Lab acs08 Build to ruin your enemies' infrastructure with technologies such as the Stealth Fighter, the signature cloak, and better shields. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivIronLeague TacticalAllowed HasElectronics1 HasLevel1 CopyElectronics 109 887 2400.0 32 0 station 747 767 787 807 380 425 460 827 847 867 887 907 927 0 7 1 7 10 Tactical 426
- 21 Uranium Mine ss08 Build on Uranium rocks to generate additional income 121.0 6000 8000 40.0 10.0 6000 125 90 AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivCrimsonWing ResearchedUraniumMine 8200 2400.0 16 1250 iconspref 745 764 784 804 380 420 460 824 844 864 884 904 924 0 9 1 12 13 UraniumMine 27
- 115 Garrison ss27 Build as a hub for all sector activity and to build all the other large buildings, the nexus of your team's operation. 423.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 20000 250 120 AtStarbase1 AtCanBuildBuildings AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivIronLeague HasStarbase1 110 887 3600.0 8 0 station 740 760 780 800 380 425 460 820 840 860 880 900 920 0 0 1 7 10 Garrison 426
- 147 Hv Teleport Receiver utl07 Build to establish a rapid-response transportation system. Good in defense and offense. 60.0 6666 3333 33.0 13.0 3000 50 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivIronLeague 8200 2400.0 8 0 ripstation 743 763 783 803 380 425 460 823 843 863 883 903 923 0 3 1 7 10 Teleport 427
- 201 Drydock ss102 This upgrade toughens the Shipyard and gives teams more research options for capital ships, particularly the Cruiser-class ship. 508.20004 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 20000 250 120 AtCanBuildCapShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivBios HasLevel1 ShipyardsAllowed HasShipyard1 HasShipyard2 CopyShipyard 4982 3000.0 8 0 iconshipyd 742 762 782 802 380 430 460 822 842 862 882 902 922 0 2 1 7 10 Drydock 326
- 202 Outpost ss101 Build to move your launch point closer to the enemy and to establish territorial control. It provides no technology benefits. 363.0 6666 6666 66.0 13.0 5000 100 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivBios HasGarrison 375 2400.0 8 0 station 741 761 781 801 380 430 460 821 841 861 881 901 921 0 1 1 6 9 Outpost 327
- 207 Adv Supremacy ss103 This upgrade toughens the Supremacy Center and gives players more research options, especially for Fighter-class ships. 363.0 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 15000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivBios SupremacyAllowed HasOrdnance2 HasOrdnance1 HasOrd1Res1 HasOrd2Res2 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyOrdnance 886 3000.0 64 0 station 746 766 786 806 380 430 460 826 846 866 886 906 926 0 6 1 7 10 AdvSupremacy 326
- 208 Adv Expansion ss104 This upgrade toughens the Expansion Complex and provides more research technologies, especially for Interceptors and Troop Transports. 363.0 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 15000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivBios ExpansionAllowed HasResearch2 HasResearch1 HasOrd1Res1 HasOrd2Res2 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyResearch 886 3000.0 16 0 station 745 765 785 805 380 430 460 825 845 865 885 905 925 0 5 1 7 10 AdvExpansion 326
- 209 Adv Tactical Lab ss105 This upgrade toughens the Tactical Laboratory and gives teams more research options, especially for Stealth Fighter craft. 363.0 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 15000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivBios TacticalAllowed HasElectronics2 HasElectronics1 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyElectronics 886 3000.0 32 0 station 747 767 787 807 380 430 460 827 847 867 887 907 927 0 7 1 7 10 AdvTactical 326
- 210 Starbase ss100 This upgrade toughens the Garrison and makes available several key ship upgrades. 508.20004 25000 15000 150.0 50.0 20000 250 120 AtStarbase2 AtCanBuildBuildings AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivBios HasStarbase2 HasStarbase1 887 4500.0 8 0 station 740 760 780 800 380 430 460 820 840 860 880 900 920 0 0 1 7 10 Starbase 326
- 214 Refinery Platform ss107 Build near He3 Asteroids to shorten round trip for Miners 145.2 6666 3333 33.0 13.0 3000 250 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivBios 2049 2400.0 8 0 refinery 744 764 784 804 380 430 460 824 844 864 884 904 924 0 4 1 6 9 Refinery 327
- 247 Teleport Receiver ss106 Build to establish a rapid-response transportation system. Good in defense and offense. 60.0 6666 3333 33.0 13.0 3000 50 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivBios 8 2400.0 8 0 ripstation 743 763 783 803 380 430 460 823 843 863 883 903 923 0 3 1 6 9 Teleport 327
- 500 Platform biosplat Location for flags 25.0 10000 0 0.0 0.0 1000 250 120 unavailable 1024 0.0 8 0 station 748 768 788 808 380 420 460 828 848 868 888 908 928 0 8 1 6 9 Refinery 627
- 301 Drydock ss302 This upgrade toughens the Shipyard and gives teams more research options for capital ships, particularly the Cruiser-class ship. 423.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 12000 250 120 AtCanBuildCapShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedShipyard2 IsCivBelters HasLevel1 ShipyardsAllowed HasShipyard1 HasShipyard2 CopyShipyard 4982 3000.0 8 0 iconshipyd 742 762 782 802 380 435 460 822 842 862 882 902 922 0 2 1 7 10 Drydock 326
- 302 Outpost ss301 Build to move your launch point closer to the enemy and to establish territorial control. It provides no technology benefits. 302.5 6666 6666 66.0 13.0 4000 100 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivBelters HasGarrison 375 2400.0 8 0 station 741 761 781 801 380 435 460 821 841 861 881 901 921 0 1 1 6 9 Outpost 527
- 303 Shipyard ss302 Build to destroy your opponents' installations with anti-base missiles and capital-class ships such as Frigates and Destroyers. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 12000 250 120 AtCanBuildCapShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivBelters HasLevel1 ShipyardsAllowed HasShipyard1 CopyShipyard 301 4982 2400.0 8 0 iconshipyd 742 762 782 802 380 435 460 822 842 862 882 902 922 0 2 1 7 10 Shipyard 526
- 307 Adv Supremacy ss303 This upgrade toughens the Supremacy Center and gives players more research options, especially for Fighter-class ships. 302.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 8000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedOrdnance2 IsCivBelters SupremacyAllowed HasOrdnance2 HasOrdnance1 HasOrd1Res1 HasOrd2Res2 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyOrdnance 886 3000.0 64 0 station 746 766 786 806 380 435 460 826 846 866 886 906 926 0 6 1 7 10 AdvSupremacy 526
- 308 Adv Expansion ss304 This upgrade toughens the Expansion Complex and provides more research technologies, especially for Interceptors and Troop Transports. 302.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 8000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedResearch2 IsCivBelters ExpansionAllowed HasResearch2 HasResearch1 HasOrd1Res1 HasOrd2Res2 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyResearch 886 3000.0 16 0 station 745 765 785 805 380 435 460 825 845 865 885 905 925 0 5 1 7 10 AdvExpansion 526
- 309 Adv Tactical Lab ss305 This upgrade toughens the Tactical Laboratory and gives teams more research options, especially for Stealth Fighter craft. 302.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 8000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedElectronics2 IsCivBelters TacticalAllowed HasElectronics2 HasElectronics1 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyElectronics 886 3000.0 32 0 station 747 767 787 807 380 435 460 827 847 867 887 907 927 0 7 1 7 10 AdvTactical 526
- 310 Starbase ss300 This upgrade toughens the Garrison and makes available several key ship upgrades. 423.5 25000 15000 150.0 50.0 16000 250 120 AtStarbase2 AtCanBuildBuildings AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings ResearchedStarbase2 IsCivBelters HasStarbase2 HasStarbase1 887 4500.0 8 0 station 740 760 780 800 380 435 460 820 840 860 880 900 920 0 0 1 7 10 Starbase 526
- 311 Supremacy Ctr ss303 Build to quickly seize sector control with the versatile Fighter-class ship and a large array of weaponry and offensive technologies. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 8000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivBelters SupremacyAllowed HasOrdnance1 HasOrd1Res1 HasLevel1 CopyOrdnance 307 886 2400.0 64 0 station 746 766 786 806 380 435 460 826 846 866 886 906 926 0 6 1 7 10 Supremacy 526
- 312 Expansion Com ss304 Build to develop economic and defensive technologies such as better mining yield, Interceptors and Troop Transport craft. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 8000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivBelters ExpansionAllowed HasResearch1 HasOrd1Res1 HasLevel1 CopyResearch 308 886 2400.0 16 0 station 745 765 785 805 380 435 460 825 845 865 885 905 925 0 5 1 7 10 Expansion 526
- 313 Tactical Lab ss305 Build to ruin your enemies' infrastructure with technologies such as the Stealth Fighter, the signature cloak, and better shields. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 8000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivBelters TacticalAllowed HasElectronics1 HasLevel1 CopyElectronics 309 886 2400.0 32 0 station 747 767 787 807 380 435 460 827 847 867 887 907 927 0 7 1 7 10 Tactical 526
- 314 Refinery Platform ss307 Build near He3 Asteroids to shorten round trip for Miners 121.0 6666 3333 33.0 13.0 2400 250 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivBelters 2049 2400.0 8 0 refinery 744 764 784 804 380 435 460 824 844 864 884 904 924 0 4 1 6 9 Refinery 527
- 315 Garrison ss300 Build as a hub for all sector activity and to build all the other large buildings, the nexus of your team's operation. 423.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 16000 250 120 AtStarbase1 AtCanBuildBuildings AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivBelters HasStarbase1 310 887 3600.0 8 0 station 740 760 780 800 380 435 460 820 840 860 880 900 920 0 0 1 7 10 Garrison 526
- 347 Teleport Receiver ss306 Build to establish a rapid-response transportation system. Good in defense and offense. 60.0 6666 3333 33.0 13.0 2400 50 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivBelters 8 2400.0 8 0 ripstation 743 763 783 803 380 435 460 823 843 863 883 903 923 0 3 1 6 9 Teleport 527
- 401 Drydock ss96 This upgrade toughens the Shipyard and gives teams more research options for capital ships, particularly the Cruiser-class ship. 423.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 15000 250 120 AtCanBuildCapShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedShipyard2 IsCivRix HasLevel1 ShipyardsAllowed HasShipyard1 HasShipyard2 CopyShipyard 4982 3000.0 8 0 iconshipyd 742 762 782 802 380 440 460 822 842 862 882 902 922 0 2 1 7 10 Drydock 626
- 402 Outpost ss98 Build to move your launch point closer to the enemy and to establish territorial control. It provides no technology benefits. 302.5 6666 6666 66.0 13.0 5000 100 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivRix HasGarrison 375 2400.0 8 0 station 741 761 781 801 380 440 460 821 841 861 881 901 921 0 1 1 6 9 Outpost 627
- 403 Shipyard ss96 Build to destroy your opponents' installations with anti-base missiles and capital-class ships such as Frigates and Destroyers. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 15000 250 120 AtCanBuildCapShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivRix HasLevel1 ShipyardsAllowed HasShipyard1 CopyShipyard 401 4982 2400.0 8 0 iconshipyd 742 762 782 802 380 440 460 822 842 862 882 902 922 0 2 1 7 10 Shipyard 626
- 407 Adv Supremacy cap05 This upgrade toughens the Supremacy Center and gives players more research options, especially for Fighter-class ships. 302.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedOrdnance2 IsCivRix SupremacyAllowed HasOrdnance2 HasOrdnance1 HasOrd1Res1 HasOrd2Res2 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyOrdnance 886 3000.0 64 0 station 746 766 786 806 380 440 460 826 846 866 886 906 926 0 6 1 7 10 AdvSupremacy 626
- 408 Adv Expansion ss97 This upgrade toughens the Expansion Complex and provides more research technologies, especially for Interceptors and Troop Transports. 302.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedResearch2 IsCivRix ExpansionAllowed HasResearch2 HasResearch1 HasOrd1Res1 HasOrd2Res2 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyResearch 886 3000.0 16 0 station 745 765 785 805 380 440 460 825 845 865 885 905 925 0 5 1 7 10 AdvExpansion 626
- 409 Adv Tactical Lab ss99 This upgrade toughens the Tactical Laboratory and gives teams more research options, especially for Stealth Fighter craft. 302.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings ResearchedElectronics2 IsCivRix TacticalAllowed HasElectronics2 HasElectronics1 HasLevel1 HasLevel2 CopyElectronics 886 3000.0 32 0 station 747 767 787 807 380 440 460 827 847 867 887 907 927 0 7 1 7 10 AdvTactical 626
- 410 Starbase ss01 This upgrade toughens the Garrison and makes available several key ship upgrades. 423.5 25000 15000 150.0 50.0 20000 250 120 AtStarbase2 AtCanBuildBuildings AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings ResearchedStarbase2 IsCivRix HasStarbase2 HasStarbase1 887 4500.0 8 0 station 740 760 780 800 380 440 460 820 840 860 880 900 920 0 0 1 7 10 Starbase 626
- 411 Supremacy Ctr cap05 Build to quickly seize sector control with the versatile Fighter-class ship and a large array of weaponry and offensive technologies. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivRix SupremacyAllowed HasOrdnance1 HasOrd1Res1 HasLevel1 CopyOrdnance 407 886 2400.0 64 0 station 746 766 786 806 380 440 460 826 846 866 886 906 926 0 6 1 7 10 Supremacy 626
- 412 Expansion Com ss97 Build to develop economic and defensive technologies such as better mining yield, Interceptors and Troop Transport craft. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivRix ExpansionAllowed HasResearch1 HasOrd1Res1 HasLevel1 CopyResearch 408 886 2400.0 16 0 station 745 765 785 805 380 440 460 825 845 865 885 905 925 0 5 1 7 10 Expansion 626
- 413 Tactical Lab ss99 Build to ruin your enemies' infrastructure with technologies such as the Stealth Fighter, the signature cloak, and better shields. 302.5 13333 6666 66.0 27.0 10000 250 120 AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivRix TacticalAllowed HasElectronics1 HasLevel1 CopyElectronics 409 886 2400.0 32 0 station 747 767 787 807 380 440 460 827 847 867 887 907 927 0 7 1 7 10 Tactical 626
- 414 Refinery Platform ss94 Build near He3 Asteroids to shorten round trip for Miners 121.0 6666 3333 33.0 13.0 3000 250 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivRix 2049 2400.0 8 0 refinery 744 764 784 804 380 440 460 824 844 864 884 904 924 0 4 1 6 9 Refinery 627
- 415 Garrison ss01 Build as a hub for all sector activity and to build all the other large buildings, the nexus of your team's operation. 423.5 20000 10000 100.0 40.0 20000 250 120 AtStarbase1 AtCanBuildBuildings AtCanBuildSmBuildings AtCanBuildShips AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivRix HasStarbase1 410 887 3600.0 8 0 station 740 760 780 800 380 440 460 820 840 860 880 900 920 0 0 1 7 10 Garrison 626
- 447 Teleport Receiver ss95 Build to establish a rapid-response transportation system. Good in defense and offense. 60.0 6666 3333 33.0 13.0 3000 50 90 AtCanBuildSmBuildings IsCivRix 8 2400.0 8 0 ripstation 743 763 783 803 380 440 460 823 843 863 883 903 923 0 3 1 6 9 Teleport 627
- 22 Carbon Mine ss08 Build on Carbonaceous asteroids to generate additional income 121.0 6000 4000 20.0 10.0 6000 75 90 AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivCrimsonWing ResearchedCarbonMine 8200 2400.0 64 1250 iconspref 746 764 784 804 380 420 460 824 844 864 884 904 924 0 10 1 12 13 CarbonMine 27
- 23 Silicon Mine ss08 Build on Silicon asteroids to generate additional income 121.0 6000 4000 20.0 10.0 8000 125 90 AtCanBuildBuildings IsCivCrimsonWing ResearchedSiliconMine 8200 2400.0 32 2000 iconspref 747 764 784 804 380 420 460 824 844 864 884 904 924 0 11 1 12 13 SiliconMine 27