123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480 |
- #include "pch.h"
- #include "joystick.h"
- #include "memory.h"
- LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE2 Joystick::s_pDevice2 = NULL;
- LPDIRECTINPUT Joystick::s_pDirectInput = NULL;
- LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT Joystick::s_pEffectBounce = NULL;
- LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT Joystick::s_pEffectFire = NULL;
- LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT Joystick::s_pEffectExplode = NULL;
- bool Joystick::s_fSupportForceFeedback = false;
- void Joystick::Terminate()
- {
- if (s_pEffectBounce)
- s_pEffectBounce->Release();
- if (s_pEffectFire)
- s_pEffectFire->Release();
- if (s_pEffectExplode)
- s_pEffectExplode->Release();
- if (s_pDevice)
- {
- s_pDevice->Unacquire();
- s_pDevice->Release();
- }
- if (s_pDevice2)
- s_pDevice2->Release();
- if (s_pDirectInput)
- s_pDirectInput->Release();
- }
- void Joystick::Flush(void)
- {
- // Do things this way because, ahem... SetKeyboardState() doesn't appear
- // to work on Win'95...
- for (int x=0; x<256; x++)
- {
- GetKeyboard(x);
- }
- }
- int Joystick::QKeyboard(void)
- {
- // if there is a keyboard, returns 1 else 0
- return 0;
- }
- int Joystick::QMouse(void)
- {
- // if no mouse, 0 else number of buttons on mouse
- return 0;
- }
- int Joystick::QJoystick(void)
- {
- // if no joystick(s), returns 0 else number of joysticks attached.
- return 1;
- }
- int Joystick::GetKeyboard(int key)
- {
- // returns 0 if the key has been depressed, else returns 1 and sets key to code recd.
- //return (GetAsyncKeyState(key) != 0);
- return GetKeyState(key) & (~1);
- }
- int Joystick::QKeyDepressed(int numkeys, int *keyarray)
- {
- int x;
- // tells if keys in keyarray are currently depressed. Returns 0 if not, 1 if all
- if (!numkeys || !keyarray)
- return(0);
- for (x=0; x<numkeys ; x++)
- {
- // mask off top bit
- if ((GetAsyncKeyState(keyarray[x])) == 0)
- return(0);
- }
- return(1);
- }
- int Joystick::GetMouse(int& xpos, int&ypos, int& buttons)
- {
- /* // returns 0 if no mouse action to report; else, 1 and fills in params
- int button1, button2;
- POINT pt;
- if (!GetCursorPos(&pt))
- return(0);
- xpos = pt.x;
- ypos = pt.y;
- buttons = 0;
- button1 = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON);
- button2 = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON);
- if (button1)
- buttons |= 1;
- if (button2)
- buttons |= 2;
- return(1); */
- return 0;
- }
- int normalize (int val, int minval, int maxval);
- bool Joystick::Initialize(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hWnd)
- {
- GUID guidDevice;
- // create the base DirectInput object
- if (FAILED(hr = DirectInputCreate(hInst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, &s_pDirectInput, NULL)))
- return false;
- // enumerate for joystick devices
- if (FAILED(hr = s_pDirectInput->EnumDevices(DIDEVTYPE_JOYSTICK,
- return false;
- // get the joystick
- if (FAILED(hr = s_pDirectInput->CreateDevice(guidDevice, &s_pDevice, NULL)))
- return false;
- // need InputDevice2 for Force Feedback
- if (FAILED(hr = s_pDevice->QueryInterface(
- IID_IDirectInputDevice2, (void**)&s_pDevice2)))
- return false;
- // This tells the device object to act like a specific device -- in our case, like a joystick
- if (FAILED(hr = s_pDevice->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIJoystick)))
- return false;
- // ForceFeedback requires Exclusive access to the device.
- if (FAILED(hr = s_pDevice->SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd,
- return false;
- // set ranges, deadzones, etc.
- if (!PrepareDevice())
- return false;
- // get the device capabilities
- didc.dwSize = sizeof(DIDEVCAPS);
- if (FAILED(hr = s_pDevice->GetCapabilities(&didc)))
- return false;
- if (didc.dwFlags & DIDC_FORCEFEEDBACK)
- {
- s_fSupportForceFeedback = true;
- if (!CreateEffects())
- return false;
- }
- Flush();
- return true;
- }
- {
- GUID *pguidDevice = NULL;
- // report back the instance guid of the device we enumerated
- if(pv)
- {
- pguidDevice = (GUID *)pv;
- *pguidDevice = pdidi->guidInstance;
- }
- // BUGBUG for now, stop after the first device has been found
- return DIENUM_STOP;
- }
- BOOL CALLBACK Joystick::EnumEffectTypeProc(LPCDIEFFECTINFO pei, LPVOID pv)
- {
- GUID *pguidEffect = NULL;
- // report back the guid of the effect we enumerated
- if(pv)
- {
- pguidEffect = (GUID *)pv;
- *pguidEffect = pei->guid;
- }
- // BUGBUG - look at this some more....
- return DIENUM_STOP;
- }
- bool Joystick::AcquireDevice()
- {
- if (!s_pDevice)
- return false;
- // reacquire the device
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice->Acquire()))
- return false;
- if (!CreateEffects())
- return false;
- return false;
- }
- bool Joystick::CreateEffects()
- {
- GUID guidEffect;
- DIEFFECT diEffect;
- DIENVELOPE diEnvelope;
- DWORD rgdwAxes[2];
- LONG rglDirections[2];
- // make sure that we have a non-NULL device object
- if (!s_pDevice2)
- return false;
- // initialize DIEFFECT and DIENVELOPE structures
- memset(&diEffect, 0, sizeof(DIEFFECT));
- memset(&diEnvelope, 0, sizeof(DIENVELOPE));
- // these fields are the same for all effects we will be creating
- diEffect.dwSize = sizeof(DIEFFECT);
- diEffect.dwSamplePeriod = 0; // use default sample period
- diEffect.dwTriggerButton = DIEB_NOTRIGGER;
- diEffect.dwTriggerRepeatInterval = 0;
- diEffect.rgdwAxes = rgdwAxes;
- diEffect.rglDirection = rglDirections;
- diEffect.dwGain = 7500; // todo: gain selected by user
- // both the "bounce" and "fire" effects will be based on the first
- // constant force effect enumerated
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice2->EnumEffects(
- return false;
- // (Re)create the bounce effect
- if (s_pEffectBounce)
- {
- s_pEffectBounce->Release();
- s_pEffectBounce= NULL;
- }
- dicf.lMagnitude = 10000;
- rgdwAxes[0] = DIJOFS_X;
- rgdwAxes[1] = DIJOFS_Y;
- rglDirections[0] = 0;
- rglDirections[1] = 0;
- diEffect.dwDuration = 200000;
- diEffect.cAxes = 2;
- diEffect.lpEnvelope = NULL;
- diEffect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DICONSTANTFORCE);
- diEffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &dicf;
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice2->CreateEffect(guidEffect,
- &diEffect, &s_pEffectBounce, NULL)))
- return false;
- // (Re)create the fire effect
- if (s_pEffectFire)
- {
- s_pEffectFire->Release();
- s_pEffectFire = NULL;
- }
- dicf.lMagnitude = 10000;
- rgdwAxes[0] = DIJOFS_Y;
- rglDirections[0] = 1;
- diEffect.dwDuration = 20000;
- diEffect.cAxes = 1;
- diEffect.lpEnvelope = NULL;
- diEffect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DICONSTANTFORCE);
- diEffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &dicf;
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice2->CreateEffect(guidEffect,
- &diEffect, &s_pEffectFire, NULL)))
- return false;
- // the "explode" effect will be based on the first
- // periodic effect enumerated
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice2->EnumEffects(
- &guidEffect, DIEFT_PERIODIC)))
- return false;
- // (Re)create the explode effect
- if (s_pEffectExplode)
- {
- s_pEffectExplode->Release();
- s_pEffectExplode = NULL;
- }
- // We want to shape the explode effect so that it starts
- // at it's peak and then fades out
- diEnvelope.dwSize = sizeof(DIENVELOPE);
- diEnvelope.dwAttackLevel = 0;
- diEnvelope.dwAttackTime = 0;
- diEnvelope.dwFadeLevel = 0;
- diEnvelope.dwFadeTime = 1000000;
- dipf.dwMagnitude = 10000;
- dipf.lOffset = 0;
- dipf.dwPhase = 0;
- dipf.dwPeriod = 100000;
- rgdwAxes[0] = DIJOFS_X;
- rglDirections[0] = 0;
- diEffect.dwDuration = 1000000;
- diEffect.cAxes = 1;
- diEffect.lpEnvelope = &diEnvelope;
- diEffect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DIPERIODIC);
- diEffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &dipf;
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice2->CreateEffect(guidEffect,
- &diEffect, &s_pEffectExplode, NULL)))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- bool Joystick::GetJoystick(DIJOYSTATE* pdijs)
- {
- DWORD dwInput = 0;
- memset(pdijs, 0, sizeof(DIJOYSTATE));
- if (!s_pDevice)
- return false;
- if (s_pDevice2)
- hr = s_pDevice2->Poll();
- hr = s_pDevice->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIJOYSTATE), pdijs);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- if ((hr == DIERR_INPUTLOST))
- {
- AcquireDevice();
- }
- else
- AcquireDevice();
- return true;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool Joystick::PrepareDevice()
- {
- // quick check to make sure that the object pointer is non-NULL
- if(!s_pDevice)
- return false;
- s_pDevice->Unacquire();
- // set the axis ranges for the device
- dipr.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPRANGE);
- dipr.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(dipr.diph);
- dipr.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYOFFSET;
- dipr.lMin = -100; // negative to the left/top
- dipr.lMax = 100; // positive to the right/bottom
- dipr.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_X;
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &dipr.diph)))
- return false;
- dipr.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_Y;
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &dipr.diph)))
- return false;
- dipr.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_Z;
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &dipr.diph)))
- return false;
- dipr.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_RZ;
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &dipr.diph)))
- return false;
- /*
- dipr.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_RX;
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &dipr.diph)))
- return false;
- dipr.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_RY;
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &dipr.diph)))
- return false;
- dipr.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_SLIDER(0);
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &dipr.diph)))
- return false;
- dipr.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_SLIDER(1);
- if (FAILED(s_pDevice->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &dipr.diph)))
- return false;
- */
- AcquireDevice();
- return true;
- }
- bool Joystick::PlayFFEffect(EffectID effectID, LONG lDirection)
- {
- DIEFFECT diEffect;
- LONG rglDirections[2] = { 0, 0 };
- // initialize DIEFFECT structure
- memset(&diEffect, 0, sizeof(DIEFFECT));
- diEffect.dwSize = sizeof(DIEFFECT);
- switch (effectID)
- {
- case effectBounce:
- if(s_pEffectBounce)
- {
- rglDirections[0] = lDirection * 100;
- diEffect.cAxes = 2;
- diEffect.rglDirection = rglDirections;
- if (FAILED(s_pEffectBounce->SetParameters(&diEffect, DIEP_DIRECTION)))
- return false;
- // play the effect
- if (FAILED(s_pEffectBounce->Start(1, 0)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- case effectFire:
- if(s_pEffectFire)
- {
- if (FAILED(s_pEffectFire->Start(1, 0)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- case effectExplode:
- if (s_pEffectExplode)
- {
- if (FAILED(s_pEffectExplode->Start(1, 0)))
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- return true;
- }