vercopy.bat 1.0 KB

  1. if "%1"=="" goto Usage
  2. set COPYERRORLOG=%LOGDIR%\copy.err
  3. rem
  4. rem Sed requires an escaped string for replacing.
  5. rem
  6. findstr /C:"0 file(s) copied" %COPYLOG% > %COPYERRORLOG%
  7. for %%f in ( fedsrv.exe fedsrv.pdb fedsrv.sym ) DO if not exist %PROPDIR%\%1\server\debug\%%f echo %%f (debug) not copied. >> %COPYERRORLOG%
  8. for %%f in ( fedsrv.exe fedsrv.pdb fedsrv.sym ) DO if not exist %PROPDIR%\%1\server\retail\%%f echo %%f (retail) not copied. >> %COPYERRORLOG%
  9. for %%f in ( fedperf.dll fedperf.pdb ) DO if not exist %PROPDIR%\%1\server\shared\%%f echo %%f not copied >> %COPYERRORLOG%
  10. for %%f in ( pigs.exe pigs.pdb ) DO if not exist %PROPDIR%\%1\test\%%f echo %%f not copied >> %COPYERRORLOG%
  11. rem
  12. rem The error file should be 0 bytes if everything went well.
  13. rem
  14. call %SCRIPTDIR%\util\filesize.bat %COPYERRORLOG% FILESIZE
  15. if "%FILESIZE%"=="0" goto Success
  16. set BUILDERROR=1
  17. goto AfterCheck
  18. :Success
  19. echo No errors found. > %COPYERRORLOG%
  20. goto AfterCheck
  21. :AfterCheck
  23. set FILESIZE=
  24. goto End
  25. :Usage
  26. echo Usage: vercopy [build number]
  27. goto End
  28. :End