client.bat 923 B

  1. rem @ECHO OFF
  2. if "%DEBUGTHEBUILD%"=="1" @ECHO ON
  3. call \\fedbuild\fedsrc\src\build\client\init.bat
  4. rem
  5. rem Print out the last build number and input new build number.
  6. rem
  7. call %SCRIPTDIR%\util\maxbld.bat %PROPDIR% BUILD
  8. call %SCRIPTDIR%\util\maxbld.bat %DIRECTXDIR% DIRECTXBUILD
  10. set LOGDIR=%BVTLOGDIR%\Clients
  11. if not exist %LOGDIR% mkdir %LOGDIR%
  12. :WaitLoop
  13. if exist %BVTLOGDIR%\servsucc.txt goto Success
  14. if exist %BVTLOGDIR%\failure.txt goto Error
  15. sleep 600
  16. goto WaitLoop
  17. :Success
  18. rem
  19. rem Install the client.
  20. rem
  21. %PROPDIR%\%BUILD%\setup.exe
  22. call %SCRIPTDIR%\util\runvt.bat %SCRIPTDIR%\client\install.pcd
  23. if "%BUILDERROR%"=="1" goto Error
  24. rem
  25. rem Run the client BVT.
  26. rem
  27. call %SCRIPTDIR%\verify\vercli.bat %BUILD%
  28. if "%BUILDERROR%"=="1" goto Error
  29. goto End
  30. :Error
  31. echo An error occurred!
  32. goto End
  33. :End
  34. set BVTLOGDIR=
  35. set LOGDIR=
  36. call %SCRIPTDIR%\client\term.bat
  37. pause