sounds.h 23 KB

  1. //
  2. // sound IDs
  3. //
  4. DEFSOUND(newShip)
  5. DEFSOUND(newEnemy)
  6. DEFSOUND(myShieldHit)
  7. DEFSOUND(myHullHit)
  8. DEFSOUND(otherShieldHit)
  9. DEFSOUND(otherHullHit)
  10. DEFSOUND(rockHit)
  11. DEFSOUND(error)
  12. DEFSOUND(jump)
  13. DEFSOUND(personalJump)
  14. DEFSOUND(explodeStation)
  15. DEFSOUND(explodeShip)
  16. DEFSOUND(smallExplosion)
  17. DEFSOUND(mediumExplosion)
  18. DEFSOUND(largeExplosion)
  19. DEFSOUND(pickUpPart)
  20. DEFSOUND(pickUpDevelopment)
  21. DEFSOUND(pickUpPowerup)
  22. DEFSOUND(pickUpCash)
  23. DEFSOUND(rescuePlayer)
  24. DEFSOUND(outOfFuel)
  25. DEFSOUND(mount)
  26. DEFSOUND(mounted)
  27. DEFSOUND(unmount)
  28. DEFSOUND(startReload)
  29. DEFSOUND(drop)
  30. DEFSOUND(invest)
  31. DEFSOUND(payday)
  32. DEFSOUND(vectorLock)
  33. DEFSOUND(newChatMsg)
  34. DEFSOUND(newChatMsgFromCommander)
  35. DEFSOUND(newOfflineChatMsg)
  36. DEFSOUND(newCommandMsg)
  37. DEFSOUND(newPersonalMsg)
  38. DEFSOUND(newCriticalMsg)
  39. DEFSOUND(newNonCriticalMsg)
  40. DEFSOUND(acceptCommand)
  41. DEFSOUND(composeChatMsg)
  42. DEFSOUND(sendChatMsg)
  43. DEFSOUND(collision)
  44. DEFSOUND(turretLimit)
  45. DEFSOUND(newTarget)
  46. DEFSOUND(deployChaff)
  47. DEFSOUND(deployMine)
  48. DEFSOUND(deployProbe)
  49. DEFSOUND(ammoLow)
  50. DEFSOUND(fuelLow)
  51. DEFSOUND(energyLow)
  52. DEFSOUND(hullLow)
  53. DEFSOUND(groupWeapons)
  54. DEFSOUND(ungroupWeapons)
  55. DEFSOUND(positiveButtonClick)
  56. DEFSOUND(negativeButtonClick)
  57. DEFSOUND(docked)
  58. DEFSOUND(changeLoadout)
  59. DEFSOUND(panel)
  60. DEFSOUND(mouseclick)
  61. DEFSOUND(mouseover)
  62. DEFSOUND(paneSlide)
  63. DEFSOUND(chatKey)
  64. DEFSOUND(countdownStarting)
  65. DEFSOUND(countdown10min)
  66. DEFSOUND(countdown5min)
  67. DEFSOUND(countdown1min)
  68. DEFSOUND(countdown30)
  69. DEFSOUND(countdown15)
  70. DEFSOUND(countdown10)
  71. DEFSOUND(countdown9)
  72. DEFSOUND(countdown8)
  73. DEFSOUND(countdown7)
  74. DEFSOUND(countdown6)
  75. DEFSOUND(countdown5)
  76. DEFSOUND(countdown4)
  77. DEFSOUND(countdown3)
  78. DEFSOUND(countdown2)
  79. DEFSOUND(countdown1)
  80. DEFSOUND(undock)
  81. DEFSOUND(outOfBoundsLoop)
  82. DEFSOUND(ripcordOnLoop)
  83. DEFSOUND(salNoRipcord)
  84. DEFSOUND(salRipcordDestroyed)
  85. DEFSOUND(salShipCantRipcord)
  86. DEFSOUND(salRipcordAborted)
  87. DEFSOUND(ripcord10)
  88. DEFSOUND(ripcord9)
  89. DEFSOUND(ripcord8)
  90. DEFSOUND(ripcord7)
  91. DEFSOUND(ripcord6)
  92. DEFSOUND(ripcord5)
  93. DEFSOUND(ripcord4)
  94. DEFSOUND(ripcord3)
  95. DEFSOUND(ripcord2)
  96. DEFSOUND(ripcord1)
  97. DEFSOUND(flightMusic1A)
  98. DEFSOUND(flightMusic1B)
  99. DEFSOUND(flightMusic1C)
  100. DEFSOUND(flightMusic2A)
  101. DEFSOUND(flightMusic2B)
  102. DEFSOUND(flightMusic2C)
  103. DEFSOUND(flightMusic3A)
  104. DEFSOUND(flightMusic3B)
  105. DEFSOUND(flightMusic3C)
  106. DEFSOUND(gameScreenMusic)
  107. DEFSOUND(deathMusic)
  108. DEFSOUND(gameOverWonMusic)
  109. DEFSOUND(gameOverLostMusic)
  110. DEFSOUND(missileLock)
  111. DEFSOUND(missileTone)
  112. DEFSOUND(mining)
  113. DEFSOUND(build)
  114. DEFSOUND(asteroid)
  115. DEFSOUND(aleph)
  116. // VOS sounds
  117. // General
  118. DEFSOUND(voAwsome) // Awesome
  119. DEFSOUND(voBye) // Bye
  120. DEFSOUND(voDang) // Dang
  121. DEFSOUND(voDoah) // Doah
  122. DEFSOUND(voHi) // Hi
  123. DEFSOUND(voNiceWork) // Nice work
  124. DEFSOUND(voNooo) // Nooooooo
  125. DEFSOUND(voOhYeah) // Oh yeah
  126. DEFSOUND(voPhew) // Phewwww
  127. DEFSOUND(voRipcording) // Ripcording
  128. DEFSOUND(voSweet) // Sweet
  129. DEFSOUND(voWatchFire) // Watch your fire
  130. DEFSOUND(voYeeHa) // Yeee haa
  131. // Commands
  132. DEFSOUND(voDefendBase) // All pilots defend our base
  133. DEFSOUND(voAttackTarget) // Attack target
  134. DEFSOUND(voAttack) // Attack!!
  135. DEFSOUND(voCoverMe) // Cover me
  136. DEFSOUND(voDefend) // Defend
  137. DEFSOUND(voDonateCredits) // Donate me your Credits
  138. DEFSOUND(voEscortBuilder) // Escort Builder
  139. DEFSOUND(voEscortMiner) // Escort Miner
  140. DEFSOUND(voFindAlephs) // Find Alephs
  141. DEFSOUND(voFindCarbonacous) // Find Carbonacous
  142. DEFSOUND(voFindEnemy) // Find Enemy
  143. DEFSOUND(voFindHelium) // Find Helium
  144. DEFSOUND(voFindLava) // Find Lava
  145. DEFSOUND(voFindIron) // Find Nickle Iron
  146. DEFSOUND(voFindProbes) // Find Probes
  147. DEFSOUND(voFollow) // Follow
  148. DEFSOUND(voFormOnMyWing) // Form on my wing
  149. DEFSOUND(voFormate) // Formate
  150. DEFSOUND(voGetOffMe) // Get them off me
  151. DEFSOUND(voGoGoGo) // Go.. Go.. Go..
  152. DEFSOUND(voHeadBack) // Head back to base
  153. DEFSOUND(voHoldUp) // Hold up
  154. DEFSOUND(voMeetAtJump) // Meet you at the Jump point
  155. DEFSOUND(voRegroup) // Regroup
  156. DEFSOUND(voRetreat) // Retreat
  157. DEFSOUND(voStayOnTarget) // Stay on target
  158. DEFSOUND(voWaitForSignal) // Wait for signal
  159. // Situation awareness
  160. DEFSOUND(voAlephMined) // Aleph is mined
  161. DEFSOUND(voBaseCaptured) // Base Captured
  162. DEFSOUND(voBomberWaiting) // Bomber waiting for Turret gunners
  163. DEFSOUND(voCapShipWaiting) // Cap ship waiting for Turret gunners
  164. DEFSOUND(voEnemyHasFlag) // Enemy has a flag
  165. DEFSOUND(voFoundAleph) // Found Aleph
  166. DEFSOUND(voFoundCarbonacous) // Found Carbonacous
  167. DEFSOUND(voFoundEnemyShips) // Found Enemy ships
  168. DEFSOUND(voFoundEnemyBase) // Found Enemy base
  169. DEFSOUND(voFoundHelium) // Found Helium
  170. DEFSOUND(voFoundLava) // Found Lave
  171. DEFSOUND(voFoundIron) // Found Nickle Iron
  172. DEFSOUND(voEnemyTrans) // Inbound Enemy transport
  173. DEFSOUND(voEnemyCap) // Inbound Enemy Capitol ships
  174. DEFSOUND(voEnemyFighters) // Inbound Enemy fighters
  175. DEFSOUND(voIsOurBaseClear) // Is our base clear?
  176. DEFSOUND(voMinersAreDead) // Our miners are dead
  177. DEFSOUND(voShieldsAreDown) // Their shields are down
  178. DEFSOUND(voPursuingElectronics) // They are pursuing Electronics
  179. DEFSOUND(voPursuingEnergy) // They are pursuing Energy
  180. DEFSOUND(voPursuingOrdinance) // They are pursuing Ordnance
  181. DEFSOUND(voHaveShipyard) // They have a Shipyard
  182. DEFSOUND(voHaveCaps) // They have Capitols
  183. DEFSOUND(voTraitor) // We have a traitor in our midst
  184. // Response
  185. DEFSOUND(voAcknowledged) // Acknowledged
  186. DEFSOUND(voAffirmative) // Affirmative
  187. DEFSOUND(voComplete) // Complete
  188. DEFSOUND(voCool) // Cool
  189. DEFSOUND(voFiesty) // Fiesty!
  190. DEFSOUND(voImBusy) // I' m Busy
  191. DEFSOUND(voImOnIt) // Im on it
  192. DEFSOUND(voInbound) // Inbound
  193. DEFSOUND(voNegative) // Negative
  194. DEFSOUND(voObjectiveComplete) // Objective complete
  195. DEFSOUND(voOnMyWay) // On my way
  196. DEFSOUND(voYoureMad) // You're mad
  197. // Taunts
  198. DEFSOUND(voPayloadDelivered) // Payload delivered (he he)
  199. DEFSOUND(voAlmostHadYou) // Almost had you
  200. DEFSOUND(voComeBackAndFight) // come back and fight
  201. DEFSOUND(voDeathBecomesYou) // Death becomes you
  202. DEFSOUND(voShootingFish) // Easier than shooting fish in a barrel.
  203. DEFSOUND(voHowdThatFeel) // How did that feel?
  204. DEFSOUND(voLikeLambs) // Like lambs to the slaughter
  205. DEFSOUND(voOutOfAmmo) // out of ammo…hmmm interesting
  206. DEFSOUND(voRipcordLastResort) // Ripcord.. Last resort for the desperate…
  207. DEFSOUND(voThanks) // Thanks
  208. DEFSOUND(voYes) // Yes!!!!!
  209. DEFSOUND(voYouDiedWithDignity) // You died with dignity
  210. DEFSOUND(voYouHaveNoHonor) // You have no Honor
  211. DEFSOUND(voYoullBeSorry) // You’ll be sorry you did that
  212. DEFSOUND(voYouAreGoodBut) // You're good but not that good
  213. // Need
  214. DEFSOUND(voGimmeSomething) // Gimme something to shoot at
  215. DEFSOUND(voTakingItToThem) // Taking it to them…
  216. DEFSOUND(voNeedFuel) // I need fuel
  217. DEFSOUND(voNeedHelp) // I need help
  218. DEFSOUND(voNeedRepairs) // I need repairs
  219. DEFSOUND(voNeedAmmo) // I need ammo
  220. DEFSOUND(voNeedRescue) // I need rescue
  221. DEFSOUND(voCantHoldEm) // I can’t hold em
  222. DEFSOUND(voHaveAnArtifact) // I have an Artifact
  223. DEFSOUND(voNeedBomber) // Need Bomber Support
  224. DEFSOUND(voNeedCruiser) // Need Cruiser Support
  225. DEFSOUND(voNeedFighter) // Need Fighter support
  226. DEFSOUND(voNeedScout) // Need Scout support
  227. DEFSOUND(voStationNeedsRepairs) // Our Station needs repairs
  228. DEFSOUND(voTargetNeeded) // Target Needed
  229. DEFSOUND(voNeedPickup) // I need a pick up… Help…
  230. DEFSOUND(voTransportOutbound) // Transport outbound -- need escort
  231. //New 12/14/99
  232. DEFSOUND(voShoot) // SHoot
  233. DEFSOUND(voDonateInvestor) //Donate your money to the investor!
  234. DEFSOUND(voNeedTurret) // I need turret gunners NOW!
  235. DEFSOUND(voJoiningTurret)//I'll be on your turret in a few seconds.
  236. DEFSOUND(voOops) // Oops, wrong voice chat
  237. DEFSOUND(voAttackBase)
  238. DEFSOUND(voNeedBase)
  239. DEFSOUND(voAttackConstructor)
  240. DEFSOUND(voDefendConstructor)
  241. DEFSOUND(voNeedConstructor)
  242. DEFSOUND(voAttackDefender)
  243. DEFSOUND(voDefendDefender)
  244. DEFSOUND(voNeedDefender)
  245. DEFSOUND(voNeedBetterFighters)
  246. DEFSOUND(voAttackFighter)
  247. DEFSOUND(voDefendFighter)
  248. DEFSOUND(voAttackInterceptor)
  249. DEFSOUND(voDefendInterceptor)
  250. DEFSOUND(voNeedInterceptor)
  251. DEFSOUND(voNeedObjective)
  252. DEFSOUND(voAttackCapital)
  253. DEFSOUND(voDefendCapital)
  254. DEFSOUND(voNeedCapital)
  255. DEFSOUND(voAttackMiner)
  256. DEFSOUND(voDefendMiner)
  257. DEFSOUND(voNeedMiner)
  258. DEFSOUND(voAttackBomber)
  259. DEFSOUND(voDefendBomber)
  260. DEFSOUND(voAttackRipcord)
  261. DEFSOUND(voDefendRipcord)
  262. DEFSOUND(voNeedRipcord)
  263. DEFSOUND(voAttackStealth)
  264. DEFSOUND(voDefendStealth)
  265. DEFSOUND(voNeedStealth)
  266. DEFSOUND(voAttackTransport)
  267. DEFSOUND(voDefendTransport)
  268. DEFSOUND(voNeedTransport)
  269. DEFSOUND(voAttackScout)
  270. DEFSOUND(voDefendScout)
  271. DEFSOUND(voAttackTower)
  272. DEFSOUND(voDefendTower)
  273. DEFSOUND(voNeedTower)
  274. DEFSOUND(voNeedBetterWep)
  275. DEFSOUND(voNeedMoney)
  276. DEFSOUND(voScoutAleph) // We need a scout to find alephs
  277. DEFSOUND(voFoundEnemyConstruct) // Found enemy constructor. Request assistance
  278. DEFSOUND(voConstructorLaunching)// Constructor launching now.
  279. DEFSOUND(voMinersHammered) // Defend our miners. Theyare getting hammered.
  280. DEFSOUND(voFindFreakinBase) //Find their freakin' base
  281. DEFSOUND(voMinerHunt) // Go miner hunting
  282. DEFSOUND(voStayTogether) // Stay together
  283. DEFSOUND(voRipcordHome) // Ripcord home
  284. DEFSOUND(voLayLow) // Lay low and go for constructors
  285. DEFSOUND(voFoundEnemyMiner) // Found enemy miners. Request assistance
  286. DEFSOUND(voBaseUnderAttack) // Our base is under attack. Request assistance
  287. DEFSOUND(voDeployProbes)
  288. DEFSOUND(voDeployMines)
  289. DEFSOUND(voRepairStation) //Repair the station.
  290. DEFSOUND(voFindMiner) // Find their miners
  291. DEFSOUND(voFindSilicon) // Find silicon asteroid
  292. DEFSOUND(voFindUranium) // Find uranium asteroid.
  293. DEFSOUND(voNoMoney) // I don't have enough money
  294. DEFSOUND(voSurelyJoking) //Surely you're joking.
  295. DEFSOUND(voAintNoThin) // Ain't no thin'
  296. DEFSOUND(voHellYeah)
  297. DEFSOUND(voYoureCrazy)
  298. DEFSOUND(voThatHurt) // Oooh...looked like that hurt
  299. DEFSOUND(voSlapInvestor) //Someone slap the investor
  300. DEFSOUND(voOoohSorry) // Oooh...sorry about that one.
  301. DEFSOUND(voWantAPiece) // You want a piece of me?
  302. DEFSOUND(voShootCommander) // Someone shoot the comander
  303. DEFSOUND(voSteadyTiger) // Steady Tiger
  304. DEFSOUND(voRealLife) // Aaaargh...real life wants me.
  305. DEFSOUND(voMakeMe) // Make me commander
  306. DEFSOUND(voISPDrop) // Sorry folks, got dropped by my ISP
  307. DEFSOUND(voEveryoneReady) //Everyone ready.
  308. DEFSOUND(voSavingUp) // What are you saving up for?
  309. DEFSOUND(voStartTheGame) // Start the game already
  310. DEFSOUND(voHoldYourHorses) // Hold Your Horses
  311. DEFSOUND(voCoupleMinutes) // It'll be a couple more minutes
  312. DEFSOUND(voJustASec) // Just a sec.. waiting for a couple more people.
  313. DEFSOUND(voNiceWeather) // So, nice's the kids? Erm...LET's PLAY THIS THING!
  314. DEFSOUND(voWhoCommander) // Who wants to be commander?
  315. DEFSOUND(voChangeTheMap) // Change the map.
  316. DEFSOUND(voImClueless) // I'm new, and I'm clueless
  317. DEFSOUND(voItsLate) // It's late.. gotta go. G'night.
  318. DEFSOUND(voPitstop) // Gotta take a pit stop...hold up.
  319. DEFSOUND(voRematch) // Great Game. How about a rematch?
  320. DEFSOUND(voChangedSettings) //Settings have changed.
  321. DEFSOUND(voGoToTeamOnly) //Go to team-only comms.
  322. DEFSOUND(voShallWeBegin) // Shall we begin?
  323. DEFSOUND(voCheckWing) // Check your wing assignment
  324. DEFSOUND(voArgh) // arrrrrrggggghghhhhhhhh!!
  325. DEFSOUND(voGunnerReady)
  326. DEFSOUND(voYowie) // yoooooowwwwwwiiiiieee!!!!
  327. DEFSOUND(voInboundBomb) // Inbound Enemy Bomber
  328. DEFSOUND(voKingUniverse) // I'm the KING OF THE UNIVERSE
  329. DEFSOUND(voTurretsAttack) // turrets attack my target
  330. // New 1/12/00
  331. DEFSOUND(voGotcha) // I gotcha. Hold still.
  332. DEFSOUND(voNeedFighterSupport) // Need fighter support.
  333. DEFSOUND(voThanksLift) // Thanks for the lift!
  334. // Miners
  335. DEFSOUND(droneReport4Duty) // Miner Reporting for duty
  336. //DEFSOUND(droneYeah) // Yeah?
  337. DEFSOUND(droneEnemyOnScope) // Ive got Enemies on my Scope
  338. DEFSOUND(droneWatchFire) // Watch your fire..
  339. DEFSOUND(droneYouGotIt) // You got it
  340. DEFSOUND(droneCantDoThat) // I can't do that
  341. DEFSOUND(droneTooMuchDamage) // I dont get paid enough for this... returning to base
  342. DEFSOUND(droneWhereTo) // No Helium in Scan range
  343. DEFSOUND(droneComingHomeEmpty) // Coming home w/o a full tank
  344. DEFSOUND(droneWhereToBuild) // Where should I build
  345. DEFSOUND(droneWhereToLayMinefield) // Where should I lay
  346. DEFSOUND(droneWhereToLayTower) // Where should I lay
  347. DEFSOUND(minerDestroyed) // Argh ::Mining Unit Destroyed
  348. DEFSOUND(carrierDestroyed) // Argh ::Mining Unit Destroyed
  349. DEFSOUND(towerLayerDestroyed) // Argh ::Mining Unit Destroyed
  350. DEFSOUND(minefieldLayerDestroyed) // Argh ::Mining Unit Destroyed
  351. DEFSOUND(droneInTransit) // In transit
  352. DEFSOUND(droneUnderAttack) // Under attack
  353. DEFSOUND(minerUnderAttack) // Under attack
  354. DEFSOUND(carrierUnderAttack) // Under attack
  355. DEFSOUND(minerCritical)
  356. DEFSOUND(droneTooCrowded) //Enemy miners preventing me from mining
  357. DEFSOUND(constructorRunning)
  358. DEFSOUND(teleportProbeActive)
  359. DEFSOUND(teleportProbeSpotted)
  360. DEFSOUND(minerThreatened)
  361. DEFSOUND(constructorThreatened)
  362. DEFSOUND(carrierThreatened)
  363. DEFSOUND(bomberDetected)
  364. DEFSOUND(carrierDetected)
  365. DEFSOUND(capitalDetected)
  366. DEFSOUND(teleportDetected)
  367. DEFSOUND(transportDetected)
  368. DEFSOUND(stationThreatened)
  369. DEFSOUND(sectorSecured)
  370. DEFSOUND(sectorLost)
  371. DEFSOUND(flagLost)
  372. DEFSOUND(flagSecured)
  373. DEFSOUND(enemyFlagLost)
  374. DEFSOUND(enemyFlagSecured)
  375. DEFSOUND(artifactFound)
  376. DEFSOUND(artifactSecured)
  377. DEFSOUND(commander)
  378. DEFSOUND(investor)
  379. DEFSOUND(board)
  380. DEFSOUND(noTurrets)
  381. // Builders
  382. //DEFSOUND(droneWhere) // Where do you want it?
  383. //DEFSOUND(droneYeah) // Yeah?
  384. //DEFSOUND(droneEnemyOnScope) // Enemies on Scope
  385. //DEFSOUND(droneCheckFire) // check your fire..
  386. //DEFSOUND(droneCommenceBuild) // Commencing build program
  387. //DEFSOUND(droneCourseLocked) // Stand aside,course locked in
  388. //DEFSOUND(droneCantBuildThere) // I cant build there
  389. //DEFSOUND(droneTooMuchDamage) // I cant make it Ive taken too much damage..
  390. DEFSOUND(droneAintGonnaWork) // This aint going to work
  391. //DEFSOUND(droneArgh) // Argh :: Build unit destroyed
  392. //DEFSOUND(droneInTransit) // In transit
  393. //DEFSOUND(droneUnderAttack) // Im Under Attack out here..
  394. DEFSOUND(droneMining) // Mining
  395. /* NYI no turrets
  396. // Turrets
  397. DEFSOUND(turretReady) // Ready for action
  398. DEFSOUND(turretEnemyRix) // Enemy Rix Ships sighted
  399. DEFSOUND(turretEnemyCrimson) // Enemy Crimson Ships sighted
  400. DEFSOUND(turretEnemyIron) // Enemy Iron League ships sighted
  401. DEFSOUND(turretReady2) // Ready for action
  402. DEFSOUND(turretWatchFire) // Watch your fire
  403. DEFSOUND(turretFiring) // Firing on enemy
  404. DEFSOUND(turretRogerThat) // Roger that
  405. DEFSOUND(turretCantShoot) // I cant shoot there
  406. DEFSOUND(turretContactSighted) // Enemy contacts sighted
  407. DEFSOUND(turretTargetObscured) // Target Obscured
  408. DEFSOUND(turretTakingDamage) // Im taking damage
  409. DEFSOUND(turretTargetEliminated// Target eliminated
  410. DEFSOUND(turretArgh) // ahhh….. (unit offline)
  411. */
  412. // SAL'
  413. DEFSOUND(salCommenceScan) // Sensors online commencing scan
  414. DEFSOUND(salRixSighted) // Enemy Rixian Ships sighted
  415. DEFSOUND(salCrimsonSighted) // Enemy Crimson Ships sighted
  416. DEFSOUND(salIronSighted) // Enemy Iron League ships sighted
  417. DEFSOUND(salContactsInRange) // "Enemy contacts in Range"
  418. DEFSOUND(salRedAlert) // "under attack..going to Red Alert --"
  419. DEFSOUND(salShieldsOffline) // "Shields offline... Hull damage Sustained"
  420. DEFSOUND(salEnemyTroops) // "Enemy troops have entered the base.. All units...<gunfire> ..<static>"
  421. DEFSOUND(salCoreMeltdown) // "core Meltdown" --you have 0 seconds to reach minimum saf…..
  422. DEFSOUND(salCompletedShip) // "Weve completed the fabrication system for a new ship type."
  423. DEFSOUND(salCompletedMods) // "Weve completed Modifcations to your ship and have downloaded new Data."
  424. DEFSOUND(salCompletedEquipment) // "Weve completed the Development of new equipment."
  425. DEFSOUND(salCompletedDramatic) // "Weve completed dramatic improvements to our station"
  426. DEFSOUND(salCompletedRadical) // "Weve completed Radical improvements to our station"
  427. DEFSOUND(salEnteredShieldWall) // "Entered shield wall"
  428. DEFSOUND(salClearedShieldWall) // "Cleared Shield wall"
  429. DEFSOUND(salWelcomeHome) // "Welcome home..Ship is Repaired, Rearmed and ready"
  430. DEFSOUND(salRepairedAtCarrier)
  431. DEFSOUND(salBoundryExceeded) // "Outer Sector Boundry Exceeded... turn around"
  432. DEFSOUND(salSectorCrowded) // "Sector overloaded and unstable - taking damage."
  433. DEFSOUND(salAutopilotEngage) // "Autopilot Engaged"
  434. DEFSOUND(salAutopilotDisengage) // "AutoPilot Disengaged"
  435. DEFSOUND(salCloakEngage) // "Cloak Engaged"
  436. DEFSOUND(salCloakDisengage) // "Cloak Disengaged"
  437. DEFSOUND(salShieldsDown) // "Shields down"
  438. DEFSOUND(salCargoFull) // "Cargo Full"
  439. DEFSOUND(salNoFuel) // "No Fuel"
  440. DEFSOUND(salNoAmmo) // "No Ammo"
  441. DEFSOUND(salMustBeAtStation) // "You must be at a station to view other sectors"
  442. DEFSOUND(salReloadingFuel)
  443. DEFSOUND(salReloadingChaff)
  444. DEFSOUND(salReloadingMissiles)
  445. DEFSOUND(salReloadingDispenser)
  446. DEFSOUND(salReloadingAmmo)
  447. DEFSOUND(salReloading)
  448. DEFSOUND(salChaffDepleted)
  449. DEFSOUND(salMissilesDepleted)
  450. DEFSOUND(salDispenserEmpty)
  451. DEFSOUND(salPlayerWaiting)
  452. DEFSOUND(salRecruitsArrived) // "Additional recruits have arrived"
  453. DEFSOUND(salMIA)
  454. DEFSOUND(salQuit)
  455. DEFSOUND(salBooted)
  456. DEFSOUND(salChangeSides)
  457. DEFSOUND(salEnemyJoiners)
  458. DEFSOUND(salEnemyLeaves)
  459. // pigs
  460. DEFSOUND(oink1) // Pig response
  461. DEFSOUND(oink2) // Pig response
  462. DEFSOUND(oink3) // Pig response
  463. DEFSOUND(oink4) // Pig response
  464. DEFSOUND(oink5) // Pig response
  465. // training missions
  466. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_01)
  467. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_02)
  468. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_03)
  469. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_04a)
  470. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_04b)
  471. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_05)
  472. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_06)
  473. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_07)
  474. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_08)
  475. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_09)
  476. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_10)
  477. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_11)
  478. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_12)
  479. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_13)
  480. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_1_14)
  481. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_2_01)
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  493. DEFSOUND(tm_2_11r)
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  502. DEFSOUND(tm_2_18r)
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  508. DEFSOUND(tm_2_24)
  509. DEFSOUND(tm_2_24r)
  510. DEFSOUND(tm_2_25)
  511. DEFSOUND(tm_2_26)
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  513. DEFSOUND(tm_2_28)
  514. DEFSOUND(tm_2_29)
  515. DEFSOUND(tm_2_30)
  516. DEFSOUND(tm_2_31)
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  521. DEFSOUND(tm_2_36)
  522. DEFSOUND(tm_2_37)
  523. DEFSOUND(tm_2_38)
  524. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_2_post_01)
  525. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_01)
  526. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_02)
  527. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_03)
  528. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_04)
  529. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_05)
  530. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_06)
  531. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_07)
  532. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_08)
  533. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_09)
  534. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_10)
  535. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_11)
  536. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_12)
  537. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_13)
  538. DEFSOUND(tm_3_01)
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  541. DEFSOUND(tm_3_04)
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  549. DEFSOUND(tm_3_11r)
  550. DEFSOUND(tm_3_12)
  551. DEFSOUND(tm_3_12r)
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  563. DEFSOUND(tm_3_23r)
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  565. DEFSOUND(tm_3_25)
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  571. DEFSOUND(tm_3_31)
  572. DEFSOUND(tm_3_31r)
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  575. DEFSOUND(tm_3_34)
  576. DEFSOUND(tm_3_35)
  577. DEFSOUND(tm_3_36)
  578. DEFSOUND(tm_3_37)
  579. DEFSOUND(tm_3_38)
  580. DEFSOUND(tm_3_39)
  581. DEFSOUND(tm_3_40)
  582. DEFSOUND(tm_3_41)
  583. DEFSOUND(tm_3_42)
  584. DEFSOUND(tm_3_42r)
  585. DEFSOUND(tm_3_43)
  586. DEFSOUND(tm_3_44)
  587. DEFSOUND(tm_3_45)
  588. DEFSOUND(tm_3_46)
  589. DEFSOUND(tm_3_47)
  590. DEFSOUND(tm_3_48)
  591. DEFSOUND(tm_3_49)
  592. DEFSOUND(tm_3_49r)
  593. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_3_post_01)
  594. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_4_01)
  595. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_4_02)
  596. DEFSOUND(tm_4_01)
  597. DEFSOUND(tm_4_02)
  598. DEFSOUND(tm_4_03)
  599. DEFSOUND(tm_4_03r)
  600. DEFSOUND(tm_4_04)
  601. DEFSOUND(tm_4_04r)
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  614. DEFSOUND(tm_4_15)
  615. DEFSOUND(tm_4_16)
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  617. DEFSOUND(tm_4_17r)
  618. DEFSOUND(tm_4_18)
  619. DEFSOUND(tm_4_19)
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  621. DEFSOUND(tm_4_21)
  622. DEFSOUND(tm_4_22)
  623. DEFSOUND(tm_4_23)
  624. DEFSOUND(tm_4_24)
  625. DEFSOUND(tm_4_25)
  626. DEFSOUND(tm_4_26)
  627. DEFSOUND(tm_4_26r)
  628. DEFSOUND(tm_4_27)
  629. DEFSOUND(tm_4_28)
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  631. DEFSOUND(tm_4_29r)
  632. DEFSOUND(tm_4_30)
  633. DEFSOUND(tm_4_31)
  634. DEFSOUND(tm_4_32)
  635. DEFSOUND(tm_4_33)
  636. DEFSOUND(tm_4_33r)
  637. DEFSOUND(tm_4_34)
  638. DEFSOUND(tm_4_35)
  639. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_4_post_01)
  640. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_01)
  641. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_02)
  642. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_03)
  643. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_04)
  644. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_05)
  645. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_06)
  646. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_07)
  647. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_08)
  648. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_09)
  649. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_10)
  650. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_11)
  651. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_12)
  652. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_13)
  653. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_14)
  654. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_15)
  655. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_16)
  656. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_17)
  657. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_18)
  658. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_19)
  659. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_20)
  660. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_21)
  661. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_22)
  662. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_23)
  663. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_24)
  664. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_25)
  665. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_26)
  666. DEFSOUND(tm_5_01)
  667. DEFSOUND(tm_5_02)
  668. DEFSOUND(tm_5_03)
  669. DEFSOUND(tm_5_03r)
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  671. DEFSOUND(tm_5_04r)
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  673. DEFSOUND(tm_5_05r)
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  675. DEFSOUND(tm_5_06r)
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  677. DEFSOUND(tm_5_07r)
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  679. DEFSOUND(tm_5_08r)
  680. DEFSOUND(tm_5_09)
  681. DEFSOUND(tm_5_10)
  682. DEFSOUND(tm_5_11)
  683. DEFSOUND(tm_5_12)
  684. DEFSOUND(tm_5_13)
  685. DEFSOUND(tm_5_13r)
  686. DEFSOUND(tm_5_14)
  687. DEFSOUND(tm_5_15)
  688. DEFSOUND(tm_5_15r)
  689. DEFSOUND(tm_5_16)
  690. DEFSOUND(tm_5_17)
  691. DEFSOUND(tm_5_18)
  692. DEFSOUND(tm_5_18r)
  693. DEFSOUND(tm_5_19)
  694. DEFSOUND(tm_5_20)
  695. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_post_01)
  696. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_post_02)
  697. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_post_03)
  698. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_5_post_04)
  699. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_6_01)
  700. DEFSOUND(tm_6_01)
  701. DEFSOUND(tm_6_02)
  702. DEFSOUND(tm_6_03)
  703. DEFSOUND(tm_slide_6_post_01)
  704. // training missions
  705. //DEFSOUND(energy)
  706. //DEFSOUND(explosion)
  707. //DEFSOUND(gearDown)
  708. //DEFSOUND(gearUp)
  709. //DEFSOUND(outOfBounds)
  710. //DEFSOUND(inBounds)