123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724 |
- /* qhull.h -- user-level header file for using qhull.a library
- see README, qhull_a.h
- see user.h for all user defineable constants
- copyright (c) 1993, 1997 The Geometry Center
- defines qh_qh, global data structure for qhull.
- NOTE: access to qh_qh is via the 'qh' macro. This allows
- qh_qh to be either a pointer or a structure. An example
- of using qh is "qh DROPdim" which accesses the DROPdim
- field of qh_qh. Similarly, access to qh_qhstat is via
- the 'qhstat' macro.
- includes function prototypes for qhull.c, geom.c, global.c, io.c, user.c
- use mem.h for mem.c
- use set.h for set.c
- see unix.c for an example of using qhull.h
- recompile qhull if you change this file
- */
- #ifndef qhDEFqhull
- #define qhDEFqhull 1
- /* =========================== -included files ============== */
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include <float.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #if __MWERKS__ && __POWERPC__
- #include <SIOUX.h>
- #include <Files.h>
- #include <Desk.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __STDC__
- #ifndef __cplusplus
- #error neither __STDC__ nor __cplusplus are defined. Please use ANSI C or C++ to compile Qhull.
- #endif
- #endif
- #include "user.h" /* user defineable constants */
- /* ============ -types- ====================
- Note: could use 'float' for data and 'double' for calculations (realT vs. coordT)
- This requires many type casts, and adjusted error bounds.
- Also C compilers may do expressions in double anyway.
- */
- #define coordT realT /* for stored coordinates and coefficients */
- #define pointT coordT /* array of hull_dim coordinates */
- #define flagT unsigned int /* Boolean flag */
- #define boolT unsigned int /* Boolean value, nothing much is portable */
- #ifdef False
- #undef False
- #endif
- #ifdef True
- #undef True
- #endif
- #define False 0
- #define True 1
- /* -CENTERtype to distinguish facet->center */
- typedef enum {qh_ASnone= 0, qh_ASvoronoi, qh_AScentrum} qh_CENTER;
- /* -output formats for printing (qh PRINTout).
- notes:
- some of these names are similar to qh names. The similar names are only
- used in switch statements in qh_printbegin() etc.
- */
- typedef enum {qh_PRINTnone= 0, qh_PRINTarea, qh_PRINTaverage,
- qh_PRINTcoplanars, qh_PRINTcentrums,
- qh_PRINTfacets, qh_PRINTfacets_xridge,
- qh_PRINTgeom, qh_PRINTids, qh_PRINTinner, qh_PRINTneighbors,
- qh_PRINTnormals, qh_PRINTouter, qh_PRINTincidences,
- qh_PRINTmathematica, qh_PRINTmerges, qh_PRINToff,
- qh_PRINToptions, qh_PRINTpointintersect, qh_PRINTpointnearest,
- qh_PRINTpoints, qh_PRINTqhull, qh_PRINTsize, qh_PRINTsummary,
- qh_PRINTtriangles, qh_PRINTvertices, qh_PRINTvneighbors,
- /*---------------------------
- arguments
- */
- #define qh_ALL True /* argument for printall and checkall parameters*/
- #define qh_NOupper True /* argument for qh_findbest */
- /*-------------------------------------------
- -ERR - qhull exit codes, for indicating errors
- */
- #define qh_ERRnone 0 /* no error occurred during qhull */
- #define qh_ERRinput 1 /* input inconsistency */
- #define qh_ERRsingular 2 /* singular input data */
- #define qh_ERRprec 3 /* precision error */
- #define qh_ERRmem 4 /* insufficient memory, matches mem.h */
- #define qh_ERRqhull 5 /* internal error detected, matches mem.h */
- /* ============ -structures- ====================
- each of the following structures is defined by a typedef
- all realT and coordT fields occur at the beginning of a structure
- (otherwise space may be wasted due to alignment)
- define all flags together and pack into 32-bit number
- */
- typedef struct vertexT vertexT;
- typedef struct ridgeT ridgeT;
- typedef struct facetT facetT;
- #ifndef DEFsetT
- #define DEFsetT 1
- typedef struct setT setT; /* defined in set.h */
- #endif
- /* ----------------------------------------------
- -facetT- specifies a facet.
- qhull() generates the hull as a list of facets.
- */
- struct facetT {
- #if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
- coordT furthestdist;/* distance to furthest point of outsideset */
- #endif
- #if qh_MAXoutside
- coordT maxoutside; /* max computed distance of point to facet
- Before QHULLfinished this is an approximation
- since maxdist not always set for mergefacet
- Actual outer plane is +DISTround and
- computed outer plane is +2*DISTround */
- #endif
- coordT offset; /* exact offset of hyperplane from origin */
- coordT *normal; /* normal of hyperplane, hull_dim coefficients */
- union { /* in order of testing */
- realT area; /* area of facet, only in io.c if ->isarea */
- facetT *replace; /* replacement facet if ->visible and NEWfacets
- is NULL only if qh_mergedegen_redundant or interior */
- facetT *samecycle; /* cycle of facets from the same visible/horizon intersection,
- if ->newfacet */
- facetT *newcycle; /* in horizon facet, current samecycle of new facets */
- }f;
- coordT *center; /* centrum for convexity, qh CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum */
- /* Voronoi center, qh CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi */
- facetT *previous; /* previous facet in the facet_list */
- facetT *next; /* next facet in the facet_list */
- setT *vertices; /* vertices for this facet, inverse sorted by id
- if simplicial, 1st vertex was apex/furthest */
- setT *ridges; /* explicit ridges for nonsimplicial facets.
- for simplicial facets, neighbors defines ridge */
- setT *neighbors; /* neighbors of the facet. If simplicial, the kth
- neighbor is opposite the kth vertex, and the first
- neighbor is the horizon facet for the first vertex*/
- setT *outsideset; /* set of points outside this facet
- if non-empty, last point is furthest
- if NARROWhull, includes coplanars for partitioning*/
- setT *coplanarset; /* set of points coplanar with this facet
- > min_vertex and <= facet->max_outside
- a point is assigned to the furthest facet
- if non-empty, last point is furthest away */
- unsigned visitid; /* visit_id, for visiting all neighbors,
- all uses are independent */
- unsigned id; /* unique identifier from qh facet_id */
- unsigned nummerge:9; /* number of merges */
- #define qh_MAXnummerge 511 /* 2^9-1 */
- flagT newfacet:1; /* True if facet on qh newfacet_list (new or merged) */
- flagT visible:1; /* True if visible facet (will be deleted) */
- flagT toporient:1; /* True if created with top orientation
- after merging, use ridge orientation */
- flagT simplicial:1;/* True if simplicial facet, ->ridges may be implicit */
- flagT seen:1; /* used to perform operations only once, like visitid */
- flagT flipped:1; /* True if facet is flipped */
- flagT upperdelaunay:1; /* True if facet is upper envelope of Delaunay triangulation */
- flagT notfurthest:1; /* True if last point of outsideset is not furthest*/
- /* flags primarily for output */
- flagT good:1; /* True if a facet marked good for output */
- flagT isarea:1; /* True if facet->f.area is defined */
- /* flags for merging */
- flagT dupridge:1; /* True if duplicate ridge in facet */
- flagT mergeridge:1; /* True if facet or neighbor contains a qh_MERGEridge
- ->normal defined (also defined for mergeridge2) */
- flagT mergeridge2:1; /* True if neighbor contains a qh_MERGEridge (mark_dupridges */
- flagT coplanar:1; /* True if horizon facet is coplanar at last use */
- flagT mergehorizon:1; /* True if will merge into horizon (->coplanar) */
- flagT cycledone:1;/* True if mergecycle_all already done */
- flagT tested:1; /* True if facet convexity has been tested (false after merge */
- flagT keepcentrum:1; /* True if keep old centrum after a merge */
- flagT newmerge:1; /* True if facet is newly merged for reducevertices */
- flagT degenerate:1; /* True if facet is degenerate (degen_mergeset) */
- flagT redundant:1; /* True if facet is redundant (degen_mergeset) */
- };
- /*----------------------------------------------
- -ridgeT- specifies a ridge
- a ridge is hull_dim-1 simplex between two neighboring facets. If the
- facets are non-simplicial, there may be more than one ridge between
- two facets. E.G. a 4-d hypercube has two triangles between each pair
- of neighboring facets.
- */
- struct ridgeT {
- setT *vertices; /* vertices belonging to this ridge, inverse sorted by id
- NULL if a degen ridge (matchsame) */
- facetT *top; /* top facet this ridge is part of */
- facetT *bottom; /* bottom facet this ridge is part of */
- unsigned id:24; /* unique identifier, =>room for 8 flags */
- flagT seen:1; /* used to perform operations only once */
- flagT tested:1; /* True when ridge is tested for convexity */
- flagT nonconvex:1; /* True if getmergeset detected a non-convex neighbor
- only one ridge between neighbors may have nonconvex */
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------
- -vertexT- specifies a vertex
- */
- struct vertexT {
- vertexT *next; /* next vertex in vertex_list */
- vertexT *previous; /* previous vertex in vertex_list */
- pointT *point; /* hull_dim coordinates (coordT) */
- setT *neighbors; /* neighboring facets of vertex, qh_vertexneighbors()
- inits in io.c or after first merge */
- unsigned visitid; /* for use with qh vertex_visit */
- unsigned id:24; /* unique identifier, =>room for 8 flags */
- flagT seen:1; /* used to perform operations only once */
- flagT seen2:1; /* another seen flag */
- flagT delridge:1; /* vertex was part of a deleted ridge */
- flagT deleted:1; /* true if vertex on qh del_vertices */
- flagT newlist:1; /* true if vertex on qh newvertex_list */
- };
- /* ======= -global variables -qh ============================
- all global variables for qhull are in qh, qhmem, and qhstat
- qhmem is defined in mem.h and qhstat is defined in stat.h
- access to qh_qh is via the "qh" macro. See qh_QHpointer in user.h
- */
- typedef struct qhT qhT;
- #if qh_QHpointer
- #define qh qh_qh->
- extern qhT *qh_qh; /* allocated in global.c */
- #else
- #define qh qh_qh.
- extern qhT qh_qh;
- #endif
- extern char qh_version[]; /* defined in unix.c */
- struct qhT {
- /*-user flags */
- boolT ALLpoints; /* true 'Qs' if search all points for initial simplex */
- boolT ANGLEmerge; /* true 'Qa' if sort potential merges by angle */
- boolT APPROXhull; /* true 'Wn' if MINoutside set */
- realT MINoutside; /* 'Wn' min. distance for an outside point */
- boolT ATinfinity; /* true 'Qz' if point num_points-1 is "at-infinity"
- for improving precision in Delaunay triangulations */
- boolT AVOIDold; /* true 'Q4' if avoid old->new merges */
- boolT BESToutside; /* true 'Qf' if partition points into best outsideset */
- boolT CDDinput; /* true 'Pc' if input uses CDD format (1.0/offset first) */
- boolT CDDoutput; /* true 'PC' if print normals in CDD format (offset first) */
- boolT CHECKfrequently; /* true 'Tc' if checking frequently */
- realT premerge_cos; /* 'A-n' cos_max when pre merging */
- realT postmerge_cos; /* 'An' cos_max when post merging */
- boolT DELAUNAY; /* true 'd' if computing DELAUNAY triangulation */
- boolT DOintersections; /* true 'Gh' if print hyperplane intersections */
- int DROPdim; /* drops dim 'GDn' for 4-d -> 3-d output */
- boolT FORCEoutput; /* true 'Po' if forcing output despite degeneracies */
- int GOODpoint; /* 1+n for 'QGn', good facet if visible/not(-) from point n*/
- pointT *GOODpointp; /* the actual point */
- boolT GOODthreshold; /* true if qh lower_threshold/upper_threshold defined
- false if qh SPLITthreshold */
- int GOODvertex; /* 1+n, good facet if vertex for point n */
- pointT *GOODvertexp; /* the actual point */
- boolT HALFspace; /* true 'Hn,n,n' if half-space intersection */
- int IStracing; /* trace execution, 0=none, 1=least, 4=most, -1=events */
- int KEEParea; /* 'PAn' number of largest facets to keep */
- boolT KEEPcoplanar; /* true 'Qc' if keeping nearest facet for coplanar points */
- boolT KEEPinside; /* true 'Qi' if keeping nearest facet for inside points
- set automatically if 'd Qc' */
- int KEEPmerge; /* 'PMn' number of facets to keep with most merges */
- realT KEEPminArea; /* 'PFn' minimum facet area to keep */
- boolT MERGEexact; /* true 'Qx' if exact merges (coplanar, degen, dupridge, flipped) */
- boolT MERGEindependent; /* true 'Q2' if merging independent sets */
- boolT MERGING; /* true if exact-, pre- or post-merging, with angle and centrum tests */
- realT premerge_centrum; /* 'C-n' centrum_radius when pre merging. Default is round-off */
- realT postmerge_centrum; /* 'Cn' centrum_radius when post merging. Default is round-off */
- boolT MERGEvertices; /* true 'Q3' if merging redundant vertices */
- realT MAXcoplanar; /* 'Un' max distance below a facet to be coplanar*/
- realT MINvisible; /* 'Vn' min. distance for a facet to be visible */
- boolT NOnearinside; /* true 'Q8' if ignore near-inside points when partitioning */
- boolT NOpremerge; /* true 'Q0' if no defaults for C-0 or Qx */
- boolT ONLYgood; /* true 'Qg' if process points with good visible or horizon facets */
- boolT ONLYmax; /* true 'Qm' if only process points that increase max_outside */
- boolT PICKfurthest; /* true 'Q9' if process furthest of furthest points*/
- boolT POINTSmalloc; /* true if qh first_point/num_points allocated */
- boolT POSTmerge; /* true if merging after buildhull (Cn or An) */
- boolT PREmerge; /* true if merging during buildhull (C-n or A-n) */
- /* NOTE: some of these names are similar to qh_PRINT names */
- boolT PRINTcentrums; /* true 'Gc' if printing centrums */
- boolT PRINTcoplanar; /* true 'Gp' if printing coplanar points */
- int PRINTdim; /* print dimension for Geomview output */
- boolT PRINTdots; /* true 'Ga' if printing all points as dots */
- boolT PRINTgood; /* true 'Pg' if printing good facets */
- boolT PRINTinner; /* true 'Gi' if printing inner planes */
- boolT PRINTneighbors; /* true 'PG' if printing neighbors of good facets */
- boolT PRINTnoplanes; /* true 'Gn' if printing no planes */
- boolT PRINToptions1st; /* true 'FO' if printing options to stderr */
- boolT PRINTouter; /* true 'Go' if printing outer planes */
- boolT PRINTprecision; /* false 'Pp' if not reporting precision problems */
- qh_PRINT PRINTout[qh_PRINTEND]; /* list of output formats to print */
- boolT PRINTridges; /* true 'Gr' if print ridges */
- boolT PRINTspheres; /* true 'Gv' if print vertices as spheres */
- boolT PRINTstatistics; /* true 'Ts' if printing statistics to stderr */
- boolT PRINTsummary; /* true 's' if printing summary to stderr */
- boolT PRINTtransparent; /* true 'Gt' if print transparent outer ridges */
- boolT PROJECTdelaunay; /* true if DELAUNAY, no readpoints() and
- need projectinput() for Delaunay in qh_init_B */
- int PROJECTinput; /* number of projected dimensions 'bn:0Bn:0' */
- boolT QUICKhelp; /* true if quick help message for degen input */
- boolT RANDOMdist; /* true if randomly change distplane and setfacetplane */
- realT RANDOMfactor; /* maximum perturbation */
- realT RANDOMa; /* qh_randomfactor is randr * RANDOMa + RANDOMb */
- realT RANDOMb;
- boolT RANDOMoutside; /* true if select a random outside point */
- int REPORTfreq; /* buildtracing reports every n facets */
- int REPORTfreq2; /* tracemerging reports every REPORTfreq/2 facets */
- int ROTATErandom; /* 'QRn' seed, 0 time, >= rotate input */
- boolT SCALEinput; /* true 'Qbk' if scaling input */
- boolT SCALElast; /* true 'Qbb' if scale last coord to max prev coord */
- boolT SETroundoff; /* true 'E' if qh DISTround is predefined */
- boolT SKIPcheckmax; /* true 'Q5' if skip qh_check_maxout */
- boolT SKIPconvex; /* true 'Q6' if skip convexity testing during pre-merge */
- boolT SPLITthresholds; /* true if upper_/lower_threshold defines a region
- used only for printing (not for qh ONLYgood) */
- int STOPcone; /* 'TCn' 1+n for stopping after cone for point n*/
- int STOPpoint; /* 'TVn' 'TV-n' 1+n for stopping after/before(-)
- adding point n */
- boolT TESTvneighbors; /* true 'Qv' if test vertex neighbors at end */
- int TRACElevel; /* 'Tn' conditional IStracing level */
- int TRACEpoint; /* 'TPn' start tracing when point n is a vertex */
- realT TRACEdist; /* 'TWn' start tracing when merge distance too big */
- int TRACEmerge; /* 'TMn' start tracing before this merge */
- boolT UPPERdelaunay; /* true 'Qu' if computing furthest-site Delaunay */
- boolT VERIFYoutput; /* true 'Tv' if verify output at end of qhull */
- boolT VIRTUALmemory; /* true 'Q7' if depth-first processing in buildhull */
- boolT VORONOI; /* true 'v' if computing Voronoi diagram */
- /* -input constants */
- realT AREAfactor; /* 1/(hull_dim-1)! for converting det's to area */
- boolT DOcheckmax; /* true if calling qh_check_maxout (qh_initqhull_globals) */
- char *feasible_string; /* feasible point 'Hn,n,n' for half-space intersection */
- coordT *feasible_point; /* as coordinates, both malloc'd */
- boolT GETarea; /* true if need to compute facet areas in io.c */
- boolT KEEPnearinside; /* true if near-inside points in coplanarset */
- int input_dim; /* dimension of input, set by initbuffers */
- int num_points; /* number of input points */
- pointT *first_point; /* array of input points, malloc'd */
- int hull_dim; /* dimension of hull, set by initbuffers */
- char qhull_command[256];/* command line that invoked this program */
- char rbox_command[256]; /* command line that produced the input points */
- char qhull_options[512]; /* descriptive list of options */
- int qhull_optionslen; /* length of line */
- boolT VERTEXneighbors; /* true if maintaining vertex neighbors */
- boolT ZEROcentrum; /* true if 'C-0' or 'C-0 Qx'. sets ZEROall_ok */
- realT *upper_threshold; /* don't print if facet->normal[k]>=upper_threshold[k]
- must set either GOODthreshold or SPLITthreshold
- if Delaunay, default is 0.0 for upper envelope */
- realT *lower_threshold; /* don't print if facet->normal[k] <=lower_threshold[k] */
- realT *upper_bound; /* scale point[k] to new upper bound */
- realT *lower_bound; /* scale point[k] to new lower bound
- project if both upper_ and lower_bound == 0 */
- /* -precision constants, computed in qh_maxmin */
- realT ANGLEround; /* max round off error for angles */
- realT centrum_radius; /* max centrum radius for convexity (roundoff added) */
- realT cos_max; /* max cosine for convexity (roundoff added) */
- realT DISTround; /* max round off error for distances, 'E' overrides */
- realT MAXlowcoord; /* max coordinate in all but last dimension */
- realT maxmaxcoord; /* max coordinate in any dimension */
- realT MINdenom_1; /* min. abs. value for 1/x */
- realT MINdenom; /* use divzero if denominator < MINdenom */
- realT MINdenom_1_2; /* min. abs. val for 1/x that allows normalization */
- realT MINdenom_2; /* use divzero if denominator < MINdenom_2 */
- realT MINnorm; /* min. norm for not redoing qh_sethyperplane_det */
- boolT NARROWhull; /* set in qh_initialhull if angle < qh_MAXnarrow */
- realT *NEARzero; /* hull_dim array for near zero in gausselim */
- realT NEARinside; /* keep points for qh_check_maxout if close to facet */
- realT ONEmerge; /* max distance for merging simplicial facets */
- realT WIDEfacet; /* size of wide facet for skipping ridge in
- area computation and locking centrum */
- /* -internal constants */
- char qhull[sizeof("qhull")]; /* for checking ownership */
- void *old_stat; /* pointer to saved qh_qhstat, qh_save_qhull */
- jmp_buf errexit; /* exit label for qh_errexit, defined by setjmp() */
- char jmpXtra[40]; /* extra bytes in case jmp_buf is defined wrong */
- FILE *fin; /* pointer to input file, init by qh_meminit */
- FILE *fout; /* pointer to output file */
- FILE *ferr; /* pointer to error file */
- pointT *interior_point; /* center point of the initial simplex*/
- int normal_size; /* size in bytes for facet normals and point coords*/
- int center_size; /* size in bytes for Voronoi centers */
- int TEMPsize; /* size for small, temporary sets (in quick mem) */
- /* -list of all facets, from facet_list to facet_tail, see qh_appendfacet */
- facetT *facet_list; /* first facet */
- facetT *facet_tail; /* end of facet_list (dummy facet) */
- facetT *facet_next; /* next facet for buildhull()
- all previous facets do not have outside sets*/
- facetT *newfacet_list; /* list of new facets to end of facet_list */
- facetT *visible_list; /* list of visible facets preceeding newfacet_list,
- facet->visible set */
- int num_visible; /* current number of visible facets */
- unsigned tracefacet_id; /* set at init, then can print whenever */
- facetT *tracefacet; /* set in newfacet/mergefacet, undone in delfacet*/
- unsigned tracevertex_id; /* set at buildtracing, can print whenever */
- vertexT *tracevertex; /* set in newvertex, undone in delvertex*/
- vertexT *vertex_list; /* list of all vertices, to vertex_tail */
- vertexT *vertex_tail;
- vertexT *newvertex_list; /* list of vertices in newfacet_list, to vertex_tail
- all vertices have 'newlist' set */
- int num_facets; /* number of facets in facet_list
- includes visble faces (num_visible) */
- int num_vertices; /* number of vertices in facet_list */
- int num_outside; /* number of points in outsidesets (for tracing) */
- int num_good; /* number of good facets (after findgood_all) */
- unsigned facet_id; /* id of next, new facet from newfacet() */
- unsigned ridge_id; /* id of next, new ridge from newridge() */
- unsigned vertex_id; /* id of next, new vertex from newvertex() */
- /* -variables */
- unsigned long hulltime; /* ignore time to set up input and randomize */
- /* use unsigned to avoid wrap-around errors */
- qh_CENTER CENTERtype; /* current type of facet->center, qh_CENTER */
- int furthest_id; /* pointid of furthest point, for tracing */
- facetT *GOODclosest; /* closest facet to GOODthreshold in qh_findgood */
- realT max_outside; /* maximum distance from a point to a facet,
- before roundoff, not simplicial vertices
- actual outer plane is +DISTround and
- computed outer plane is +2*DISTround */
- realT max_vertex; /* maximum distance (>0) from vertex to a facet,
- before roundoff, not simplicial vertices */
- realT min_vertex; /* minimum distance (<0) from vertex to a facet,
- before roundoff, not simplicial vertices
- actual inner plane is -DISTround and
- computed inner plane is -2*DISTround */
- boolT NEWfacets; /* true while visible facets invalid due to new or merge
- from makecone/attachnewfacets to deletevisible */
- boolT findbestnew; /* true if partitioning calls qh_findbestnew */
- boolT findbest_notsharp; /* true if new facets are at least 90 degrees */
- boolT NOerrexit; /* true if qh_errexit is not available */
- realT PRINTcradius; /* radius for printing centrums */
- realT PRINTradius; /* radius for printing vertex spheres and points */
- boolT POSTmerging; /* true when post merging */
- int printoutvar; /* temporary variable for qh_printbegin, etc. */
- int printoutnum; /* number of facets printed */
- boolT QHULLfinished; /* True after qhull() is finished */
- realT totarea; /* total facet area computed by qh_getarea */
- realT totvol; /* total volume computed by qh_getarea */
- unsigned int visit_id; /* unique id for searching neighborhoods, */
- unsigned int vertex_visit; /* unique id for searching vertices */
- boolT ZEROall_ok; /* True if qh_checkzero always succeeds */
- boolT WAScoplanar; /* True if qh_partitioncoplanar (qh_check_maxout) */
- /* -sets */
- setT *facet_mergeset; /* temporary set of merges to be done */
- setT *degen_mergeset; /* temporary set of degenerate and redundant merges */
- setT *initial_points; /* initial simplex for buildhull() */
- setT *hash_table; /* hash table for matching ridges in qh_matchfacets
- size is setsize() */
- int num_hashentries; /* current number of hashentries */
- setT *other_points; /* additional points (first is qh interior_point) */
- setT *del_vertices; /* vertices to partition and delete with visible
- facets. Have deleted set for checkfacet */
- /* -buffers */
- coordT *gm_matrix; /* (dim+1)Xdim matrix for geom.c */
- coordT **gm_row; /* array of gm_matrix rows */
- char* line; /* malloc'd input line of maxline+1 chars */
- int maxline;
- coordT *half_space; /* malloc'd input array for halfspace (qh normal_size+coordT) */
- coordT *temp_malloc; /* malloc'd input array for points */
- /* -statics */
- boolT ERREXITcalled; /* true during errexit (prevents duplicate calls */
- boolT firstcentrum; /* for qh_printcentrum */
- unsigned lastreport; /* for qh_buildtracing */
- int mergereport; /* for qh_tracemerging */
- boolT old_randomdist; /* save RANDOMdist when io, tracing, or statistics */
- int ridgeoutnum; /* number of ridges in 4OFF output */
- void *old_qhstat; /* for saving qh_qhstat in save_qhull() */
- setT *old_tempstack; /* for saving qhmem.tempstack in save_qhull */
- setT *searchset; /* set of facets for searching in qh_findbest() */
- int rand_seed; /* for qh_rand/qh_srand */
- };
- /* =========== -macros- =========================
- -otherfacet_(ridge, facet) return neighboring facet for a ridge in facet
- -getid_(p) return id or -1 if NULL
- */
- #define otherfacet_(ridge, facet) \
- (((ridge)->top == (facet)) ? (ridge)->bottom : (ridge)->top)
- #define getid_(p) ((p) ? (p)->id : -1)
- /* ---------------------------------------------
- -FORALL and FOREACH macros
- These all iterate using a variable of the same name, e.g. FORALLfacets
- and FOREACHfacet_ uses 'facet' declared by 'facetT *facet'. The macros
- may use auxiliary variables as indicated.
- -FORALLfacets iterate over all facets in facetlist
- -FORALLpoint_(points, num) iterate over num points (uses 'pointT *pointtemp')
- -FORALLvertices iterate over all vertices in vertex_list
- -FOREACHfacet_(facets) iterate over facet set (uses 'facetT **facetp')
- -FOREACHneighbor_(facet) iterate over facet->neighbors (uses 'facetT **neighborp')
- -FOREACHpoint_(points) iterate over point set (uses 'pointT **pointp')
- -FOREACHridge_(ridges) iterate over ridge set (uses 'ridgeT **ridgep')
- -FOREACHvertex_(vertice) iterate over vertex set (uses 'vertexT **vertexp')
- -FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) iterate over neighboring facets to vertex
- -FOREACHfacet_i_(facets) iterate over facets by facet_i and facet_n
- -FOREACHneighbor_i_(facet) iterate over facet->neighbors by neighbor_i, neighbor_n
- -FOREACHvertex_i_(vertices) iterate over vertices by vertex_i, vertex_n
- -FOREACHpoint_i_(points) iterate over points by point_i, point_n
- -FOREACHridge_i_(ridges) iterate over ridges by ridge_i, ridge_n
- -FOREACHneighbor_i_(vertex) iterate over vertex->neighbors by neighbor_i, neighbor_n
- WARNING: nested loops can't use the same variable (define another FOREACH)
- WARNING: strange behavior if don't fully brace when nested (including
- intervening blocks, e.g. FOREACH...{ if () FOREACH...} )
- poly.h defines other FOREACH/FORALL macros
- set.h defines FOREACHsetelement and contains additional notes
- */
- #define FORALLfacets for (facet=qh facet_list;facet && facet->next;facet=facet->next)
- #define FORALLpoints FORALLpoint_(qh first_point, qh num_points)
- #define FORALLvertices for (vertex=qh vertex_list;vertex && vertex->next;vertex= vertex->next)
- #define FORALLpoint_(points, num) for(point= (points), \
- pointtemp= (points)+qh hull_dim*(num); point < pointtemp; point += qh hull_dim)
- #define FOREACHfacet_(facets) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facets, facet)
- #define FOREACHneighbor_(facet) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facet->neighbors, neighbor)
- #define FOREACHpoint_(points) FOREACHsetelement_(pointT, points, point)
- #define FOREACHridge_(ridges) FOREACHsetelement_(ridgeT, ridges, ridge)
- #define FOREACHvertex_(vertices) FOREACHsetelement_(vertexT, vertices,vertex)
- #define FOREACHfacet_i_(facets) FOREACHsetelement_i_(facetT, facets, facet)
- #define FOREACHneighbor_i_(facet) FOREACHsetelement_i_(facetT, facet->neighbors, neighbor)
- #define FOREACHpoint_i_(points) FOREACHsetelement_i_(pointT, points, point)
- #define FOREACHridge_i_(ridges) FOREACHsetelement_i_(ridgeT, ridges, ridge)
- #define FOREACHvertex_i_(vertices) FOREACHsetelement_i_(vertexT, vertices,vertex)
- /* ======= -functions ===========
- see corresponding .c file for definitions
- Qhull functions (see qhull.c and qhull_a.h)
- -qhull construct the convex hull of a set of points
- -addpoint add point to hull (must be above facet)
- -printsummary print summary about the output
- User redefinable functions (see user.c)
- -errexit return exitcode to system after an error
- -errprint print erroneous facets, ridge, and vertex
- -printfacetlist print all fields for a list of facets
- -user_memsizes define up to 10 additional quick allocation sizes
- Geometric functions (see geom.c and geom.h for other useful functions)
- -gram_schmidt implements Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization by rows
- -projectinput project input along one or more dimensions + Delaunay projection
- -randommatrix generate a random dimXdim matrix in range (-1,1)
- -rotatepoints rotate numpoints points by a row matrix
- -scaleinput scale input to new lowbound and highbound
- -setdelaunay project points to paraboloid for Delaunay triangulation
- -sethalfspace_all generate dual for halfspace intersection with feasible point
- Global init/free functions (see global.c and qhull_a.h)
- -freeqhull free memory used by qhull
- -init_A called before error handling initialized
- -init_B called after points are defined
- -initflags set flags and initialized constants from command line
- -restore_qhull restores a saved qhull
- -save_qhull saves qhull for later restoring
- Input/output functions (see io.c and io.h)
- -dfacet print facet by id
- -dvertex print vertex by id
- -printsummary print summary about the output
- -produce_output prints out the result of qhull in desired format
- -readpoints read points from input
- Polyhedron functions (see poly.c or poly2.c)
- -check_output check output data structure according to user flags
- -check_points verify that all points are inside the hull
- -findbestfacet find facet or best facet below a point
- -setvoronoi_all compute Voronoi centers for all facets
- -nearvertex return nearest vertex to point
- -point return point for a point id, or NULL if unknown
- -pointid return id for a point, or -1 if not known
- -facetvertices returns temporary set of vertices in a set of facets
- -pointfacet return temporary set of facets indexed by point id
- -pointvertex return temporary set of vertices indexed by point id
- Statistics functions (see stat.c)
- -printallstatistics print all statistics
- other functions no longer needed by most users
- -init_qhull_command build qhull_command from argc/argv
- -initqhull_buffers initialize global memory buffers
- -initqhull_globals initialize globals
- -initqhull_mem initialize mem.c for qhull
- -initqhull_start start initialization of qhull
- -initthresholds set thresholds for printing and scaling from command line
- -findbest find visible facet for a point starting at a facet
- -findbestnew find best newfacet for point
- */
- /********* -qhull.c prototypes (duplicated from qhull_a.h) **********************/
- void qh_qhull (void);
- boolT qh_addpoint (pointT *furthest, facetT *facet, boolT checkdist);
- void qh_printsummary(FILE *fp);
- /********* -user.c prototypes (alphabetical) **********************/
- void qh_errexit(int exitcode, facetT *facet, ridgeT *ridge);
- void qh_errprint(char* string, facetT *atfacet, facetT *otherfacet, ridgeT *atridge, vertexT *atvertex);
- void qh_printfacetlist(facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
- void qh_user_memsizes (void);
- /***** -geom.c/geom2.c prototypes (duplicated from geom.h) ****************/
- facetT *qh_findbest (pointT *point, facetT *facet,
- boolT bestoutside, boolT newfacets, boolT noupper,
- realT *dist, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
- facetT *qh_findbestnew (pointT *point, facetT *startfacet,
- realT *dist, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
- boolT qh_gram_schmidt(int dim, realT **rows);
- void qh_printsummary(FILE *fp);
- void qh_projectinput (void);
- void qh_randommatrix (realT *buffer, int dim, realT **row);
- void qh_rotateinput (realT **rows);
- void qh_scaleinput (void);
- void qh_setdelaunay (int dim, int count, pointT *points);
- coordT *qh_sethalfspace_all (int dim, int count, coordT *halfspaces, pointT *feasible);
- /***** -global.c prototypes (alphabetical) ***********************/
- void qh_freebuffers (void);
- void qh_freeqhull (boolT allmem);
- void qh_init_A (FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile, int argc, char *argv[]);
- void qh_init_B (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
- void qh_init_qhull_command (int argc, char *argv[]);
- void qh_initbuffers (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
- void qh_initflags (char *command);
- void qh_initqhull_buffers (void);
- void qh_initqhull_globals (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
- void qh_initqhull_mem (void);
- void qh_initqhull_start (FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile);
- void qh_initthresholds (char *command);
- #if qh_QHpointer
- void qh_restore_qhull (qhT **oldqh);
- qhT *qh_save_qhull (void);
- #endif
- /***** -io.c prototypes (duplicated from io.h) ***********************/
- void dfacet( unsigned id);
- void dvertex( unsigned id);
- void qh_produce_output(void);
- coordT *qh_readpoints(int *numpoints, int *dimension, boolT *ismalloc);
- /********* -mem.c prototypes (duplicated from mem.h) **********************/
- void qh_meminit (FILE *ferr);
- void qh_memfreeshort (int *curlong, int *totlong);
- /********* -poly.c/poly2.c prototypes (duplicated from poly.h) **********************/
- void qh_check_output (void);
- void qh_check_points (void);
- setT *qh_facetvertices (facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT allfacets);
- facetT *qh_findbestfacet (pointT *point, boolT bestoutside,
- realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside);
- vertexT *qh_nearvertex (facetT *facet, pointT *point, realT *bestdistp);
- pointT *qh_point (int id);
- setT *qh_pointfacet (void /*qh.facet_list*/);
- int qh_pointid (pointT *point);
- setT *qh_pointvertex (void /*qh.facet_list*/);
- void qh_setvoronoi_all (void);
- /********* -stat.c prototypes (duplicated from stat.h) **********************/
- void qh_printallstatistics (FILE *fp, char *string);
- #endif /* qhDEFqhull */