123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173 |
- /* geom.h -- header file for geometric routines
- see README and geom.c
- copyright (c) 1993, 1997 The Geometry Center
- */
- #ifndef qhDEFgeom
- #define qhDEFgeom 1
- /* ============ -macros- ======================== */
- /*----------------------------------------------
- -fabs_(a) returns the absolute value of a
- -fmax_(a,b) returns the maximum value of a and b
- -fmin_(a,b) returns the minimum value of a and b
- -maximize_(maxval, val) sets maxval to val if greater
- -minimize_(minval, val) sets minval to val if less
- */
- #define fabs_(a) (((a) < 0) ? -(a):(a))
- #define fmax_(a,b) ( (a) < (b) ? (b) : (a) )
- #define fmin_(a,b) ( (a) > (b) ? (b) : (a) )
- #define maximize_(maxval, val) {if ((maxval) < (val)) (maxval)= (val);}
- #define minimize_(minval, val) {if ((minval) > (val)) (minval)= (val);}
- /*-----------------------------------------------
- -det2_(a1, a2, 2-d determinate
- b1, b2)
- -det3_(a1, a2, a3, 3-d determinate
- b1, b2, b3,
- c1, c2, c3)
- */
- #define det2_(a1,a2,b1,b2) ((a1)*(b2) - (a2)*(b1))
- #define det3_(a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3) ( (a1)*det2_(b2,b3,c2,c3) \
- - (b1)*det2_(a2,a3,c2,c3) + (c1)*det2_(a2,a3,b2,b3) )
- /*-----------------------------------------------
- -dX, dY, dZ- coordinate differences given row pointers rows[]
- */
- #define dX(p1,p2) (*(rows[p1]) - *(rows[p2]))
- #define dY(p1,p2) (*(rows[p1]+1) - *(rows[p2]+1))
- #define dZ(p1,p2) (*(rows[p1]+2) - *(rows[p2]+2))
- #define dW(p1,p2) (*(rows[p1]+3) - *(rows[p2]+3))
- /* ======= -functions ===========
- see geom.c for definitions
- Geometric functions
- -crossproduct compute the cross product of 2 3-d vectors
- -determinant compute the determinant of a square matrix
- -detsimplex return determinate of a simplex of points
- -divzero divide by a number that's nearly zero
- -facetarea_simplex return area for a simplex defined by an apex, base, orient, normal
- -gausselim Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting
- -getangle return cosine of angle (dot product of two qh hull_dim vectors)
- -gram_schmidt implements Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization by rows
- -inthresholds return True if normal within qh lower_/upper_threshold
- -maxabsval return max absolute value of a vector
- -maxsimplex determines maximum simplex for a set of points
- -minabsval return min absolute value of a dim vector
- -mindiff return index of min abs. difference of two vectors
- -normalize normalize a vector
- -normalize2 normalize a vector and report if too small
- -pointdist return distance between two points
- -printmatrix print matrix given by row vectors
- -printpoints print pointids for a set of points starting at index
- -projectpoints project points along one or more dimensions
- -rand/srand generate random numbers
- -randomfactor return a random factor within qh RANDOMdistmax of 1.0
- -randommatrix generate a random dimXdim matrix in range (-1,1)
- -rotatepoints rotate numpoints points by a row matrix
- -scalelast scale last coordinate to [0,m] for Delaunay triangulations
- -scalepoints scale points to new lowbound and highbound
- -sethalfspace_all generate dual for halfspace intersection with feasible point
- -sethyperplane_det return hyperplane for oriented simplex, uses determinates
- -sethyperplane_gauss return hyperplane for oriented simplex, uses Gaussian elimination
- -voronoi_center return Voronoi center for a set of points
- Qhull's geometric functions
- -backnormal solve for normal x using back substitution over rows U
- -distplane return distance from point to facet (>0 if point is above facet)
- -facetarea return area for a facet
- -facetcenter return Voronoi center for a facet's vertices
- -findbest find visible facet for a point starting at a facet
- -findbestnew find best newfacet for point
- -findgooddist find best good facet visible for point from facet
- -getarea get area of all facets in facetlist, collect statistics
- -getcenter return arithmetic center of a set of vertices
- -getcentrum return centrum for a facet
- -getdistance returns the max and min distance of any vertex from neighbor
- -maxmin return max/min points for each dim., sets max roundoff errors
- -orientoutside make facet outside oriented via qh interior_point
- -projectinput project input using qh DELAUNAY and qh low_bound/high_bound
- -projectpoint project point onto a facet by distance
- -rotateinput rotate input using row matrix
- -scaleinput scale input using qh low_bound/high_bound
- -setfacetplane sets the hyperplane for a facet
- -sethalfspace set coords to dual of halfspace relative to feasible point
- */
- /*---------- -prototypes in alphabetical order, infrequent at end -----------*/
- void qh_backnormal (realT **rows, int numrow, int numcol, boolT sign, coordT *normal, boolT *nearzero);
- void qh_distplane (pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT *dist);
- facetT *qh_findbest (pointT *point, facetT *facet,
- boolT bestoutside, boolT newfacets, boolT noupper,
- realT *dist, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
- facetT *qh_findbestnew (pointT *point, facetT *startfacet,
- realT *dist, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
- void qh_gausselim(realT **rows, int numrow, int numcol, boolT *sign, boolT *nearzero);
- realT qh_getangle(pointT *vect1, pointT *vect2);
- pointT *qh_getcenter(setT *vertices);
- pointT *qh_getcentrum(facetT *facet);
- realT qh_getdistance(facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor, realT *mindist, realT *maxdist);
- void qh_normalize (coordT *normal, int dim, boolT toporient);
- void qh_normalize2 (coordT *normal, int dim, boolT toporient,
- realT *minnorm, boolT *ismin);
- pointT *qh_projectpoint(pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT dist);
- void qh_setfacetplane(facetT *newfacets);
- void qh_sethyperplane_det (int dim, coordT **rows, coordT *point0,
- boolT toporient, coordT *normal, realT *offset, boolT *nearzero);
- void qh_sethyperplane_gauss (int dim, coordT **rows, pointT *point0,
- boolT toporient, coordT *normal, coordT *offset, boolT *nearzero);
- /* ======= infrequently used code in geom2.c =========== */
- void qh_crossproduct (int dim, realT vecA[3], realT vecB[3], realT vecC[3]);
- realT qh_determinant (realT **rows, int dim, boolT *nearzero);
- realT qh_detsimplex(pointT *apex, setT *points, int dim, boolT *nearzero);
- realT qh_divzero(realT numer, realT denom, realT mindenom1, boolT *zerodiv);
- realT qh_facetarea (facetT *facet);
- realT qh_facetarea_simplex (int dim, coordT *apex, setT *vertices,
- vertexT *notvertex, boolT toporient, coordT *normal, realT *offset);
- pointT *qh_facetcenter (setT *vertices);
- boolT qh_findbestsharp (pointT *point, facetT **bestfacet,
- realT *bestdist, int *numpart);
- facetT *qh_findgooddist (pointT *point, facetT *facetA, realT *distp, facetT **facetlist);
- void qh_getarea (facetT *facetlist);
- boolT qh_gram_schmidt(int dim, realT **rows);
- boolT qh_inthresholds (coordT *normal, realT *angle);
- realT *qh_maxabsval (realT *normal, int dim);
- setT *qh_maxmin(pointT *points, int numpoints, int dimension);
- void qh_maxsimplex (int dim, setT *maxpoints, pointT *points, int numpoints, setT **simplex);
- realT qh_minabsval (realT *normal, int dim);
- int qh_mindiff (realT *vecA, realT *vecB, int dim);
- boolT qh_orientoutside (facetT *facet);
- coordT qh_pointdist(pointT *point1, pointT *point2, int dim);
- void qh_printmatrix (FILE *fp, char *string, realT **rows, int numrow, int numcol);
- void qh_printpoints (FILE *fp, char *string, setT *points);
- void qh_projectinput (void);
- void qh_projectpoints (signed char *project, int n, realT *points,
- int numpoints, int dim, realT *newpoints, int newdim);
- int qh_rand( void);
- void qh_srand( int seed);
- realT qh_randomfactor (void);
- void qh_randommatrix (realT *buffer, int dim, realT **row);
- void qh_rotateinput (realT **rows);
- void qh_rotatepoints (realT *points, int numpoints, int dim, realT **rows);
- void qh_scaleinput (void);
- void qh_scalelast (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, coordT low,
- coordT high, coordT newhigh);
- void qh_scalepoints (pointT *points, int numpoints, int dim,
- realT *newlows, realT *newhighs);
- boolT qh_sethalfspace (int dim, coordT *coords, coordT **nextp,
- coordT *normal, coordT *offset, coordT *feasible);
- coordT *qh_sethalfspace_all (int dim, int count, coordT *halfspaces, pointT *feasible);
- pointT *qh_voronoi_center (int dim, setT *points);
- #endif /* qhDEFgeom */