123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674 |
- #ifndef MessagesCore_h
- #define MessagesCore_h
- #include <dplobby.h>
- #include <d3dtypes.h>
- // MONOLITHIC_DPLAY means that we want to use a private dplay (MSRGIP.dll, MSRGTRAN.dll) instead
- // of the stock dplay, which has private fixes. Only those HOSTING a session will use this, even if
- // it's defined, which means that clients will never use it.
- #define OBLIVION_CLIENT_REG_KEY "Allegiance"
- // Specify which flavor of dplay we're using. Never specify interface explicity anywhere else
- #define IDirectPlayX IDirectPlay4A
- #define IID_IDirectPlayX IID_IDirectPlay4A
- #define IDirectPlayLobbyX IDirectPlayLobby3A
- #define IID_IDirectPlayLobbyX IID_IDirectPlayLobby3A
- #define FEDMSGID unsigned short
- #define CFEDMSGID const FEDMSGID
- #define IB unsigned short // index of bytes to var-length data from start of struct
- #define CB unsigned short // count of bytes
- // ***NOTE: there is code that depends on these being the same size.
- typedef unsigned short MsgClsPrio;
- /* A FedMessage by itself is never used. It is merely the start of every message.
- This way, any message can be coerced to a FedMessage.
- */
- {
- CB cbmsg;
- /* Size of message. Messages can be variable length. This means that you
- don't create them off the stack. You must calculate cbmsg (sum of all
- fixed length fields (just the size of the struct) + all variable length
- fields), and allocate a pointer to the message data off the heap. See
- below for function to easily create these things
- */
- FEDMSGID fmid;
- // actual message data immediately follows.
- };
- /* A packet is just an arbitrary number of messages strung together. Since we
- know how big each message is, we can easily visit each message. It also
- makes it easy for the client to string messages together.
- */
- /* Message naming:
- FM_C_*: Messages that the client sends
- FM_S_*: Messages that the server sends
- FM_CS_*: Messages that both client and server send.
- Coresponding structures are named FMD_*, where * is the same.
- Yes, FM_C_* messages and FM_S_* messages could share message numbers, but
- let's not, to keep it simple.
- */
- /*
- ************** MESSAGING CLASS **************
- Just make one of these FedMessaging (per session), and use it for all your messaging needs
- */
- class FedMessaging;
- class CFMConnection;
- class CFMGroup;
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * CFMRecipient
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Purpose:
- This represents an addressable entity in FedMessaging
- */
- class CFMRecipient
- {
- friend CFMConnection;
- friend CFMGroup;
- public:
- const char * GetName() {return m_szName;}
- DWORD GetID() {return GetDPID();}
- virtual int GetCountConnections() = 0;
- protected:
- CFMRecipient(const char * szName, DPID dpid) :
- m_dpid(dpid)
- {
- m_szName = new char[lstrlen(szName) + 1];
- lstrcpy(m_szName, szName);
- }
- ~CFMRecipient()
- {
- delete [] m_szName;
- }
- DPID GetDPID() {return m_dpid;}
- private:
- char * m_szName;
- protected: // groups set their own dpid since they're not pre-created.
- void SetDPID(DPID dpid) {m_dpid = dpid;}
- DPID m_dpid;
- };
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * CFMConnection
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Purpose:
- This represents one remote entity (connection). It's mainly useful only on the server, since there's lots of them
- */
- class CFMConnection : public CFMRecipient// Hungarian prefix: cnxn
- {
- friend FedMessaging;
- public:
- void SetPrivateData(DWORD dw) {m_dwPrivate = dw;}
- DWORD GetPrivateData() {return m_dwPrivate;}
- int IncAbsentCount()
- {
- return ++m_cAbsentCount;
- }
- void ResetAbsentCount()
- {
- m_cAbsentCount = 0;
- }
- void SetLastComplete(DWORD dwTime)
- {
- m_dwTimeLastComplete = dwTime;
- }
- DWORD GetLastComplete()
- {
- return m_dwTimeLastComplete;
- }
- virtual int GetCountConnections() {return 1;}
- private:
- CFMConnection(FedMessaging * fm, const char * szName, DPID dpid); // only FedMessaging::CreateConnection can create these things
- ~CFMConnection() {} // you can't delete these directly. You must use Delete()
- void Delete(FedMessaging * pfm); // basically the destructor, but with a parameter
- int m_cAbsentCount; // for roll call
- DWORD m_dwTimeLastComplete;
- DWORD m_dwPrivate;
- };
- typedef TList<CFMConnection*> ListConnections;
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * CMFGroup
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Purpose:
- Provide group management
- */
- class CFMGroup : public CFMRecipient
- {
- friend FedMessaging;
- public:
- void AddConnection(FedMessaging * pfm, CFMConnection * pcnxn);
- void DeleteConnection(FedMessaging * pfm, CFMConnection * pcnxn);
- virtual int GetCountConnections() {return m_cPlayers;}
- private:
- CFMGroup(FedMessaging * pfm, const char * szName);
- ~CFMGroup() {}
- void PlayerAdded(CFMConnection * pcnxn);
- void PlayerDeleted(CFMConnection * pcnxn);
- void Delete (FedMessaging * pfm);
- int m_cPlayers;
- };
- typedef TList<CFMGroup*> ListGroups;
- class FMSessionDesc
- {
- public:
- FMSessionDesc(LPDPSESSIONDESC2 pdpSessionDesc);
- PCC GetGameName() {return m_strGameName;}
- REFGUID GetInstance() {return m_guidInstance;}
- int GetNumPlayers() {return m_nNumPlayers;}
- int GetMaxPlayers() {return m_nMaxPlayers;}
- private:
- GUID m_guidInstance; // ID for the session instance
- ZString m_strGameName;
- short m_nNumPlayers;
- short m_nMaxPlayers;
- };
- const CB c_cbBuff = 16<<10; // 16K
- enum FMGuaranteed
- {
- };
- enum FMFlush
- {
- };
- // Outgoing event interface for FedMessaging
- class IFedMessagingSite : public IObject
- {
- public:
- virtual HRESULT OnAppMessage(FedMessaging * pthis, CFMConnection & cnxnFrom, FEDMESSAGE * pfm) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT OnSysMessage(FedMessaging * pthis) {return S_OK;}
- virtual void OnMessageNAK(FedMessaging * pthis, DWORD dwTime, CFMRecipient * prcp) {}
- virtual int OnMessageBox(FedMessaging * pthis, const char * strText, const char * strCaption, UINT nType) {return 0;}
- virtual HRESULT OnNewConnection(FedMessaging * pthis, CFMConnection & cnxn) {return S_OK;}
- virtual HRESULT OnDestroyConnection(FedMessaging * pthis, CFMConnection & cnxn) {return S_OK;}
- virtual HRESULT OnSessionLost(FedMessaging * pthis) {return S_OK;}
- virtual void OnPreCreate (FedMessaging * pthis) {}
- virtual void OnPostCreate(FedMessaging * pthis, IDirectPlayX* pdpIn, IDirectPlayX** pdpOut) {*pdpOut = pdpIn;}
- virtual void OnSessionFound(FedMessaging * pthis, FMSessionDesc * pSessionDesc) {} // you cannot save any pointer to session desc
- virtual void OnMessageSent(FedMessaging * pthis, CFMRecipient * precip, const void * pv, DWORD cb, FMGuaranteed fmg) {}
- #ifndef NO_MSG_CRC
- virtual void OnBadCRC(FedMessaging * pthis, CFMConnection & cnxn, BYTE * pMsg, DWORD cbMsg) {}
- #endif
- };
- class FedMessaging
- {
- public:
- static const MsgClsPrio c_mcpDefault;
- FedMessaging(IFedMessagingSite * pfmSite);
- ~FedMessaging();
- HRESULT Connect(const char * szAddress);
- HRESULT HostSession(GUID guidApplication, bool fKeepAlive, HANDLE hEventServer, bool fProtocol
- , bool fMonolithic = true
- #endif
- );
- HRESULT JoinSession(GUID guidApplication, const char * szServer, const char * szName);
- HRESULT JoinSessionInstance(GUID guidInstance, const char * szName);
- GUID GetHostApplicationGuid()
- {
- return m_guidApplication;
- }
- GUID GetSessionGuid()
- {
- assert(m_pDirectPlay);
- return m_guidInstance;
- }
- int SendMessages(CFMRecipient * precip, FMGuaranteed fmg, FMFlush fmf);
- void ForwardMessage(CFMRecipient * precip, const FEDMESSAGE* pfm, FMGuaranteed fmg)
- {
- GenericSend(precip, pfm, pfm->cbmsg, fmg);
- }
- HRESULT GenericSend(CFMRecipient * precip, const void * pv, CB cb, FMGuaranteed fmg);
- void Shutdown();
- inline bool IsConnected()
- {
- return m_fConnected;
- }
- bool CheckVersion();
- void * PFedMsgCreate(bool fQueueMsg, BYTE * pbFMBuff, FEDMSGID fmid, CB cbfm, ...);
- /* The variable parameters are pairings of pointers to the variable length
- members, and their lengths (type MUST be CB), followed by FM_END to
- terminate the variable length parameter list. Pointers/lengths must
- be provided for every variable length member of the message. Pointers
- can be null if that member is not used (in which case the length is
- ignored, but must still be supplied. It is an error to provide a valid
- pointer with a length of zero. The value CB_ZTS may be used for null-
- terminated strings, instead of predetermining their length. After
- creating a message, you then fill in the fixed length stuff yourself.
- The variable length stuff is copied, so you don't have to keep it around.
- ***NEVER*** call this function directly. Use the BEGINPFMCREATE,
- You can always cast PFedMsgCreate() to a FEDMESSAGE*, but I don't return
- FEDMESSAGE*, so that you can assign the return value to any message
- without requiring additional casting
- Since the only reason to create a message is to send it, messages
- automagically get recycled after sending them. Hence it is a bug to try
- to reference a message once it's been sent. Likewise, there is no need
- (or way) to free a message created with this function.
- */
- HRESULT ReceiveMessages();
- BYTE * BuffOut()
- {
- return m_fSecondaryOut ? m_rgbbuffSecondaryOutPacket : m_rgbbuffOutPacket;
- }
- CB GetBuffOutSize()
- {
- return m_fSecondaryOut ? sizeof(m_rgbbuffSecondaryOutPacket) : sizeof(m_rgbbuffOutPacket)
- #ifndef NO_MSG_CRC
- - sizeof(int) // crc
- #endif
- ;
- }
- BYTE * BuffIn()
- {
- return m_rgbbuffInPacket;
- }
- DWORD PacketSize()
- {
- return m_dwcbPacket
- #ifndef NO_MSG_CRC
- - sizeof(int) // crc
- #endif
- ;
- }
- void PurgeOutBox()
- {
- m_pbFMNext = BuffOut();
- m_precipDefault = NULL;
- }
- CB CbFreeSpaceInOutbox()
- {
- return GetBuffOutSize() - CbUsedSpaceInOutbox();
- }
- CB CbUsedSpaceInOutbox()
- {
- return m_pbFMNext - ((BYTE*) BuffOut());
- }
- void QueueExistingMsg(const FEDMESSAGE * pfm);
- void SetPriority(USHORT priority) {m_priority = priority;}
- USHORT GetPriority()
- {
- return m_priority;
- }
- static USHORT GetGuaranteedBias()
- {
- return 1000;
- }
- Time CheckOdometer(float& flDTime, int& cMsgsOdometer, int& cBytesOdometer);
- void SetDefaultRecipient(CFMRecipient * precip, FMGuaranteed fmg);
- CFMRecipient * GetDefaultRecipient(FMGuaranteed * pfmg);
- int GetConnectionCount()
- {
- return m_listCnxns.GetCount();
- }
- ListConnections * GetConnections()
- {
- return &m_listCnxns;
- }
- CFMConnection * GetConnectionFromId(DWORD id)
- {
- return GetConnectionFromDpid((DPID) id);
- }
- CFMConnection * GetServerConnection()
- {
- return m_pcnxnServer;
- }
- CFMGroup * CreateGroup(const char * szName)
- {
- static CTempTimer tt("in CreateGroup", .01f);
- tt.Start();
- CFMGroup * pgrp = new CFMGroup(this, szName);
- tt.Stop();
- m_listGroups.PushFront(pgrp);
- return pgrp;
- }
- void DeleteConnection(CFMConnection & cnxn)
- {
- static CTempTimer tt("in DeleteConnection", .01f);
- tt.Start();
- m_pfmSite->OnDestroyConnection(this, cnxn);
- tt.Stop();
- m_listCnxns.Remove(&cnxn);
- cnxn.Delete(this);
- }
- void DeleteGroup(CFMGroup * pgrp)
- {
- if (pgrp)
- {
- m_listGroups.Remove(pgrp);
- static CTempTimer tt("in DeleteGroup", .01f);
- tt.Start();
- pgrp->Delete(this);
- tt.Stop();
- }
- }
- void AddConnectionToGroup(CFMGroup * pgrp, CFMConnection * pcnxn)
- {
- assert(pgrp && pcnxn);
- static CTempTimer tt("in AddConnectionToGroup", .01f);
- tt.Start();
- pgrp->AddConnection(this, pcnxn);
- tt.Stop();
- }
- void DeleteConnectionFromGroup(CFMGroup * pgrp, CFMConnection * pcnxn)
- {
- assert(pgrp && pcnxn);
- static CTempTimer tt("in DeleteConnectionFromGroup", .01f);
- tt.Start();
- pgrp->DeleteConnection(this, pcnxn);
- tt.Stop();
- }
- HRESULT GetIPAddress(CFMConnection & cnxn, char szRemoteAddress[16]);
- HRESULT GetSendQueue(DWORD * pcMsgs, DWORD * pcBytes)
- {
- return GetDPlay()->GetMessageQueue(0, 0, DPMESSAGEQUEUE_SEND, pcMsgs, pcBytes);
- }
- HRESULT GetReceiveQueue(DWORD * pcMsgs, DWORD * pcBytes)
- {
- return GetDPlay()->GetMessageQueue(0, 0, DPMESSAGEQUEUE_RECEIVE, pcMsgs, pcBytes);
- }
- HRESULT GetConnectionSendQueue(CFMConnection * pcnxn, DWORD * pcMsgs, DWORD * pcBytes)
- {
- return GetDPlay()->GetMessageQueue(0, pcnxn->GetDPID(), DPMESSAGEQUEUE_SEND, pcMsgs, pcBytes);
- }
- CFMGroup * Everyone()
- {
- return m_pgrpEveryone;
- }
- IDirectPlayX * GetDPlay() // only messaging stuff should need this
- {
- return m_pDirectPlay;
- }
- void UseMainOutBox(bool fMain) // set false for one or more messages that don't go to the same recipient as main stream
- {
- if (fMain == m_fSecondaryOut)
- {
- BYTE * pbT = m_pbFMNextT;
- m_pbFMNextT = m_pbFMNext; // save this for when we switch back
- m_pbFMNext = pbT;
- m_fSecondaryOut = !fMain;
- }
- }
- DWORD GetCountConnections()
- {
- DWORD dwSize = 0;
- HRESULT hr = m_pDirectPlay->GetSessionDesc(psd, &dwSize);
- assert (DPERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL == hr);
- psd = (DPSESSIONDESC2 *) new char[dwSize];
- ZSucceeded(m_pDirectPlay->GetSessionDesc(psd, &dwSize));
- DWORD dwConnections = psd->dwCurrentPlayers - 1; // let's not count the server
- delete [] psd;
- return dwConnections;
- }
- Time GetLastMsgTime()
- {
- return m_timeMsgLast;
- }
- HRESULT GetLinkDetails(CFMConnection * pcnxn, OUT DWORD * pdwHundredbpsG, OUT DWORD * pdwmsLatencyG,
- OUT DWORD * pdwHundredbpsU, OUT DWORD * pdwmsLatencyU)
- {
- DPCAPS caps;
- if (!pcnxn || !GetDPlay()) // throw error?
- return E_FAIL;
- caps.dwSize = sizeof(caps);
- hr = GetDPlay()->GetPlayerCaps(pcnxn->GetDPID(), &caps, DPGETCAPS_GUARANTEED);
- if FAILED(hr)
- goto Exit;
- if (pdwHundredbpsG)
- *pdwHundredbpsG = caps.dwHundredBaud;
- if (pdwmsLatencyG)
- *pdwmsLatencyG = caps.dwLatency;
- hr = GetDPlay()->GetPlayerCaps(pcnxn->GetDPID(), &caps, 0);
- if FAILED(hr)
- goto Exit;
- if (pdwHundredbpsU)
- *pdwHundredbpsU = caps.dwHundredBaud;
- if (pdwmsLatencyU)
- *pdwmsLatencyU = caps.dwLatency;
- Exit:
- return hr;
- }
- HRESULT EnumSessions(GUID guidApplication, const char * szServer); // blank for broadcast
- void SetSessionDetails(char * szDetails) // tokenized name/value pairs: Name\tValue\nName\tValue...
- {
- char rgchBuff[10<<10];
- DWORD dw = sizeof(rgchBuff);
- assert(m_pDirectPlay);
- ZSucceeded(m_pDirectPlay->GetSessionDesc(pdpSession, &dw));
- pdpSession->lpszSessionNameA = szDetails;
- m_pDirectPlay->SetSessionDesc(pdpSession, 0);
- }
- void ResetOutBuffer()
- {
- m_pbFMNextT = m_rgbbuffSecondaryOutPacket; // save this for when we switch back
- m_pbFMNext = m_rgbbuffOutPacket;
- m_fSecondaryOut = false;
- }
- private:
- Time m_timeMsgLast;
- CFMConnection* GetConnectionFromDpid(DPID dpid);
- CFMGroup * GetGroupFromDpid(DPID dpid);
- CFMConnection * CreateConnection(const char * szName, DPID dpid); // after the physical connection has already been established
- FEDMESSAGE * PfmGetNext(FEDMESSAGE * pfm); // Use to run through all messages in a received packet
- // returns NULL if no more messages in packet
- IDirectPlayLobbyX * GetDPlayLobby()
- {
- return m_pDirectPlayLobby;
- }
- int SendToDefault(FMFlush fmf);
- HRESULT InitDPlay(
- bool fMonolithic
- #endif
- );
- bool KillSvr();
- HRESULT ConnectToDPAddress(LPVOID pAddress);
- HRESULT OnSysMessage(FedMessaging * pthis, LPDPMSG_GENERIC pMsg);
- HRESULT EnumSessionsInternal(GUID guidApplication, const char * szServer);
- friend BOOL FAR PASCAL EnumSessionsCallback(LPCDPSESSIONDESC2 lpThisSD,
- LPDWORD lpdwTimeOut,
- DWORD dwFlags,
- LPVOID lpContext);
- BYTE m_rgbbuffInPacket[c_cbBuff];
- BYTE m_rgbbuffOutPacket[c_cbBuff];
- BYTE m_rgbbuffSecondaryOutPacket[1<<10];
- BYTE m_rgbbuffAlloc[2<<10]; // 2K this is a temp buffer for alloc'd messages
- BYTE * m_pbFMNext; // where next message gets queued in the CURRENT outbox
- BYTE * m_pbFMNextT; // where next message IN THE OTHER OUTBOX gets queued
- DWORD m_dwcbPacket; // size of packet read, not CB because used with DPlay
- USHORT m_priority;
- Time m_timeOdometerStart;
- int m_cMsgsOdometer;
- int m_cBytesOdometer;
- CFMRecipient * m_precipDefault; // default recipient, if buffer overflows, or DPID_UNKNOWN is specified in SendMessages
- FMGuaranteed m_fmGuaranteedDefault;
- bool m_fConnected : 1;
- bool m_fSecondaryOut : 1;
- bool m_fSessionCallback : 1;
- CFMConnection * m_pcnxnMe; // this connection is NOT in the list m_listCnxns, and no site events fire on it.
- CFMConnection * m_pcnxnServer; // same as above, used only by GetServerConnection
- CFMGroup * m_pgrpEveryone;
- GUID m_guidInstance;
- GUID m_guidApplication; // guid given to HostSession()
- IDirectPlayX * m_pDirectPlay;
- IDirectPlayLobbyX * m_pDirectPlayLobby;
- IFedMessagingSite * m_pfmSite;
- // these lists are somewhat redundant, since dplay manages them also, but it's nice to have our own list (maybe)
- ListConnections m_listCnxns;
- ListGroups m_listGroups;
- int m_cbConnection; // sizeof each connection
- };
- #define CB_ZTS 0xffff // indicates zero terminated string ONLY when creating
- // messages via PFedMsgCreate. CBs always hold true value for all var fields
- #define FM_END_VAR_PARMS (BYTE*) 0xffffffff // Always last argument passed to PFedMsgCreate.
- /* *************** MESSAGE CREATION MACROS ***************
- Use these to actually create messages
- */
- // Use this for messages with a fixed size that will be sent
- static FMD_##TYPE##_##SHORTNAME FM_VAR; \
- FM_VAR.fmid = FM_##TYPE##_##SHORTNAME; \
- FM_VAR.cbmsg = sizeof(FMD_##TYPE##_##SHORTNAME);
- // main macro use to create a message and queue it.
- (OBJ).PFedMsgCreate(true, NULL, FM_##TYPE##_##SHORTNAME, sizeof(FMD_##TYPE##_##SHORTNAME),
- // Use these to create message without queing them to be sent, and to delete the message
- // The OBJ for doesn't reference any class data, so you can use any handy obj
- (OBJ).PFedMsgCreate(false, NULL, FM_##TYPE##_##SHORTNAME, sizeof(FMD_##TYPE##_##SHORTNAME),
- #define PFM_DEALLOC(PFM) (GlobalFreePtr(PFM))
- // Use this to create message into prealloc'd memory without queing it to be sent
- (OBJ).PFedMsgCreate(false, (BYTE*)(PBFM), FM_##TYPE##_##SHORTNAME, sizeof(FMD_##TYPE##_##SHORTNAME),
- // Use this to make sure they're always given in pairs and typed correctly
- // Only use these macros to define new messages
- // TYPE is one of C (only client sends this message), S (only server creates),
- // or CS (both client and server send it--usually originated by client, rebroadcast by server)
- // NUMBER is unique message number. Just use the next available number
- static AddMsg AM_##TYPE##_##SHORTNAME(NUMBER, "FM_" #TYPE "_" #SHORTNAME); \
- struct FMD_##TYPE##_##SHORTNAME : public FEDMESSAGE \
- {
- #define END_FEDMSG };
- // Only use this to create variable length fields. NO fixed-size members can precede this
- #define FM_VAR_ITEM(NAME) IB ib##NAME; CB cb##NAME
- // Use this to actually reference existing var-length props
- #define FM_VAR_REF(PFM, NAME) ((PFM)->cb##NAME ? (char*)(PFM) + (PFM)->ib##NAME : NULL)
- /* For each message structure, the variable length items MUST go first, then the
- fixed length items
- We also need to keep track of the most number of variable length parameters
- that any message has (MAXVARPARMS), because it makes creating messages much easier
- */
- #define MAXVARPARMS 10
- /* Pointers to messages (pfm's) can be saved only for subsequent messages within the same packet
- The following macro can be used for asserts where you want to ensure that a previous message
- pointer is still valid
- */
- (!IsBadReadPtr(PFM, sizeof(FEDMESSAGE)) && \
- FM_##TYPE##_##SHORTNAME == ((FEDMESSAGE *)(PFM))->fmid && \
- !IsBadReadPtr(PFM, ((FEDMESSAGE *)(PFM))->cbmsg))
- extern char * g_rgszMsgNames[];
- #define MAXMESSAGES 400
- #define ALLOC_MSG_LIST char * g_rgszMsgNames[MAXMESSAGES + 1]
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * AddMsg
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Purpose:
- * Automatically build array of message names
- *
- * Notes:
- * Called during global variable initialization, so no call stack
- */
- class AddMsg
- {
- public:
- AddMsg(FEDMSGID fmid, char * szMsgName)
- {
- assert (fmid <= MAXMESSAGES);
- g_rgszMsgNames[fmid] = szMsgName;
- }
- };
- #endif