structs.i 1.4 KB

  1. ********************************************************************************
  2. * oo oo *
  3. * \( )/ Bullfrog Demo \( )/ *
  4. * ^ ^^ ^ Structures ^ ^^ ^ *
  5. ********************************************************************************
  7. OBJ_ON equ 0 ;does the object exist
  8. OBJ_STATUS equ 0 ;what state is it in
  9. OBJ_TO_DRAW equ 2 ;Where to get all the x y and frame in one move
  10. OBJ_X equ 2 ;where on the screen is it
  11. OBJ_Y equ 4 ;y version of above
  12. OBJ_FRAME equ 6 ;what is the frame being displayed
  13. OBJ_SIZE equ 8 ;how big is each object.
  14. ********************************************************************************
  15. *Bad Guys
  16. BAD_ON equ 0 ;does the bad guy exist
  17. BAD_STATE equ 0 ;and if so what type of guy is he
  18. BAD_TO_DRAW equ 2 ;get x,y and frame is one easy go
  19. BAD_XY equ 2 ;so we can get x and y together
  20. BAD_X equ 2 ;bad guys x position
  21. BAD_Y equ 4 ;bad guys y position
  22. BAD_FRAME equ 6 ;current animation frame
  23. BAD_DELAY equ 8 ;delay between changes in animation
  24. BAD_SIZE equ 10 ;how much memory each bad guy takes
  25. ********************************************************************************
  26. *Scores
  27. TEXT_SCORE equ 0
  28. TEXT equ 2
  29. TEXT_SIZE equ 16
  30. ********************************************************************************