instr 1.5 KB

  1. ABII
  2. ----
  3. Written By Glen Cumming
  4. GFX By Myles Jeffery
  5. General
  6. -------
  7. Alien Bash II will work on a A500, A600, A1200 onwards. A500, 600
  8. owners lose out on some sound effects and the visual effects will
  9. be less impressive (e.g tunnel on instructions, rain/snow etc).
  10. However the general speed of the game is largely unaffected as I
  11. have tried to balence it all - there is nothing I hate more than
  12. playing a game on the 1200 and then trying it on my 500 and finding
  13. that it runs twice as slowly!!!
  14. Installing the Game on Hard Disk
  15. --------------------------------
  16. This is simple - just copy all the files from the disk into a directory.
  17. Non Workbench 2.0 owners will have to move into the directory before
  18. running the game, whereas others can simply click the icon.
  19. Additional Instructions
  20. -----------------------
  22. I stress this 'cos everyone complains about the default one without
  23. realising that they can change it mid-game - please read the
  24. instructions in the game as it gives all the keyboard and joystick
  25. functions.
  26. Note: You can quit the game by pressing 'ESC' on the title screen, and
  27. I have added a keyboard reading facility to the high score table.
  28. Dont Blame Us
  29. -------------
  30. We are sorry for the lack of variety in the levels - we have tried
  31. out best to make them varied - but this game turned out a little too
  32. big for us - the maps are horribly complicated to create - the maptool
  33. took me 3 months to write!!!