map-editor 4.7 KB

  2. ------------------------------
  3. The editor has 3 separate sections :-
  4. a) Graphics
  5. This section allow the user to load in dpaint images to be used
  6. as pages to create the map from (max currently of 4 pages at a time).
  7. Page sizes are dependant on the mode of the editor (lo or hi-res).
  8. Lo-res mode used 320x256 pages, whereas hi-res mode uses 640x256.
  9. Various operations can be performed on blocks such as rotations
  10. combinations etc etc. Operations can be performed between
  11. different pages, i.e a block can be moved from page 4 to page 1.
  12. The pages can also be saved back again (note - in uncompressed
  13. format).
  14. b) Edit Map
  15. Where the user can create maps from the pages loaded.
  16. The editor allows 2 maps to be loaded to allow copying of chunks
  17. from one to the other, lots of other operations are also
  18. available such as copy, paste, and fills.
  19. 8 buffers are available for copying much used data.
  20. c) Edit Data
  21. This was primarily for ABII, each map has a similarily sized
  22. byte map which contains alien numbers - these are then created
  23. and added to the game as the screen scrolls.
  24. This data is currently automatically saved with the map data.
  25. d) Map SetUp
  26. This allows the user to define the size of the map, the number
  27. of planes the map is to use and the size of the map data (byte
  28. or word).
  29. ** The user can re-size maps without destroying the data.
  30. The map editor supports project files, anything that has been
  31. loaded in the graphics section, map secion etc will be re-loaded,
  32. so basically load in all the stuff you want and then at the
  33. main menu screen click on SAVE PROJ -once saved, LOAD PROJ will
  34. load it back in as saved.
  35. NOTE - quit the map editor to ensure all data is saved away
  36. properly.
  37. The most important part of the map editor is its features, many
  38. of them are not obvious and are not documented.
  39. These are as follows:
  40. When in modes 'a'-'c', the 'f' key flips between full/screen and
  41. button mode + '1','2' and '3' keys move straight into the 3
  42. modes.
  43. When in map edit mode :
  44. Left mouse button - place current block
  45. Right mouse button - delete using currently selected
  46. delete block
  47. Click on gridded blocks to choose current block - cursor
  48. keys move selected block.
  49. Map can be scrolled using joystick or by clicking on arrow
  50. buttons (joystick is better as you can edit with the mouse
  51. as the same time).
  52. Note - the joystick fire button toggles between workbench
  53. and the map editor - this was a nasty frig however!!!!!
  54. Note - a few of the following can also be selected by clicking on
  55. buttons and not all of the buttons have a keyboard equivalent.
  56. 'j' - Flip between maps - 2 maps can be loaded
  57. at once (different sizes is ok) - User can
  58. then cut and paste between them
  59. 'F1'-'F8' - Select current buffer
  60. - 'PICK BUFF' button allow user to save buffers and to
  61. name each one
  62. ',' - Scroll block pages down
  63. '.' - Scroll block pages up
  64. 'p' - Make currently selected block delete block
  65. ' '(space)- Selects block under cursor (on map) as
  66. current block to draw with
  67. '-' - Decrease mouse sensativity
  68. '=' - Increase mouse sensativity
  69. SHIFT+'c' - Select copy block mode
  70. SHIFT+'p' - Select paste block mode
  71. SHIFT+'x' - Select cut block mode
  72. - Note when pasting if user holds left mouse down
  73. an outline of the block will be displayed and can
  74. be moved around before releasing and dropping the block
  75. down
  76. SHIFT+'f' - Select FILL mode - fills with currently
  77. selected block
  78. 'g' - Toggle block grid mode on/off
  79. 'u' - Undo last edit, note if an edit is unchangeable
  80. (such as inserting a column) then the undo button
  81. will dissapear
  82. 'z'/'a' - Move current block page up/down line
  83. 's' - Show whole map - displays a small version
  84. of map - use can move to a location on the
  85. zoomed-out map by first clicking on the
  86. scaled map and then moving a representation
  87. of the screen around. Clicking the mouse
  88. will then move to the location currently
  89. highlighted.
  91. The following details are saved in project files:
  92. All graphic pages in use
  93. Current map + position
  94. Spare map + position
  95. All map buffers
  96. Current mouse sensativity
  97. Current Delete Block (picked by 'p')
  98. Block Data file (for ABII)
  99. BUGS:
  100. There may possibly be bugs in this version as it has never been extensively
  101. tested. However the only major addition in this version is the project
  102. files option, so any debugging should be targeted at that code.