AlienBash_src.readme 4.0 KB

  1. Short: Assembly sourcecodes for "Alien Bash II"
  2. Author: Glenn Cumming
  3. Uploader: aminet aminet net
  4. Type: game/shoot
  5. Architecture: generic
  6. These are the assembly sources (and graphics, sounds, level data etc.) for the
  7. "Chaos Engine" clone Alien Bash II:
  9. The data was found by "Higgy" on an old nearly dead Amiga harddrive he
  10. he got his hands on in January 2014. When he googled the name "Glen Cumming",
  11. he stumbled across a thread on an Amiga forum, where Amiga user Prowler was
  12. undertaking heroic efforts to rescue the Alien Bash II sources from a stack of
  13. 190 partially corrupted or dead floppy disks:
  15. Together, Higgy and Prowler managed to backup the five partitions to the PC
  16. and make sure all the files are intact.
  17. This archives contains the contents of the "Code" and "Scratch" partitions.
  18. The other partitions ("Workbench", "Tools", "Games") were left out, because
  19. they contained copyrighted works from other sources (a complete Workbench
  20. distribution, compilers and linkers, DPaint, Audiomaster...).
  21. Note that this archive contains complete and unchecked backups of the two
  22. partitions mentioned above, there is at least one unreleased game demo
  23. (Scratch/exe/squizdemo) in there, including full source code (Code/platform/).
  24. This should be split down into different archives, but this mess needs to be
  25. tackled by somebody with assembly skills who can verify if anything is missing.
  26. This code is available under the following license, as stated by Mr. Glen
  27. Cumming in the above thread:
  28. "I am happy for every scrap of code on my disks to be made available to
  29. whoever wants it - I only ask that the really embarassing stuff is erased
  30. (lots) and any potentially libelous messages (or swears) in any of the
  31. code/scrolling messages are removed."
  32. The following notes are from Glen Cummings, after he reviewed the contents of
  33. this archive:
  34. =========
  35. ggcumming
  36. =========
  37. Hi all,
  38. First thanks to Prowler for sorting all this out - a very dedicated Amiga
  39. enthusiast indeed!
  40. Just some quick notes from what I can remember after looking at the code.
  41. 1) I started mucking around with linking before I finished - the code that
  42. gets linked can be brought back into the main assemble but for now to build
  43. the code you need to :
  44. i) Assemble main.s as a linkable file
  45. ii) Asemble the four files in glens_code/link_code seperately (as linkable)
  46. iii) You will then have five files which can be linked - see the scratch:link
  47. directory - that's where the bits went and there is a link.bat file to create
  48. the final executable - that can be run as is (picks ups data from
  49. scratch:game_files)
  50. 2) The maps are all in scratch:ABII_MAPS - you can load the prj/level1.prj
  51. into the map editor which loads level1 and the graphics block pages. There is
  52. some documentation on the map editor in the code:newmaptool/docs directory -
  53. note the overview function is useful as it shows the entire map - a point on
  54. the overview can then be clicked to centre there - once the functions are
  55. understood maps can be chucked together really quickly
  56. An alienbashII map is two parts - a 16-bit word map for the blocks and an
  57. additional 8-bit map (of the same size) for aliens - these are editable in the
  58. tool - the aliens appear as numbers over the map.
  59. The only bit missing at the moment is the special versions of the block pages
  60. which indicate specific blocks for walking over which trigger scripts in the
  61. code - however the code could be examined and the numbers added back in.
  62. So the code assembles (note need 2mb extra ram for stock 1200), the maps are
  63. editable - final bit is compressing (not looked at that yet but code is on
  64. there) and modifying the in-game data to support the map - and trying to make
  65. the game more interesting to play!
  66. Happy hacking
  67. ps. play squizdemo - much more fun (quite hard with keyboard - need to get
  68. speed up before jumping over things, pull down for crushing enemies and second
  69. fire button will throw balls when picked up)