1. Documentation for PC Install Program
  2. Copyright (c) 1994,95 Gremlin Interactive Limited
  3. Version 1.16
  4. 6 March 1995
  5. This archive should contain the following files
  6. INSTALL.EXE The Install Program
  7. INSTALL.INI Sample Install Script
  8. MANUAL.TXT The manual
  9. READ.ME Sample Read Me File (this file)
  10. HMIDET.DRV Sound Card Detection Drivers
  11. HMIDRV.DRV Digital Sound Drivers
  12. HMIMDRV.DRV MIDI Sound Drivers
  13. LOADPATS.EXE Gravis Ultrasound Patch Loader
  14. INSTGRAV.INI Gravis Ultrasound Patch Load Script
  15. For full instructions on the PC Install see MANUAL.TXT