1. #ifndef BYTE
  2. typedef unsigned char BYTE;
  3. #endif
  4. #define EURO_friendly 0
  5. #define EURO_championship 1
  6. #define EURO_network_game 2
  7. #define EURO_serial_game 3
  8. #define EURO_modem_game 4
  9. #define EURO_demomode 5
  10. #define EURO_simulation 6
  11. #define EURO_practice 7
  12. #define EURO_wireplay 8
  13. // [ Country Data ]
  14. #define Bulgaria 0
  15. #define Croatia 1
  16. #define Czech 2
  17. #define Denmark 3
  18. #define England 4
  19. #define France 5
  20. #define Germany 6
  21. #define Holland 7
  22. #define Italy 8
  23. #define Portugal 9
  24. #define Romania 10
  25. #define Russia 11
  26. #define Scotland 12
  27. #define Spain 13
  28. #define Switzerland 14
  29. #define Turkey 15
  30. // [ Venue Offsets ]
  31. #define London 0
  32. #define Birmingham 1
  33. #define Leeds 2
  34. #define Newcastle 3
  35. #define Manchester 4
  36. #define Liverpool 5
  37. #define Sheffield 6
  38. #define Nottingham 7
  39. // [ Player name Data ]
  40. #define INITIAL_SURNAME 0
  41. #define SURNAME 1
  42. #define FULL_NAME 2
  43. // Pseudo buffer info type
  44. typedef struct
  45. {
  46. BYTE *pseudo_start;
  47. long pseudo_width;
  48. long pseudo_height;
  49. long window_width;
  50. long window_height;
  51. }
  52. pseudo_info;
  53. // Texture page info type
  54. typedef struct
  55. {
  56. BYTE *page_start;
  57. unsigned int page_width;
  58. unsigned int page_height;
  59. }
  60. texture_info;
  61. // DAT offset file format type
  62. typedef struct {
  63. unsigned long offset;
  64. unsigned long size;
  65. }
  66. offset_defn;
  67. // Bounding Box info type
  68. typedef struct {
  69. signed short BoundingBoxLeft;
  70. signed short BoundingBoxTop;
  71. signed short BoundingBoxRight;
  72. signed short BoundingBoxBottom;
  73. }
  74. box_info;
  75. #define MAX_ANIMATIONS 8
  76. #define CONT_ANIM 2
  77. #define RUN_ONCE 0
  78. // Animating sprites info type
  79. typedef struct {
  80. float StartFrame;
  81. float EndFrame;
  82. float Counter;
  83. float AnimationSpeed;
  84. signed char Bounding_box;
  85. unsigned char Flags;
  86. int xposn, yposn;
  87. }
  88. animation_info;
  89. #define MAX_DUMPS 128
  90. // Screen Dump info type
  91. typedef struct {
  92. char DumpFlag;
  93. short DumpXpos;
  94. short DumpYpos;
  95. short DumpWidth;
  96. short DumpHeight;
  97. }dump_info;
  98. // String and coordinates for headings on tables.
  99. typedef struct {
  100. int xposn;
  101. int yposn;
  102. short string;
  103. }header_info;
  104. // Coordinates for team names within group tables.
  105. typedef struct {
  106. int xposn;
  107. int yposn;
  108. }Coord_info;
  109. // Coordinates and image data for country select images.
  110. typedef struct {
  111. int image_no;
  112. int xposn;
  113. int yposn;
  114. }TeamSel_Info;
  115. // League table information.
  116. typedef struct {
  117. char played;
  118. char won;
  119. char drew;
  120. char lost;
  121. short goalsFor;
  122. short goalsAgainst;
  123. signed short goalDiff;
  124. char points;
  125. }League_info;
  126. // Euro Champioship fixture info.
  127. typedef struct {
  128. char HomeTeam;
  129. char AwayTeam;
  130. int fixXposn;
  131. int fixYposn;
  132. }fixture_info;
  133. // Euro Champioship scores info.
  134. typedef struct {
  135. short HomeScore;
  136. short AwayScore;
  137. char AfterExtra;
  138. char AfterPens;
  139. char HomePens;
  140. char AwayPens;
  141. char WinningTeam;
  142. char Message;
  143. }results_info;
  144. #define AUTOPLAYER -1
  145. #define PLYR_NOT_CHOSEN 12
  146. // User info.
  147. typedef struct {
  148. char team;
  149. signed char player;
  150. char control;
  151. char TeamHAflag;
  152. }user_info;
  153. // User championship info.
  154. typedef struct {
  155. char NoOfUsers;
  156. }euro_info;
  157. typedef struct {
  158. short scored;
  159. short conceeded;
  160. }result_data;
  161. // Past History info.
  162. typedef struct {
  163. result_data history[10];
  164. }history_info;
  165. // Slider bar info type
  166. typedef struct
  167. {
  168. short windowposn; // internal ypos value.
  169. short minx; // top left of inner section of bar.
  170. short miny; // top left of inner section of bar.
  171. short maxx; // bottom right of inner section of bar.
  172. short maxy; // bottom right of inner section of bar.
  173. short elements; // number of elements in list.
  174. short page_elements; // number of elements displayed on screen.
  175. }
  176. slider_info;
  177. // Slider bar info type
  178. typedef struct
  179. {
  180. char team;
  181. short xposn;
  182. short yposn;
  183. }
  184. qualify_info;