1. /* Header File for PEPSI Digital Audio */
  2. #if !defined(__DIGI_H)
  3. #define __DIGI_H
  4. #include <stdio.h>
  5. #include "sos.h"
  6. #define HSF_MONO 0
  8. #define HSF_8BIT _TRANSLATE8TO16
  9. #define HSF_16BIT _TRANSLATE16TO8
  10. #define DIGI_PATH "DIGI\\"
  11. #define GDV_FPS 12 // Digital Video Frames/Second
  12. #define IDF_VERBOSE 0x1
  13. extern short int InitialiseDIGI(int freq,int flags);
  14. extern short int UnInitialiseDIGI(void);
  15. extern long int StartSample(void *mem,long int length,short int amp=0x7fff,short int pan=0x8000,long int freq=0x10000);
  16. extern void StopSample(long int handle);
  17. extern short int CheckSample(long int handle);
  18. extern unsigned long int GetSamplePosition(long int handle);
  19. extern void InitHardDiskSample(FILE *fp,long int offset,long int length,long int rate,long int volume,int flags,void(callback)(void)=NULL);
  20. extern long int ContinueHardDiskSample();
  21. extern void SetDIGIVolume(short int Master,short int HardDisk);
  22. #define StopHardDiskSample() StopSample(HardDiskHandle)
  23. #define CheckHardDiskSample() CheckSample(HardDiskHandle)
  24. #define GetHardDiskSamplePosition() GetSamplePosition(HardDiskHandle)
  25. void far cdecl HardDiskSampleCallBack(WORD wDriverHandle,WORD wAction,WORD wSampleHandle);
  26. extern _SOS_START_SAMPLE HardDiskSampleData;
  27. extern WORD DIGIDriverHandle; // Handle of driver for playing samples
  28. extern WORD DIGITimerHandle; // Handle of timer
  29. extern long int HardDiskHandle; // Store for Hard Disk Sample handle
  30. extern _SOS_CAPABILITIES DIGICapabilities; // Capabilites of Sound Board;
  31. #endif /* __DIGI_H */