1. #ifndef _CALLDEF_H_INCLUDED
  2. /*
  6. º Filename CALLDEF.H º
  8. º Creation 2/12/1994 º
  10. º º
  11. º Updated: Thu 31/8/1995 17:09 º
  12. º º
  13. º Version: 1.090 º
  14. º º
  16. this is a file used by normality
  17. to access calls in 'rothlink.asm'
  18. the are "C" patches to my code plus extas
  19. functions.. if i need these functions
  20. they will be moved to rothcall.h
  21. */
  22. #ifdef __cplusplus
  23. extern "C" {
  24. #endif
  25. #ifndef ROTHLINK_H_INCLUDE
  26. #include "rothlink.h"
  27. #endif
  28. #ifndef ROTHCALL_H_INCLUDE
  29. #include "rothcall.h"
  30. #endif
  31. #ifndef _MEMSTRUC_H_INCLUDE
  32. #include "memstruc.h"
  33. #endif
  34. // protocals for rothrend.lib
  35. long int InitialiseRoth (void);
  36. void FreeRoth (void);
  37. long int AddRothObject (_VIEW_Position *pos, char *DasName, char *AxxName);
  38. void RemoveRothObject(void);
  39. void CleanUpRoth (void);
  40. char * GetRothErrorString (long int);
  41. void SetMovement (_MovementCTRL *);
  42. void GetXYZR (_VIEW_Position *);
  43. void SetXYZR (_VIEW_Position *);
  44. void SetR (_VIEW_Position *);
  45. void SetWalkHight ( long int);
  46. long int DefineTilt ( long int);
  47. void SetScreen (long int, long int);
  48. void DefineScreen (long int, long int, long int, long int);
  49. void DefineLens (_LENS_Position *);
  50. void Add60HtzClock ( void () );
  51. void Remove60HtzClock(void);
  52. void DOT_RequestWalkAbout( long int, long int);
  53. void RequestWalkAbout( signed long int, signed long int, long int);
  54. long int AreWeThereYet (void);
  55. long int UpdateMovment (void);
  56. void StopWalking (void);
  57. long int WorkOnMovments (void);
  58. long int DOT_Info (long int, _DOT_Info * , long *);
  59. void DOT_MoveTo (long int);
  60. long int DOT_NameMyDOT (void);
  61. long int DOT_Address (long int);
  62. long int DOT_Locate (long int);
  63. long int Render (void);
  64. void CopyBuffer (void);
  65. void RenderPart2 (void);
  66. void CopyBufferPart2(void);
  67. void SwitchPage (long int);
  68. void WaitAtMost (long int);
  69. void Display (void);
  70. long int NameThatSegment(void);
  71. long int FreeASprite (void);
  72. void LookXY (long int, long int, _LookSee *);
  73. void DrawSprite ( long int,long int, _DrawObject *);
  74. void DrawSprite_Part2( long int,long int, _DrawObject *);
  75. void HideObject ( short int);
  76. void ShowObject ( short int);
  77. char ChangeObject ( short int,char);
  78. short int LocateObject ( char );
  79. short int LocateObjectI ( char );
  80. short int LocateWall ( short int);
  81. short int ConvertFaceWall ( short int);
  82. char ChangeWallTop ( short int, char );
  83. char ChangeWallMid ( short int, char );
  84. char ChangeWallBot ( short int, char );
  85. void ChangeGamma ( short int);
  86. signed long int TiltView ( signed long int);
  87. void MySnapShot ( void);
  88. void MySaveBody ( void);
  89. void MyCloseSnap ( void);
  90. void SwitchRes (void);
  91. unsigned long int ChangeFaceFlags ( long int ID, int on_flags, int off_flags);
  92. unsigned long int DistanceFromWall ( unsigned int WallOffset, unsigned int Distance);
  93. long int LocateSegment ( long int);
  94. signed long int EditSegment ( long int, signed long int, long int);
  95. void PlayerWalk ( _WALK_List *, void * callback);
  96. long int AddToWalkList( _WALK_List *, signed long int speed, signed long int angle);
  97. _WALL_Block * ConvertWallAddress (unsigned short );
  98. _FACE_Block * ConvertFaceAddress (unsigned short );
  99. _SEG_Block * ConvertSegAddress (unsigned short );
  100. void * GetDAN_GFXStart (_DAN_Image *);
  101. int StopStartDAN (_DAN_Image *);
  102. int NextDAN_File (_DAN_Image *);
  103. void SetImage_Callback(void *);
  104. #ifdef __cplusplus
  105. };
  106. #endif
  107. #define _CALLDEF_H_INCLUDED
  108. #endif