1. /* The Data Compiler */
  2. /* (c)1995 Gremlin Interactive, coded in C by Philip Rankin */
  3. /* DEFINES Generated from the parameter file:EURO.COM */
  4. #define BIN_MAIN 0
  5. #define BIN_TEAMSET 8
  6. #define BIN_GRP_FIX 16
  7. #define BIN_TEAMSEL 24
  8. #define BIN_EURODRAW 32
  9. #define BIN_PLYRSTAT 40
  10. #define BIN_PLYRSET 48
  11. #define BIN_TEAMSTAT 56
  12. #define BIN_VENUEFLY 64
  13. #define BIN_MODEMINI 72
  14. #define BIN_NEXTMTCH 80
  15. #define BIN_QUALIFY 88
  16. #define BIN_QUARTFIN 96
  17. #define BIN_SEMIFINL 104
  18. #define BIN_FINAL 112
  19. #define BIN_MOUSEPAL 120
  20. #define BIN_MAINPAL 128
  21. #define BIN_TSETPAL 136
  22. #define BIN_GFIXPAL 144
  23. #define BIN_TSELPAL 152
  24. #define BIN_DRAWPAL 160
  25. #define BIN_PSTATPAL 168
  26. #define BIN_PSETPAL 176
  27. #define BIN_TSTATPAL 184
  28. #define BIN_VNFLYPAL 192
  29. #define BIN_MDSETPAL 200
  30. #define BIN_NMTCHPAL 208
  31. #define BIN_QUALYPAL 216
  32. #define BIN_QUTFNPAL 224
  33. #define BIN_SEMFPAL 232
  34. #define BIN_FINALPAL 240
  35. #define BIN_BUL_PAL 248
  36. #define BIN_CRO_PAL 256
  37. #define BIN_CZE_PAL 264
  38. #define BIN_DEN_PAL 272
  39. #define BIN_ENG_PAL 280
  40. #define BIN_FRA_PAL 288
  41. #define BIN_GER_PAL 296
  42. #define BIN_HOL_PAL 304
  43. #define BIN_ITA_PAL 312
  44. #define BIN_POR_PAL 320
  45. #define BIN_ROM_PAL 328
  46. #define BIN_RUS_PAL 336
  47. #define BIN_SCO_PAL 344
  48. #define BIN_SPA_PAL 352
  49. #define BIN_SWI_PAL 360
  50. #define BIN_TUR_PAL 368
  51. #define BIN_FBBLUE 376
  52. #define BIN_FDORAN 384
  53. #define BIN_FBGREEN 392
  54. #define BIN_FLBLUE 400
  55. #define BIN_FBORAN 408
  56. #define BIN_FRED 416
  57. #define BIN_CBUL_PAL 424
  58. #define BIN_CCRO_PAL 432
  59. #define BIN_CCZE_PAL 440
  60. #define BIN_CDEN_PAL 448
  61. #define BIN_CENG_PAL 456
  62. #define BIN_CFRA_PAL 464
  63. #define BIN_CGER_PAL 472
  64. #define BIN_CHOL_PAL 480
  65. #define BIN_CITA_PAL 488
  66. #define BIN_CPOR_PAL 496
  67. #define BIN_CROM_PAL 504
  68. #define BIN_CRUS_PAL 512
  69. #define BIN_CSCO_PAL 520
  70. #define BIN_CSPA_PAL 528
  71. #define BIN_CSWI_PAL 536
  72. #define BIN_CTUR_PAL 544
  73. #define BIN_TBUL_PAL 552
  74. #define BIN_TCRO_PAL 560
  75. #define BIN_TCZE_PAL 568
  76. #define BIN_TDEN_PAL 576
  77. #define BIN_TENG_PAL 584
  78. #define BIN_TFRA_PAL 592
  79. #define BIN_TGER_PAL 600
  80. #define BIN_THOL_PAL 608
  81. #define BIN_TITA_PAL 616
  82. #define BIN_TPOR_PAL 624
  83. #define BIN_TROM_PAL 632
  84. #define BIN_TRUS_PAL 640
  85. #define BIN_TSCO_PAL 648
  86. #define BIN_TSPA_PAL 656
  87. #define BIN_TSWI_PAL 664
  88. #define BIN_TTUR_PAL 672
  89. #define BIN_PAGE1 680
  90. #define BIN_PAGE2 688
  91. #define BIN_PAGE3 696
  92. #define BIN_PAGE4 704
  93. #define BIN_PAGE5 712
  94. #define BIN_PAGE6 720
  95. #define BIN_PAGE7 728
  96. #define BIN_PAGE8 736
  97. #define BIN_PAGE9 744
  98. #define BIN_PAGE10 752
  99. #define BIN_PAGE11 760
  100. #define BIN_PAGE12 768
  101. #define BIN_PAGE13 776
  102. #define BIN_PAGE14 784
  103. #define BIN_PAGE15 792
  104. #define BIN_PAGE16 800
  105. #define BIN_PAGE17 808
  106. #define BIN_PAGE18 816
  107. #define BIN_PAGE19 824
  108. #define BIN_PAGE20 832
  109. #define BIN_PAGE21 840
  110. #define BIN_PAGE22 848
  111. #define BIN_PAGE23 856
  112. #define BIN_PAGE24 864
  113. #define BIN_PAGE25 872
  114. #define BIN_PAGE26 880
  115. #define TAC_TAC_316 888
  116. #define TAC_TAC_406 896
  117. #define TAC_TAC_415 904
  118. #define TAC_TAC_424 912
  119. #define TAC_TAC_433 920
  120. #define TAC_TAC_442 928
  121. #define TAC_TAC_514 936
  122. #define TAC_TAC_523 944
  123. #define TAC_TAC_532 952
  124. #define TAC_TAC_631 960