123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115 |
- /* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
- // EditConsole.cpp : implementation file
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef new
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CEditConsole
- CEditConsole::CEditConsole()
- {
- }
- CEditConsole::~CEditConsole()
- {
- }
- BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CEditConsole, CEdit)
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CEditConsole)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CEditConsole message handlers
- void CEditConsole::SetTextFromConsole(void)
- {
- INDEX ctLines = _pConsole->con_ctLines;
- INDEX ctChars = _pConsole->con_ctLines;
- // allocate new string with double line ends
- char *strNew = (char*)AllocMemory(ctLines*(ctChars+2)+1);
- const char *strString = _pConsole->GetBuffer();
- char *pch = strNew;
- // convert '\n' to '\r''\n'
- while(*strString!=0) {
- if (*strString=='\n') {
- *pch++='\r';
- *pch++='\n';
- strString++;
- }
- *pch++ = *strString++;
- }
- *pch = 0;
- CDlgConsole *pdlgParent = (CDlgConsole *) GetParent();
- CEdit *pwndOutput = (CEdit *) pdlgParent->GetDlgItem( IDC_CONSOLE_OUTPUT);
- pwndOutput->SetWindowText( CString(strNew));
- pwndOutput->LineScroll(ctLines-1);
- FreeMemory(strNew);
- }
- BOOL CEditConsole::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
- {
- BOOL bCtrl = (GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL) & 128) != 0;
- if(pMsg->message==WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam==VK_RETURN)
- {
- // obtain current line index
- INDEX iCurrentLine = LineFromChar(-1);
- INDEX ctLinesEdited = GetLineCount();
- // obtain char offset of current line in whole edit string
- INDEX iCharOffset = LineFromChar(iCurrentLine);
- if( !bCtrl && (iCharOffset != -1) )
- {
- // extract string to execute
- wchar_t achrToExecute[ 1024];
- INDEX ctLetters = GetLine( iCurrentLine, achrToExecute, 1023);
- // set EOF delimiter
- achrToExecute[ ctLetters] = 0;
- CTString strToExecute = CStringA(achrToExecute);
- CPrintF( ">%s\n", strToExecute);
- if( ((const char*)strToExecute)[strlen(strToExecute)-1] != ';')
- {
- strToExecute += ";";
- }
- _pShell->Execute(strToExecute);
- // set new text for output window
- SetTextFromConsole();
- // remember input text into console input buffer
- CString sHistory;
- GetWindowText(sHistory);
- _pGame->gam_strConsoleInputBuffer = CStringA(sHistory);
- }
- // if Ctrl is not pressed and current line is not last line, "swallow return"
- if( !bCtrl && (ctLinesEdited-1 != iCurrentLine) )
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return CEdit::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
- }