123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184 |
- /* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
- #ifdef PRAGMA_ONCE
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #include <Engine/Base/Lists.h>
- #include <Engine/Math/Vector.h>
- #include <Engine/Math/Functions.h>
- // sound control values
- #define SOF_NONE (0L)
- #define SOF_LOOP (1L<<0) // looping sound
- #define SOF_3D (1L<<1) // has 3d effects
- #define SOF_VOLUMETRIC (1L<<2) // no 3d effects inside hot-spot
- #define SOF_SURROUND (1L<<3) // surround effect
- #define SOF_LOCAL (1L<<4) // local to listener with same entity
- #define SOF_SMOOTHCHANGE (1L<<5) // for smooth transition from one sound to another on same channel
- #define SOF_MUSIC (1L<<6) // use music-volume master control instead of sound-volume
- #define SOF_NONGAME (1L<<7) // game sounds are not mixed while the game is paused
- #define SOF_NOFILTER (1L<<8) // used to disable listener-specific filters - i.e. underwater
- #define SOF_PAUSED (1L<<28) // playing, but paused (internal)
- #define SOF_LOADED (1L<<29) // sound just loaded (internal)
- #define SOF_PREPARE (1L<<30) // prepared for playing (internal)
- #define SOF_PLAY (1L<<31) // currently playing
- // sound parameters
- class CSoundParameters {
- public:
- FLOAT sp_fLeftVolume; // left channel volume (0.0f-1.0f)
- FLOAT sp_fRightVolume; // right channel volume
- SLONG sp_slLeftFilter; // left channel bass enhance (32767-0, 0=max)
- SLONG sp_slRightFilter; // right channel bass enhance
- FLOAT sp_fPhaseShift; // right channel(!) delay in seconds (signed! fixint 16:16)
- FLOAT sp_fPitchShift; // playing speed factor (>0, 1.0=normal)
- FLOAT sp_fDelay; // seconds to wait before actual sound play start
- };
- // 3d sound parameters
- class CSoundParameters3D {
- public:
- FLOAT sp3_fPitch; // sound pitch 1=normal
- FLOAT sp3_fFalloff; // distance when sound can't be heard any more
- FLOAT sp3_fHotSpot; // sound at maximum volume
- FLOAT sp3_fMaxVolume; // maximum sound volume
- };
- class ENGINE_API CSoundObject {
- public:
- // Sound Object Aware class (notify class when direct sound pointer is not valid)
- CListNode so_Node; // for linking in list
- class CSoundDecoder *so_psdcDecoder; // only for sounds that are mpx/ogg
- public: //private:
- CSoundData *so_pCsdLink; // linked on SoundData
- SLONG so_slFlags; // playing flags
- // internal mixer parameters
- FLOAT so_fDelayed; // seconds already passed from start playing sound request
- FLOAT so_fLastLeftVolume; // volume from previous mixing (for seamless transition)
- FLOAT so_fLastRightVolume;
- SWORD so_swLastLeftSample; // samples from previous mixing (for filtering purposes)
- SWORD so_swLastRightSample;
- FLOAT so_fLeftOffset; // current playing offset of left channel
- FLOAT so_fRightOffset; // current playing offset of right channel
- FLOAT so_fOffsetDelta; // difference between offsets in samples (for seamless transition between phases)
- // sound parameters
- CEntity *so_penEntity; // entity that owns this sound (may be null)
- CSoundParameters so_sp; // currently active parameters
- CSoundParameters so_spNew; // parameters to set on next update
- CSoundParameters3D so_sp3; // 3d sound parameters
- /* Play Buffer */
- void PlayBuffer(void);
- /* Stop Buffer */
- void StopBuffer(void);
- /* Update all 3d effects. */
- void Update3DEffects(void);
- /* Prepare sound */
- void PrepareSound(void);
- // get proper sound object for predicted events - return NULL the event is already predicted
- CSoundObject *GetPredictionTail(ULONG ulTypeID, ULONG ulEventID);
- // play sound - internal function - doesn't account for prediction
- void Play_internal( CSoundData *pCsdLink, SLONG slFlags);
- void Stop_internal(void);
- public:
- // Constructor
- CSoundObject();
- // Destructor
- ~CSoundObject();
- // copy from another object of same class
- void Copy(CSoundObject &soOther);
- // play sound
- void Play( CSoundData *pCsdLink, SLONG slFlags);
- // stop playing sound
- void Stop( void);
- // Pause -> Stop playing sound but keep it linked to data
- inline void Pause(void) { so_slFlags |= SOF_PAUSED; };
- // Resume -> Resume playing stoped sound
- inline void Resume(void) { so_slFlags &= ~SOF_PAUSED; };
- // check if sound is playing
- inline BOOL IsPlaying(void) {
- return (so_slFlags&SOF_PLAY);
- };
- // check if sound is paused
- inline BOOL IsPaused(void) {
- return (so_slFlags&SOF_PAUSED);
- };
- // Check if hooked
- inline BOOL IsHooked(void) const { return so_Node.IsLinked(); };
- // Set volume
- inline void SetVolume( FLOAT fLeftVolume, FLOAT fRightVolume) {
- ASSERT( fLeftVolume <= SL_VOLUME_MAX && fLeftVolume >= SL_VOLUME_MIN);
- ASSERT( fRightVolume <= SL_VOLUME_MAX && fRightVolume >= SL_VOLUME_MIN);
- so_spNew.sp_fLeftVolume = fLeftVolume *(1.0f/SL_VOLUME_MAX);
- so_spNew.sp_fRightVolume = fRightVolume*(1.0f/SL_VOLUME_MAX);
- };
- // Set filter
- inline void SetFilter( FLOAT fLeftFilter, FLOAT fRightFilter) { // 1=no filter (>1=more bass)
- ASSERT( (fLeftFilter >= 1) && (fRightFilter >= 1));
- so_spNew.sp_slLeftFilter = FloatToInt(32767.0/fLeftFilter);
- so_spNew.sp_slRightFilter = FloatToInt(32767.0/fRightFilter);
- };
- // Set pitch shifting
- inline void SetPitch( FLOAT fPitch) { // 1.0 for normal (<1 = slower, >1 = faster playing)
- ASSERT( fPitch > 0);
- so_spNew.sp_fPitchShift = fPitch;
- };
- // Set phase shifting
- inline void SetPhase( FLOAT fPhase) { // right channel delay in seconds (0 = no delay)
- ASSERT( (fPhase <= 1) && (fPhase >= -1));
- so_spNew.sp_fPhaseShift = fPhase;
- };
- // Set delay
- inline void SetDelay( FLOAT fDelay) { // in seconds (0 = no delay)
- ASSERT( fDelay >= 0);
- so_spNew.sp_fDelay = fDelay;
- };
- // Set Position in 3D
- inline void SetOwner(CEntity*pen) {
- so_penEntity = pen;
- };
- // Set 3D parameters
- void Set3DParameters(FLOAT fMaxDistance, FLOAT fMinDistance, FLOAT fMaxVolume, FLOAT fPitch);
- // read/write functions
- void Read_t(CTStream *pistr); // throw char *
- void Write_t(CTStream *postr); // throw char *
- // Obtain sound and play it for this object
- void Play_t(const CTFileName &fnmSound, SLONG slFlags); // throw char *
- // hard set sound offset in seconds
- void SetOffset(FLOAT fOffset);
- };
- #endif /* include-once check. */