123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170 |
- /* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
- #ifndef SE_INCL_RENDER_H
- #define SE_INCL_RENDER_H
- #ifdef PRAGMA_ONCE
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #include <Engine/Math/Vector.h>
- #include <Engine/Math/Quaternion.h>
- #include <Engine/Ska/ModelInstance.h>
- #include <Engine/Ska/Skeleton.h>
- #include <Engine/Ska/Mesh.h>
- #include <Engine/World/WorldRayCasting.h>
- #define RMF_WIREFRAME (1UL<<0) // set wireframe on
- #define RMF_SHOWTEXTURE (1UL<<1) // show texture
- #define RMF_SHOWNORMALS (1UL<<2) // show normalas
- #define RMF_SHOWSKELETON (1UL<<3) // show skeleton
- #define RMF_SHOWACTIVEBONES (1UL<<4) // show active bones
- #define SRMF_ATTACHMENT (1UL<<0) // set for attachment render models
- #define SRMF_FOG (1UL<<1) // render in fog
- #define SRMF_HAZE (1UL<<2) // render in haze
- #define SRMF_SPECTATOR (1UL<<3) // model will not be rendered but shadows might
- #define SRMF_INVERTED (1UL<<4) // stretch is inverted
- #define SRMF_BBOXSET (1UL<<5) // bounding box has been calculated
- #define SRMF_INSIDE (1UL<<6) // doesn't need clipping to frustum
- #define SRMF_INMIRROR (1UL<<7) // doesn't need clipping to mirror/warp plane
- #define SRMF_WEAPON (1UL<<8) // TEMP: weapon model is rendering so don't use ATI's Truform!
- typedef FLOAT FLOAT3[3];
- // Rendering structures
- struct RenModel
- {
- CModelInstance *rm_pmiModel;// pointer to model instance
- INDEX rm_iParentModelIndex; // index of parent renmodel
- INDEX rm_iParentBoneIndex; // index of parent bone this model is attached to
- Matrix12 rm_mTransform; // Tranform matrix for models without skeletons
- Matrix12 rm_mStrTransform; // Stretch transform matrix for models without skeleton
- INDEX rm_iSkeletonLODIndex; // index of current skeleton lod
- INDEX rm_iFirstBone; // index if first renbone
- INDEX rm_ctBones; // renbones count for this renmodel
- INDEX rm_iFirstMesh; // index of first renmesh
- INDEX rm_ctMeshes; // meshes count for this renmodel
- INDEX rm_iFirstChildModel;
- INDEX rm_iNextSiblingModel;
- };
- struct RenBone
- {
- SkeletonBone *rb_psbBone; // pointer to skeleton bone
- INDEX rb_iParentIndex; // index of parent renbone
- INDEX rb_iRenModelIndex; // index of renmodel
- AnimPos rb_apPos;
- AnimRot rb_arRot;
- Matrix12 rb_mTransform; // Transformation matrix for this ren bone
- Matrix12 rb_mStrTransform; // Stretched transformation matrix for this ren bone
- Matrix12 rb_mBonePlacement; // Placement of bone in absolute space
- };
- struct RenMorph
- {
- MeshMorphMap *rmp_pmmmMorphMap;
- FLOAT rmp_fFactor;
- };
- struct RenWeight
- {
- MeshWeightMap *rw_pwmWeightMap;
- INDEX rw_iBoneIndex;
- };
- struct RenMesh
- {
- struct MeshInstance *rmsh_pMeshInst;
- INDEX rmsh_iRenModelIndex;
- INDEX rmsh_iFirstWeight;
- INDEX rmsh_ctWeights;
- INDEX rmsh_iFirstMorph;
- INDEX rmsh_ctMorphs;
- INDEX rmsh_iMeshLODIndex; // curent LOD index of msh_aMeshLODs array in Mesh
- BOOL rmsh_bTransToViewSpace; // Is mesh transformed to view space
- };
- // initialize batch model rendering
- ENGINE_API void RM_BeginRenderingView(CAnyProjection3D &apr, CDrawPort *pdp);
- ENGINE_API void RM_BeginModelRenderingMask( CAnyProjection3D &prProjection,
- UBYTE *pubMask, SLONG slMaskWidth, SLONG slMaskHeight);
- // cleanup after batch model rendering
- ENGINE_API void RM_EndRenderingView( BOOL bRestoreOrtho=TRUE);
- ENGINE_API void RM_EndModelRenderingMask(void);
- // setup light parameters
- ENGINE_API void RM_SetLightColor(COLOR colAmbient, COLOR colLight);
- ENGINE_API void RM_SetLightDirection(FLOAT3D &vLightDir);
- // LOD factor management
- ENGINE_API void RM_SetCurrentDistance(FLOAT fDistFactor);
- ENGINE_API FLOAT RM_GetMipFactor(void);
- // setup object position
- ENGINE_API void RM_SetObjectPlacement(const CPlacement3D &pl);
- ENGINE_API void RM_SetObjectPlacement(const FLOATmatrix3D &m, const FLOAT3D &v);
- ENGINE_API void RM_SetObjectMatrices(CModelInstance &mi);
- // render one SKA model with its children
- ENGINE_API void RM_RenderSKA(CModelInstance &mi);
- // render one bone in model instance
- ENGINE_API void RM_RenderBone(CModelInstance &mi,INDEX iBoneID);
- ENGINE_API void RM_RenderColisionBox(CModelInstance &mi,ColisionBox &cb, COLOR col);
- // lods
- ENGINE_API void RM_SetCustomMeshLodDistance(FLOAT fMeshLod);
- ENGINE_API void RM_SetCustomSkeletonLodDistance(FLOAT fSkeletonLod);
- ENGINE_API void RM_RenderGround(CTextureObject &to);
- // Returns specified renbone
- ENGINE_API RenBone *RM_FindRenBone(INDEX iBoneID);
- // Returns renbone array and sets renbone count
- ENGINE_API RenBone *RM_GetRenBoneArray(INDEX &ctrb);
- // Returns true if bone exists and sets two given vectors as start and end point of specified bone
- ENGINE_API BOOL RM_GetBoneAbsPosition(CModelInstance &mi,INDEX iBoneID, FLOAT3D &vStartPoint, FLOAT3D &vEndPoint);
- // Returns Renbone
- ENGINE_API BOOL RM_GetRenBoneAbs(CModelInstance &mi,INDEX iBoneID,RenBone &rb);
- ENGINE_API void RM_AddSimpleShadow_View(CModelInstance &mi, const FLOAT fIntensity, const FLOATplane3D &plShadowPlane);
- ENGINE_API void RM_GetModelVertices( CModelInstance &mi, CStaticStackArray<FLOAT3D> &avVertices, FLOATmatrix3D &mRotation,
- FLOAT3D &vPosition, FLOAT fNormalOffset, FLOAT fDistance);
- // test if the ray hit any of model instance's triangles and return
- ENGINE_API FLOAT RM_TestRayCastHit( CModelInstance &mi, FLOATmatrix3D &mRotation, FLOAT3D &vPosition,const FLOAT3D &vOrigin, const FLOAT3D &vTarget,FLOAT fOldDistance,INDEX *piBoneID);
- ENGINE_API void RM_SetBoneAdjustCallback(void (*pAdjustBones)(void *pData), void *pData);
- ENGINE_API void RM_SetShaderParamsAdjustCallback(void (*pAdjustShaderParams)(void *pData, INDEX iSurfaceID, CShader *pShader,ShaderParams &shParams),void *pData);
- // Matrix12 operations
- ENGINE_API void Matrix12ToQVect(QVect &qv,const Matrix12 &m12);
- ENGINE_API void MatrixVectorToMatrix12(Matrix12 &m12,const FLOATmatrix3D &m, const FLOAT3D &v);
- ENGINE_API void Matrix12ToMatrixVector(FLOATmatrix3D &c, FLOAT3D &v, const Matrix12 &m12);
- ENGINE_API void QVectToMatrix12(Matrix12 &m12, const QVect &qv);
- ENGINE_API void MatrixMultiply(Matrix12 &c,const Matrix12 &m, const Matrix12 &n);
- ENGINE_API void MatrixMultiplyCP(Matrix12 &c,const Matrix12 &m, const Matrix12 &n);
- ENGINE_API void MatrixTranspose(Matrix12 &r, const Matrix12 &m);
- ENGINE_API void TransformVertex(GFXVertex &v, const Matrix12 &m);
- ENGINE_API void RotateVector(FLOAT3 &v, const Matrix12 &m);
- // model flags
- ENGINE_API void RM_SetFlags(ULONG ulNewFlags);
- ENGINE_API void RM_AddFlag(ULONG ulFlag);
- ENGINE_API void RM_RemoveFlag(ULONG ulFlag);
- ENGINE_API ULONG &RM_GetRenderFlags();
- ENGINE_API void RM_DoFogAndHaze(BOOL bOpaque);
- #endif /* include-once check. */