123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731 |
- /* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
- #include "StdH.h"
- #include <Engine/Build.h>
- #include <Engine/Base/Profiling.h>
- #include <Engine/Base/Input.h>
- #include <Engine/Base/Protection.h>
- #include <Engine/Base/Console.h>
- #include <Engine/Base/Console_internal.h>
- #include <Engine/Base/Statistics_Internal.h>
- #include <Engine/Base/Shell.h>
- #include <Engine/Base/CRC.h>
- #include <Engine/Base/CRCTable.h>
- #include <Engine/Base/ProgressHook.h>
- #include <Engine/Sound/SoundListener.h>
- #include <Engine/Sound/SoundLibrary.h>
- #include <Engine/Graphics/GfxLibrary.h>
- #include <Engine/Graphics/Font.h>
- #include <Engine/Network/Network.h>
- #include <Engine/templates/DynamicContainer.cpp>
- #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CAnimData.h>
- #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CTextureData.h>
- #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CSoundData.h>
- #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CModelData.h>
- #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CEntityClass.h>
- #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CMesh.h>
- #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CSkeleton.h>
- #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CAnimSet.h>
- #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CShader.h>
- #include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.cpp>
- #include <Engine/Base/IFeel.h>
- // this version string can be referenced from outside the engine
- ENGINE_API CTString _strEngineBuild = "";
- ENGINE_API BOOL _bDedicatedServer = FALSE;
- ENGINE_API BOOL _bWorldEditorApp = FALSE;
- ENGINE_API CTString _strLogFile = "";
- // global handle for application window
- extern HWND _hwndMain = NULL;
- extern BOOL _bFullScreen = FALSE;
- // critical section for access to zlib functions
- CTCriticalSection zip_csLock;
- // to keep system gamma table
- static UWORD auwSystemGamma[256*3];
- // OS info
- static CTString sys_strOS = "";
- static INDEX sys_iOSMajor = 0;
- static INDEX sys_iOSMinor = 0;
- static INDEX sys_iOSBuild = 0;
- static CTString sys_strOSMisc = "";
- // CPU info
- static CTString sys_strCPUVendor = "";
- static INDEX sys_iCPUType = 0;
- static INDEX sys_iCPUFamily = 0;
- static INDEX sys_iCPUModel = 0;
- static INDEX sys_iCPUStepping = 0;
- static BOOL sys_bCPUHasMMX = 0;
- static BOOL sys_bCPUHasCMOV = 0;
- static INDEX sys_iCPUMHz = 0;
- INDEX sys_iCPUMisc = 0;
- // RAM info
- static INDEX sys_iRAMPhys = 0;
- static INDEX sys_iRAMSwap = 0;
- // HDD info
- static INDEX sys_iHDDSize = 0;
- static INDEX sys_iHDDFree = 0;
- static INDEX sys_iHDDMisc = 0;
- // MOD info
- static CTString sys_strModName = "";
- static CTString sys_strModExt = "";
- // enables paranoia checks for allocation array
- extern BOOL _bAllocationArrayParanoiaCheck = FALSE;
- BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)
- {
- switch (ul_reason_for_call)
- {
- break;
- break;
- default:
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- static void DetectCPU(void)
- {
- char strVendor[12+1];
- strVendor[12] = 0;
- ULONG ulFeatures;
- // test MMX presence and update flag
- __asm {
- mov eax,0 ;// request for basic id
- cpuid
- mov dword ptr [strVendor+0], ebx
- mov dword ptr [strVendor+4], edx
- mov dword ptr [strVendor+8], ecx
- mov eax,1 ;// request for TFMS feature flags
- cpuid
- mov dword ptr [ulTFMS], eax ;// remember type, family, model and stepping
- mov dword ptr [ulFeatures], edx
- }
- INDEX iType = (ulTFMS>>12)&0x3;
- INDEX iFamily = (ulTFMS>> 8)&0xF;
- INDEX iModel = (ulTFMS>> 4)&0xF;
- INDEX iStepping = (ulTFMS>> 0)&0xF;
- CPrintF(TRANS(" Vendor: %s\n"), strVendor);
- CPrintF(TRANS(" Type: %d, Family: %d, Model: %d, Stepping: %d\n"),
- iType, iFamily, iModel, iStepping);
- BOOL bMMX = ulFeatures & (1<<23);
- BOOL bCMOV = ulFeatures & (1<<15);
- CTString strYes = TRANS("Yes");
- CTString strNo = TRANS("No");
- CPrintF(TRANS(" MMX : %s\n"), bMMX ?strYes:strNo);
- CPrintF(TRANS(" CMOV: %s\n"), bCMOV?strYes:strNo);
- CPrintF(TRANS(" Clock: %.0fMHz\n"), _pTimer->tm_llCPUSpeedHZ/1E6);
- sys_strCPUVendor = strVendor;
- sys_iCPUType = iType;
- sys_iCPUFamily = iFamily;
- sys_iCPUModel = iModel;
- sys_iCPUStepping = iStepping;
- sys_bCPUHasMMX = bMMX!=0;
- sys_bCPUHasCMOV = bCMOV!=0;
- sys_iCPUMHz = INDEX(_pTimer->tm_llCPUSpeedHZ/1E6);
- if( !bMMX) FatalError( TRANS("MMX support required but not present!"));
- }
- static void DetectCPUWrapper(void)
- {
- __try {
- DetectCPU();
- CPrintF( TRANS("Cannot detect CPU: exception raised.\n"));
- }
- }
- // reverses string
- void StrRev( char *str) {
- char ctmp;
- char *pch0 = str;
- char *pch1 = str+strlen(str)-1;
- while( pch1>pch0) {
- ctmp = *pch0;
- *pch0 = *pch1;
- *pch1 = ctmp;
- pch0++;
- pch1--;
- }
- }
- static char strExePath[MAX_PATH] = "";
- static char strDirPath[MAX_PATH] = "";
- static void AnalyzeApplicationPath(void)
- {
- strcpy(strDirPath, "D:\\");
- strcpy(strExePath, "D:\\TestExe.xbe");
- char strTmpPath[MAX_PATH] = "";
- // get full path to the exe
- GetModuleFileNameA( NULL, strExePath, sizeof(strExePath)-1);
- // copy that to the path
- strncpy(strTmpPath, strExePath, sizeof(strTmpPath)-1);
- strDirPath[sizeof(strTmpPath)-1] = 0;
- // remove name from application path
- StrRev(strTmpPath);
- // find last backslash
- char *pstr = strchr( strTmpPath, '\\');
- if( pstr==NULL) {
- // not found - path is just "\"
- strcpy( strTmpPath, "\\");
- pstr = strTmpPath;
- }
- // remove 'debug' from app path if needed
- if( strnicmp( pstr, "\\gubed", 6)==0) pstr += 6;
- if( pstr[0] = '\\') pstr++;
- char *pstrFin = strchr( pstr, '\\');
- if( pstrFin==NULL) {
- strcpy( pstr, "\\");
- pstrFin = pstr;
- }
- // copy that to the path
- StrRev(pstrFin);
- strncpy( strDirPath, pstrFin, sizeof(strDirPath)-1);
- strDirPath[sizeof(strDirPath)-1] = 0;
- }
- // startup engine
- ENGINE_API void SE_InitEngine(CTString strGameID)
- {
- #pragma message(">> Remove this from SE_InitEngine : _bWorldEditorApp")
- if(strGameID=="SeriousEditor") {
- _bWorldEditorApp = TRUE;
- }
- AnalyzeApplicationPath();
- _fnmApplicationPath = CTString(strDirPath);
- _fnmApplicationExe = CTString(strExePath);
- try {
- _fnmApplicationExe.RemoveApplicationPath_t();
- } catch (char *strError) {
- (void) strError;
- }
- _pConsole = new CConsole;
- if (_strLogFile=="") {
- _strLogFile = CTFileName(CTString(strExePath)).FileName();
- }
- _pConsole->Initialize(_fnmApplicationPath+_strLogFile+".log", 90, 512);
- _pAnimStock = new CStock_CAnimData;
- _pTextureStock = new CStock_CTextureData;
- _pSoundStock = new CStock_CSoundData;
- _pModelStock = new CStock_CModelData;
- _pEntityClassStock = new CStock_CEntityClass;
- _pMeshStock = new CStock_CMesh;
- _pSkeletonStock = new CStock_CSkeleton;
- _pAnimSetStock = new CStock_CAnimSet;
- _pShaderStock = new CStock_CShader;
- _pTimer = new CTimer;
- _pGfx = new CGfxLibrary;
- _pSound = new CSoundLibrary;
- _pInput = new CInput;
- _pNetwork = new CNetworkLibrary;
- CRCT_Init();
- _strEngineBuild.PrintF( TRANS("SeriousEngine Build: %d.%d"), _SE_BUILD_MAJOR, _SE_BUILD_MINOR);
- // print basic engine info
- CPrintF(TRANS("--- Serious Engine Startup ---\n"));
- CPrintF(" %s\n\n", _strEngineBuild);
- // print info on the started application
- CPrintF(TRANS("Executable: %s\n"), strExePath);
- CPrintF(TRANS("Assumed engine directory: %s\n"), _fnmApplicationPath);
- CPrintF("\n");
- // report os info
- CPrintF(TRANS("Examining underlying OS...\n"));
- memset(&osv, 0, sizeof(osv));
- osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osv);
- if (GetVersionExA(&osv)) {
- switch (osv.dwPlatformId) {
- case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: sys_strOS = "Win32s"; break;
- case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: sys_strOS = "Win9x"; break;
- case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: sys_strOS = "WinNT"; break;
- default: sys_strOS = "Unknown\n"; break;
- }
- sys_iOSMajor = osv.dwMajorVersion;
- sys_iOSMinor = osv.dwMinorVersion;
- sys_iOSBuild = osv.dwBuildNumber & 0xFFFF;
- sys_strOSMisc = osv.szCSDVersion;
- CPrintF(TRANS(" Type: %s\n"), (const char*)sys_strOS);
- CPrintF(TRANS(" Version: %d.%d, build %d\n"),
- osv.dwMajorVersion, osv.dwMinorVersion, osv.dwBuildNumber & 0xFFFF);
- CPrintF(TRANS(" Misc: %s\n"), osv.szCSDVersion);
- } else {
- CPrintF(TRANS("Error getting OS info: %s\n"), GetWindowsError(GetLastError()) );
- }
- CPrintF("\n");
- // init main shell
- _pShell = new CShell;
- _pShell->Initialize();
- // report CPU
- CPrintF(TRANS("Detecting CPU...\n"));
- DetectCPUWrapper();
- CPrintF("\n");
- // report memory info
- extern void ReportGlobalMemoryStatus(void);
- ReportGlobalMemoryStatus();
- GlobalMemoryStatus(&ms);
- #define MB (1024*1024)
- sys_iRAMPhys = ms.dwTotalPhys /MB;
- sys_iRAMSwap = ms.dwTotalPageFile/MB;
- // initialize zip semaphore
- zip_csLock.cs_iIndex = -1; // not checked for locking order
- // get info on the first disk in system
- DWORD dwSerial;
- DWORD dwFreeClusters;
- DWORD dwClusters;
- DWORD dwSectors;
- DWORD dwBytes;
- char strDrive[] = "C:\\";
- strDrive[0] = strExePath[0];
- GetVolumeInformationA(strDrive, NULL, 0, &dwSerial, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
- GetDiskFreeSpaceA(strDrive, &dwSectors, &dwBytes, &dwFreeClusters, &dwClusters);
- sys_iHDDSize = __int64(dwSectors)*dwBytes*dwClusters/MB;
- sys_iHDDFree = __int64(dwSectors)*dwBytes*dwFreeClusters/MB;
- sys_iHDDMisc = dwSerial;
- // add console variables
- extern INDEX con_bNoWarnings;
- extern INDEX wld_bFastObjectOptimization;
- extern INDEX fil_bPreferZips;
- extern FLOAT mth_fCSGEpsilon;
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX con_bNoWarnings;", &con_bNoWarnings);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX wld_bFastObjectOptimization;", &wld_bFastObjectOptimization);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user FLOAT mth_fCSGEpsilon;", &mth_fCSGEpsilon);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX fil_bPreferZips;", &fil_bPreferZips);
- // OS info
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const CTString sys_strOS ;", &sys_strOS);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iOSMajor ;", &sys_iOSMajor);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iOSMinor ;", &sys_iOSMinor);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iOSBuild ;", &sys_iOSBuild);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const CTString sys_strOSMisc;", &sys_strOSMisc);
- // CPU info
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const CTString sys_strCPUVendor;", &sys_strCPUVendor);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iCPUType ;", &sys_iCPUType );
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iCPUFamily ;", &sys_iCPUFamily );
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iCPUModel ;", &sys_iCPUModel );
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iCPUStepping ;", &sys_iCPUStepping);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_bCPUHasMMX ;", &sys_bCPUHasMMX );
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_bCPUHasCMOV ;", &sys_bCPUHasCMOV );
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iCPUMHz ;", &sys_iCPUMHz );
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol(" const INDEX sys_iCPUMisc ;", &sys_iCPUMisc );
- // RAM info
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iRAMPhys;", &sys_iRAMPhys);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iRAMSwap;", &sys_iRAMSwap);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iHDDSize;", &sys_iHDDSize);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iHDDFree;", &sys_iHDDFree);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol(" const INDEX sys_iHDDMisc;", &sys_iHDDMisc);
- // MOD info
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const CTString sys_strModName;", &sys_strModName);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const CTString sys_strModExt;", &sys_strModExt);
- // Stock clearing
- extern void FreeUnusedStock(void);
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void FreeUnusedStock(void);", &FreeUnusedStock);
- // Timer tick quantum
- _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const FLOAT fTickQuantum;", (FLOAT*)&_pTimer->TickQuantum);
- // init MODs and stuff ...
- extern void InitStreams(void);
- InitStreams();
- // keep mod name in sys cvar
- sys_strModName = _strModName;
- sys_strModExt = _strModExt;
- // checking of crc
- #if 0
- ULONG ulCRCActual = -2;
- SLONG ulCRCExpected = -1;
- try {
- // get the checksum of engine
- #ifndef NDEBUG
- #define SELFFILE "Bin\\Debug\\EngineD.dll"
- #define SELFCRCFILE "Bin\\Debug\\EngineD.crc"
- #else
- #define SELFFILE "Bin\\Engine.dll"
- #define SELFCRCFILE "Bin\\Engine.crc"
- #endif
- ulCRCActual = GetFileCRC32_t(CTString(SELFFILE));
- // load expected checksum from the file on disk
- ulCRCExpected = 0;
- LoadIntVar(CTString(SELFCRCFILE), ulCRCExpected);
- } catch (char *strError) {
- CPrintF("%s\n", strError);
- }
- // if not same
- if (ulCRCActual!=ulCRCExpected) {
- // don't run
- //FatalError(TRANS("Engine CRC is invalid.\nExpected %08x, but found %08x.\n"), ulCRCExpected, ulCRCActual);
- }
- #endif
- _pInput->Initialize();
- _pGfx->Init();
- _pSound->Init();
- if (strGameID!="") {
- _pNetwork->Init(strGameID);
- // just make classes declare their shell variables
- try {
- CEntityClass* pec = _pEntityClassStock->Obtain_t(CTString("Classes\\Player.ecl"));
- ASSERT(pec != NULL);
- _pEntityClassStock->Release(pec); // this must not be a dependency!
- // if couldn't find player class
- } catch (char *strError) {
- FatalError(TRANS("Cannot initialize classes:\n%s"), strError);
- }
- } else {
- _pNetwork = NULL;
- }
- // mark that default fonts aren't loaded (yet)
- _pfdDisplayFont = NULL;
- _pfdConsoleFont = NULL;
- // readout system gamma table
- HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL);
- BOOL bOK = GetDeviceGammaRamp( hdc, &auwSystemGamma[0]);
- _pGfx->gl_ulFlags |= GLF_ADJUSTABLEGAMMA;
- if( !bOK) {
- _pGfx->gl_ulFlags &= ~GLF_ADJUSTABLEGAMMA;
- CPrintF( TRANS("\nWARNING: Gamma, brightness and contrast are not adjustable!\n\n"));
- } // done
- ReleaseDC( NULL, hdc);
- // init IFeel
- HWND hwnd = NULL;//GetDesktopWindow();
- HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
- if(IFeel_InitDevice(hInstance,hwnd))
- {
- CTString strDefaultProject = "Data\\Default.ifr";
- // get project file name for this device
- CTString strIFeel = IFeel_GetProjectFileName();
- // if no file name is returned use default file
- if(strIFeel.Length()==0) strIFeel = strDefaultProject;
- if(!IFeel_LoadFile(strIFeel))
- {
- if(strIFeel!=strDefaultProject)
- {
- IFeel_LoadFile(strDefaultProject);
- }
- }
- CPrintF("\n");
- }
- }
- // shutdown entire engine
- ENGINE_API void SE_EndEngine(void)
- {
- // restore system gamma table (if needed)
- if( _pGfx->gl_ulFlags&GLF_ADJUSTABLEGAMMA) {
- HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL);
- BOOL bOK = SetDeviceGammaRamp( hdc, &auwSystemGamma[0]);
- //ASSERT(bOK);
- ReleaseDC( NULL, hdc);
- }
- // free stocks
- delete _pEntityClassStock; _pEntityClassStock = NULL;
- delete _pModelStock; _pModelStock = NULL;
- delete _pSoundStock; _pSoundStock = NULL;
- delete _pTextureStock; _pTextureStock = NULL;
- delete _pAnimStock; _pAnimStock = NULL;
- delete _pMeshStock; _pMeshStock = NULL;
- delete _pSkeletonStock; _pSkeletonStock = NULL;
- delete _pAnimSetStock; _pAnimSetStock = NULL;
- delete _pShaderStock; _pShaderStock = NULL;
- // free all memory used by the crc cache
- CRCT_Clear();
- // shutdown
- if( _pNetwork != NULL) { delete _pNetwork; _pNetwork=NULL; }
- delete _pInput; _pInput = NULL;
- delete _pSound; _pSound = NULL;
- delete _pGfx; _pGfx = NULL;
- delete _pTimer; _pTimer = NULL;
- delete _pShell; _pShell = NULL;
- delete _pConsole; _pConsole = NULL;
- extern void EndStreams(void);
- EndStreams();
- // shutdown profilers
- _sfStats.Clear();
- _pfGfxProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
- _pfGfxProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
- _pfModelProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
- _pfModelProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
- _pfSoundProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
- _pfSoundProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
- _pfNetworkProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
- _pfNetworkProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
- _pfRenderProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
- _pfRenderProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
- _pfWorldEditingProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
- _pfWorldEditingProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
- _pfPhysicsProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
- _pfPhysicsProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
- // remove default fonts if needed
- if( _pfdDisplayFont != NULL) { delete _pfdDisplayFont; _pfdDisplayFont=NULL; }
- if( _pfdConsoleFont != NULL) { delete _pfdConsoleFont; _pfdConsoleFont=NULL; }
- // deinit IFeel
- IFeel_DeleteDevice();
- }
- // prepare and load some default fonts
- ENGINE_API void SE_LoadDefaultFonts(void)
- {
- _pfdDisplayFont = new CFontData;
- _pfdConsoleFont = new CFontData;
- // try to load default fonts
- try {
- _pfdDisplayFont->Load_t( CTFILENAME( "Fonts\\Display3-narrow.fnt"));
- _pfdConsoleFont->Load_t( CTFILENAME( "Fonts\\Console1.fnt"));
- }
- catch (char *strError) {
- FatalError( TRANS("Error loading font: %s."), strError);
- }
- // change fonts' default spacing a bit
- _pfdDisplayFont->SetCharSpacing( 0);
- _pfdDisplayFont->SetLineSpacing(+1);
- _pfdConsoleFont->SetCharSpacing(-1);
- _pfdConsoleFont->SetLineSpacing(+1);
- _pfdConsoleFont->SetFixedWidth();
- }
- // updates main windows' handles for windowed mode and fullscreen
- ENGINE_API void SE_UpdateWindowHandle( HWND hwndMain)
- {
- ASSERT( hwndMain!=NULL);
- _hwndMain = hwndMain;
- _bFullScreen = _pGfx!=NULL && (_pGfx->gl_ulFlags&GLF_FULLSCREEN);
- }
- static BOOL TouchBlock(UBYTE *pubMemoryBlock, INDEX ctBlockSize)
- {
- // cannot pretouch block that are smaller than 64KB :(
- ctBlockSize -= 16*0x1000;
- if( ctBlockSize<4) return FALSE;
- __try {
- // 4 times should be just enough
- for( INDEX i=0; i<4; i++) {
- // must do it in asm - don't know what VC will try to optimize
- __asm {
- // The 16-page skip is to keep Win 95 from thinking we're trying to page ourselves in
- // (we are doing that, of course, but there's no reason we shouldn't) - THANX JOHN! :)
- mov esi,dword ptr [pubMemoryBlock]
- mov ecx,dword ptr [ctBlockSize]
- shr ecx,2
- touchLoop:
- mov eax,dword ptr [esi]
- mov ebx,dword ptr [esi+16*0x1000]
- add eax,ebx // BLA, BLA, TROOCH, TRUCH
- add esi,4
- dec ecx
- jnz touchLoop
- }
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- // pretouch all memory commited by process
- extern BOOL _bNeedPretouch = FALSE;
- ENGINE_API extern void SE_PretouchIfNeeded(void)
- {
- // only if pretouching is needed?
- extern INDEX gam_bPretouch;
- if( !_bNeedPretouch || !gam_bPretouch) return;
- _bNeedPretouch = FALSE;
- // set progress bar
- SetProgressDescription( TRANS("pretouching"));
- CallProgressHook_t(0.0f);
- // need to do this two times - 1st for numerations, and 2nd for real (progress bar and that shit)
- BOOL bPretouched = TRUE;
- INDEX ctFails, ctBytes, ctBlocks;
- INDEX ctPassBytes, ctTotalBlocks;
- for( INDEX iPass=1; iPass<=2; iPass++)
- {
- // flush variables
- ctFails=0; ctBytes=0; ctBlocks=0; ctTotalBlocks=0;
- void *pvNextBlock = NULL;
- // lets walk thru memory blocks
- while( VirtualQuery( pvNextBlock, &mbi, sizeof(mbi)))
- {
- // don't mess with kernel's memory and zero-sized blocks
- if( ((ULONG)pvNextBlock)>0x7FFF0000UL || mbi.RegionSize<1) break;
- // if this region of memory belongs to our process
- BOOL bCanAccess = (mbi.Protect==PAGE_READWRITE); // || (mbi.Protect==PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
- if( mbi.State==MEM_COMMIT && bCanAccess && mbi.Type==MEM_PRIVATE) // && !IsBadReadPtr( mbi.BaseAddress, 1)
- {
- // increase counters
- ctBlocks++;
- ctBytes += mbi.RegionSize;
- // in first pass we only count
- if( iPass==1) goto nextRegion;
- // update progress bar
- CallProgressHook_t( (FLOAT)ctBytes/ctPassBytes);
- // pretouch
- ASSERT( mbi.RegionSize>0);
- BOOL bOK = TouchBlock((UBYTE *)mbi.BaseAddress, mbi.RegionSize);
- if( !bOK) {
- // whoops!
- ctFails++;
- }
- // for easier debugging (didn't help much, though)
- //Sleep(5);
- }
- nextRegion:
- // advance to next region
- pvNextBlock = ((UBYTE*)mbi.BaseAddress) + mbi.RegionSize;
- ctTotalBlocks++;
- }
- // done with one pass
- ctPassBytes = ctBytes;
- if( (ctPassBytes/1024/1024)>sys_iRAMPhys) {
- // not enough RAM, sorry :(
- bPretouched = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- // report
- if( bPretouched) {
- // success
- CPrintF( TRANS("Pretouched %d KB of memory in %d blocks.\n"), ctBytes/1024, ctBlocks); //, ctTotalBlocks);
- } else {
- // fail
- CPrintF( TRANS("Cannot pretouch due to lack of physical memory (%d KB of overflow).\n"), ctPassBytes/1024-sys_iRAMPhys*1024);
- }
- // some blocks failed?
- if( ctFails>1) CPrintF( TRANS("(%d blocks were skipped)\n"), ctFails);
- //_pShell->Execute("StockDump();");
- }
- #if 0
- // printout block info
- CPrintF("--------\n");
- CTString strTmp1, strTmp2;
- CPrintF("Base/Alloc Address: 0x%8X / 0x%8X - Size: %d KB\n", mbi.BaseAddress, mbi.AllocationBase, mbi.RegionSize/1024);
- switch( mbi.Protect) {
- case PAGE_READONLY: strTmp1 = "PAGE_READONLY"; break;
- case PAGE_READWRITE: strTmp1 = "PAGE_READWRITE"; break;
- case PAGE_WRITECOPY: strTmp1 = "PAGE_WRITECOPY"; break;
- case PAGE_EXECUTE: strTmp1 = "PAGE_EXECUTE"; break;
- case PAGE_EXECUTE_READ: strTmp1 = "PAGE_EXECUTE_READ"; break;
- case PAGE_GUARD: strTmp1 = "PAGE_GUARD"; break;
- case PAGE_NOACCESS: strTmp1 = "PAGE_NOACCESS"; break;
- case PAGE_NOCACHE: strTmp1 = "PAGE_NOCACHE"; break;
- }
- switch( mbi.AllocationProtect) {
- case PAGE_READONLY: strTmp2 = "PAGE_READONLY"; break;
- case PAGE_READWRITE: strTmp2 = "PAGE_READWRITE"; break;
- case PAGE_WRITECOPY: strTmp2 = "PAGE_WRITECOPY"; break;
- case PAGE_EXECUTE: strTmp2 = "PAGE_EXECUTE"; break;
- case PAGE_EXECUTE_READ: strTmp2 = "PAGE_EXECUTE_READ"; break;
- case PAGE_GUARD: strTmp2 = "PAGE_GUARD"; break;
- case PAGE_NOACCESS: strTmp2 = "PAGE_NOACCESS"; break;
- case PAGE_NOCACHE: strTmp2 = "PAGE_NOCACHE"; break;
- }
- CPrintF("Current/Alloc protect: %s / %s\n", strTmp1, strTmp2);
- switch( mbi.State) {
- case MEM_COMMIT: strTmp1 = "MEM_COMMIT"; break;
- case MEM_FREE: strTmp1 = "MEM_FREE"; break;
- case MEM_RESERVE: strTmp1 = "MEM_RESERVE"; break;
- }
- switch( mbi.Type) {
- case MEM_IMAGE: strTmp2 = "MEM_IMAGE"; break;
- case MEM_MAPPED: strTmp2 = "MEM_MAPPED"; break;
- case MEM_PRIVATE: strTmp2 = "MEM_PRIVATE"; break;
- }
- CPrintF("State/Type: %s / %s\n", strTmp1, strTmp2);
- #endif