123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407 |
- /*
- * Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries
- *
- * Copyright 1997,1998 Enlight Software Ltd.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- */
- //Filename : AM.CPP
- //Description : Ambition Entry Program
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <initguid.h>
- #include <dshow.h>
- #endif
- #include <ALL.h>
- #include <OANLINE.h>
- #include <OAUDIO.h>
- #include <OBATTLE.h>
- #include <OBOX.h>
- #include <OBULLET.h>
- #include <OCONFIG.h>
- #include <ODATE.h>
- #include <OFIRM.h>
- #include <OFLAME.h>
- #include <OFONT.h>
- #include <OGAME.h>
- #include <OGAMESET.h>
- #include <OGFILE.h>
- #include <OGODRES.h>
- #include <OHELP.h>
- #include <OHILLRES.h>
- #include <OIMGRES.h>
- #include <OINFO.h>
- #include <OMONSRES.h>
- #include <OMOUSE.h>
- #include <OMOUSECR.h>
- #include <ONATION.h>
- #include <ONEWS.h>
- #include <OPLANT.h>
- #include <OPOWER.h>
- #include <ORACERES.h>
- #include <OREBEL.h>
- #include <OREMOTE.h>
- #include <OSPATH.h>
- #include <OSPATHS2.h>
- #include <OSITE.h>
- #include <OSPREUSE.h>
- #include <OSPY.h>
- #include <OSYS.h>
- #include <OTALKRES.h>
- #include <OTECHRES.h>
- #include <OTERRAIN.h>
- #include <OTOWN.h>
- #include <OTRANSL.h>
- #include <OUNIT.h>
- #include <OVGA.h>
- #include <OVIDEO.h>
- #endif
- #include <OWALLRES.h>
- #include <OWORLD.h>
- #include <OWEATHER.h>
- #include <OTORNADO.h>
- #include <OTUTOR.h>
- #include <OSE.h>
- #include <OSERES.h>
- #include <OSNOWRES.h>
- #include <OSNOWG.h>
- #include <OROCKRES.h>
- #include <OROCK.h>
- #include <OEFFECT.h>
- #include <OEXPMASK.h>
- #include <OREGION.h>
- #include <OWARPT.h>
- #include <ODPLAY.h>
- #include <OIMMPLAY.h>
- #include <OERRCTRL.h>
- #include <OMUSIC.h>
- #include <OLOG.h>
- #include <OLONGLOG.h>
- //### begin alex 3/10 ###//
- #include <OGRPSEL.h>
- //#### end alex 3/10 ####//
- #include <OFIRMDIE.h>
- #include <OCRC_STO.h>
- // ###### begin Gilbert 23/10 #######//
- #include <OOPTMENU.h>
- #include <OINGMENU.h>
- // ###### end Gilbert 23/10 #######//
- //------- define game version constant --------//
- #ifdef AMPLUS
- char *GAME_VERSION_STR = "2.13.2";
- const int GAME_VERSION = 212; // Version 2.00, don't change it unless the format of save game files has been changed
- #else
- char *GAME_VERSION_STR = "1.11";
- const int GAME_VERSION = 111; // Version 1.00, don't change it unless the format of save game files has been changed
- #endif
- //-------- System class ----------//
- #ifndef NO_MEM_CLASS
- Mem mem; // constructor only init var and allocate memory
- #endif
- Error err; // constructor only call set_new_handler()d
- Mouse mouse;
- MouseCursor mouse_cursor;
- Misc m, m2;
- DateInfo date;
- Vga vga;
- VgaBuf vga_front, vga_back, vga_true_front;
- Video video;
- #endif
- Audio audio;
- Music music;
- MultiPlayerType mp_obj;
- // MultiPlayerDP mp_dp;
- // MultiPlayerIM mp_im;
- Sys sys;
- Translate translate; // constructor only memset()
- SeekPath seek_path;
- SeekPathS2 seek_path_s2;
- SeekPathReuse seek_path_reuse;
- Flame flame[FLAME_GROW_STEP];
- Remote remote;
- ErrorControl ec_remote;
- AnimLine anim_line;
- SECtrl se_ctrl(&audio);
- SERes se_res;
- Log msg_log;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- LongLog * long_log;
- #endif
- //### begin alex 3/10 ###//
- GroupSelect group_select;
- //#### end alex 3/10 ####//
- //------- Resource class ----------//
- Font font_san, font_std, font_small, font_mid, font_news;
- Font font_hitpoint, font_bible, font_bard;
- #if( defined(GERMAN) || defined(FRENCH) || defined(SPANISH) )
- Font font_hall;
- #endif
- Box box;
- ImageRes image_icon, image_interface, image_menu,
- image_button, image_spict;
- ImageRes image_encyc;
- ImageRes image_tpict;
- ImageRes image_tutorial;
- #ifdef AMPLUS
- ImageRes image_menu_plus;
- ImageRes& image_menu2 = image_menu_plus;
- #else
- ImageRes& image_menu2 = image_menu;
- #endif
- SpriteRes sprite_res;
- SpriteFrameRes sprite_frame_res;
- UnitRes unit_res;
- TerrainRes terrain_res;
- PlantRes plant_res;
- WallRes wall_res;
- RawRes raw_res;
- FirmRes firm_res;
- FirmDieRes firm_die_res;
- RaceRes race_res;
- TownRes town_res;
- HillRes hill_res;
- TalkRes talk_res;
- TechRes tech_res;
- GodRes god_res;
- MonsterRes monster_res;
- SnowRes snow_res;
- RockRes rock_res;
- ExploredMask explored_mask;
- Help help;
- Tutor tutor;
- //-------- Game Data class -----------//
- UnitArray unit_array(100); // 100-initial array size
- BulletArray bullet_array(100);
- SiteArray site_array;
- TownArray town_array;
- NationArray nation_array;
- FirmArray firm_array;
- FirmDieArray firm_die_array;
- TornadoArray tornado_array(10);
- RebelArray rebel_array;
- SpyArray spy_array;
- SnowGroundArray snow_ground_array;
- RockArray rock_array;
- RockArray dirt_array;
- SpriteArray effect_array(50);
- RegionArray region_array;
- NewsArray news_array;
- WarPointArray war_point_array;
- CrcStore crc_store;
- //--------- Game Surface class ------------//
- Info info;
- Weather weather, weather_forecast[MAX_WEATHER_FORECAST];
- MagicWeather magic_weather;
- Config config;
- Game game;
- GameSet game_set; // no constructor
- Battle battle;
- Power power;
- World world;
- GameFileArray game_file_array;
- GameFile game_file;
- // ###### begin Gilbert 23/10 #######//
- OptionMenu option_menu;
- InGameMenu in_game_menu;
- // ###### end Gilbert 23/10 #######//
- //----------- Global Variables -----------//
- char game_design_mode=0;
- char game_demo_mode=0;
- char debug2_enable_flag=0;
- File seedCompareFile;
- char debug_seed_status_flag=0;
- int debug_sim_game_type = 0;
- int unit_search_node_used=0;
- short nation_hand_over_flag=0;
- int unit_search_tries = 0; // the number of tries used in the current searching
- char unit_search_tries_flag = 0; // indicate num of tries is set, reset after searching
- char new_config_dat_flag=0;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- int check_unit_dir1, check_unit_dir2;
- unsigned long last_unit_ai_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long unit_ai_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long last_unit_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long unit_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long seek_path_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long last_seek_path_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long last_sprite_array_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long sprite_array_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long last_sprite_idle_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long sprite_idle_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long last_sprite_move_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long sprite_move_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long last_sprite_wait_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long sprite_wait_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long last_sprite_attack_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long sprite_attack_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long last_unit_attack_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long unit_attack_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long last_unit_assign_profile_time = 0L;
- unsigned long unit_assign_profile_time = 0L;
- #endif
- //------- Define static functions --------//
- static void extra_error_handler();
- //---------- Begin of function WinMain ----------//
- //¹ç
- // WinMain - initialization, message loop
- //
- // Compilation constants:
- //
- // DEBUG - normal debugging
- // DEBUG2 - shortest path searching and unit action debugging
- // DEBUG3 - debugging some functions (e.g. Location::get_loc()) which
- // will cause major slowdown.
- //
- int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
- LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
- {
- //try to read from CONFIG.DAT, moved to AM.CPP
- if( !config.load("CONFIG.DAT") )
- {
- new_config_dat_flag = 1;
- config.init();
- }
- //--------------------------------------//
- #ifdef IMAGICMP
- static char lobbyLaunchCmdLine[] = "IM";
- #else
- static char lobbyLaunchCmdLine[] = "-!lobby!";
- #endif
- //----------- play movie ---------------//
- sys.set_game_dir();
- if( strstr(lpCmdLine, lobbyLaunchCmdLine) == NULL ) // skip if launch from lobby
- {
- String movieFileStr;
- movieFileStr = DIR_MOVIE;
- movieFileStr += "INTRO.AVI";
- video.set_skip_on_fail();
- // ###### begin Gilbert 29/10 #####//
- if( !m.is_file_exist("SKIPAVI.SYS") && m.is_file_exist(movieFileStr) )
- // ###### end Gilbert 29/10 #####//
- {
- //---------- play the movie now ---------//
- video.init();
- if( video.init_success )
- {
- video.play_until_end( movieFileStr, hInstance, 60 );
- }
- else
- {
- // display a message box (note:sys.main_hwnd is not valid)
- // MessageBox( NULL, "Cannot initialize ActiveMovie",
- }
- video.deinit();
- }
- }
- if( !sys.init(hInstance) )
- return FALSE;
- err.set_extra_handler( extra_error_handler ); // set extra error handler, save the game when a error happens
- #ifdef DEMO
- game.demo_disp_logo();
- game.main_menu();
- #else
- if( strstr(lpCmdLine, lobbyLaunchCmdLine) == NULL )
- game.main_menu();
- else
- game.multi_player_menu(lpCmdLine); // if detect launched from lobby
- #endif
- sys.deinit();
- return 1;
- }
- //---------- End of function WinMain ----------//
- //----------- Begin of function Msg ----------//
- //
- // Routine for displaying debug messages
- //
- #ifdef DEBUG
- void __cdecl debug_msg( char* fmt, ... )
- {
- char buff[256];
- lstrcpy( buff, "SEVEN KINGDOMS: " );
- wvsprintf( buff+lstrlen(buff), fmt, (char*)(&fmt+1) );
- lstrcat( buff, "\r\n" );
- OutputDebugString( buff );
- }
- #endif
- //----------- End of function Msg ----------//
- //------- Begin of function extra_error_handler -----------//
- static void extra_error_handler()
- {
- if( game.game_mode != GAME_SINGLE_PLAYER )
- return;
- game_file_array.save_new_game("ERROR.SAV"); // save a new game immediately without prompting menu
- box.msg( "Error encountered. The game has been saved to ERROR.SAV" );
- }
- //----------- End of function extra_error_handler -------------//