shutdownconfig.pupdev 845 B

  1. NOTICE, MAY 2013
  2. ----------------
  3. The instructions below are of academic interest only.
  4. The recommended method of creating translations is to use MoManager
  5. -- see the Utility menu.
  6. -----------------
  7. i created the shutdownconfig.pot file like this. first I renamed script temporarily
  8. to, then:
  9. xgettext -o shutdownconfig.pot --no-wrap
  10. Now convert to a .po file in your language:
  11. # msginit --locale=de_DE --output-file=de.po --input=shutdownconfig.pot
  12. ...the generated de.po has a line with "charset=", please change that to
  13. "charset=UTF-8"
  14. Then insert your country translations into de.po.
  15. Then create a compiled file:
  16. # mkdir -p /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES
  17. # msgfmt --check --output-file=/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ de.po
  18. Regards,
  19. Barry Kauler
  20. sept 2011