pgprs-shell 1.1 KB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. #BK dummy for now
  3. #v407 install firmware tarball if not installed.
  4. #100228 BK
  5. #101204 BK changes below, modified firmware tarball.
  6. #111112 Karl Godt: fix for firmware not tarball.
  7. #120202 rodin.s: i18n
  8. #120202 jwm -reload
  9. export TEXTDOMAIN=pgprs-shell
  10. export OUTPUT_CHARSET=UTF-8
  11. [ "`which pgprs-setup`" != "" ] && exec pgprs-setup
  12. #111112 Karl Godt: fix for firmware not tarball...
  13. if [ -f /lib/modules/all-firmware/pgprs.tar.gz ]; then
  14. cp -f /lib/modules/all-firmware/pgprs.tar.gz /tmp/
  15. cd /tmp
  16. tar -zxf pgprs.tar.gz
  17. cp -a -f --remove-destination /tmp/pgprs/* /
  18. sync
  19. cd /
  20. fi
  21. if [ -d /lib/modules/all-firmware/pgprs ]; then
  22. cp -a -f --remove-destination /lib/modules/all-firmware/pgprs/* /
  23. fi
  24. #101204... 120202 jwm has -reload ...
  25. yaf-splash -bg violet -placement center -timeout 3 -text "$(gettext 'Updating menu...')"
  26. /usr/sbin/fixmenus
  27. if [ "`pidof jwm`" != "" ];then
  28. JWMVER=`jwm -v|head -n1|cut -d ' ' -f2|cut -d - -f2`
  29. if vercmp $JWMVER lt 574;then
  30. jwm -restart #update the menu.
  31. else
  32. jwm -reload
  33. fi
  34. fi
  35. sleep 1
  36. #note, pgprs-setup and pgprs-connect are in the firmware tarball.
  37. exec pgprs-setup