DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS-t2-quirky6 525 B

  1. #where to get pkg docs, format: domain|uri|localfilename...
  2. PKG_DOCS_DISTRO_COMPAT='bkhome.org|http://bkhome.org/binaries/t2/Packages-t2-quirky6-bkhomeorg|Packages-t2-quirky6-bkhomeorg'
  3. #note, the local pkgs database file (or partname) is also appended to these entries, so know which url to download a particular pkg from (glob wildcard allowed)...
  4. #note, didn't put "quirky6" subdir here, as it is specified in the db entries...
  5. REPOS_DISTRO_COMPAT='bkhome.org|http://bkhome.org/binaries/t2|Packages-t2-quirky6-bkhomeorg'